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同位素指示的巴丹吉林沙漠南缘地下水补给来源   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过恢复巴丹吉林沙漠及其周边地区大气降水氚值,并结合区域稳定同位素组合特征,揭示了区域地下水氚年龄的多解性与地下水稳定同位素的温度效应。恢复的1963年核试验期氚高峰值达到2 100 TU,进入90年代平均为60 TU。1960年以来降水补给的地下水氚值都应大于15 TU,而1963年的高峰氚衰变至今应在200 TU左右。地下水实测氚值较低,表明由现代少量降水补给的地下水与大量的古水进行了混合。影响降水中δ18O和δ2H分布的主要影响因子是月平均空气温度,对δ18O与δ2H的影响权重分别占到59.9%和57.0%。巴丹吉林沙漠及其周边地区地下水较低的稳定同位素组成表明,其补给主要是晚更新世较冷环境下形成的,来源于东南部的雅布赖山区,部分浅层地下水接受现代降水与河流的补给。   相似文献   
Berlin relies on induced bank filtration from a broad‐scale, lake‐type surface water system. Because the surface water contains treated sewage, wastewater residues are present in surface water and groundwater. Multiple environmental tracers, including tritium and helium isotopes (3H, 3He, 4He), stable isotopes (δ18O and δ2H) and a number of persistent sewage indicators, such as chloride, boron and a selection of pharmaceutical residues (phenazone‐type analgesics and their metabolites, carbamazepine and anthropogenic gadolinium, Gdexcess), were used to estimate travel times from the surface water to individual production and observation wells at two sites. The study revealed a strong vertical age stratification throughout the upper aquifer, with travel times varying from a few months to several decades in greater depth. Whereas the shallow bank filtrate is characterized by the reflection of the time‐variant tracer input concentrations and young 3H/3He ages, the deeper, older bank filtrate displays no tracer seasonality, 3H/3He ages of a few years to decades and strongly deviating concentrations of several pharmaceutical residues, reflecting concentrations of the source surface water over time. The phenazone‐type pharmaceuticals persist in the aquatic environments for decades. Bank filtration in Berlin is only possible at the sandy lakeshores. In greater water depth, impermeable lacustrine sapropels inhibit infiltration. The young bank filtrate originates from the nearest shore, whereas the older bank filtrate infiltrates at more distant shores. This paper illustrates the importance of using multiple tracer methods, capable of resolving a broad range of residence times, to gain a comprehensive understanding of time‐scales and infiltration characteristics in a bank filtration system. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
韩颖 《中国岩溶》2002,21(4):283-289
本文通过晋陕蒙接壤地区岩溶地下水与黄河水环境同位素特征的分析、研究,得出由补给区→迳流区→排泄区,岩溶水氚值由高变低, 14C年龄具有由低逐渐升高的变化规律;利用同位素的高程效应,计算得到岩溶水补给区的补给高程为1500~1600m;利用氚值的衰变估算,岩溶地下水的运移速度为3. 8~2. 1km /a,反映出岩溶水由补给→排泄区由快到慢的运动过程。文中还利用黄河水与岩溶水的氚值,估算了黄河西岸岩溶水中有25%来自黄河水入渗,75%来自东部岩溶水的补给。  相似文献   
The Grenchen aquifer system in the Swiss Plateau was extensively investigated in order to determine the extent of groundwater contamination and to assess the natural attenuation capacity. Environmental tracer data were applied to estimate groundwater travel times, mixing ratios, and evaluate groundwater origin. Recharge is basically possible in two distinct topographical areas, the immediate vicinity of the town of Grenchen and the elevated plateau of the first Jura Mountain ridge. Groundwater dating was performed with the 3H/3He dating method and supplemented by 85Kr measurements. Stable isotope data (δ18O, δ2H) and dissolved noble gas concentrations allow the determination of the recharge temperature, which is correlated to the recharge elevation. Noble gas temperatures (NGT) decrease in the direction of groundwater flow and range from 10 to 13 °C in the upstream area of the town to 7–9 °C in the downstream river plain. This trend could suggest the admixture of water from the underlying limestone aquifer recharged under cooler infiltration conditions, e.g. at higher recharge elevations. However, it is shown in this study that the difference in NGT does not require such a recharge. Rather, increasing air temperatures over the last 40 years and the urban heat island effect could possibly explain most of the observed temperature shift. Furthermore, it is concluded that the downstream river plain is hydrologically disconnected from the upstream town area. Consequently most water from the town area is drained by the creek Witibach and recharge in the river plain is higher than previously assumed.  相似文献   
Heterogeneous shallow Plio-Quaternary formations of the Souss Plain represent the most important aquifer in southern High Atlas Mountains in Morocco. The present work was conducted in the Souss Upstream Basin to identify the chemical characteristics and the origin of groundwater in an aquifer under semi-arid climate. Isotopic and hydrochemical compositions combined with geological and hydrogeological data were used for this purpose. The total dissolved solids vary from 239 to 997 mg l−1, and the following groundwater types are recognized: Ca2+–Mg2+–HCO3, Ca2+–Mg2+–SO42− and Ca2+–Mg2+–Cl. The groundwater is saturated and slightly supersaturated with respect to carbonate minerals and undersaturated with respect to evaporite minerals, which means that the groundwater composition is largely controlled by the dissolution of carbonate rocks known in the basin. The isotopic contents of groundwaters ranged from −8‰ to −5.2‰ for δ18O, from −52‰ to −34‰ for δD, and from 0 to 5.5 TU for tritium. The hydrogen (δD) and oxygen (δ18O) isotope signatures reveal a significant infiltration before evaporation takes place, indicating a major recharge directly from fractures in the crystalline and limestone formations of Atlas Mountains (above 800 m a.s.l.) and infiltration of surface water in the alluvial cones at the border of the Atlas basins. The very low tritium values suggest that the groundwater recharge follows a long flow path and a mixing between old and modern water is shown. However, a slight evaporation effect is noted in the southern part of the basin close to the Anti-Atlas Mountains.  相似文献   
A new method for the estimation of groundwater recharge is presented using a surface resistivity method and isotope technique. A linear relationship was obtained between the resistivity of the unsaturated top layer and the recharge estimated using a tritium tagging technique for the piedmont zone in the Himalayan foothill region, India. The relation can be used for the estimation of recharge using surface electrical resistivity measurements for the same geological formation. The data used for the study are 32 vertical electrical resistivity sounding measurements at a station interval of 2 km, tritium tagging studies at six selected sites and pre- and post-monsoon water-level monitoring in the piedmont zone of the Himalayan foothill region (India). The results of this study were mapped using GIS techniques. In the study area, a well-defined empirical relationship between unsaturated zone resistivity and recharge per cent was obtained. The method suggests a new application of surface electrical resistivity data in determining recharge per cent due to infiltration. The technique of estimating groundwater recharge using surface electrical resistivity measurement is efficient, economic, less time consuming and easy to use compared with other methods used for this purpose.
Resumen Se presenta un método nuevo para estimar recarga de agua subterránea utilizando un método superficial de resistividad y una técnica de isótopos. Se ha obtenido una relación linear entre la resistividad de la capa superior no saturada y la recarga estimada utilizando la técnica de tritio marcado etiquetado para la zona de piedemontes en la región de colinas al pie del Himalaya, India. La relación puede utilizarse para estimar recarga usando mediciones superficiales de resistividad eléctrica para la misma formación geológica. Los datos utilizados en el estudio consisten de treinta y dos mediciones de sondeos eléctricos verticales de resistividad en un intervalo de estaciones de dos km, estudios de tritio marcado en seis sitios seleccionados y monitoreo de niveles de agua, pre-monzón y post-monzón, en la zona piedemontes de la región de colinas al pie del Himalaya (India). Se mapearon los resultados de este estudio utilizando técnicas SIG. Se obtuvo para el área una relación empírica bien definida entre la resistividad de la zona no saturada y el porcentaje de recarga. El método sugiere una aplicación nueva de los datos superficiales de resistividad eléctrica en la determinación del porcentaje de recarga ocasionado por infiltración. La técnica de estimar recarga de agua subterránea utilizando mediciones superficiales de resistividad eléctrica es eficiente, económica, demanda poco tiempo, y fácil de utilizar en comparación con otros métodos que se utilizan para este propósito.

Resumé Une nouvelle méthode permettant destimer la recharge des eaux souterraines a été présentée, utilisant une méthode de résistivité de surface et des méthodes isotopiques. Une relation linéaire a été obtenue entre la résistivité de la zone non saturée et la recharge estimée grâce au Tritium dans la zone du Piedmont au pied de lHimalaya, Inde. La relation peut être utilisée pour lestimation de la recharge en utilisant la méthode de résistivité de surface dans la même formation géologique. Les données utilisées pour létude sont vingt-deux sondages électriques réalisés tous les deux kilomètres, létude de la signature du tritium en six endroits sélectionnés, et la comparaison des niveaux piézométriques pré et post moussons. Les résultats de cette étude ont été cartographiés en utilisant les techniques SIG. Dans la zone détude une relation très bien définie entre la recharge (%) et la résistivité de la zone non saturée a été obtenue. La méthode suggère une nouvelle application de la résistivité de surface, pour déterminer le pourcentage de la recharge due à linfiltration. Cette technique est efficace, économique, rapide et facile à mettre en oeuvre, en comparaison dautres techniques utilisées pour atteindre le même objectif.
The Swiss National Network for the Observation of Isotopes in the Water Cycle (NISOT) includes eleven precipitation, seven surface water (river) and three groundwater stations, where tritium, deuterium and oxygen-18 are monthly measured in composite samples. The network provides a good overview of the characteristic isotope signatures in recharge waters in Switzerland and of the relations between isotopes and altitude, orography and the amount of precipitation. Mixing of air water vapour and surface waters can be observed along a NW/SE cross section through the Alps. With increasing length of the data series, the network provides a valuable contribution for national and international scientific and practical applications in surface and subsurface hydrology, climatology and biology. The Swiss Geological Survey at the Federal Office for Water and Geology operates the isotope network within the legal framework of the Federal Law on the Protection of Waters and guarantees quality, access and distribution of the isotope data.  相似文献   
The stable isotopic composition of hydrogen and oxygen (δ2H and δ18O) and tritium activity (3H) were monitored in monthly precipitation at two continental stations (Ljubljana, Zagreb) and six stations along the eastern Adriatic coasts of Slovenia and Croatia in the period 2001–2003. Mean air temperatures and amount of precipitation were also recorded.

Distinct differences in both meteorological and isotopic data between the continental and maritime stations were observed. Seasonal variations in δ18O are smaller at the maritime stations than at the continental ones due to smaller seasonal temperature variations. A good correlation between δ18O and δ2H was obtained for each station, and the local meteoric water lines are close to the Global Meteoric Water Line, with a decreasing trend of slope for the south-Adriatic stations. Good correlations between δ18O in monthly precipitation and mean monthly air temperature were observed at all stations. The slope of δ18O vs. T varied between 0.37‰ °C−1 and 0.15‰ °C−1. Mean 3H activity and seasonal variation of 3H activity are smaller at maritime stations than at continental ones. Additionally, 3H activity decreases in the NW–SE direction of the Adriatic coast.

The study of spatial variations over this relatively small area rich in geographical and climatic diversities showed the complexity of the isotopic composition of precipitation and the isotopic data obtained for eight stations, most of them in the karstic area along the Adriatic coast, and gave valuable information for regional hydrological investigations and modelling of isotope variability over the Mediterranean basin.  相似文献   

Effective porosity value was analyzed from the tritium concentration of sampled groundwater using a three-dimensional groundwater-flow and advection-dispersion code based on the finite element method. The effective porosity value was about 10%. Porosity values measured from core samples were 7–15%. The groundwater flow velocity estimated from the tritium concentrations was about 1 × 10–5 cm s–1. Therefore, during the low groundwater flow velocity condition, effective porosity and porosity values were the same. At the same test site, a 0.48% effective porosity value, determined by another tracer test injecting Br solution into the aquifer during groundwater level change, was smaller than the porosity value when the flow velocity was 1.8×10–2 cm s–1. Thus the effective porosity value is concluded to be due to groundwater flow velocity. The specific yield value was calculated to be 0.6% by the total volume of tunnel seepage water and the total volume of the rock unsaturated during tunnel construction. However, as pore water continued to be drained after the groundwater level change was completed, the specific yield value became larger than 0.6%. Thus specific yield value is concluded to be due to drainage time.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine geochemical properties of groundwater and thermal water in the Misli Basin and to assess thermal water intrusion into shallow groundwater due to over-extraction. According to isotope and hydrochemical analyses results, sampled waters can be divided into three groups: cold, thermal, and mixed waters. Only a few waters reach water–rock chemical equilibrium. Thermal waters in the area are characterized by Na+–Cl–HCO3, while the cold waters by CaHCO3 facies. On the basis of isotope results, thermal waters in the Misli basin are meteoric origin. In particular, δ18O and δ2H values of shallow groundwater vary from −10.2 to −12.2‰ and −71.2 to −82‰, while those of thermal waters range from −7.8 to −10.1‰ and from −67 to −74‰, respectively. The tritium values of shallow groundwater having short circulation as young waters coming from wells that range from 30 to 70 m in depth vary from 10 to 14 TU. The average tritium activity of groundwater in depths more than 100 m is 1.59 ± 1.16, which indicates long circulation. The rapid infiltration of the precipitation, the recycling of the evaporated irrigation water, the influence of thermal fluids and the heterogeneity of the aquifer make it difficult to determine groundwater quality changes in the Misli Basin. Obtained results show that further lowering of the groundwater table by over-consumption will cause further intrusion of thermal water which resulted in high mineral content into the fresh groundwater aquifer. Because of this phenomenon, the concentrations of some chemical components which impairs water quality in terms of irrigation purposes in shallow groundwaters, such as Na+, B, and Cl, are highy probably expected to increase in time.  相似文献   
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