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细粒酒精模型冰物理力学性质评价的新指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据酒精细粒模型冰制冰过程中的物理本质和控制细粒酒精模型冰物理力学性质的物理本质,建立了一项适合于喷雾技术细粒模型冰性质评价综合指标.阐明了这一评价指标的物理意义,并给出这一指标与细粒酒精模型冰物理力学性质参数的关系.  相似文献   
美国Clarkson大学的冰研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈洪道 《海洋预报》1999,16(3):21-27
本文概述Clarkson大学冰研究活动,阐述了河冰、海冰和冰力学最近研究的目的和结果。  相似文献   
陈培波  刘希林 《热带地理》2015,35(6):895-900
运用文献计量学方法,收集中文科技期刊全文数据库、中国期刊全文数据库、中国优秀硕士学位论文数据库和中国博士学位论文数据库的崩岗研究论文作为样本数据,从论文的发表时间、载文期刊类别、核心作者群、研究区域、研究内容等方面,对中国1984―2014年31 a来发表的崩岗研究文献进行了计量统计,揭示了中国崩岗研究起源早、发展慢的历史和定性描述多、动态监测匮乏的现状,以及崩岗研究论文数量由波动式增长转向稳定增长的发展趋势。  相似文献   
针对贵州冬季凝冻天气中导线覆冰难以定量预报的问题,探索导线覆冰预报新的思路和方法,利用2007~2012年6年间12月到次年2月气象数据,运用逐步回归及BP人工神经网络方法,对贵州省分5个区域建立导线覆冰厚度预报模型,并进行了检验和试预报.结果表明:BP人工神经网络模型的拟合效果优于逐步回归模型,但在试预报中,两种模型的预报效果相差不大.  相似文献   
Paleoenvironmental history in the monsoonal margin in the northeast Tibetan Pla-teau provides important clue to the regional climate. Previous researches have been limited by either poor chronology or low resolution. Here we present a high-resolution pollen record from a 40.92-m-long sediment core (DLH) taken from Dalianhai, a terminal lake situated in the Gonghe Basin, the northeast Tibetan Plateau for reconstructing the vegetation and climate history since the last deglacial on the basis of a chronology controlled by 10 AMS 14C dates on plant remains preserved in the core sediments. The pollen assemblages in DLH core can be partitioned into 6 pollen zones and each zone is mainly characterized by the growth and decline of tree or herb pollen percentage. During the periods of 14.8-12.9 ka and 9.4-3.9 ka, the subalpine arboreal and local herbaceous pollen increased, indicating the subalpine forest developed in the surrounding mountains and a desert steppe or typical steppe developed in Gonghe Basin under a relatively moister climate. During the periods of 15.8-14.8 ka, 12.9-9.4 ka and 3.9-1.4 ka, the forest shrank or disappeared according to different degrees of aridity, and the desert steppe degraded to a more arid steppe desert in the basin, indicating a dry climate. After 1.4 ka, vegetation type around Dalianhai was mainly dominated by steppe suggested by increased Artemisia. Our results suggested the climate history in this region was dry from 15.8-14.8 ka, humid from 14.8-12.9 ka and dry from 12.9-9.4 ka, after which the climate was humid during 9.4-3.9 ka, followed by dry conditions during 3.9-1.4 ka and humid conditions in the last 1.4 ka. The change of pollen percentage and the evolution of palaeovegetation in Dalianhai since the last deglacial were similar to those recorded in Qinghai Lake. The forest expanded in the mountains around Dalianhai during the B?l-ling-Aller?d period, shrank during the Younger Dryas and the early Holocene, then it devel-oped and reached its maximum in the mid-Holocene. During the late Holocene, the vegetation began to shrink till disappearance. However, the timing of forest expansion in the Holocene lagged behind that of Qinghai Lake, and this spatial heterogeneity was probably caused by the different forest species between these two places. The maximum of forest development in the mid-Holocene was inconsistent with the period of stronger summer monsoon in the early Holocene indicated by stalagmite records, the reason might be related to the complexity of vegetation response to a large-scale climatic change.  相似文献   
陈安安  陈伟  吴红波  张伟  吴玉伟 《冰川冻土》2014,36(5):1069-1078
以祁连山七一冰川为例, 基于Landsat TM/ETM+数据建立了通过单波段(近红外波段)阈值法提取雪线的方法, 并结合观测数据进行了验证. 将此方法应用到2000-2013年木孜塔格冰鳞川冰川粒雪线高度变化的估算中, 结合茫崖气象站暖季气温(9、7、8月份的平均气温)和6-8月降水量数据, 探索粒雪线高度与气温、降水量之间的关系. 结果表明: 单波段阈值法可较为准确地估计冰川的雪线位置, 2000-2013年冰鳞川冰川粒雪线高度呈波动变化, 在2006年达到最大值(海拔5 678 m). 气温升高是冰鳞川冰川粒雪线高度变化的主导因素, 气温上升1 ℃可导致粒雪线高度升高约83 m.  相似文献   
为了解决北极海域海洋观测与通讯导航节点浮标的供电问题,提出利用北极海域冰面上冷空气与冰下海水之间的温差能转换为电能,为冰基浮标供电。根据北极温差的时空分布特性与冰基浮标的应用场景,提出了一种基于有机朗肯循环的冰基浮标温差能发电系统,并对其进行了建模与仿真分析。根据5 种工质的热力循环性能计算结果,确定R124 工质作为系统的循环工质。仿真结果表明:温差能发电系统在北极冬季两个月的总发电量为745 kWh,相当于3.72 t 能量密度为200 Wh/kg 的锂电池。因此,北极海域温差能转换发电系统能输出相当可观的功率与电能,显著提升冰基浮标的供能水平,提高其观测能力,延长其持续工作时间,减少破冰船对其的维护频率,从而打造冰下观测网络的关键节点,支撑北极冰下移动观测网络的构建。  相似文献   
12 kaBP前后青藏高原湖泊环境   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
李炳元 《中国科学D辑》2001,31(Z1):258-263
对青藏高原地区20多个有12 kaBP前后测年数据的湖泊或古湖盆的古湖岸线、古湖沉积物以及指示湖水盐度变化的古气候代用指标进行了较系统分析, 结果表明青藏高原及其毗邻的中国西北地区的古湖面在14~11 kaBP冰消期具有明显回升现象, 以冰川融水补给为主的湖泊湖面涨幅往往超过全新世最宜期. 12 kaBP前后温湿的气候波动在青藏高原甚至全中国是普遍存在的, 可与欧洲和格陵兰冰芯记录到的Bolling和Allerod暖期对比, 表明B/A事件不只是北大西洋的区域现象.  相似文献   
生物有机酸的来源及其测试分析方法   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
对目前生物有机酸的来源及其测试分析方法研究现状进行了评述,目前已知的生物有机酸的来源有植物生代过程中的直接释放,有机物质的燃烧,机动车辆燃油的尾气排放、稀烃等不饱和有机物的大气氧化,人类生产和生活对大气环境的污染以及及甲酸蚁社会活动过程中的释放等等,有机酸来源的一个判别指标是甲酸/乙酸比值的大小,与人类活动有关的来源中,甲酸/乙酸比值〈1。而自然源的两者比值〉1。要准确地测定降水中生物有机酸的含量  相似文献   
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