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在地球大数据与空间对地观测技术飞速发展的时代背景下,遥感地质学课程需要紧密围绕培养创新型人才、服务全球可持续发展开展教学改革与评估.本文以中国海洋大学为例,提出可具推广性的教学改革与评估3W原则,即为什么要开课(Why)、讲什么内容(What)、时间如何安排(When),并探讨了近年来遥感地质学课程建设与毕业设计选题在支撑大学生创新创业训练方面的作用与成效.  相似文献   
地下连续墙治理地下水污染   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
介绍一种治理已被严重污染的地下水的方法。即修建一道底部深入到不透水岩层的地下墙,把污染物封闭在由底部不透水岩层和周围地下防渗墙组成的“地下盆”中,降低周围地下水中有害物质的浓度,然后再治理封闭圈内的污染物,以达到彻底根治地下水污染的目的。  相似文献   
地电台址大范围介质条件的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文取两类震源模型,即“闭锁”模型和“膨胀”模型进行数值模拟,计算了大范围层状介质在多种不同组合情况下,其应力、应变场的分布,并进而计算了由附加应力、应变产生的视电阻率变化量。结果表明,不同介质组合对地电阻率前兆异常观测的影响不同,有利于发现前兆异常的大范围介质条件是:(1)坚硬层孕震;(2)孕育地震的高强度坚硬层要薄;(3)地表疏松覆盖层不能太厚。此外,计算结果还表明,地电台站探测范围内的介质力学,电性条件对前兆异常观测也有重大影响。  相似文献   
地震泼由多种频率成份组成,在其传播过程中。由于地球介质的滤波作用,随着传播距离的增大。高频成份逐渐被衰减。周期越大的成份传播越远。因此,在地震观测上,不同频带的地震仪用于观测不同震中距范围的地震,使仪器较好地响应,就我国台网而言,短周期仪用于地方震、近震的监测,中长周期仪和长周期仪用于远震,极远震的监测,其中长周期仪偏重于记录极远震。但作者在实际分析工作中注意到,短周期仪的记录应用于远震,极远震的分析,显示出独特的作用,充分挖掘和利用短仪资料,将会更加丰富远震、极远震的震相资料。本文以高台地震台的资料为依据,从震中距和震级角度,与中长仪和长仪作比较,对短仪记录远震、极远震的震相及特征作了统计分析与初步探讨,并对新疆地区“影区”地震S波的记录、日本地区地震_PPcP等震相的出现提出了现象的存在,给出了相应的观测结果,以待步一步研究。  相似文献   
值此所庆四十周年华诞,忆往昔,展未来,浮想联翩。我所从一个地震地质野外队发展成为以地震成因、地震监测预报、防震减灾和工程稳定性等有关的现代地壳动力学基础研究和应用研究为主要任务的综合性研究所。四十年来,围绕活动构造、地球物理探测、地震前兆物理研究和监测、钻孔应力-应变观测、跨断层测量和断层活动监测、岩土力学、原地应力测量、工程地震、计算技术、工程地质勘察和构造物理实验等方面进行科学研究和技术实验。地震前兆观测理论、方法、技术的研究以及技术装备的研制是我所工作的重点、是重要方向任务之一,影响很大,举足轻…  相似文献   
Uranium processing and mining activities that generate many contaminants, such as high concentrations of U (VI), sulfate and heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Ni, etc), may pose a serious threat to the groundwater resources. In recent years, considerable research has been conducted respectively on two kinds of permeable reactive barriers (PRB), including zerovalent iron (ZVI) and sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), for in-situ removal of these pollutants from groundwater. However, little investigation has been carried out on the potential benefits of bioaugmenting ZVI barriers to enhance the elimination of the pollutants by combining ZVI with SRB systems. The main goal of this study was to conduct batch and column experiments to determine whether the combination of SRB and ZVI can function synergistically and accelerate the rate of pollutant removal. The results of anaerobic batch experiments demonstrated that although the integrated ZVI/PRB system itself has no ability to reduce and remove sulfate directly, SRB can utilize hydrogen gas produced during the slow process of ZVI corrosion as an electron donor to raise biomass yields significantly and accelerate reductive sulfate removal. In particular, ferrous cations produced as the byproduct of ZVI corrosion process reacted with hydrogen sulfide from sulfate reduction and formed iron-bearing sulfide precipitates, which can stimulate the growth of SRB and promote sulfate removal activity by eliminating the biotoxicity of hydrogen sulfide. It was also shown that secondary mineral products (pyrite/ferrous sulfide) formed as a consequence of microbial sulfate reduction and ZVI corrosion process can enhance the microbial precipitation of soluble U (VI) as insoluble uraninite(uranium dioxide).  相似文献   
The regional survey of groundwater used as a small water supply system was performed to know the effect of geology, soil properties and land use on groundwater quality at Nonsan City, Korea. A total of 126 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed at the study area. The multivariate statistical methods, principal components analysis and discriminant analysis, and GIS technique were used for the quantitative interpretation of groundwater quality. The study area is mainly composed of Precambrian gneiss, Jurassic granite, and Cretaceous volcanics, and metasedimentary rocks of the Ogcheon zone. The land use was grouped as paddy, upland, grassland, resident, point source, industrial area, and water system. The soil properties were classified as 4 major groups, Entisols, Alfisols, Inceptisols, and Ultisols, by the degree of development, and reclassified as 11 subgroups. The modified and simplified geologic map, soil map, and land use map were made by using ARCGIS soft-ware. The area of geology, soil property, and land use affecting the groundwater quality for each well were also calculated by ARCGIS soft-ware to acquire the quantitative parameters for multivariate statistical analysis. The monitoring results of groundwater in the study area showed that 13%-21% of the groundwater samples exceeded the portable water guideline and the main causes were turbidity, bacteria, arsenic and nitrate-N. The spatial distribution of each component showed the close relationship between groundwater quality and geology reflecting the topography, land use.  相似文献   
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