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Palaeomagnetic study, carried out in the Moscovian (~305 Ma) formation in the Edjeleh anticline, shows the existence of three magnetisation components. Two of them are probably Cenozoic and Permian remagnetisations. The third component determined by both well defined ChRMs and remagnetisation circles analysis passes the fold test. Because the folding started before or during the Stephano-Autunian, this third component is the primary magnetisation. Its palaeomagnetic pole (28.3°S, 58.9°E), close to other poles from the Saharan platform obtained from neighbouring periods but without palaeomagnetic tests, confirms the age of these last data. To cite this article: B. Bayou et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 81–87.  相似文献   
The differentiation of units in the Sierra de Almagro has been a source of controversy. There were defined the Almagride and Ballabona–Cucharón complexes, the former considered by several authors as part of a Subbetic metamorphosed and outcropping in a tectonic window. In this study, the units of Ballabona, Almagro and Cucharón are integrated into a single one, that of Tres Pacos, because they correspond to different parts of the same stratigraphic series. This unit is tectonically over the Nevado–Filabride Complex. The existence of the Almagride and Ballabona–Cucharón complexes is discarded and their units form part of the Alpujarride Complex. To cite this article: C. Sanz de Galdeano, F.J. Garc??a Tortosa, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 355–362.  相似文献   
The applications of calorimetric and ellipsometric methods to the understanding of adsorption phenomena occurring at the solid–liquid interface are presented with examples in the field of surfactant adsorption. The various experimental approaches are presented and compared, i.e., immersion calorimetry, titration calorimetry and liquid flow calorimetry. It is shown how they can be used to follow, in situ, the building steps of the surfactant adsorbed layer. On the other hand, ellipsometry allows the adsorption isotherm, the adsorption kinetics as well as the thickness of the adsorbed layer to be determined on well-defined flat surfaces. To cite this article: R. Denoyel, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 689–702.  相似文献   
Big perturbations of the magnetic field (amplitudes larger than 250 nT) are simply detected by subtracting the values of a model from the measurements of CHAMP satellite. Taking a full year of CHAMP data and organizing them in four subsets of three months length (spring, summer, autumn, winter), it is found that: (a) the two domains where such big perturbations mainly exist are limited, in both hemispheres, by a parallel of high latitude of the corrected geomagnetic coordinates system; (b) a conspicuous seasonal (annual) variation affects the density of the perturbations and is opposite in the two hemispheres. We hold that these perturbations are linked to the midday magnetic activity within the auroral zone, long ago described by one of us (Mayaud, 1956). The source of the perturbations observed at the satellite altitude would be field-aligned currents resulting from the penetration of the solar wind into the magnetospheric cusps. To cite this article: J.-L. Le Mouël et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   

La fabrique magnétique des schistes noirs du Jurassique helvétique au pourtour des massifs de l’Aar et du Gothard (Alpes suisses) reflète, en fonction du métamorphisme croissant, l’orientation préférentielle de minéraux magnétiques d’origines diverses : la magnétite primaire, les phyllosilicates et la pyrrhotite métamorphiques. La foliation magnétique est parallèle à la première schistosité pénétrative même si celle-ci est effacée par une seconde schistosité. La linéation magnétique indique retirement lié à la direction de transport des nappes. Dans la partie la plus métamorphique où apparaît la pyrrhotite au cours de la déformation, la fabrique magnétique permet de situer l’apparition de ce minéral dans la tectonique polyphasée. Les propriétés magnétiques anisotropes de la pyrrhotite s’avèrent plus complexes que le modèle usuel de marqueurs planaires et l’interprétation des linéations observées doit en tenir compte.  相似文献   
The planet Mars lacks, today, a planetary, dynamic magnetic field, but strong, intense, localized magnetic fields of lithospheric origin, one to two orders of magnitude larger than the terrestrial lithospheric field, are present. This lithospheric magnetic field is the result of magnetization processes in the presence of a magnetic dynamo and of demagnetization processes after the dynamo shutdown, such as impact or volcanoes. This crude scenario can be more accurately specified by interpreting global and local models of the current magnetic field of Mars. Some specific areas are studied, including the intensely magnetized Terra Sirenum, as well as the magnetic anomaly associated with Apollinaris Patera. Magnetic minerals could be of primary and/or secondary origin; this latter would imply an early hydration of a basaltic crust. A scenario, in which Mars experienced a major polar wander due to the Tharsis bulge, prior to the cessation of its dynamo, is proposed and discussed.  相似文献   
The biogeographic history of the African rain forests has been contentious. Phylogeography, the study of the geographic distribution of genetic lineages within species, can highlight the signatures of historical events affecting the demography and distribution of species (i.e. population fragmentation or size changes, range expansion/contraction) and, thereby, the ecosystems they belong to. The accumulation of recent data for African rain forests now enables a first biogeographic synthesis for the region. In this review, we explain which phylogeographic patterns are expected under different scenarios of past demographic change, and we give an overview of the patterns detected in African rain forest trees to discuss whether they support alternative hypotheses regarding the history of the African rain forest cover. The major genetic discontinuities in the region support the role of refugia during climatic oscillations, though not necessarily following the classically proposed scenarios. We identify in particular a genetic split between the North and the South of the Lower Guinean region. Finally we provide some perspectives for future study.  相似文献   
This study presents an experimental procedure to fabricate high‐purity silica glass containing a selected element at a specified mass fraction. The procedure was used to prepare glasses doped with trace‐level mass fractions of Ti with the goal of improving analytical confidence when measuring trace elements in quartz. Systematic tests were performed to determine the ideal conditions and procedures for doping nanoporous silica gel with the highest efficiency of dopant recovery. Silica gel was cleaned in concentrated HCl, immersed in a non‐polar doping medium at a controlled pH and doped with precise quantities of ICP‐MS standard solution. Using liquids composed of longer chain molecules as the doping medium diminishes recovery, suggesting that large molecules could obstruct nanopores to inhibit capillary uptake of the dopant. A control experiment using crystalline quartz reinforced the effectiveness of nanoporous silica gel for doping with trace‐level precision. Layered aggregates of silica gel doped with different Ti mass fractions were hot‐pressed to create multi‐layered reference materials that were analysed with multiple techniques at a variety of spatial scales. Analyses at the intra‐grain scale (cathodoluminescence scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalysis), at the single grain scale (SIMS), at the sample layer scale (EPMA, laser ablation‐ICP‐MS) and at the bulk scale (ICP‐OES) demonstrated acceptable homogeneity at sample volumes characteristic of most microanalysis techniques and show that nanoporous silica gel holds promise as a highly retentive doping substrate for preparing reference materials for laser‐, electron‐ and ion‐beam microanalysis.  相似文献   
Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios in calcium carbonate are important components of many palaeoclimate studies. We present an isotope dilution method relying on a single mixed spike containing 25Mg, 43Ca and 87Sr. Dozens of samples per day, as small as 10 μg of carbonate, could be dissolved, spiked and run in an ICP‐MS with a precision of 0.8% (2 RSD). Two instruments types, a sector field and a quadrupole ICP‐MS, were compared. The best long term precision found was 0.4% (2 RSD), although this increased by up to a factor of two when samples of very different Mg or Sr content were run together in the same sequence. Long term averages for the two instruments concurred. No matrix effects were detected for a range of Ca concentrations between 0.2 and 2 mmol l‐1. Accuracy, tested by measuring synthetic standard solutions, was 0.8% with some systematic trends. We demonstrate the strength of this isotope dilution method for (a) obtaining accurate results for sample sets that present a broad Mg and Sr range and (b) testing solid carbonates as candidate reference materials for interlaboratory consistency. Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca results for reference materials were in good agreement with values from the literature.  相似文献   

Abstract Various uncertainties are inherent in modelling any reservoir operation problem. Two of these are addressed in this study: uncertainty involved in the expression of reservoir penalty functions, and uncertainty in determining the target release value. Fuzzy set theory was used to model these uncertainties where the preferences of the decision maker for the fuzzified parameters are expressed as membership functions. Nonlinear penalty functions are used to determine the penalties due to deviations from targets. The optimization was performed using a genetic algorithm with the objectives to minimize the total penalty and to maximize the level of satisfaction of the decision maker with fuzzified input parameters. The proposed formulation was applied to the problem of finding the optimal release and storage values, taking Green reservoir in Kentucky, USA as a case study. The approach offers more flexibility to reservoir decision-making by demonstrating an efficient way to represent subjective uncertainties, and to deal with non-commensurate objectives under a fuzzy multi-objective environment.  相似文献   
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