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In order to determine the degree of returning-to-zero of temperatures of deformed calcite, a series of rock-breaking experiments were designed to test calcite-rich limestone samples under fixed confining pressures and different temperatures. The consolidated deformed samples in their initial state were observed under a microscope and the microscopic indicators in different zero-returning states were put forward, thus providing a microscopic foundation for evaluation of reliability of dating values of deformation in calcite. At last, the correction of dating values of deformation for samples whose temperature has not yet returned to zero is discussed.  相似文献   
刘阳 《山东国土资源》2006,22(10):67-67
9月15日上午,峄山省级地质公园揭碑开园仪式在邹城市峄山举行。山东省国土资源厅领导及济宁市、邹城市有关领导和部门负责同志出席了揭碑开园仪式,并参观游览了峄山地质公园。峄山省级地质公园位于邹城市市区东南部,总面积约80平方千米。主要包括“七山一水”为主的自然地质景观和人文历史景观。作为主要标志、第一高峰的峄山,海拔582.8米,素有“邹鲁灵秀”、“岱南奇观”之美誉,被誉为“神州怪石第一山”、“天下第一奇山”。区内纵横交错的花岗岩节理,直插天表的花岗岩奇峰,  相似文献   
一是制定防灾预案。淄川区制定下发了《2005年汛期地质灾害防灾预案》,将6—10月份划定为重点防范期,明确了汛期易发生地质灾害点的分布、影响范围,提出了防范对策和措施。二是建立健全群策群防网络。实行地质灾害防治乡镇政府负责制,国土资源部门统一管理,水利、农业、林业、交通等有关部门积极配合,建立区、镇、村三级群测群防网络,将灾害点的监测和防治任务落实到具体的单位,做到任务到人,责任到人。三是建设防治队伍。组建地质灾害监测队伍,完善预警机制,做到快速反应;组建地质灾害抢险队伍,一旦出现灾情立即出动;组建救灾队伍,遇到灾情后,能使重要的生产、交通等尽快恢复,使人民群众的生活得到妥善安置。  相似文献   
5月10日,国土资源部通知山东省政府,山东省向国务院报送的申请通过土地市场治理整顿验收的请示,经国土资源部、发展改革委、财政部、建设部、农业部、审计署联合审查,认为山东土地市场治理整顿工作基本达到了验收标准,基本完成了土地市场治理整顿的各项任务,符合验收标准,报请国务院批准,同意通过土地市场治理整顿,恢复农用地转用和征地的正常审批。  相似文献   
在省以下国土资源管理体制改革取得阶段性成效的时候、为切实加强各级领导班子建设、日前省厅举行党组中心学习组(扩大)集中学习贯彻中央两个《决定》的会议.会上厅党组书记、厅长葛洪元就加强党的执政能力建设、联系国土资源部门的实际作了重要讲话。现摘要如下:  相似文献   
A number of different lahars have been recognized from a systematic survey of a mapping project. The high setting temporamre feature of the deposits indicates a relationship between the lahar and the Millennium eruption event of Tianchi Volcano. The lahars caused a dramatic disaster. Recognize of the huge avalanche scars and deposits around Tianchi Volcano imply another highly destructive hazard. Three types of different texture of the avalanche deposits have been recognized. There was often magma mixing processes during the Millennium eruption of Tianchi Volcano, indicating a mixing and co-eruption regime of the eruption.  相似文献   
通过在实际工作中对“南方测绘软件CASS6.1”的具体应用,得出了其软件在工程测量中一体化成图的方法和总结的经验,能够对加快工作速度,减轻劳动强度,增加经济效益有一定的作用。  相似文献   
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