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平原区地下水水质污染机理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩彦杰  刘秀杰  赵旭 《地下水》2007,29(4):105-106,129
黑龙江省西部平原区第四系潜水和承压水均属中性低矿化重碳酸型淡水,第四系潜水已经受到比较严重的污染,第四系承压水也受到轻度污染,主要污染来源于工业渗坑(井)、生活污水井,农药、化肥,工业废渣、生活垃圾,由于潜水受到较严重的污染,第四系潜水的越流补给导致承压水也受到污染.在地下水污染机理分析过程中,详细分析了地下水硬度升高的三种作用过程.  相似文献   
在西藏北部区域地质调查过程中,发现多尼组岩性自西向东有一定的变化。西区(雄梅地区)下段为深灰、灰、浅灰色微、薄层状粉砂质泥岩、粉砂岩、细砂岩韵律层;中段为成熟度略高的细、中、粗粒石英砂岩韵律层;上段为新建立的地层单位达过火山岩,为中性火山岩。东区(曲松波地区)下段以黄绿、灰绿、土黄色中细砂岩为主夹少量粉砂岩及含砾粗砂岩;中段为灰绿、黄绿、紫、灰紫色粉砂岩、细砂岩韵律层;上段为新建立的地层单位弄巴砾岩,为紫色粗砂岩、砂砾岩、砾岩。多尼组呈带状分布于班公错-怒江缝合带与永珠蛇绿岩带之间。在研究区内多尼组以海岸砂堤及海滩沉积环境为主;研究区以西以浅海相沉积环境为主;研究区以东以潮坪泻湖及沼泽沉积环境为主。中特提斯海东部海岸在多尼组早期可能在研究区以东,中期可能曾移至西区,晚期可能移至东区。这一结论确定了多尼组沉积时期中特提斯海海进、海退过程,它为研究中特提斯海的演化历史、古地理轮廊的确定及青藏高原的形成演变历史提供了新的资料。  相似文献   
水质安全和健康是保障中国赣南老区乡村振兴发展的重要因素。赣南离子型稀土矿长期开发利用,导致浸矿剂和矿体中重金属元素等危害人体健康的物质进入水循环系统,给周边乡村饮用水卫生安全带来了潜在风险。目前,针对当地复垦后稀土矿及周边地区水质和健康风险缺乏系统调查评价,本文以《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749—2006)为评价依据,选择赣南北部黄陂河流域典型离子型稀土矿及周边的水体开展调查研究,采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱/质谱等技术测定锰、镉等元素含量,采用水质指数(WQI)、危害商(HQ)、致癌风险(CR)评价了锰和铅等9种指标及其健康风险。结果表明:地表水中的异常指标有氨氮(平均值750μg/L)、锰(平均值207μg/L),地下水中的异常指标有氨氮(平均值4533μg/L)、锰(平均值4009μg/L);世界卫生组织(WHO)公布的Ⅰ类致癌物砷在地表水及地下水均未见异常。WQI显示研究区内85.7%的地表水适宜饮用。地表水及地下水中氨氮的HQ平均值<1,对人类健康没有不良影响;地下水中锰的HQ平均值>1,可能会对人类健康产生不良影响。地表水及地下水中致癌元素砷的CR值分布区...  相似文献   
近年来,大规模的人类活动加剧了区域地下水水质恶化。为了解新疆北部平原区地下水水质时空变化特征,文章以平原区的乌鲁木齐市、克拉玛依市、昌吉回族自治州、阿勒泰地区、博尔塔拉蒙古自治州、塔城地区、伊犁哈萨克自治州(直属)、石河子市等8个地区(州、市)的地下水水质变化为研究对象,分析了平原区地下水化学特征、典型区石河子市地下水水质年内变化及年际动态、分别对比了平原区边缘、过渡带和中心2003年和2011年共51组原位取样点水质指标数据。结果表明:新疆北部平原区地下水化学类型与含油盆地有类似的规律,在边缘主要为HCO3 Ca,到中心过渡为HCO3 Na;典型区(石河子市)地下水质10月优于4月,2001-2010年地下水水质呈恶化趋势;地下水水质达到或优于Ⅲ类的面积占统计总面积的百分数由2003年的79%降至2011年的64%。得出了新疆北部平原区具有地下水水化学类型空间分带性、8年来除昌吉回族自治州部分地区外地下水水质变差、平原区中心地下水水质变差幅度最大的结论。讨论了典型地区(州)地下水水质类别变化特征及造成这种变化的原因(机井混层取水、工业活动和农业活动、开采量增大等),提出了地下水水质改善与污染防治对策(控制点源的排放、加强地表水污染的防治、防止农业面源污染、分层开采地下水、重视地下水水质动态监测等)。  相似文献   
浅谈北京市平原区地下水开发利用及保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张为华 《地下水》1998,20(2):50-52,89
More than 30 ethnic groups are now living in northern mountainous regions, Vietnam, mainly relying on shifting cultivation with the fallow period being shortened from time to time. Naturally, soil fertility reduces from cycle to cycle, entailing the reduction of productivity. Large areas of moderately sloping lands suitable for upland agriculture have become bare after many cultivation-fallow cycles. The soils there have been severely degraded with more toxicity, low porosity, low water retention capacity and poor floral diversity. Normally, these lands cannot be used for food crop cultivation. So farmers in uplands have to rely on slash-and-burn practices for their livelihood. As there is no more forest with good soil in medium slopes, farmers go to cut forests in watershed, high slope lands and old forests up to the mountains‘ top. There are ecologically and environmentally very sensitive areas, so their destruction will inevitably cause hazardous consequences in the whole basin. Meanwhile,cultivation in these areas has low economic efficiency and sustainability because the crop yield may decrease very fast due to severe erosion as the higher the slope, the more serious erosion. Consequently living standards of highland farmers remain low and unstable. Sustainable farming on these lands in the perspective of a seriously deteriorated ecology and environmental is not an easy task. There have been many projects trying to help mountainous farmers get out of their vicious circle. However, due to different reasons, the results gained are low, and in some cases,things ceased to move after the projects phased out. During past few years, based on the farmer experiences, the Vietnam Agricultural Science Institute has cooperated with local and international partners to implement different projects in order to solve the problems by developing simple, easy and cheap cultivation technologies, which can be accepted and applied by local poor farmers for sustainable agricultural production. The first results of our activities offered good opportunities for sustain food production, improve soil health, recharge of aquifers,and enhanced household income for better rural lively hoods in the upland eco-regions of northern Vietnam.  相似文献   
正在华北大地北部,有一座气势宏伟、人文荟萃、景观壮丽的山川,它东西绵延250余公里,犹如一条莽莽巨龙横亘塞外,傲立天地,它就是被人们誉为"天下之脊"、"人天北柱"、"绝赛雄山"的恒山。恒山,人称"北岳",亦名"太恒山",又名"元岳"、"紫岳"、"大茂山"。它坐落在山西省北部的边塞地区,整个山脉西衔雁门,东扼紫荆,南障三晋,北瞰云代。恒山是一部波澜壮阔的史诗,数亿年演化,造就"天下之脊"的浩瀚与伟岸;恒山是一幅大气磅礴的山水画,五百里锦绣山  相似文献   
琼东南盆地深水区断层垂向输导及成藏模式   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
In the Qiongdongnan Basin, faults are well developed.Based on the drilling results, the traps controlled two or more faults are oil-rich. However, when only one fault cut through the sand body, there is no sign for hy-drocarbon accumulation in the sandstone. In terms of this phenomenon, the principle of reservoir-forming controlled by fault terrace is proposed, i.e., when the single fault activates, because of the incompressibility of pore water, the resistance of pore and the direction of buoyancy, it is impossible for hydrocarbon to ac-cumulate in sandstone. But when there are two or more faults, one of the faults acts as the spillway so the hydrocarbon could fill in the pore of sandstone through other faults. In total five gas bearing structures and four failure traps are considered, as examples to demonstrate our findings. According to this theory, it is well-advised that south steep slope zone of Baodao-Changchang Depression, south gentle slope zone of Lingshui Depression, north steep slope zone of Lingshui Depression, and north steep slope zone of Baodao Depression are the most favorable step-fault zones, which are the main exploration direction in next stage.  相似文献   
杨英杰  苏浩 《地下水》2014,(2):110-112
在区域需水预测及资源量评价基础上,通过典型年及连续枯水年调节计算分析供水可靠性。认为山丘区地下水开采量首先取用论证区地下水排泄量,当排泄量不能满足开采量要求的情况下取用地下水储存量,然后按月进行调节计算。调节计算中,当储存量为负时,则相应月的储存量为0,并认为相应月的供水不能保证。  相似文献   
电磁排列剖面法(EMAP)原理及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张少云 《江苏地质》1999,23(3):167-171
电磁排列剖面法是在MT法基础上发展起来的一种新方法,其工作效率高,横向分辨率强,可减少“静态效应”对测深曲线的畸变。在近几年油气勘探中取得比较好的地质效果并深受重视。作为一种新方法有很多问题需要研究,就方法的原理、仪器、野外采样及推断解释做了初步总结  相似文献   
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