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International programs of observations of selected minor planets have lasted about 50 years and the last one comes to the end in 2000. The main aim of these observational programs consists in obtaining the orientation of the stellar reference frame with respect to the dynamical one using observations of the bright minor planets. The observations are also useful for the orbital improvements of the asteroids themselves. They are available from the author via e-mail at the address .During the above mentioned period more than 23 000 observations of minor planets, referred to different reference star catalogues, have been obtained. The reduction procedure of observations to the PPM star catalogue is described. The orientation parameters are given and discussed.  相似文献   
RATS is an Italian project devoted to Hot Jupiter search with the transit method. A planet transiting in front of a host star can be mimed by several, and well defined, astrophysical phenomena (Brown, 2003). In order to recognize these false alarms we can utilize a preventive strategy to limit false alarm rates and a spectroscopic follow up to refuse no transit candidates. As preventive strategy it is important to develop an accurate target field selection, with well defined requisites, in order to maximize the solar type star numbers and to minimize the risk of possible astrophysical false alarms.  相似文献   
Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios (13C and 15N) of surface sediments were measured within Osaka Bay, in the Seto Inland Sea in Japan, in order to better understand the sedimentation processes operating on both terrestrial and marine organic matter in the Bay. The 13C and 15N of surface sediments in the estuary of the Yodo River were less than –23 and 5 respectively, but increased in the area up to about 10 km from the river mouth. At greater distances they became constant (giving 13C of about –20 and 15N about 6). It can be concluded that large amounts of terrestrial organic matter exist near the mouth of the Yodo River. Stable isotope ratios in the estuary of the Yodo River within 10 km of the river mouth were useful indicators allowing study of the movement of terrestrial organic matter. Deposition rates for total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) over the whole of the Bay were estimated to be 63,100 ton C/year and 7,590 ton N/year, respectively. The deposition rate of terrestrial organic carbon was estimated to be 13,200 (range 2,000–21,500) ton C/year for the whole of Osaka Bay, and terrestrial organic carbon was estimated to be about 21% (range 3–34) of the TOC deposition rate. The ratio of the deposition rate of terrestrial organic carbon to the rate inflow of riverine TOC and particulate organic carbon (POC) were estimated to be 19% (range 3–31) and 76% (range 12–100), respectively.  相似文献   

Shallow water bathymetry has proved to be a challenging task for remote sensing applications. In this work, Green-Wavelength Terrestrial Laser Scanning (GWTLS) is employed to survey nearshore bathymetry under clear atmospheric and water conditions. First, the obtained seabed points were corrected for refraction and then geo-registration, and filtering processes were exerted to obtain an accurate bathymetric surface. Terrain analysis was performed with respect to a reference surface derived from classical surveying techniques. The overall analysis has shown that the best results stem from 35° to 50° incident angles, whereas for angles higher than 65° measurements are not acceptable, although for the same angle in front and close to the instrument accuracy is considered acceptable due to the high laser power. Also, high resolution micro-topography, shallower than 1?m water depth, was managed to be captured. Systematic experimental approaches are expected to improve the GWTLS technique to detect bathymetry, which is anticipated to assist in mapping very shallow foreshore, tidal, and deltaic environments, to contribute conceptual into developing hybrid observation systems for coastal monitoring, and also to be applied in various maritime applications.  相似文献   
Reasons for interest in the origin of short-period comets and the difficulties of computing their long-term dynamcal evolution are reviewed. The relative advantages of a source region in an extended inner core of the Oort cloud or a compact comet belt just beyond the planetary system are finely balanced, and it is premature to consider the problem solved. A complication is that some comets belonging to the Jupiter family may be part of a time-dependent system, possibly the remains of a giant comet such as Chiron which could have been part of the system 104 yr ago. The origin of short-period comets plays a pivotal role in many areas of solar system science: planet formation, the source of water (possibly life) on the terrestrial planets, the cratering record on the terrestrial planets and satellites of the outer planets, and the environmental impact posed by massive bodies and their decay products in the Earth's near-space environment.  相似文献   
A method is presented for filtering and classification of terrestrial laser scanner point clouds. The algorithm exploits the four-channel (blue, green, red and near infrared) multispectral imaging capability of some terrestrial scanners using supervised, parametric classification to assign thematic class labels to all scan cloud points. Its principal advantage is that it is a completely data-driven algorithm and is independent of spatial sampling resolution since the processing is performed in four-dimensional spectral feature space. Its application to two data-sets of different spatial extent and spatial and spectral complexity is reported, for which respective overall classification accuracies of 87·0% and 82·0% were achieved. Analysis of the input data with emphasis on the characteristics pertinent to the anticipated outcomes precedes detailed analysis of the classification results and error sources and their causes. Erroneously classified points are attributed to radiometric errors stemming from both detector hardware and physical effects.  相似文献   
The range of observed chemical compositions of natural terrestrial waters varies greatly especially when compared to the essentially constant global composition of the oceans.The concentrations of the REEs in natural terrestrial waters also exhibit more variation than what was reported in seawater,In terrestrial waters ,pH values span the range from acid up to alkaline,In addition,terrestrial waters can range from very dilute waters through to highly concentrated brines.The REE concentrations and their behavior in natural terrestrial waters reflect these compositional ranges,Chemical weathering of rocks represents the source of the REEs to natural terrestrial waters and ,consequently,the REE signature of rocks can impart their REE signature to associated waters,In addition,Because of the typical low solubilities of the REEs both surface and solution complexation can be important in fractionating REEs in aqueous solution.Both of these processes are important in all natural terrestrial waters,however,their relative importance varies as a function of the overall solution composition,In alkaline waters,for example,Solution complexation of the REEs with carbonate ions appears to control their aqueous distributions whereas in acid waters,the REE signature of the labile fraction of the REEs is readily leached from the rocks.In circumneutral pH waters,both processes appear to be important and their relative significance has not yet been determined.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地的西北部、东北部和南部三个区域现今大地热流平均值分别为56.3、67.3和65.3mW/m^2,对应的生态环境格局也有明显的差异。研究表明,大地热流每增加4~5mW/m^2可使年均地表温度升高约l℃,使最低月均地表温度升高2。C以上。鄂尔多斯盆地东北部的平均大地热流比西北部高出11mW/m^2,东北部年均地表温度可能比西北部高出2~3℃,其最低月均地表温度可能比西北部高出4~6℃。西北部的大地热流平均值已经低于维持地表生态系统延续所需大地热流的临界值(57mW/m^2),其自然生态系统整体上已经处于脆弱境地;东北部和南部的大地热流均大于57mW/m^2,自然生态系统均尚较稳健。东北部的沙漠化可能是风沙侵入的结果,其生态应该是可以恢复的。整个西北部作为一个整体看,72万年以前大地热流就已衰减到临界值以下,区域生态系统渐趋脆弱,开始整体上向荒漠化演变。  相似文献   
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