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针对目前三维地图的重要目标选取与突出表达效果不佳以及若采用符号化实景三维模型表达存在的建模成本高、数据量大等问题,提出符号化三维地图表达的技术方法。该方法利用自发地理信息数据构建空间兴趣场模型,描述用户对地理信息兴趣程度的空间分布,进而对三维地图符号进行分类。以三维地图场景构建为基础,通过视点控制对三维地图进行符号化表达,实现符号化三维地图的细节层次表达。本文结合实例对比分析了符号化三维地图,结果表明该方法提高了三维地理空间模型的认知效果和应用效果。  相似文献   
大型岩心钻机价格昂贵、操作工序复杂且十分危险,导致传统的培训技术难以高产出操作纯熟的技术人员,同时传统的培训技术以理论学习与直接上机相结合,如此跨越式培训增加了岩心钻机损坏与报废的风险,也提高了培训者自身门槛。基于此,提出了基于Unity3D的岩心钻机虚拟实训系统设计方案,并以XY-4型岩心钻机为例,采用SolidWorks与Maya联合建模、Unity3D进行软件系统开发。Unity3D可模拟出真实工作场景,让系统使用者有身临其境的感觉。实训系统设置4个学习场景:认知视频学习、操作要领学习、单步训练以及整体训练,操作知识环环相扣,人与场景融为一体。   相似文献   
以黔东北锰矿矿集区的李家湾-高地-道坨超大型"大塘坡式"锰矿床为例,探讨了在开展勘查地质大数据的特征和结构分析的基础上,厘定事实表和维度表,进而通过对勘查数据的收集、提取、ETL操作,并应用OWB工具建立锰矿山勘探数据的数据集市的思路与方法。进而探讨了以所建立的数据集市为数据支撑平台,建立黔东北超大型锰矿床高精度三维地质模型的途径。该矿床三维地质模型汇集了海量的空间数据与属性数据,是锰矿矿山异质异构勘查开发大数据的有效载体。基于该精细、全息的矿床三维地质模型,不但可以直观反映矿床和矿体特征,而且可以作为矿山管理及其深部和外围找矿预测的可视化分析工具。   相似文献   
目前基于野外地质调查数据自动、快速地建立区域三维地质体模型是中国全面开展三维数字地质填图的迫切需求。本文基于产状、地质界线与路线剖面等野外区域地质调查要素,提出了一种二维平面地质图及路线剖面图向三维地质体模型的快速转换方法。该方法针对无剖面约束及含剖面约束2种情形,通过地质界线区域分割、多段线仿射变换等空间几何变换处理,推估出剖面线约束的地下地质界线,基于Coons曲面构建出地质体的侧面模型;然后,通过约束三角网算法构建地质体的顶、底面模型,最终建立拓扑一致的区域地质体三维模型。基于此方法,对中国1:2.5万区域地质调查试点区域进行了区域三维地质建模实践,实现了火山口、地层、岩体、断层等典型地质构造的快速三维重建。  相似文献   
This study investigates the Arctic Ocean warming episodes in the 20th century using both a high-resolution coupled global climate model and historical observations. The model, with no flux adjustment, reproduces well the Atlantic Water core temperature (AWCT) in the Arctic Ocean and shows that four largest decadalscale warming episodes occurred in the 1930s, 70s, 80s, and 90s, in agreement with the hydrographic observational data. The difference is that there was no pre-warming prior to the 1930s episode, while there were two pre-warming episodes in the 1970s and 80s prior to the 1990s, leading the 1990s into the largest and prolonged warming in the 20th century. Over the last century, the simulated heat transport via Fram Strait and the Barents Sea was estimated to be, on average, 31.32 TW and 14.82 TW, respectively, while the Bering Strait also provides 15.94 TW heat into the west- ern Arctic Ocean. Heat transport into the Arctic Ocean by the Atlantic Water via Fram Strait and the Barents Sea correlates significantly with AWCT ( C = 0.75 ) at 0- lag. The modeled North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index has a significant correlation with the heat transport ( C = 0.37 ). The observed AWCT has a significant correlation with both the modeled AWCT ( C =0.49) and the heat transport ( C =0.41 ). However, the modeled NAO index does not significantly correlate with either the observed AWCT ( C = 0.03 ) or modeled AWCT ( C = 0.16 ) at a zero-lag, indicating that the Arctic climate system is far more complex than expected.  相似文献   
Summary of results from a high - resolution pan - Arctic ice - ocean model are presented for the northern North Pacific, Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas. The main focus is on the mean circulation, communication from the Gulf of Alaska across the Bering Sea into the western Arctic Ocean and on mesoscale eddy activity within several important ecosystems. Model results from 1979 -2004 are compared to observations whenever possible. The high spatial model resolution at 1/12o (or -9 - km) in the horizontal and 45 levels in the vertical direction allows for representation of eddies with diameters as small as 36 km. However, we believe that upcoming new model integrations at even higher resolution will allow us to resolve even smaller eddies. This is especially important at the highest latitudes where the Rossby radius of deformation is as small as 10 km or less.  相似文献   
A catalogue of possible landslide initial failure mechanisms, taking into account the geological setting and the geometry of the slope, the joint structure, the habitus of the rock blocks, as well as the mechanical behaviour of the rocks and of the rock mass (deformation and strength parameters), is presented. Its aim is to give geologists as well as engineers the opportunity to compare phenomena in the field and phenomena belonging to particular mechanisms and to find the mechanism occurring. The presented catalogue of initial landslide mechanisms only comprises the mechanisms having a clearly defined mechanical model that can be divided into empirical relations and into mechanical models, as well as an overview of run out models, which can be divided into empirical relations and into mechanical models.  相似文献   
柴达木盆地发现罕见鱼化石项目的主要完成单位是中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所。主要完成人是中国科学院古脊椎动研究所张弥曼院士,合作者是美国洛杉矶自然历史博物馆王晓鸣、中国科学院武汉水生生物研究所刘焕章、美国堪萨斯大学苗德岁等。我国学者提出龟类起源的新证据项目的主要完成单位是中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所。主要完成人是李淳,合作者是加拿大自然博物馆吴肖春、美国菲尔德博物馆OLIVIER RIEPPEL、贵州省地调院王立亭、浙江自然博物馆赵丽君等。云南昆明发现反映动物集体行为特征的节肢动物化石项目的主要完成单位是云南大学云南省古生物研究重点实验室。主要完成人是侯先光等。石炭系维宪阶和寒武系古  相似文献   
苏梅 《国土资源》2004,(7):4-17
有人说,20世纪初至中叶是中国地质学界产生泰斗级人物的时代。中国现代地质学的奠基人章鸿钊,地质力学的泰斗李四光,大地构造理论的大师黄汲清,古生物化石研究的巨擘杨钟健……高山仰止,在向科学顶峰攀登的梯级路上,从来不乏后来者。  相似文献   
城市热点时空预测是城市管理和智慧城市建设的一项长期而富有挑战性的任务。准确地进行城市热点时空预测可以提高城市规划、调度和安全保障能力并降低资源消耗。现有的区域级深度时空预测方法主要利用基于地理网格的图像、给定的网络结构或额外的数据来获取时空动态。通过从原始数据中挖掘出潜在的自语义信息,并将其与基于地理空间的网格图像融合,也可以提高时空预测的性能,基于此,本文提出了一种新的深度学习方法地理语义集成神经网络(GSEN),将地理预测神经网络和语义预测神经网络相叠加。GSEN模型综合了预测递归神经网络(PredRNN)、图卷积预测递归神经网络(GCPredRNN)和集成层的结构,从不同的角度捕捉时空动态。并且该模型还可以与现实世界中一些潜在的高层动态进行关联,而不需要任何额外的数据。最终在3个不同领域的实际数据集上对本文提出的模型进行了评估,均取得了很好的预测效果,实验结果表明GSEN模型在不同城市热点时空预测任务中的推广性和有效性,利用该模型可以更好地进行城市热点时空预测,解决一系列如犯罪、火灾、网约车预订等等现代城市发展中亟需解决的相关问题。  相似文献   
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