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近20年中国北方13省的耕地变化与驱动力   总被引:81,自引:0,他引:81  
利用 1983年1月至1999年12月长时间序列NOAA/AVHRR NDVI 数据和2001年逐旬SPOT/VGT 数据,获取了中国北方13省1980s初期、1990s初期、1990s末期和2000s初期地表土地覆盖特征,阐述了中国北方13省的耕地变化过程,并重点讨论了人类活动对耕地变化特征的影响和耕地变化的驱动力。发现:(1) 裸地、耕地等弱生态用地面积持续增加,而林地和草地等生态功能用地和混合功能用地持续减少是我国北方1983~1999年土地利用/覆盖变化的主要特征,这在一定程度上影响着区域生态系统的调节功能。但在2000s初期,这种状况有所改观,表明国家自20世纪末期开始实施的退耕还林还草等一系列生态环境建设措施在一定程度上开始发挥作用;(2) 从1983~2001年,中国北方13省的耕地重心整体上表现出向西南方向偏移的趋势。此外,地形和交通状况对耕地的空间变化过程影响明显,区域耕地面积主要集中在海拔较低、坡度较小的平原和丘陵地带,耕地利用强度一般随着距交通干线距离的增加而减少;(3) 人们生活收入水平以及农业产量变化与耕地变化关系密切,其中人们生活收入水平与耕地面积成负相关,而农业产量与耕地面积呈正相关,表明经济的发展以及人们生活水平提高导致的非农用地量增加以及农业用地内部的结构调整是中国北方13省耕地变化的重要原因。  相似文献   
2017年洞庭湖特大洪水分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
匡燕鹉  马忠红 《水文》2019,39(3):92-96
2017年6月22日至7月1日,湖南省大部分地区发生了持续性强降雨过程。暴雨在湘水、资江、沅水及洞庭湖区来回摆动,三水(湘、资、沅)及湖区周边洪水接近于同时入湖,造成了洞庭湖历史罕见的特大洪水,入湖洪峰出湖洪峰均为1954年以来最大。  相似文献   
对生态地理学的概念进行了详细讨论和辨析,并将它与相近学科如生物地理学、生态地理区划、宏生态学等进行了比较分析,界定了生态地理学的概念。研究认为:生态地理学是生态学和地理学的交叉学科,是研究生态系统各组分关系和生态过程的地理空间分布格局或/和时间演变规律及其与地理环境耦合机制的学科。生态地理学的目的是揭示不同环境梯度下或不同时间尺度上生态系统各组分关系和生态过程的普适性规律及其成因。同时,结合国内外野外实验平台介绍,在全球变化等研究领域列举了经典案例进行分析:全球不同气候带森林凋落物分解和碳汇功能的研究;中国不同陆地生态系统碳通量和碳汇功能研究;中国东北样带和南北样带陆地生态系统的脆弱性与适应性研究;中国北方草地样带尺度的生态系统生态学研究。主要目的是在辨析生态地理学概念的基础上指出未来发展方向,推动生态地理学的发展。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the important role that flux profile relations play in momentum flux, sensible heat flux, and latent heat flux simulations in CoLM (Common Land Model) and compares the application of three flux profile relation schemes in CoLM by means of the Loess Plateau Land-Atmosphere Interaction Pilot Experiment (LOPEX) of 2005. It reveals that the results simulated by the model barely changed in the original flux profile schemes of the models a~er eliminating the very stable condition and the very unstable condition, and there were only tiny changes in numerical values. This indicates that the corrected terms added to fm(ξm),fh(ξh) were very tiny and can be ignored under very stable and very unstable circumstances. According to a comparison of the three flux profile relations, the simulation results were basically coherent by using any CoLM: the correlation coefficient of the simulation value and the observed value was 0.89, and this bears on the coherence with the numerical procedures for the flux pro- file relations under unstable circumstances. The simulation results were improved considerably by utilizing the Lobocki flux pro- file schemes, which numerical procedures under unstable circumstances differed significantly fi'om other three flux profile schemes; in this case the correlation coefficient of the value of simulation and the observed value became 0.95. In the next itera- tion of this study, it will be of great importance for the development of the land surface process model to continue experimenting with the application of some novel flux profile schemes in the land surface process models in typical regions.  相似文献   
人工影响天气会污染环境吗 人工影响天气是微物理过程,而不是产生新物质的化学变化过程。人工影响天气作业中经常使用的干冰、液氮、碘化银等催化剂并不会造成环境污染。干冰、液氮汽化后成为二氧化碳和氮气,它们本身就是空气的组成部分,对环境不会产生影响。碘化银中的银离子是重金属,但碘化银用量极小,分散在很大的区域里面,单位体积的含量微乎其微。  相似文献   
利用WRF模式设计两个数值试验:敏感性试验(背景场云凝结核浓度为2 000 cm-3)和控制试验(背景场云凝结核浓度为300 cm-3)模拟气溶胶对登陆台风“莫拉克”(2009年第8号台风)降水的影响。结果显示大量气溶胶进入外围雨带中起到云凝结核作用,凝结水汽生成水滴,释放潜热有利于对流发展;气溶胶含量增多引起水滴半径减小,雨滴生成的时间加长,降水时间延后;大量液态水上升至冻结高度以上发生相变释放潜热,固态水物质含量增多;台风外围雨带的中小尺度对流云团增强,降水增加。   相似文献   
Northwest China (NWC) is a typical arid and semi-arid region. In this study, the main summer climate features over NWC are presented and the performance of an atmospheric general circulation model (NCEP GCM/SSiB) over this region is evaluated. Satellite-derived vegetation products are applied in the model. Based on comparison with observational data and Reanalysis II data, the model generally captures major features of the NWC summer energy balance and circulation. These features include: a high surface tem- perature center dominating the planetary boundary layer; widespread descending motion; an anticyclone (cyclone) located in the lower and middle (upper) troposphere, covering most parts of central NWC; and the precipitation located mainly in the high elevation areas surrounding NWC.
The sensitivity of the summer energy balance and circulation over NWC and surrounding regions to land surface processes is assessed with specified land cover change. In the sensitivity experiment, the degradation over most parts of NWC, except the Taklimakan desert, decreases the surface-absorbed radiation and leads to weaker surface thermal effects. In northern Xinjiang and surrounding regions, less latent heating causes stronger anomalous lower-level anticyclonic circulation and upper-level cyclonic circulation, leading to less summer precipitation and higher surface temperature. Meanwhile, the dry conditions in the Hexi Corridor produce less change in the latent heat flux. The circulation change to the north of this area plays a domi- nant role in indirectly changing lower-level cyclonic conditions, producing more convergence, weaker vertical descending motion, and thus an increase in the precipitation over this region.  相似文献   
珠江三角洲大气气溶胶对地面臭氧变化的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
研究表明在珠三角目前的污染状况下,至少一半以上的紫外辐射被大气气溶胶衰减,如此大幅度的紫外辐射衰减对城市生态系统和物种化学循环,尤其是臭氧光化学反应过程有重大的影响.利用地面观测的臭氧、紫外辐射、气溶胶辐射特性参数以及辐射和化学模式定量评估了大气气溶胶对地面臭氧影响的显著性.实例分析表明,珠三角大气气溶胶和紫外辐射与臭氧之间的相关性显著,气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)与地面PM10的浓度相关性高达0.98,AOD与相应时次的紫外辐射和臭氧的反相关性明显,相关系数可达-0.9.分析表明气溶胶污染通过衰减紫外辐射可显著降低臭氧的产率,AOD为0.6时臭氧的午间峰值区消失,AOD至1.2时午间峰值区呈下降趋势,造成午间臭氧的生成产率明显降低.目前干季(10,11,12和1月)广州的气溶胶光学厚度AOD550 nm≥0.6(AOD340 nm≥1.0)的出现概率为47%(55%),珠三角在干季出现臭氧极大值的机会少与严重的气溶胶污染抑制臭氧峰值的出现应有密切的关系.分析表明应用辐射化学模式计算气溶胶的辐射效应时对单散射因子(SSA)十分敏感,表明应用辐射化学模式计算臭氧的产率时应慎重选取合理的单散射因子值.  相似文献   
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