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宗琦  傅菊根  徐华生 《岩土力学》2007,28(9):1992-1996
崩落爆破通常承担整个立井冻土掘进爆破40 %~60 %的破土量。宽孔距崩落爆破能够增加自由面的有效利用、增强自由面应力波的反射拉伸作用和消除或减小冻土中的应力降低区。在理论分析的基础上进行冻土爆破漏斗模型试验,综合考虑爆破漏斗体积和爆破后两炮眼间最大凸量,初步认为炮眼密集系数 =1.5左右时较为合理。结合立井崩落炮眼成圈弧形布置和冻土所受夹制作用相对较大的特点,建议应在此基础上适当降低立井冻土崩落爆破炮眼密集系数,这在进一步的工程实践中得到了验证。  相似文献   
拟建崇明越江通道高填土路基为软土地基,地面标高低,地下水位高,工程地质条件差,需要对高填土路堤的稳定性进行评估.本文分别对5m、8m高的粉煤灰和灰土路堤进行路基抗滑稳定性分析和沉降验算.  相似文献   
付兵先  唐飞  李天降 《岩土工程技术》2005,19(6):284-286,322
根据对一低液限粉土路基的现场工程地质调查及检测,确定了影响该路基长期稳定性的主要影响因素,并结合AHP法,应用两级模糊综合评判的方法对该路基的长期稳定性进行了评价。  相似文献   
祁连山冻土区含天然气水合物层段的油气显示现象   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以祁连山冻土区天然气水合物钻孔DK-2孔为例,对含油气显示岩心样品进行了储集岩热解分析,结合野外观察到的含油气显示现象,讨论了油气显示性质及其对水合物的可能指示意义。野外观察到的油迹、油斑、油浸、油染等不同级别油气显示现象大多产出在细砂岩、中砂岩中,部分产出在粉砂质泥岩夹薄层碳酸盐岩接触面及裂隙中,它们均得到室内储集岩热解分析结果的证实。油气显示所指示原油性质以中质油、重质油为主,少部分为超重油,甚至为沥青。钻孔中油气显示现象与水合物密切伴生,特别是水合物产出深度段或下部常见具中质油特征的油气显示,或可作为水合物一种指示。  相似文献   
青藏高原多年冻土微生物的培养和计数   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:11  
以青藏高原腹地北麓河流域的两个6m钻孔为对象,对多年冻土中保存的微生物进行初步培养和总数测定,并分析了微生物与土壤环境之间的关系.结果表明,两个钻孔中可以培养的微生物数目在3.6×106~5.0×102之间;随着深度增加,冻土年代递增,可以培养的数目显著减少.表层冻土属于季节冻土,可培养的微生物种群较多.总的土壤微生物数目(包括可以培养和不能培养的微生物)随深度递减,两个孔在3.8×109~1.0×107之间.相关性分析表明,土壤中可以培养的微生物以及总的微生物与土壤的pH值、电导率、总有机质和全氮没有显著的相关关系,而与土壤深度关系密切.两个钻孔间的地表植被虽然差异明显,但从可培养的微生物数量和土壤微生物总数比较看来,两孔间没有明显的不同.  相似文献   
若尔盖高原及其周围山地的冻土和环境   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
王绍令 《冰川冻土》1997,19(1):39-46
若尔盖高原内部年平均气温0.6~3.3℃,气温年较差19.1~21.2℃,已不具备多年冻土形成和保存的气候条件。据1992年7月间试坑和钻孔测温,在1.0~2.2m深处地温为5~8.4℃,浅层地下水温6.0~7.8℃,由此判断不存在多年冻土,季节冻结深度为1.0~2.0m。据冻土现象和试坑资料判断,周围山地海拔4150~4200m以上发育山地岛状多年冻土。区内沼泽演化表明,部分沼泽已疏干或向疏干趋势发展,草场退化和草原沙化已成为本区生态环境的重要问题,并已影响畜牧业发展  相似文献   
郭建文  付卫平  刘丰 《冰川冻土》2012,34(4):877-883
为了发挥GIS在青藏铁路冻土路基稳定性研究中有力的支持作用, 在已经建成的青藏铁路数字路基GIS平台的基础上, 探讨了一种基于过程集成模式的模型与GIS集成方法, 研究建立专业冻土路基模型与GIS平台集成的可视化"模型GIS集成工作环境", 研究重点为专业冻土路基稳定性模型模块在此"模型GIS集成工作环境"中的集成技术手段、 模型管理模式以及模型调用模式. 作为研究成果, 实现了一个实用原型系统.  相似文献   
袁俊  赵杰  唐冲  甘仁钧 《冰川冻土》2022,44(6):1842-1852
Pile foundation is one of the most commonly used and suitable foundations to support transmission line structure, especially in seasonally frozen soil regions and permafrost regions. Axial compression is the controlling condition in the design of foundations for such structures as bridges and buildings, while uplift and overturning will control the design of transmission line structure foundations. This paper presents an extensive overview of previous studies including experimental (e. g., laboratory model test and full-scale field load test), analytical/theoretical (e. g., limit equilibrium and limit analysis based on plasticity)and numerical(e. g., finite difference and finite element methods). The review indicates that study on the uplift behavior of pile foundation in frozen soil is relatively limited, particularly in the case of combined effect of axial uplift and lateral loading. Interaction between pile and frozen soil and mechanism of load transfer along the pile shaft and around the pile tip still remain unclear. Therefore, this paper implements finite difference analysis within FLAC3D to investigate the behavior of pile foundation in frozen silty clay and gravelly sand under axial uplift behavior and the effect of ground condition and lateral loading on the uplift behavior. Because of the axisymmetric condition of the problem studied, only half of the model is simulated. The chosen domain of the medium is discretized into a set of quadrilateral elements and the pile is discretized by the cylinder element. The interaction between the soil and pile is considered according to interface elements. Mohr-Coulomb criterion is adopted to model the soil behavior (perfectly elastic-plastic), while the pile is simply considered as a rigid body. The soil parameters such as Young’s modulus, cohesion and internal friction angle used for numerical analyses are determined by laboratory tests and estimated according to the empirical correlations with in-situ tests. The present numerical modeling is verified with the results from field loading tests on pile foundations in Qinghai-Tibet ±550 kV transmission line project. On this basis, parametric studies are carried out to uncover the behavior of pile in frozen soil. It is observed that pullout is the dominant failure mechanism of pile and the uplift load-displacement curve clearly exhibits an asymptote, consisting of initially linear elastic, nonlinear transition, and finally linear regions. These results are consistent with the observations in a few previous studies. In addition, larger uplift capacity of pile foundation in freezing period and gravelly sand is gained (about 20%). Lateral loading increases the deflection and therefore, decreases the uplift capacity of pile foundation. For the convenience of using the results obtained in practice, the values of uplift factor for pile foundation in silty clay and gravelly sand are provided. Finally, it should be noted that the method used, and the results obtained in the current work could be useful for engineers and designers, at least providing them some qualitative evidence for pile design in seasonally frozen soil regions and permafrost regions. This is important and necessary to ensure the safety of construction in such regions. Meanwhile, numerical analyses in the current work can be a benchmark example for subsequent research studies. © 2022 Science Press (China).  相似文献   
我国著名冰川学家谢自楚先生辞世两年余,Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions曾组织谢先生英文纪念专刊,受到了学术界的重视和欢迎。为了表达对谢先生的深切缅怀,在《冰川冻土》主编和编委倡议下,再组织一期中文专刊(第44卷第3期),希望以此推动相关领域的学术交流和进步。谢自楚先生1937年出生于湖南衡南县,冰川学家、地理学家,国家有突出贡献专家,国际欧亚科学院院士。1960年毕业于苏联时期莫斯科国立大学地理系极地与冰川专业。  相似文献   
以辽宁省为例,采用统计分析方法,根据辽宁省61个气象站1951-2013年0~320 cm地温资料,分析了季节性冻土区地温场结构和变化特征。结果表明:地温最冷月出现时间随着深度增加而推后,辽宁各地浅层地温最冷月基本均为1月,深层地温最冷月为1-5月,深度越深温度越高。地温最热月出现时间也随深度增加而推后,浅层地温最热月为7、8月,深层地温最热月为8-10月,深度越深温度越低。越深层地温受地表影响越小,320 cm深度与地表的月平均最大温差达到19℃左右,40 cm深度与地表的月平均最大温差仅在8℃左右。随着深度增加,地温的季节变化减小,沈阳320 cm深度地温年内温差不足8℃。5~80 cm深度3-8月为储能期,160 cm深度5-9月为储能期,320 cm深度6-10月为储能期。越接近地表,地温日变化越显著,40 cm以下深度基本可以忽略日变化。沈阳地温升高程度大于气温,以向大气输送热量为主。地表最冷月变暖率明显大于最热月,但随着土层加深各土层最冷月、最热月变暖的程度无明显规律。深层地温的年际变化有时会受到更深层热源的非气候扰动。地温变化对气候、冻土区域工程等的影响不容忽视。  相似文献   
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