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地学信息源和信息现势性保证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
殷耀国 《东北测绘》2002,25(3):20-21
在介绍了GIS及其空间对象的地学信息表述之后,讨论地学信息源的构成,强调对工程测量信息的重视,充分利用大比例尺地形图、竣工测量成果和其它工程测量信息,以保证GIS地学信息的现势性。最后简要介绍了我国的数字化测绘软件。  相似文献   
由中国科学技术信息研究所主办的“中国科技论文统计结果发布会”于2011年12月2日在北京国际会议中心隆重举行。从会上获悉,福建师范大学主办、福建师范大学地理研究所和亚热带山地生态国家重点实验室(培育基地)协办的《亚热带资源与环境学报》入选中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊)。  相似文献   
传统的作业主要是学生复习巩固知识,教师收集学生反馈信息的手段。教师在设计作业时只注意了作业的复习检测功能,忽略了利用作业培养学生的创新精神,学生只好被动地在教师编好的框框内填写唯一的答案,教师是优劣的唯一评判者。这样的作业不利于创新精神的培养。  相似文献   
Just like contemporary sediments, peat itself is a good repository of information about climate change, the effects of volcanic activity on climate change have been truly recorded in peat, since it is a major archive of volcanic eruption incidents. A section of sand was identified as tephra from the Jinchuan peat, Jilin Province, China, for the grains look like slag with surface bubbles and pits, characterized by high porosity, and loose structure with irregular edges and corners. According to the peat characteristics of uniform deposition, the tephra was dated at 2002–1976 a B.P. by way of linear interpolation, so the time of volcanic eruption was 15 B.C.–26 A.D. (the calibrated age). While the geochemical characteristics of tephra in this study are quite the same as those of tephra from the Jinlongdingzi volcano at Longgang and from alkaline basaltic magma, with the contents of SiO2<55%, and the similar contents to Al2O3 and Fe, but the contents of Na2O>K2O. We speculated that the tephra in this study came from the Longgang volcano group. Compared with 11 recorded volcanic eruption events as shown on the carbon and oxygen isotope curves of the Jinchuan peat cellulose, it is obviously seen that adjacent or large-scale volcanic eruptions are precisely corresponding to the minimum temperature and humidity. It seems that these volcanic eruptions indeed affected the local climate, leading to the drop of regional temperature and humidity. As a result, there was prevailing a cold and dry climate there, and all these changes can be well recorded in peat. So the comparison of volcanic eruption events with information about climate change developed from peat, can provide strong evidence for the impact of volcanism on climate change.  相似文献   
<正>长春市测绘院始建于1953年,是隶属于长春市规划局的全民事业单位,具有建设部工程勘察专业类甲级测绘资质和国家测绘局甲级测绘资质,通过IS09001:2000质量管理体系认证,是国家建设部授予的全国城市勘测工作先进单位。主要负责长春市城乡现代测绘基准体系建设与基础测绘工作,建立长春市基础地理信息数据库及地理信息  相似文献   
赵凡 《辽宁地质》2010,(11):12-13
没有闭幕式,也没有宣言和讲话,11月18日中午,2010中国国际矿业大会以最朴素和沉静的方式结束了。 参加完两天半的大会,倘佯在矿业信息的海洋,人们在忙碌完展区的咨询交易和倾听论坛的话题讨论后,渐次从享受火爆热闹的场面,进入深层的思考。  相似文献   
层序地层动力成因研究的周期分析方法及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张映红  朱筱敏 《地质论评》1999,45(5):521-528
本文尝试时频分析技术与层序地层学原理相结合,进行陆相层序地层的周期分解,并通过与睡古构造的单成因周期对比,探讨不同级序层 层的动力成因机理。  相似文献   
阐述了我国“数字领海(含专属经济区)”建设的重要性与迫切性;介绍了“数字领海”系统的功能、基本特征、技术支撑体系、信息采集方法、信息管理方法及信息更新方法;指出了“数字领海”系统建设中应注意的若干问题。  相似文献   
改革开放30年来,我国建筑业取得了巨大发展,在国民经济中的支柱产业地位不断加强,对国民经济的拉动作用日益显著。然而,建筑业作为传统产业,改造与提升的任务十分艰巨。信息化建设是推动建筑业转变发展方式  相似文献   
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