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四川石棉大水沟独立碲矿床堪称世界首例,其矿体两侧的围岩蚀变较窄,且蚀变带与矿脉及未蚀变岩呈清楚而截然的接触关系。主要围岩蚀变为白云石化、白(绢)云母化、云英岩化及电气石化等。这些蚀变作用分别发生于177.7~165.1Ma和91.71~80.19Ma。蚀变作用过程中SiO2大量析出,Al2O3、TiO2、CaO、MgO、K2O、H2O、CO2、Fe2O3、MnO则有不同程度地带入。与此同时,REE在此过程中包集体迁出,Te、Bi、AS等元素的含量则决定于蚀变作用及其强度,而与原岩无关。  相似文献   
A lacustrine carbonate sequence from Hawes Water, Lancashire, UK, has been studied using stable isotopic, lithological, pollen and mineral magnetic analysis. The data reveal four abrupt climatic oscillations in the Late‐glacial Interstadial leading up to the onset of the Loch Lomond Stadial. The data also point to climatic warming relatively early within the stadial, ca. 12 500 GRIP yr, prior to the onset of the Holocene. The oxygen isotope record is taken as a signature of climate forcing against which the response of the lake‐system can be monitored. By adopting this approach it is revealed that the response of the biological system to the rapid climatic oscillations is non‐linear and primarily a function of the antecedent conditions. A significant end‐Devensian isotopic excursion (A) is matched by only minor changes in the cold‐adapted floras and faunas. During the warmer interstadial, the response of the biological ecosystem (events B–D) is clearly influenced by thresholds: major changes in the catchment vegetation associated with relatively minor oscillations in the isotopic signature. The stratigraphical patterns reveal significant lag effects between the onset of climate deterioration and resulting changes in vegetation. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
该文对目前工业上生产纳米碳酸钙的方法作了较为详细的综述。对一步碳化法、两步碳化法、多段喷雾碳化法、旋转填充床碳化反应器碳化技术制备链形、纺锤形、球形、立方形等不同形状的纳米碳酸钙材料的方法进行了比较和总结  相似文献   
High-resolution side-scan mosaics, sediment analyses, and physical process data have revealed that the mixed carbonate/siliciclastic, inner shelf of west-central Florida supports a highly complex field of active sand ridges mantled by a hierarchy of bedforms. The sand ridges, mostly oriented obliquely to the shoreline trend, extend from 2 km to over 25 km offshore. They show many similarities to their well-known counterparts situated along the US Atlantic margin in that both increase in relief with increasing water depth, both are oriented obliquely to the coast, and both respond to modern shelf dynamics. There are significant differences in that the sand ridges on the west-central Florida shelf are smaller in all dimensions, have a relatively high carbonate content, and are separated by exposed rock surfaces. They are also shoreface-detached and are sediment-starved, thus stunting their development. Morphological details are highly distinctive and apparent in side-scan imagery due to the high acoustic contrast. The seafloor is active and not a relict system as indicated by: (1) relatively young AMS 14C dates (<1600 yr BP) from forams in the shallow subsurface (1.6 meters below seafloor), (2) apparent shifts in sharply distinctive grayscale boundaries seen in time-series side-scan mosaics, (3) maintenance of these sharp acoustic boundaries and development of small bedforms in an area of constant and extensive bioturbation, (4) sediment textural asymmetry indicative of selective transport across bedform topography, (5) morphological asymmetry of sand ridges and 2D dunes, and (6) current-meter data indicating that the critical threshold velocity for sediment transport is frequently exceeded. Although larger sand ridges are found along other portions of the west-central Florida inner shelf, these smaller sand ridges are best developed seaward of a major coastal headland, suggesting some genetic relationship. The headland may focus and accelerate the N–S reversing currents. An elevated rock terrace extending from the headland supports these ridges in a shallower water environment than the surrounding shelf, allowing them to be more easily influenced by currents and surface gravity waves. Tidal currents, storm-generated flows, and seasonally developed flows are shore-parallel and oriented obliquely to the NW–SE trending ridges, indicating that they have developed as described by the Huthnance model. Although inner shelf sand ridges have been extensively examined elsewhere, this study is the first to describe them in a low-energy, sediment-starved, dominantly mixed siliciclastic/carbonate sedimentary environment situated on a former limestone platform.  相似文献   
Abstract. An experiment to test C have's hypothesis on temperature dependent MgCO3 concentrations in marine calcareous skeletons was undertaken by transplanting colonies of Heliopora coerulea. The corals were transferred from a shallow lagoon with high average temperatures to the outer bottom of a fringing reef, 16 m depth, with low average temperatures. Against expectation, a statistically significant increase of average mol % concentrations from 0.48 to 0.54 % for upper growth regions and from 0.49 to 0.62% for lower growth regions was obtained. Temperature records during the experimentation period and the above data indicate that the mol% MgCO3 concentration in the skeleton of living Heliopora colonies increases when transplanted to an environment with a lower temperature average than that of their original growth site, and with seasonal temperature fluctuations which are smaller in the experimental site than in the control site. Temperature fluctuations at the control site were up to 2.5 times greater than at the experimental site for most of the observation months. This supports the conclusion that the parameters a) minimum temperature and b) temperature stability of the environment are essential for the incorporation of Mg into the carbonate skeleton matrix of marine organisms. Within this study the results of a quantitative chemical analysis of the carbonate skeleton of H. coerulea are presented and growth data of transplanted colonies compared with those from the control site.  相似文献   
南海西部表层沉积物钙质浮游生物分布与碳酸盐溶解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对南海西部300多个表层沉积样品中的浮游有孔虫和钙质超微化石定量分析表明,几乎所有样品均含浮游有孔虫、钙质超微化石,但丰度相差十分悬殊,浮游有孔虫丰度介于0.5~36673个/g之间,钙质超微化石丰度为0~1725个/10个视域,两者的分布规律相似。在陆坡区钙质浮游生物最富集,尤其在西沙群岛西南、南沙西部礁滩附近海区丰度最高;向深海盆区和陆架浅水区,钙质浮游生物丰度均下降。但从两者的丰度分布来看,其溶解程度不同,浮游有孔虫更容易溶解,在200~2000m水深区,丰度最高,2000m以下丰度锐减;而钙质超微化石的最富集区在500~3000m,且3000m以下仍较丰富。从碳酸盐的分布来看,本区碳酸盐的临界补偿深度(CCrD)为3500m,而CCD大于4300m,碳酸盐的溶解主要由有孔虫和钙质超微化石构成。  相似文献   
通过电镜、电子探针和X射线等项分析,对东海沉积物中的有孔虫、腹足类、双壳类、苔藓、珊瑚、海胆等骨屑进行了矿物学研究,确定了矿物成分与生物属种的关系,并基于有孔虫壳体化学成分将壳体分为均质壳和异质壳,生物碳酸盐中镁主要富集在方解石及镁方解石中,锶在方解石和镁方解石中的分配系数(D)相似,为0.11—0.14;在文石质骨屑中D=1.09-1.20。碳氧同位素组成与生物属种有明显关系。据一些有孔虫壳体氧同位素偏差值计算的水温来看,本次测定的有孔虫属种的骨屑不能作为理想的骨屑温度计。  相似文献   
黄、东海海域水团发育对底质沉积物分布的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对黄、东海海域底质沉积物中的细粒级粘土矿物组合特征和全粒级碳酸盐含量分析、对比上覆水团和悬浮体资料,探讨研究区水团发育消长对底质沉积物分布的影响作用。结果表明研究区可以划分为长江冲淡水影响的长江型物质沉积区;黄海水影响的黄河型物质沉积区和黑潮水以及东海次表层水影响的残留型物质沉积区。而水团发育消长可直接影响下伏底质的分布特征。黄河型物质沉积区与残留型物质沉积区的分界相应于黄海冷水向东南扩展与黑潮次中层混合水向陆架爬升互为消长的长期综合平衡位置,而黄海冷水向东南的扩展范围代表着黄河物质在陆架向东南扩展沉积的最大范围.  相似文献   
采用等温蒸发法研究简单四元体系Na ∥Cl-,CO32-,B4O72--H2O273K时的介稳相平衡,并测定该体系273K平衡液相中各组分的溶解度及密度,该体系的介稳相图和密度组成图显示:该四元体系在273K时的相图由3条溶解度单变量线、3个结晶区及1个共饱和点组成。体系属简单共饱型,无复盐或固溶体形成,3个结晶区分别对应单盐Na2CO3·10H2O,NaCl和Na2B4O7·10H2O。共饱点E处于Na2CO3·10H2O,NaCl及Na2B4O7·10H2O3盐共饱和,所对应的平衡液相组成为w(Na2CO3)=6.81%,w(NaCl)=21.69%,w(Na2B4O7)=0.65%,w(H2O)=70.85%。研究体系在273K下,Na2CO3·10H2O是碳酸钠盐的唯一析出形式,且硼酸钠对碳酸钠有盐析作用。  相似文献   
基于光谱和纹理的SVM矿化蚀变信息提取研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对传统矿化信息提取方法单一,利用光谱或纹理、信息量相对较少、需要大量样本的缺陷,利用基于光谱和纹理的支持向量机(SVM)原理,建立矿化信息提取模型.选择青海泽库县析界日地区作为典型研究区.首先提取研究区光谱和纹理信息,选取训练样本;然后求解最优超平面,进而确定决策函数;最后泛化推广识别其他待识别的样本.通过所提取的遥感蚀变异常信息与重砂异常点叠加分析,叠加基本吻合;从野外实地验证来看,均发现了不同程度的矿化现象,并指出了5个重点异常区.  相似文献   
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