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Experiments for oxygen isotope exchange between ferberite and water were carried out and the followingequation on oxygen isotope fractionation between ferberite and water against temperature was obtained:Combining this equation with the equation of Clayton et al. (1972) on oxygen isotope fractionation be-tween quartz and water, an equation on oxygen isotope fractionation between quartz and ferberite was ob-tained:The Bigeleison-Mayer function method was used to calculate the oxygen isotope fractionation betweenquartz and ferberite. The theoretical curve obtained agrees with the experimental calibration results quite wellin the temperature range of study.The above calibrated equation has been used in 5 world famous tungsten deposits to determine their tem-peratures of formation. The results show that the temperature range for an idividual deposit determined by thisgeothermometer agrees with those obtained from fluid inclusion determination and other isotopegeothermometers.  相似文献   
高压超高压变泥质岩形成温压条件及p-T演化轨迹是高压超高压变质作用研究的重要内容。本文介绍了高压超高压变泥质岩适用的几种地质温压计,包括石榴子石-多硅白云母Fe~(2+)-Mg交换温度计、石榴子石-绿泥石Fe~(2+)-Mg交换温度计、硬绿泥石-绿泥石Fe~(2+)-Mg交换温度计、多硅白云母Si含量压力计、金红石Zr含量温度计、榍石Zr含量温压计、锆石Ti含量温度计、石英Ti含量温度计以及氧同位素温度计,并对上述温压计的适用条件及使用时的注意事项做了简要评述。  相似文献   
In this study, we applied chemical geothermometers to the estimation of formation temperatures of chlorites from various types of hydrothermally altered rocks in the Toyoha geothermal field, using core samples from six drill holes (TH-2 to TH-7) together with wasted ore samples from Toyoha vein-type ore deposit. Based on the preliminary examination of mineral assemblages by X-ray powder diffraction and optical microscopy, hydrothermal alteration observed through the drill holes was classified into four types of alteration zones: propylitic, mixed-layer minerals, kaolin minerals, and ore mineralized zones. The mineral assemblage of the ore mineralized zone observed through TH-2, TH-4, and TH-6 is similar to those of Toyoha ore veins reported previously. The Fe3+/ΣFe ratios of chlorites were determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), in addition to the usual microprobe analyses. The ratios ranged from 0.20–0.26 for chlorites from the propylitic alteration zone and from 0.13 to 0.17 for those from the ore mineralized zone associated with sulfide minerals. After correcting the Fe3+ contents in the octahedral sites of chlorite structures, we obtained acceptable temperatures of the chlorite formation by application of geothermometers, for instance, a similar range of 150–300°C for chlorites from either the propylitic zone or the ore mineralized zone developed through TH-2, TH-4, and TH-6. Chlorites from the ore mineralized zone proximal to the Toyoha deposit are characterized by high Fe and Mn contents compared to the propylitic chlorites, which is similar to the Toyoha vein-filling chlorites; the formation temperatures were close to both the homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions and the present subsurface temperatures measured through drill holes. Chlorites from the Toyoha ore veins, however, gave slightly higher formation temperatures (180–350°C) than those of chlorites from the ore mineralized zone in the drill cores. This suggests that several types of hydrothermal alteration occurred at different stages in the Toyoha geothermal field and the composition of product chlorite was controlled not only by the temperature but also the composition of fluid related to the formation. Reliable estimation of temperature for the chlorite formation provides basic information on evaluating correctly other physicochemical conditions prevalent at the formation.  相似文献   
本文简略回顾了堇青石-石榴石-矽线石-石英地质温压计的研究历史,并介绍由Aranovich等人完成的最新实验研究。以内蒙古南部贺兰山群的麻粒岩相矽线石榴堇青片麻岩的温压计算为例,用Aranovich等人实验标定的温压计计算结果与石榴石-堇青石Fe-Mg交换反应温度计和石榴石-斜长石-矽线石-石英压力计的计算结果相当吻合;而应用含有假定的热力学参数的哈奇森的温压计与其它温压计计算结果有较大差别,温度明显偏低,与岩石形成于麻粒岩相变质条件这一地质事实不符。  相似文献   
The garnet–muscovite (GM) geothermometer and the garnet–muscovite–plagioclase–quartz(GMPQ) geobarometer have been simultaneously calibrated underconditions of T = 450–760°C and P = 0·8–11·1kbar, using a large number of metapelitic samples in the compositionalranges = 0·53–0·81, = 0·05–0·24, = 0·03–0·23 in garnet, = 0·17–0·74 in plagioclase, and Fe = 0·04–0·16, Mg =0·04–0·13, AlVI = 1·74–1·96in muscovite on the basis of 11 oxygens. The resulting GM thermometeryielded similar temperature estimates (mostly within ±50°C)to that of the garnet–biotite thermometer, and successfullydiscerned the expected systematic temperature change of progradesequences, thermal contact zones and an inverted metamorphiczone. The resulting GMPQ barometer yielded similar pressureestimates (mostly within ±1·0 kbar) to the garnet–aluminumsilicate–plagioclase–quartz (GASP) barometer andplaced the aluminosilicate-bearing samples in the appropriatealuminosilicate stability fields. Application of the GMPQ barometerto thermal contact aureoles or rocks within limited geographicalareas confirmed the expected constant pressures that shouldexist in these settings. The random errors of the GM thermometerand the GMPQ barometer are estimated to be ±16°Cand ±1·5 kbar, respectively. When biotite or aluminosilicateis absent in metapelites, metamorphic P–T conditions maybe determined by simultaneously applying the GM thermometerand the GMPQ barometer. KEY WORDS: application; calibration; geobarometer; geothermometer; metapelite  相似文献   
Although commonly utilized in continental geothermal work, the water-hydrogen and methane-hydrogen isotope geothermometers have been neglected in hydrothermal studies. Here we report δD-CH4 and δD-H2 values from high-temperature, black smoker-type hydrothermal vents and low-temperature carbonate-hosted samples from the recently discovered Lost City Hydrothermal Field. Methane deuterium content is uniform across the dataset at − 120 ± 12‰. Hydrogen δD values vary from − 420‰ to − 330‰ at high-temperature vents to − 700‰ to − 600‰ at Lost City. The application of several geothermometer equations to a suite of hydrothermal vent volatile samples reveals that predicted temperatures are similar to measured vent temperatures at high-temperature vents, and 20-60 °C higher than those measured at the Lost City vents. We conclude that the overestimation of temperature at Lost City reflects 1) that methane and hydrogen are produced by serpentinization at > 110 °C, and 2) that isotopic equilibrium at temperatures < 70 °C is mediated by microbial sulfate reduction. The successful application of hydrogen isotope geothermometers to low-temperature Lost City hydrothermal samples encourages its employment with low-temperature diffuse hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   
A Report on a Biotite-Calcic Hornblende Geothermometer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a biotite-calcic hornblende geothermometer which was empirically calibrated based on the gamet-biotite geothermometer and the gamet-plagioclase-hornblende-quartz geobarometer, in the ranges of 560-800℃ (T) and 0.26-1.4 GPa (P) using the data of metadolerite, amphibolite, metagabbro, and metapelite collected from the literature. Biotite was treated as symmetric Fe-Mg-AlVI-Ti quaternary solid solution, and calcic hornblende was simplified as symmetric Fe-Mg binary solid solution. The resulting thermometer may rebuild the input garnet-biotite temperatures well within an uncertainty of ±50℃. Errors of ±0.2 GPa for input pressure, along with analytical errors of ?% for the relevant mineral compositions, may lead to a random error of ±16℃ for this thermometer, so that the thermometer is almost independent of pressure estimates. The thermometer may clearly discriminate different rocks of lower amphibolite, upper amphibolite and granulite facies on a high confidence level. It is assume  相似文献   
A new experimental calibration was undertaken in this study to get a more reliable sphalerite-galena sulfur isotope geothermometer. The experimental conditions selected in study were very similar to those of natural hydrothermal solution. The high-precision SF6 method was used in sulfur isotope analyses. The obtained calibration curve for sulfur isotope fractionation between sphalerite and galena can be expressed with the equation 10001nαSp-Gn= 0.74×106T-2+0.08.  相似文献   
梅子垭组是汉阴北部地区出露面积最大的地层,岩性主要为白云母石英片岩、含碳白云母石英片岩、含石榴子石黑云母变斑晶白云母石英片岩等,石榴子石和黑云母变斑晶在该岩层中普遍发育。该岩组构造变形复杂,经历了多期构造活动和变质变形过程。笔者在野外调查的基础上,通过分析研究区石榴子石、黑云母变斑晶的关系,采用石榴子石-黑云母地质温度计,对该区广泛出露的含石榴子石黑云母变斑晶白云母石英片岩进行研究,得到如下结论:研究区存在3期黑云母和石榴子石,石榴子石变斑晶具有明显的生长环带,而黑云母变斑晶没有环带;研究区变质作用的变质温度范围为介于511~572℃,主要为530~560℃;变质压力范围为0.16~0.84GPa,变质相属高绿片岩相。  相似文献   
许赛华  任涛  白鑫  叶勤富  韩彬 《矿床地质》2022,41(4):741-750
都龙Sn-Zn多金属矿床位于滇东南老君山锡锌钨多金属成矿区南部,是中国3大锡石硫化物矿床之一。该矿床发育闪锌矿-黄铜矿-磁黄铁矿密切共生结构,即硫化物交生结构。文章利用电子探针和LA-MC-ICP-MS对具有交生结构的闪锌矿-黄铜矿-磁黄铁矿和毒砂进行了微区主量元素和硫同位素测试,以期明确其成因及硫的来源。主量元素测试结果显示,闪锌矿中的w(Zn)为52.23%~57.22%,w(S)为33.06%~36.10%,w(Fe)为9.92%~12.24%,w(Cu)为0.11%~0.30%;黄铜矿中的w(Cu)为33.95%~35.08%,w(S)为33.49%~35.27%,w(Fe)为30.74%~31.41%,w(Zn)为0.04%~1.50%;磁黄铁矿中的w(Fe)为49.30%~51.94%,w(S)为38.36%~39.69%,w(Zn)为9.35%~11.01%,w(Cu)为0.05%~0.15%。磁黄铁矿和黄铜矿包裹体边部和核部成分均一,且投影点全部落在固溶体出溶区域,说明都龙矿床交生闪锌矿-黄铜矿-磁黄铁矿是固溶体分离成因。原位S同位素分析结果显示,闪锌矿的δ34S为0.9‰~3.2‰,磁黄铁矿的δ34S为0.6‰~2.1‰,毒砂的δ34S为2.9‰~4.2‰,黄铜矿的δ34S为0.6‰~2.8‰,均显示为岩浆来源特征。主量元素温度计估算的闪锌矿-黄铜矿的形成温度介于285~394℃,指示该矿床主要硫化物形成于中高温阶段。  相似文献   
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