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Small-diameter shallow tunnels are often being built by using the slurry pipe-jacking method. This system involves the pushing or thrusting of a drivage machine and concrete pipes into the ground. Chemical grout injection into the surrounding soil around the tunnel is carried out after the drivage and pushing processes are finished. The purpose of the chemical grout injection is to maintain permanent stability of the surrounding soil. However, the behavior of the chemical grouting material in the surrounding soil around the tunnel and the amount of optimum injection is not clearly understood. From these points of view, this paper discusses the performance of the chemical grouting material, when it is injected into the surrounding soil around the tunnel, by means of 2-D Eulerian–Lagrangian seepage analysis. Moreover, the effectiveness of the chemical grout injection was evaluated by using the non-linear finite element method. This investigation show when the range of the grouted zone is designed; it is necessary that the relationship between Young’s modulus of the soil/grouted zone and the confining stress be taken into consideration in order to establish effective, economical and safe chemical grout injection system. Understanding the performance of the seepage/dispersion behavior of the chemical grout and the characteristics of soil/ grouted zone is also important.  相似文献   
Slurry pipe jacking was firmly established as a special method for the non-disruptive construction of the underground pipelines of sewage systems. Pipe jacking, in its traditional form, has occasionally been used for short railways, roads, rivers, and other projects. Basically the system involves the pushing or thrusting of concrete pipes into the ground by a number of jacks. In slurry pipe jacking, during the pushing process, mud slurry and lubricant are injected into the face and the over cutting area that is between the concrete pipes and the surrounding soil. Next, the slurry fills voids and the soil stabilizes due to the created slurry cake around the pipes. Fillings also reduce the jacking force or thrust during operation. When the drivage and pushing processes are finished, a mortar injection into the over cutting area is carried out in order to maintain permanent stability of the surrounding soil and the over cutting area. Successful lubrication around the pipes is extremely important in a large diameter slurry pipe jacking operation. Control of lubrication and gaps between pipes and soil can prevent hazards such as surface settlement and increases in thrust. Also, to find voids around the pipes after the jacking process, in order to inject mortar for permanent stabilizing, an investigation around the pipes is necessary. To meet these aims, this paper is concerned with the utilization of known methods such as the GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) system and borehole camera to maintain control of the over cutting area and lubricant distribution around the pipes during a site investigation. From this point of view, experiments were carried out during a tunnel construction using one of the largest cases of slurry pipe jacking in Fujisawa city, Japan. The advantages and disadvantages of each system were clarified during the tests.  相似文献   
烧变岩体特性及其注浆扩散行为研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
烧变岩是煤层自燃引起周围围岩变质而形成的特殊类岩石。通过现场取样,在实验室对烧变岩试样进行了物理力学性质测试,试验结果表明:烧变岩的含水率略有降低,而力学强度普遍增强,泊松比略变小,烧变岩体裂隙发育。注浆压力作用下,分析了裂隙尖端的劈裂情况,在此基础上,利用宾汉浆液扩散模型编制了浆液在裂隙网络中的流动扩散程序,可以模拟浆液在非贯通裂隙网络内的流动扩散范围。最后对柠条塔井田烧变岩体进行注浆试验,利用浆液流动模拟程序进行了注浆压力的优化选择,并将实际浆液扩散范围与程序模拟浆液扩散范围进行对比,二者结果较吻合,该程序可以用来指导现场注浆工程参数设计和施工,同时烧变岩体注浆试验也为类似工程注浆施工提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   
考虑泥浆套不同形态的顶管管壁摩阻力计算公式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王双  夏才初  葛金科 《岩土力学》2014,35(1):159-166
大直径、长距离顶管施工常通过注浆形成泥浆套来减小阻力,泥浆套的形态及其完整性对管壁摩阻力大小有决定性作用,现有摩阻力计算公式一般未考虑不同泥浆套形态对摩阻力的影响,计算结果与实际情况相差较大。根据不同施工状况对顶管外壁泥浆套的可能形态进行了分类及成因分析,提出了判断3种常见泥浆套形态的方法。利用半无限弹性体中柱形圆孔扩张理论探讨了注浆压力对泥浆套厚度的影响,结合非线性流体力学计算泥浆与管壁接触产生的摩阻力,最终采用挖掘面稳定假设,针对3种泥浆套形态提出了摩阻力计算公式。采用该方法对工程案例进行计算,计算结果与实测数据对比表明:现有摩阻力计算公式的计算结果过于保守,所提出的计算公式是合理和有效的。  相似文献   
应用钠土泥浆,解决了锡坑矿区复杂地层钻进中运用其它措施难以解决的塌、漏、掉等问题,保证了后续施工的钻孔质量,提高了钻进效率和经济效益。通过钠土泥浆与钙土泥浆及其它无固相冲洗液类比分析,得出了钠土泥浆在该矿区取得好成效的机理。针对赣南构造破碎带型复杂地层钻进中存在的问题,借鉴锡坑矿区的成功经验,提出应重视对钠土泥浆的研究和应用的建议。  相似文献   
新疆坡北矿区ZK2-6孔施工中遇到多层蚀变带,最长连续强蚀变带达30 m,在以往施工过程中,因卤水配制的泥浆性能难以保证,不利于孔壁的稳定,导致在钻进过程中,孔壁剥落超径、断钻杆事故频发。钻杆断开后,由于孔壁坍塌,找不到事故头,从而导致钻孔报废。针对蚀变、破碎地层钻进易发生的孔壁坍塌、超径、掉块及卤水泥浆性能难以保证等问题,开展相关研究,提出相应的技术措施,圆满完成了坡北工区ZK2-6孔的钻探施工。  相似文献   
Each year in the world, there is significant amount of dredged slurries generated during geotechnical jobs. In the slurry storage process, the rheological behavior is a key factor affecting the motion of dredged slurries. To gain better understanding on this behavior, experiments on dredged slurries with different liquid limits are conducted using rotary viscometer. It has been found that, as water content increases, slurry property can change from Bingham plastic fluids to Newtonian fluids. In log–log coordinates, their corresponding yield stress and plastic viscosity are in linear relationship with their water contents and the intersection of these two lines can be treated as the turning point which is 4.7 times the liquid limit. The yield stress and plastic viscosity of different dredged slurries can be normalized efficiently using normalized water content. So, in this paper, a new quantitative prediction method for yield stress and plastic viscosity is proposed, which is effective for use in alkined modes of motion, is proposed.  相似文献   
邢敏 《探矿工程》2018,45(6):89-91
阜阳华纺新天地桩基工程,原计划基坑底面施工调整为地面施工,增加了近14 m的空桩。为此,工程桩施工质量存在桩位、孔底沉渣厚度、钢筋笼位置、砼质量、砼桩顶标高等方面控制的相关问题。本文介绍了其施工情况,其经验可供类似工程借鉴。  相似文献   
闫吉曾 《探矿工程》2018,45(5):40-45
为提高红河油田水平井固井质量,满足后期分段压裂需求,对红河油田水平井固井技术进行了研究。针对红河油田水平段固井技术难点,通过室内和现场试验,优选出了GSJ水泥浆体系,基于实测地层压力与地层破裂压力,进行平衡压力固井设计确定了环空浆体结构,为提高顶替效率,优化了扶正器类型与加放位置,专业软件模拟表明套管居中度>73%,良好的井眼准备和套管漂浮措施确保了管柱的顺利下入;加长胶塞、树脂滚轮刚性旋流扶正器和关井阀等附件的使用,保证了固井质量。现场应用53口水平井,水泥浆全部返至地面,CBL测井结果表明,固井优良率达81.13%。该固井技术成功应用于红河油田水平井中,保证了固井质量,满足了后期分段压裂的需要。  相似文献   
刘华  王勇  杜林  黄芬 《探矿工程》2012,39(4):76-79
针对三叉水电站引水隧洞Ⅳ标段围岩地质条件,详细分析了水泥-粉煤灰浆液在该工程引水隧洞灌浆中的应用情况。从应用情况综合分析可以得出,隧洞灌浆采用水泥-粉煤灰浆液是可行的,完全能满足设计要求,在保证灌浆质量的前提下,可以降低部分施工成本,具有较好的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
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