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垦利县董集镇国土资源所积极探索信访工作新途径,稳定国土资源信访大局,连续8年未出现因土地问题造成的集体访和越级访。一是依法开展信访工作,坚持以《信访条例》为基础,严格规范接访工作人员行为,树立依法开展信访工作的意识,  相似文献   
正"408队不愧为功勋队,内部管理井井有条,年轻人进步很快,很不错。"有一种梦想叫做辉煌,有一种辉煌产生梦想。几番风雨,几经沧桑,湖南省地质勘查开发局(以下简称"省地勘局")一路走来,留下了许许多多追逐梦想的辉煌。细细数来,我的梦想,我所在的地勘单位408队的辉煌就源于25年前,省地勘局在局属范围内公开招标的第一标。  相似文献   
正6.5级深度12千米8月3日16时30分,云南省昭通市鲁甸县发生6.5级地震,震源深度12千米,震中位于鲁甸县龙头山镇地震发生后,测绘部门迅速响应开展了地震后的应急测绘,为抗震救灾提供保障服务。8月3日下午云南省测绘地理信息局在云南鲁甸地震发生后,迅速启动最高级应急响应,投入救灾人员50余人,举全局之力应对此次地震灾害。  相似文献   
正2003年10月,考古人员在沅陵县境内,发现一枚官印——"元陵",他们认为这是战国甚至更早时期的官印。由此,不少学者认为,沅陵之名应源自"元陵"。《湖南日报》记者文热心、肖军发表《"元陵"探秘》文,对此作了深入报道。实际上,"元陵"一词在唐代就有记载。在陕西省富平县西北一座坛山上,建有唐代宗李豫的陵墓。《旧唐书·德宗纪上》载:"已酉,葬代宗于元陵。"这里写的"元陵",不是地名,意指"第一座坟"。"陵"者,丘也,也称大土堆。《诗经·小雅》称之为"如山如阜,如冈如陵"。古代君王的坟墓"高大若山",称为"陵"。  相似文献   
正审计土地财政9月7日,周日,甘肃省临夏市国土资源局接到审计部门的通知,告知9月10日至25日将对临夏市国有土地出让金、用地审批程序等进行审计。9月10日当天,该市国土资源局的工作人员和往常一样下乡调研,和很多局里的领导干部一样,他并不清楚审计人员是否已经入驻。他们也不需要知道,在接到通知之后,他们唯一要做的就是等待、配合。  相似文献   
正批评与问题:项目管理不科学,一个项目几批人审查,存在重复查验的问题。如同一用地项目从初审到验收需测绘3次,从今年起,局党组决定同一用地项目只测绘2次;根据土地整治项目管理相关要求,市级选址、陪同省厅选址、中期工程检查、工程竣工验收和行政验收5个阶段市局均需派员参与,参加人员包括局领导和耕保科、财务科、地籍科、监察室、整理中心相关人员,每次派车2辆。从今年起,土地综合整治项目市局派员参与阶段由5个减少为3个,仅保留市  相似文献   
<正>随着乌审旗经济高速发展,今年以来,全旗园区建设、能源产业、矿业开发进程进一步加快,大量招商引资项目、重点能源、交通项目落地,用地量较大。为保障各项建设项目顺利实施,做到依法依规、集约节约用地,乌审旗国土资源局采取措施,通过进一步加强建设用地管理,做好服务,全力保障经济发展。一是从建设用地审批入手,严把审查报批关,对拟申报  相似文献   
The European Alps is the birthplace of glaciology and in particular Quaternary glaciology and for over one hundred years has been a model region for studying mountain glaciations. In this paper, we review the achievements from this region, which will benefit glaciological studies of the Tibetan Plateau, China. According to new evidences of glaciofluvial de- posits discovered in valleys and forelands of the Alps, researchers have progressed from an original four Pleistocene gla- ciations to seven glaciations: Biber, Donua, Gtinz, Haslach, Mindel, Riss and WOrm. The earliest one Biber possibly oc- curred between the Pliocene and Pleistocene, but the chronology before Riss is still in doubt. Recent years, Riss and Wtirm glaciations have been supported by a large numbers of cosmogenic exposure dating. In particular, cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating has been carried out for different moraine boulders in numerous valleys, which reveals a series of climatic change events, and they are comparable to post-glacial age records of northern Europe. The advancement of glaciological studies in the Alps is important in promoting glaciological research in the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
Surface melt has great impacts on the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrlS) mass balance and thereby has become the focus of significant GrlS research in recent years. The production, transport, and release processes of surface meltwater are the keys to understanding the poten- tial impacts of the GrlS surface melt. These hydrological processes can elucidate the following scientific questions: How much melt- water is produced atop the GrlS? What are the characteristics of the meltwater-formed supraglacial hydrological system? How does the meltwater influence the GrlS motion? The GrlS supraglacial hydrology has a number of key roles and yet continues to be poorly understood or documented. This paper summarizes the current understanding of the GrlS surface melt, emphasizing the three essential supraglacial hydrological processes: (1) meltwater production: surface melt modeling is an important approach to acquire surface melt information, and areas, depths, and volumes of supraglacial lakes extracted from remotely sensed imagery can also provide surface melt information; (2) meltwater transport: the spatial distributions of supraglacial lakes, supraglacial sarams, moulins, and crevasses demonstrate the characteristics of the supraglacial hydrological system, revealing the meltwater transport process; and (3) meltwater release: the release of meltwater into the englacial and the subglacial ice sheet has important but undetermined impacts on the GrlS motion. The correlation between surface runoff and the GrlS motion speed is employed to understand these influences.  相似文献   
正解放军驻港部队新闻发言人1月2日就香港警方拘捕擅闯军事禁区相关人员一事回答了新华社记者提问。该发言人表示,擅闯军事禁区相关人员已被香港警方拘捕,由警方按法律程序处理。驻军认为,擅闯军事禁区的行为,严重违反《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区驻军法》及香港《公安条例》等法律,是对驻军的公然挑衅,必须依法惩处。驻军重申,对于此类擅闯军事禁区的行为,将依法采取坚决果断措施,由此引起的一切后  相似文献   
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