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Oxygen isotopic compositions of silicates in eclogites and whiteschists from the Kokchetav massif were analyzed by whole‐grain CO2‐laser fluorination methods. Systematic analyses yield extremely low δ18O for eclogites, as low as ?3.9‰ for garnet; these values are comparable with those reported for the Dabie‐Sulu UHP eclogites. Oxygen isotopic compositions are heterogeneous in samples of eclogite, even on an outcrop scale. Schists have rather uniform oxygen isotope values compared to eclogites, and low δ18O is not observed. Isotope thermometry indicates that both eclogites and schists achieved high‐temperature isotopic equilibration at 500–800 °C. This implies that retrograde metamorphic recrystallization barely modified the peak‐metamorphic oxygen isotopic signatures. A possible geological environment to account for the low‐δ18O basaltic protolith is a continental rift, most likely subjected to the conditions of a cold climate. After the basalt interacted with low δ18O meteoric water, it was tectonically inserted into the surrounding sedimentary units prior to, or during subduction and UHP metamorphism.  相似文献   
Petrographical and mineral chemical data are given for the eclogites which occur in the garnet-kyanite micaschists of the Penninic Dora-Maira Massif between Brossasco, Isasca and Martiniana (Italian Western Alps) and for a sodic whiteschist associated with the pyrope-coesite whiteschists of Martiniana. The Brossasco-Isasca (BI) eclogites are fine grained, foliated and often mica-rich rocks with a strong preferred orientation of omphacite crystals and white micas. Porphyroblasts of hornblende are common in some varieties, whilst zoisite and kyanite occur occasionally in pale green varieties associated with leucocratic layers with quartz, jadeite and garnet. These features differentiate the BI eclogites from the eclogites that occur in other continental units of the Western Alps, which all belong to type C. Garnet, sodic pyroxene and glaucophane are the major minerals in the sodic whiteschist. Sodic pyroxene in the eclogites is an omphacite often close to Jd50Di50, with very little acmite and virtually no AlIV, and impure jadeite in the leucocratic layers and in the sodic whiteschist. Garnet is almandine with 20–30 mol. % for each of the pyrope and grossular components in the eclogites and a pyrope-rich variety in the sodic whiteschist. White mica is a variably substituted phengite, and paragonite apparently only occurs as a replacement product of kyanite. Amphibole is hornblende in the eclogites, but the most magnesian glaucophane yet described in the sodic whiteschist. Quartz pseudomorphs of coesite were found occasionally in a few pyroxenes and garnets. The P-T conditions during the VHP event are constrained in the eclogites by reactions which define a field ranging from 27–28 kbar to 35 kbar and from 680 to 750° C. These temperatures are consistent with the results of garnet-pyroxene and garnet-phengite geothermometry which suggest that the eclogites may have equilibrated at around 700° C. In the sodic whiteschist pressures ranging from 29 to 35 kbar can be deduced from the stability of the jadeite-pyrope garnet-glaucophane compatibility. As in the eclogites water activity must have been low. Such conditions are close to the P-T values estimated for the early Alpine recrystallization of the pyrope-coesite rock and, like petrographical and mineralogical features, set aside the BI eclogites from the other eclogites of the Western Alps, instead indicating a close similarity to some of the eclogite bodies occurring in the Adula nappe of the Central Alps. An important corollary is that glaucophane stability, at least in Na- and Mg-rich compositions and under very high pressures, may extend up to 700° C, in agreement with the HT stability limit suggested by experimental studies.  相似文献   
Rare centimeter-sized superzoned garnets (SZGs) were discovered in two coesite-bearing whiteschists of the Brossasco-Isasca Unit (BIU), southern Dora-Maira massif (DMM), Western Alps. The superzoned garnet consists of a reddish-brown almandine core crowded with inclusions of staurolite, chloritoid, kyanite, chlorite and paragonite, and of a pinkish pyrope rim with sporadic inclusions of kyanite, and magnesian chlorite. The core–rim contact is relatively sharp and marks the termination of the inclusion-rich portion. The core composition of the superzoned garnet is almost identical to, or slightly richer in Mg, than that of the rim of porphyroblastic garnet in metapelites from the same unit. In the rim of the superzoned garnet, Mg–Fe ratio increases abruptly towards the outermost rim, whose composition is identical to that of the common pyrope in the whiteschist. At the core–rim boundary, there is no chemical gap. Chloritoid and staurolite are common inclusions in the core of the superzoned garnet in the whiteschist and in the porphyroblastic garnet in the metapelite. The staurolite composition (Si=2.00 and total R2+<2.0 for O=23 basis) and its reverse Fe–Mg distribution with respect to garnet suggest a HP origin. The Fe–Mg distribution between chloritoid and garnet is reverse in the superzoned garnet, but normal in the garnet of metapelite. Because normal Fe–Mg distribution was reported from other eclogite-facies metapelites, a model petrogenetic grid was constructed in the FMASH model system considering St, Cld, Ky, Chl, Grt, and assuming the following Fe–Mg partitioning of St>Grt>Cld>Chl. The resulting petrogenetic grid suggests that the core of the superzoned garnet contains incompatible assemblages, such as St–Cld–Chl vs. Cld–Chl–Ky. New and literature data and results of experiments in the KFASH system suggest that: (1) the superzoned garnet was formed under a single prograde high-pressure/ultra high-pressure (HP/UHP) Alpine metamorphism, (2) the almandine inclusion-rich core of the superzoned garnet crystallized at disequilibrium in a pelitic composition system at around 600°C and less than 16 kbar, probably from a former metapelite xenolith included in a Variscan granitoid, and (3) the chemical environment of the host rock suddenly changed from the normal pelite to the whiteschist composition by a metasomatic process during the rim growth, i.e., at a stage close to the UHP climax.  相似文献   
A second natural occurrence of yoderite   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A second example of yoderite has been discovered in whiteschists from the Southern Chewore Hills of northern Zimbabwe. The mineral is pale green in colour and occurs in an equilibrium assemblage with talc+chlorite+kyanite+dravite+hematite. There is no quartz present. Recalculated microprobe analyses give a structural formula of Mg2Al5.7Fe0.3Si4O18(OH)2, similar to that obtained for the type locality at Mautia Hill, Tanzania, i.e. Mg2Al5.6Fe0.4Si4O18(OH)2. Textural relationships and relative proportions of minerals suggest that the yoderite was formed by reaction between talc, chlorite, kyanite and hematite. Experimental evidence suggests high-water-pressure metamorphic conditions at temperatures exceeding a reaction curve that extends between 13  kbar at 590  °C and 21  kbar at 650  °C. The yoderite-bearing whiteschist is associated with a 1.4  Ga dismembered ophiolite. It is proposed that this yoderite occurrence is associated with a relict subduction/suture zone.  相似文献   
Representative diamond-bearing gneisses and dolomitic marble, eclogite and Ti-clinohumite-bearing garnet peridotite from Unit I at Kumdy Kol and whiteschist from Unit II at Kulet, eastern Kokchetav Massif, northern Kazakhstan, were studied. Diamond-bearing gneisses contain variable assemblages, including Grt+Bt+Qtz±Pl±Kfs±Zo±Chl±Tur±Cal and minor Ap, Rt and Zrn; abundant inclusions of diamond, graphite+chlorite (or calcite), phengite, clinopyroxene, K-feldspar, biotite, rutile, titanite, calcite and zircon occur in garnet. Diamond-bearing dolomitic marbles consist of Dol+Di±Grt+Phl; inclusions of diamond, dolomite±graphite, biotite, and clinopyroxene were identified in garnet. Whiteschists carry the assemblage Ky+Tlc+Grt+Rt; garnet shows compositional zoning, and contains abundant inclusions of talc, kyanite and rutile with minor phlogopite, chlorite, margarite and zoisite. Inclusions and zoning patterns of garnet delineate the prograde P–T path. Inclusions of quartz pseudomorphs after coesite were identified in garnet from both eclogite and gneiss. Other ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) indicators include Na-bearing garnet (up to 0.14 wt% Na2O) with omphacitic Cpx in eclogite, occurrence of high-K diopside (up to 1.56 wt% K2O) and phlogopite in diamond-bearing dolomitic marble, and Cr-bearing kyanite in whiteschist. These UHP rocks exhibit at least three stages of metamorphic recrystallization. The Fe-Mg partitioning between clinopyroxene and garnet yields a peak temperature of 800–1000 °C at P >40 kbar for diamond-bearing rocks, and about 740–780 °C at >28–35 kbar for eclogite, whiteschist and Ti-bearing garnet peridotite. The formation of symplectitic plagioclase+amphibole after clinopyroxene, and replacement of garnet by biotite, amphibole, or plagioclase mark retrograde amphibolite facies recrystallization at 650–680 °C and pressure less than about 10 kbar. The exsolution of calcite from dolomite, and development of matrix chlorite and actinolite imply an even lower grade greenschist facies overprint at c. 420 °C and 2–3 kbar. A clockwise P–T path suggests that supracrustal sediments together with basaltic and ultramafic lenses apparently were subjected to UHP subduction-zone metamorphism within the diamond stability field. Tectonic mixing may have occurred prior to UHP metamorphism at mantle depths. During subsequent exhumation and juxtaposition of many other tectonic units, intense deformation chaotically mixed and mylonitized these lithotectonic assemblages.  相似文献   
Cordierite–orthoamphibole gneisses and rocks of similar composition commonly contain low‐variance mineral assemblages that can provide useful information about the metamorphic evolution of a terrane. New calculated petrogenetic grids and pseudosections are presented in the FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (FMASH), Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (NCKFMASH) and Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3 (NCKFMASHTO) chemical systems to investigate quantitatively the phase relations in these rocks. Although the bulk compositions of cordierite–orthoamphibole gneisses are close to FMASH, calculations in this system do not adequately account for the observed range of mineral assemblages. Calculations in NCKFMASH and NCKFMASHTO highlight the role of minor constituents such as Ca, Na and Fe3+ in the mineral assemblage evolution of such rocks and these systems are more appropriate for interpreting the evolution of natural examples.  相似文献   
Talc–kyanite schists (whiteschists), magnesiohornblende–kyanite–talc–quartzschists and enstatite–sapphirine–chlorite schistsoccur at Mautia Hill in the East African Orogen of Tanzania.They are associated with metapelites and garnet–clinopyroxene–quartzmetabasites. Geobarometry (GASP/GADS equilibria) applied tothe latter two rock types indicates a peak pressure of P = 10–11kbar. These results are confirmed by the high fO2 assemblagehollandite–kyanite–quartz and late-stage manganianandalusite that contains up to 19·5 mol. % Mn2SiO5. Maximumtemperatures of T = 720°C are inferred from late-stage yoderite+ quartz. A clockwise PT evolution is constrained byprograde kyanite inclusions in metapelitic garnet and late-stagereaction rims of cordierite between green yoderite and talcthat reflect conditions at least 3–4 kbar below the peakpressure. Oxidizing conditions are recorded throughout the metamorphichistory of the whiteschists and chlorite schists, as indicatedby the presence of haematite coexisting with pseudobrookiteand/or rutile. Increasing water activity near peak pressuresis thought to have led to the breakdown of the high-pressureassemblages (Tlc–Ky–Hem and Mg-Hbl–Ky–Hem)and the subsequent formation of certain uncommon minerals, e.g.yellow sapphirine, Mn–andalusite, green and purple yoderite,piemontite and boron-free kornerupine. The proposed increasein water activity is attributed to fluid infiltration resultingfrom the devolatilization of underlying sediments during metamorphism. KEY WORDS: fluid infiltration; high-pressure amphibolite facies; East African Orogen; Pan-African; whiteschist  相似文献   
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