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A remarkable invariance in the ratio of 1,3-dimethylcarbazole (DMC) to 1,6-DMC was discovered in crude oils from the Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea. The remarkably invariant ratio is kept at a constant of about unity regardless of their concentrations, sources or maturities for the sampies. In combination with the molecular structures of 1,3- and 1,6-DMCs, the invariance might indicate that the nitrogen compounds share a common precursor with a skeleton of 1-methylcarbazole and are formed through methylation at C3 and C6 with an essentially identical rate.  相似文献   
Post-collisional magmatism in the southern Iberian and northwesternAfrican continental margins contains important clues for theunderstanding of a possible causal connection between movementsin the Earth's upper mantle, the uplift of continental lithosphereand the origin of circum-Mediterranean igneous activity. Systematicgeochemical and geochronological studies (major and trace element,Sr–Nd–Pb-isotope analysis and laser 40Ar/39Ar-agedating) on igneous rocks provide constraints for understandingthe post-collisional history of the southern Iberian and northwesternAfrican continental margins. Two groups of magmatic rocks canbe distinguished: (1) an Upper Miocene to Lower Pliocene (8·2–4·8Ma), Si–K-rich group including high-K (calc-alkaline)and shoshonitic series rocks; (2) an Upper Miocene to Pleistocene(6·3–0·65 Ma), Si-poor, Na-rich group includingbasanites and alkali basalts to hawaiites and tephrites. Maficsamples from the Si–K-rich group generally show geochemicalaffinities with volcanic rocks from active subduction zones(e.g. Izu–Bonin and Aeolian island arcs), whereas maficsamples from the Si-poor, Na-rich group are geochemically similarto lavas found in intraplate volcanic settings derived fromsub-lithospheric mantle sources (e.g. Canary Islands). The transitionfrom Si-rich (subduction-related) to Si-poor (intraplate-type)magmatism between 6·3 Ma (first alkali basalt) and 4·8Ma (latest shoshonite) can be observed both on a regional scaleand in individual volcanic systems. Si–K-rich and Si-poorigneous rocks from the continental margins of southern Iberiaand northwestern Africa are, respectively, proposed to havebeen derived from metasomatized subcontinental lithosphere andsub-lithospheric mantle that was contaminated with plume material.A three-dimensional geodynamic model for the westernmost Mediterraneanis presented in which subduction of oceanic lithosphere is inferredto have caused continental-edge delamination of subcontinentallithosphere associated with upwelling of plume-contaminatedsub-lithospheric mantle and lithospheric uplift. This processmay operate worldwide in areas where subduction-related andintraplate-type magmatism are spatially and temporally associated. KEY WORDS: post-collisional magmatism; Mediterranean-style back-arc basins; subduction; delamination; uplift of marine gateways  相似文献   
为提高冰雹探测算法(Hail Detection Algorithm,HDA)产品的可用性,针对2015—2020年普洱地区监测到的22次冰雹个例,利用新一代雷达业务应用软件ROSE2.0对相关雷达基数据进行回放及产品分析,以命中率、虚警率、临界成功指数为指标对HDA算法在普洱地区的识别效果进行评估并给出本地化参数配置方案。结果表明:HDA算法在普洱地区命中率接近100%,但虚警现象非常普遍,使用强冰雹概率(Probability of Severe Hail,POSH)的预警效果优于任意大小冰雹概率(Probability of Hail,POH),且冰雹尺寸越大POSH虚警的概率越低。进一步使用模拟测评法对POSH算法的适配参数进行分析,发现正确输入降雹日当天的0 ℃层和-20 ℃层高度能有效减少POSH的虚警率及提高临界成功指数;同时使算法预测的最大冰雹直径普遍偏大的情况得到控制,其中,中小冰雹直径偏离百分比减小76.07%,改善效果显著高于大冰雹。此外,增大反射率因子及POSH阈值能有效控制虚警,但也导致漏报次数快速增加,当阈值太大时命中率明显降低,为了保证较高的命中率和临界成功指数,选择Z=50 dBz或POSH=70%为阈值能明显改善HDA算法的识别效果。  相似文献   
桂西下三叠统牙形石序列的新认识   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张舜新 《现代地质》1990,4(2):1-15,T002
桂西下三叠统为海相沉积,根据其岩性、厚度、化石类型等诸方面的明显差异可以分为两种类型,即作登型和太平型。本文详细研究了桂西两种类型下三叠统的牙形石,认为不同类型的下三叠统具有不同的牙形石序列。在前人工作基础上,对桂西下三叠统牙形石序列予以重新厘定。补充了作登型下三叠统的Neogondolella carinta带;指出作登型下三叠统不宜建立Platyvillosus costatus带;在太平型下三叠统Dienerian阶—Spathian阶中新建了Pachvcladina erromera带,Platyvillosus costatus带,Pachycladina obliqua-Parachirognathus delicatulus带和Neospathodus triangularis带;指出了每一个牙形石带的性质并与作登型下三叠统牙形石序列进行了对比。本文还从事件地层学和生物地层学两个角度,对桂西二叠一三叠系界线提出了新的认识。  相似文献   
土地利用/覆被变化研究的实质分析 与进展评述   总被引:57,自引:4,他引:57  
作为当前研究的前沿领域,LUCC研究所涉及的研究内容不仅丰富而且繁杂。本文从LUCC研究计划的根本目标出发,指出LUCC所研究的诸多科学问题之间存在着紧密的联系,其实质是因果关系,而且LUCC研究可以简单明了地归纳为三个研究构成环节(LUCC原因、LUCC状况和LUCC结果)和四个核心研究内容(LUCC驱动力与驱动机制、LUCC状况、LUCC效应研究与作用机制、LUCC模型模拟与土地可持续利用),文章针对此四个方面的研究进展进行了综述。此外,作者对LUCC的研究趋势进行了展望,指出:LUCC研究的主要趋势是走向综合,LUCC的环境效应研究与LUCC微观机理与过程的研究是当前LUCC研究的两个热点,而研究尺度的综合和模型构建是LUCC研究的两大难点问题。  相似文献   
孟庆敏 《物探与化探》1998,22(4):241-246
1997年9月23日~10月8日,在甘肃省安西—敦煌地区用Y11B航空物探(电/磁)综合站和GPS导航定位进行了地下水勘查试生产工作。用均匀大地模型,结合已知的水文地质资料,初步圈定了淡水区、过渡类型水区、咸水区和苦水区及泉水湖。所推断的水质和土壤含盐量与大的水文地质单元和1:20万水文地质普查报告都吻合得很好,且细节更为清楚。对差异较大的地方做了分析和解释。  相似文献   
Vanadium-bearing stone coal is a new vanadium resource;recovery ofV_2O_5 from the coal has been investigated.It has been found that a satisfactoryextraction of V_2O_5 depends on both the oxidation of V and its reaction with so-dium salt.V in the coal ash of Yushan mainly exists in two oxidation states:98%V(Ⅲ)and2%V(Ⅳ).The distribution of valency of V shows that organicmatter determines V valency at low temperatures,at about470℃,V(Ⅲ)iscompletely oxidized to V(Ⅳ);above500℃,the temperature is the most impor-tant factor for the oxidation of V .At higher temperatures no more V is oxidizedto V(Ⅴ);an equilibrium is established after92%of V is oxidized to V(Ⅴ).The roles of NaCl in the recovery of V_2O_5 from the coal ash were discussed.The best conditions for roasting are temperature750-800℃for1 h.underthe oxidation-chlorination atmosphere.When the ore:NaCl=100:10 by weight,η_roast reaches85.5%.According to the results,a flowsheet for V_2O_5 extrac-tion from coal ash has been proposed.  相似文献   
华南二叠-三叠系的事件地层与生物地层界线   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
王成源 《地层学杂志》1994,18(2):110-118,145
华南二叠-三叠系界线研究应严格区分事件地层界线与生物地层界线。“界线粘土”层的底界即为事件地层界线。生物地层界线定义不能与“混生层”或“过渡层”的概念连在一起。长兴煤山忠心大队剖面是最好的二叠-三叠系全球界线层型剖面点(GSSP)。二叠-三叠系生物地层界线定义为HindeodusparvusMorphotype1的首次出现,其位置就在长兴剖面界线层(混生层)2的内部,比事件地层界线高15cm。HindeodusparvusMorphotype1的首次出现,即为长兴阶的顶界。  相似文献   
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