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According to archaeological data from about sixty samples the relative stability of physical and human geographical environment in the tropical zone of China is discussed in this paper. Because of the superior natural environment, sufficient food resources and a sparse population resulting in the absence of social requirement to transform the productive forces, the advancement of economy and society was stagnated during prehistorical period in China's tropics. Compared with northern China, the appearance of ground stone tool stagnated about 3,000 years, the beginning of Bronze Age, about 1,000 years, and the agriculture, 2,500-3,000 years. The no ceramics age continued till the early Neolithic Age and the appearance of colour or white ceramics was 2,000 years later than that in northern China. The life form of migration to gather and to hunt continued till the middle Neolithic Age, and the fixed settlement based on agriculture 1,000-2,000 years stagnated. The clan commune just appeared at the end of the Neolithic Age which was 2,000-3,000 years later than that in northern China.  相似文献   
四川岷江上游叠溪发育有一套厚度超过200 m、保存较为完整的湖相沉积,被定名为叠溪古堰塞湖相沉积,其形成于距今30 ka前,存活了约15 ka,因此记录了青藏高原东缘晚更新世—全新世(包括末次冰期)的重大地质与环境事件。现有研究初步揭示了古堰塞的沉积特征,但对叠溪古滑坡及古堰塞湖形成与演化的系统研究还十分不足。本文通过详细的野外调查,结合现代遥感测绘技术(无人机载LiDAR),构建叠溪古滑坡的三维地质模型,研究了其地质与地貌特征。同时,采用高密度电阻率法ERT,在滑坡体上布设2条长870 m和990 m的测线,探明了滑坡体内部结构特征。通过古堰塞湖相沉积露头和钻孔的调查,结合激光粒度测试,重建了古堰塞湖的范围、规模与沉积特征。在此基础上,通过对古湖相沉积坡面上多级阶地的分析,初步探讨了古堰塞湖的消亡及其对下游史前古聚落变迁的影响。研究结果表明,叠溪古滑坡不仅完全堵塞岷江而且还堵塞了对岸支沟,堆积体方量达到(1 400~2 000)×106 m3。古堰塞湖在滑坡坝后向上游延伸26 km,所形成的最大湖面覆盖面积约21.4 km2,库容蓄水量约1 670×106 m3。叠溪古滑坡-堰塞湖在岷江上游形成了陡峭的河道裂点(Knickpoint),对山区河道与地貌演化具有长期影响。  相似文献   
论乡村聚落优化与乡村相对贫困治理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2020年后,中国反贫困将转入相对贫困治理的新阶段。乡村聚落居住、就业、教育、医疗、环卫、文化、防灾减灾等功能的发展不充分和多维剥夺,是乡村相对贫困的重要表现和重要原因,乡村相对贫困治理必须从乡村聚落的整体优化出发。论文在梳理相对贫困概念内涵的基础上,着眼于乡村聚落与相对贫困治理的内在关联,分析乡村聚落与乡村相对贫困发生、乡村聚落优化与相对贫困治理长效机制建立之间的关系,提出基于相对贫困治理的乡村聚落优化策略,以期为2020年后的乡村相对贫困治理和乡村振兴提供理论依据。研究认为:① 乡村相对贫困的形成与聚落要素、功能密切相关,并因区位、布局、规模、形态的差异而有所不同;② 乡村聚落是缓解乡村相对贫困长效机制建立的空间基础,乡村相对贫困治理长效机制的建立要充分发挥乡村聚落的要素支撑与空间载体功能;③ 基于相对贫困治理的乡村聚落优化策略包括振兴村落产业、优化村落空间组织、强化村落文化认同、建立绿色生态村落、促进村落多功能协同转型、坚持分类施策等6个方面。  相似文献   
把握兵地聚落差异,以期为新疆兵地融合发展提供理论依据。基于土地利用数据,运用探 索式空间统计模型定量分析天山北坡兵地乡村聚落空间格局与经济发展差异,并基于其差异对其 融合发展提出相应对策。结果表明:(1)天山北坡兵团与地方乡村聚落在空间、规模、区位以及形 态分布特征上均呈现出明显的空间差异,乡村聚落空间整体上呈集聚分布模式,地方聚落集聚态 势较明显;聚落规模呈低值集聚的分布特征,兵团聚落大多为大规模聚落斑块,地方聚落则相反; 乡村聚落的分布具有明显的高程、坡度、道路、河流、城镇指向性,而兵团聚落分布于区位条件较差 地区;在乡村聚落的外部形态复杂度上,地方聚落大于兵团聚落;(2)经济发展方面,天山北坡整体 经济发展较为良好,兵团人均地区生产总值较高,以农业作为主要产业,地方经济结构较为多样, 除农业外,牧业也是其主要产业;(3)基于兵地聚落间差异,提出相应的融合对策,在空间格局上, 根据实际情况适当进行兵地聚落的迁移合并;在经济发展方面,有效利用优势互补原则,推进兵地 间产业融和。  相似文献   

Information on urban settlements is crucial for sustainability planning and management. While remote sensing has been used to derive such information, its applicability can be compromised due to the complexity in the urban environment. In this study, we developed a remote sensing method to map land cover types in a large Latin-American city, which is well known for its mushrooming unplanned and informal settlements. After carefully considering the landscape complexity there, we designed a data fusion method combining multispectral imagery and non-spectral data for urban and land mapping. Specifically, we acquired a cloud-free Landsat-8 image and two non-spectral datasets, i.e., digital elevation models and road networks. Then, we implemented a set of experiments with different inputs to evaluate their merits in thematic mapping through a supervised protocol. We found that the map generated with the multispectral data alone had an overall accuracy of 73.3% but combining multispectral imagery and non-spectral data yielded a land cover map with 90.7% overall accuracy. Interestingly, the thermal infrared information helped substantially improve both the overall and categorical accuracies, particularly for the two urban classes. The two types of non-spectral data were critical in resolving several spectrally confused categories, thus considerably increasing the mapping accuracy. However, the panchromatic band with higher spatial resolution and its derived textural measurement only generated a marginal accuracy improvement. The novelties of our work are with the successful separation between the two major types of urban settlements in a complex environment using a carefully designed data fusion approach and the insight into the relative merits of the thermal infrared information and non-spectral data in helping resolve the issue of class ambiguity. These findings should be valuable in deriving accurate urban settlement information which can further advance the research on socio-ecological dynamics and urban sustainability.  相似文献   
人居环境系统内部的耦合协调是保证人居环境均衡发展的基础。基于“人类-居住-支撑-自然-社会”5个子系统,构建人居环境系统耦合协调发展评价指标体系,将2个系统间的容量耦合模型扩展运用到人居环境5个子系统中,综合熵值法、GIS空间分析以及地理探测器对辽宁省2005~2016年人居环境系统耦合协调度的时空演化特征与驱动力进行探讨,阐述人居环境系统内部协调性。研究表明:2005~2016年辽宁省人居环境系统内部的耦合度与耦合协调度整体呈缓慢浮动上升趋势;辽宁省人居环境耦合协调度呈分散格局,并且呈现从中间向两侧递减的“屋脊”式格局和“双核结构”;东西方向上,空间演变趋势由倒U型逐渐向一字型演变,南北方向上由斜线型向“L”型演变。全省出现了中耦合低协调区、中耦合过渡协调区、高耦合低协调区、高耦合过渡协调区、高耦合高协调区5种类型区。空间分异驱动力主要包括人的需求、经济发展、住房、互联网发展等。  相似文献   
基于自然与人文多重栅格数据,构建人居环境质量综合指数评价模型,分析2015年关中平原城市群人居环境的空间分异格局,并对人口分布与人居环境质量的协同性进行探讨。结果表明:(1)人居自然环境呈现出自东向西,由山地、高原向平原、谷地依次递减的空间分布格局,受地形影响最为明显,地形起伏度与人居自然环境呈负相关关系。(2)人居人文环境表现出平原低、山区高,城镇高于乡村的空间分布格局,受城市行政层级影响显著。(3)关中平原城市群人居环境综合质量指数介于0.216~0.716之间,呈现出以关中平原、汾河谷地向外梯级递减的带状空间分布格局。(4)关中平原城市群人口密度与人居环境质量空间分布显著一致,总体呈现出平原高于山地,城市高于乡村的空间分布规律,人居环境质量越高,人口密度越大,土地利用也越充分。  相似文献   
乡村人居环境是一复杂巨系统,其可持续发展力是各子系统间物质、信息与能量相互流通与交换的结果,本文从经济发展、生产生活、生态环境3个子系统入手构建乡村人居环境可持续发展力的评价指标体系,以1997—2015年重庆市37个区县的面板数据为数据源,运用发展水平(衡量乡村人居环境可持续发展态势)、发展效率(反映乡村人居环境发展趋向可持续的快慢程度)和协调指数(反映各子系统发展水平均衡程度)构建乡村人居环境可持续发展力测度模型,分析了乡村人居环境可持续力并探究其时空分异特征,为因地制宜践行《农村人居环境整治三年行动方案》提供策略支持。结果表明:1997—2015年,乡村人居环境可持续发展力时序上总体态势向好,其中发展水平逐步上升,发展效率波动剧烈,协调性稳步提高,各子系统间可持续发展力差异性较大;乡村人居环境可持续发展力在空间上总体呈现西高东低、“中心-边缘”的分异格局,区县间差异性明显,其中经济发展子系统呈“多级核心-外围”辐射圈层式差异化增长格局、生产生活子系统呈自西向东扩散式增长格局,生态环境子系统总体上先降后升,呈波浪式不均衡增长格局;从政府“制导引导”、城乡“双轮”联动、“点-极-核”整治模式等方面提出了相关整治策略。  相似文献   
Toadies cities are accumulating the global population in their territories,occurring formally and informally.The in-crease of urban informality is the most significant trend shaping the 21st century world.Furthermore,the urban informality theory should be considered in urbanization courses and development studies.With the rapid economic market development,changes mapped the major Syrian cities.Damascus is in the midst of a profound transformation of architectural and planning changes.Damascus urbanization i...  相似文献   
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