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付申珍 《地理教学》2019,(10):F0002-F0003,65
美国幅员辽阔,东西跨度大,南北延伸广,地形多样,气候复杂,河湖众多,资源丰富,风光旖旎。2017年暑假,笔者曾在美国本土畅游,开展研学,现拾取点滴分享。1.“雷神之水”——尼亚加拉瀑布(Niagara Falls)尼亚加拉瀑布位于安大略湖和伊利湖间的尼亚加拉河(Niagara River)上。河水从伊利湖中缓缓流出,遇河道变窄,落差猛增,水流湍急,尔后河水被一座多石小岛——山羊岛(Goat Island)分开,从几十米高的石灰岩断崖上飞泻而下,形成马蹄瀑布(Horseshoe Falls)、美国瀑布(American Falls)、新娘面纱瀑布(Bridal Veil Falls)三部分。  相似文献   
国家公园作为生态文明体制改革重要试点之一,是实现区域绿色发展的重要载体,同时也是旅游活动的重要生态资本。以武夷山国家公园为例,借助SPSS 22.0和AMOS 21.0对游客涉入、地方依恋与旅游生态补偿支付意愿的相关性与结构性关系进行研究,进一步明确旅游生态补偿机制。结果表明:(1)游客涉入中,"核心生活方式"和"风险性"维度对地方依恋和支付意愿的影响作用较低,验证结果不显著;(2)游客涉入中,"吸引力"和"自我表达"维度对地方依恋和支付意愿存在显著正向影响;(3)地方依恋对支付意愿的影响较小,验证结果不显著。  相似文献   
陕西省商南县湘河地区钒矿成矿特征及成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过野外地质调查和室内岩石学、岩石化学、稀土及微量元素地球化学分析,深入研究了陕西省商南县湘河地区钒矿床的成矿特征,并探讨了该类矿床的成因.研究结果表明,该区钒矿主要产出于青石峡-余家台倒转复式向斜两翼下寒武统水沟口组下岩段硅质岩夹泥岩的泥岩中,矿体产状与地层产状基本一致;钒矿床中所有岩石都含有较高的SiO2,硅质岩以隐晶质石英和玉髓为主,有沉积成因重晶石;V与Cr、U、Ba相关性好;稀土元素球粒陨石标准化模式具有或正或负的Ce异常和明显的Eu正异常、向右倾的图形.上述特征都反映出该地区钒矿床具有典型的海底热水流体特征,此类钒矿床可称之为海底热水(喷流)沉积矿床.  相似文献   
通过1:250 000天水幅区域地质调查,在礼县鲁班石、郭家坪、青林寺、大南岔沟、固城一带的石炭系地层中相继新发现了丰富的珊瑚、腕足、蜓及非蜓有孔虫、牙形刺及古植物化石,为该地区石炭纪地层的划分和时代归属提供了重要证据.经过区域对比,发现原划地层单元的名称和时代归属都有值得商榷之处.根据新发现的化石及其组合特征,重新厘定了本区石炭纪地层的地层序列和岩石地层单元名称.  相似文献   
沉积物粒度分布特征是衡量沉积介质能量,判别沉积环境和水动力条件的最基本的方法之一,粒度分维是粒度的另外一个重要参数。在前人对硬黏土成因研究的基础上,选取目前具有影响力说法的典型的沉积物:湖泊相、潮滩相、风成沙、粉尘、洪泛平原、黄土等进行了分维值的计算,通过与小庙洪区钻孔的末次冰盛期第1硬质黏土的粒度分维的对比,初步探索其粒度特征。从粒度分布与分维的角度进一步印证了该区第1硬质黏土层的沉积环境为河湖相。  相似文献   
Stochastic characteristics of the Benue River streamflow process are examined under conditions of data austerity. The streamflow process is investigated for trend, non-stationarity and seasonality for a time period of 26 years. Results of trend analyses with Mann-Kendall test show that there is no trend in the annual mean discharges. Monthly flow series examined with seasonal Kendall test indicate the presence of positive change in the trend for some months, especially the months of August, January, and February. For the stationarity test, daily and monthly flow series appear to be stationary whereas at 1%, 5%, and 10% significant levels, the stationarity alternative hypothesis is rejected for the annual flow series. Though monthly flow appears to be stationary going by this test, because of high seasonality, it could be said to exhibit periodic stationarity based on the seasonality analysis. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) There is seasonality in both the mean and variance with unimodal distribution. (2) Days with high mean also have high variance. (3) Skewness coefficients for the months within the dry season period are greater than those of the wet season period, and seasonal autocorrelations for streamflow during dry season are generally larger than those of the wet season. Precisely, they are significantly different for most of the months. (4) The autocorrelation functions estimated "over time" are greater in the absolute value for data that have not been deseasonalised but were initially normalised by logarithmic transformation only, while autocorrelation functions for i = 1, 2 365 estimated "over realisations" have their coefficients significantly different from other coefficients.  相似文献   
“乡亲们,今天县乡联合执法大队将依法拆除村民雷军义的违法建房,原因是雷军义违犯了(《土地管理法》第77条:农村村民未经批准或者采取欺骗手段非法占用土地建住房的……责令退还非法占用的土地,限期拆除在非法占用土地上新建的住房。由此给雷军义造成了1万多元经济损失,对此,我们表示遗憾。希望大家吸取教训,引以为戒,今后一定要依法使用宅基地,以免给自己造成不必要的损失。”  相似文献   
于2011年3月、5月、8月和10月对大连沿海10个排污口及部分排污口的邻近水域分别采集水样, 对样本进行细菌总数3M试纸计数、2216E培养基和TCBS培养基培养并菌落计数, 对不同菌株进行16S rRNA基因克隆测序, 鉴定种属, 对细菌时间、空间的动态分布与群落结构及细菌分布与生态因子的相关性进行了分析。结果表明, 不同的排污口之间细菌总数差别很大, 数量在(1.6—500.0)×104cfu/mL之间; 排污口与其邻近水域差异明显, 排污口、邻近5m、100m和500m距离的细菌总数全年平均分别为77.94×104、 34.00×104、 4.520×104和0.448×104 cfu/mL。不同季节之间, 远距离水样季节性差异较大, 而排污口间季节性差异相对较小。在群落构成上, 假交替单胞菌属、肠杆菌科、假单胞菌属、弧菌属和希瓦氏菌属为优势菌属, 检出率较高, 数量较大。细菌分布与多种生态因子具有不同程度的相关。  相似文献   
河流相砂体是陆相含油气盆地的重要储层类型,其河型的时空转换不仅是研究盆地演化的直接证据,更是精准评价与预测油气储层的核心内容,已成为近年来国内外沉积研究的热点之一.以Melut盆地Ruman地区坳陷期Jimidi组为例,通过开展层序划分、岩相类型与岩相组合分析、高分辨率储层反演、以及砂体平面展布分析,结果表明:1)坳陷...  相似文献   
By taking the Yong River for example in this paper, based on the multiple measured data during 1957 to 2009, the change process of runoff, tide feature, tidal wave, tidal influx and sediment transport are analyzed. Then a mathematical model is used to reveal the influence mechanism on hydrodynamic characteristics and sediment transport of the wading engineering groups such as a tide gate, a breakwater, reservoirs, bridges and wharves, which were built in different periods. The results showed the hydrodynamic characteristics and sediment transport of the Yong River changed obviously due to the wading engineering groups. The tide gate induced deformation of the tidal wave, obvious reduction of the tidal influx and weakness of the tidal dynamic, decrease of the sediment yield of flood and ebb tide and channel deposition. The breakwater blocked estuarine entrances, resulting in the change of the tidal current and the reduction of the tidal influx in the estuarine area. The large-scale reservoirs gradually made the decrease of the Yong River runoff. The bridge and wharf groups took up cross-section areas, the cumulative affection of which caused the increase of tidal level in the tidal river.  相似文献   
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