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江汉平原连续运行参考站网络系统(JH-CORS)是以荆州市国土资源管理局土地勘测规划院GNSS站为系统控制中心,连接公安县、石首市、监利县、松滋市、洪湖市、仙桃市、潜江市、宜都市和嘉鱼县土地勘测规划院GNSS站的区域GNSS参考站系统。主要介绍了JH-CORS系统建设的主要内容、目标及项目建设的实施情况,供相关技术人员参考。  相似文献   
A microscale three-dimensional (3-D) urban energy balance model, Temperatures of Urban Facets in 3-D (TUF-3D), is developed to predict urban surface temperatures for a variety of surface geometries and properties, weather conditions, and solar angles. The surface is composed of plane-parallel facets: roofs, walls, and streets, which are further sub-divided into identical square patches, resulting in a 3-D raster-type model geometry. The model code is structured into radiation, conduction and convection sub-models. The radiation sub-model uses the radiosity approach and accounts for multiple reflections and shading of direct solar radiation. Conduction is solved by finite differencing of the heat conduction equation, and convection is modelled by empirically relating patch heat transfer coefficients to the momentum forcing and the building morphology. The radiation and conduction sub-models are tested individually against measurements, and the complete model is tested against full-scale urban surface temperature and energy balance observations. Modelled surface temperatures perform well at both the facet-average and the sub-facet scales given the precision of the observations and the uncertainties in the model inputs. The model has several potential applications, such as the calculation of radiative loads, and the investigation of effective thermal anisotropy (when combined with a sensor-view model).  相似文献   
针对当前丰富多样的DEM地形综合模型,分类阐述其综合原理、关键技术及优缺点,以黄土丘陵1:1万DEM为基础,对其地形综合效果进行对比分析。研究结果表明:现有的DEM地形综合模型各有优缺点;不同综合模型综合后的地形,高程数值随着综合尺度的增加,存在显著差异,而且不同综合模型对流域边界的综合处理也存在显著差异,没有形成客观有效的流域边界描述;当前困扰DEM地形综合的关键问题,是缺乏不同尺度下地形综合质量的客观评价标准,致使现有综合模型地形综合结果和DEM格网分辨率之间没有建立本应存在的内在联系,有待进一步深入研究。  相似文献   
坡度是描述地表形态的基本指标。利用ArcGIS软件对已有的1∶10 000 DEM数据进行坡度分析,能够正确高效地识别地形特征,确定对应图幅所属的地形类别。研究成果已正式应用于河北省第一次全国地理国情普查和其他测绘地理信息管理工作。  相似文献   
Community involvement in gathering and submitting spatially referenced data via web mapping applications has recently been gaining momentum. Urban forest inventory data analyzed by programs such as the i-Tree ECO inventory method is a good candidate for such an approach. In this research, we tested the feasibility of using spatially referenced data gathered and submitted by non-professional individuals through a web application to augment urban forest inventory data. We examined the use of close range photogrammetry solutions of images taken by consumer-grade cameras to extract quantitative metric information such as crown diameter, tree heights and trunk diameters. Several tests were performed to evaluate the accuracy of the photogrammetric solutions and to examine their use in addition to existing aerial image data to supplement or partially substitute for standard i-Tree ECO field measurements.  相似文献   
主要从实际应用的角度出发,介绍了测绘技术在管线工程项目中的应用,以及制作DEM和DOM的方法。  相似文献   
目前,数字高程模型(DEM)在理论研究和实践应用方面都有了很大的进展,已在测绘、地质、农业、工程、建筑、军事、导航等多个领域得到了广泛应用,因此高效快捷地生产高精度的DEM是十分必要和迫切的。全数字摄影测量系统DEM生产方案是解决这一问题的有效途径,文章针对该系统的特点,提出了加强质量控制的策略和方法,并阐述了对一些实践问题的解决。  相似文献   
利用RTK进行数字化测图的经验总结   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用RTK进行数字化测图具有速度快、精度高、费用省等特点,RTK测量结果经过简单处理即可导入到CASS测图软件中,从而快速地生产出规范的地形图来。根据利用RTK技术在约100多km^2区域1:2000数字化测图的生产实践,对利用RTK进行数字化测图的作业流程和工作经验进行了归纳总结,对所遇到的问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的解决方案。  相似文献   
电子地图的数据结构与模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱程扬  龙毅  柳青  张亮 《现代测绘》2005,28(4):9-12
电子地图是集地图表达、数据处理、地图分析为一体的新型地图产品,其数据组织形式直接关系到电子地图的质量与性能。本文对几种数据结构和模型进行了分析、比较,并探讨了它们在电子地图领域的应用前景。  相似文献   
利用几何网络提取河网径流节点的方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘晓  王雷  高佩玲 《测绘科学》2011,36(5):85-86,72
本文分析了河网径流节点的基本特征及分类,论述了基于ArcGIS水文分析模块提取河网径流的方法,并在此基础上提出了基于几何网络提取河网径流节点的方法.该方法提取得到的径流节点,除能表达其位置信息外,属性表中还记录了径流节点类型、汇流等级情况信息.实例表明该方法原理简单,易于操作实现,提取效果与实际地貌情况基本相符,可以广...  相似文献   
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