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A New Titanosaurian Sauropod from Late Cretaceous of Nei Mongol, China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A specimen collected from the Upper Cretaceous Erlian Formation of Nei Mongol (Inner Mongolia), China, represents a new genus and species of titanosaurian sauropod. The new taxon is named and described on the basis of the holotype and the only known specimen, which comprises several dorsal, sacral, and caudal vertebrae, several dorsal ribs, one anterior chevron, and much of the pelvis. Diagnostic features of the new species include a thick ridge extending down from the postzygapophysis on the lateral surface of the neural arch of the posterior dorsal vertebrae, a transversely oriented accessory lamina present between the anterior centroparapophyseal limina and the lateral centraprezygapophyseal lamina of the posterior dorsal vertebrae, long, anteroventrally directed caudal rib that bears two distinctive fossae on its posterior margin on the anterior caudal vertebrae and a prominent vertical ridge above the pubic peduncle on the medial surface of the ilium, among others. The ilium is pneumatic, a feature not common among non-avian dinosaurs. The new taxon has an unusual combination of primitive and derived character states. Preliminary character analysis shows a complex character distribution within the Titanosauriformes. Recent titanosauriform discoveries suggest that a significant radiation occurred in Asia early in the titanosauriform evolution.  相似文献   
Based on a partial postcranial skeleton collected from the Lower Cretaceous Napai Formation of Guangxi, China, we erect a new sauropod taxon, Fusuisaurus zhaoi gen. et sp. nov. The holotype specimen consists of the left ilium, left pubis, anterior caudals, most of the dorsal ribs and distal end of the left femur. Fusuisaurus zhaoi is diagnosed by a unique combination of character states among the known sauropods. It displays several synapomorphies of Titanosauriformes but lacks many derived features seen in other titanosauriforms, suggesting that the new taxon represents the basalmost known titanosauriform and providing new evidence that Titanosauriformes originated from Asia. A size comparison suggests that Fusuisaurus zhaoi is among the largest Early Cretaceous sauropods, providing an important addition to the Early Cretaceous Chinese sauropod diversity.  相似文献   
<正>A titanosauriform dinosaur:Fukuititan nipponensis gen.et sp.nov.is erected based on the incomplete skeleton.It is characterized by elongated asymmetric tooth crown with a weak or absent labial groove and without lingual concavity;stalk-like epipophysis of cervical vertebra;the transverse width of the proximal end of the humerus approximately 32%of the humerus length;metacarpal longer,approximately 48%of the radius and the distal end of the ischia slightly expanded.It represents the first relatively complete titanosauriform skeleton found from Japan.The discovery of Fukuititan indicates that the diversity and geographical distribution of Titanosauriformes are much higher than the previous thought.  相似文献   
A new long-necked sauropod dinosaur, Yunmenglong ruyangensis gen. et sp. nov., is erected on the basis of an incomplete skeleton from the late Early Cretaceous Haoling Formation of the Ruyang Basin, Henan Province. The characters of the anterior cervical vertebrae, the shape of the neural canal of the dorsal vertebra and the ball-shaped distal end of the neural spine of caudal vertebrae with coarse surfaces differ from other long-necked sauropod dinosaurs. The new genus has characters in common with both Euhelopus and Erketu; it represents the first long-necked sauropod dinosaur recorded from central China to date. The rod-like, well-developed epipophyses and the pleurocoels on the cervical vertebrae indicate that it may be close to Euhelopus, an observation also confirmed by a phylogenetic analysis, which shows that Erketu, Yunmenglong and Qiaowanlong form a clade, and are more derived than Euhelopus.  相似文献   
Three eusauropod teeth (SDUST-V1064, PMOL-AD00176, PMOL-ADt0005) are reported from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Ningcheng, southeastern Inner Mongolia, China. Two of them (SDUST-V1064, PMOL-AD00176) are assigned to early-diverging titanosauriforms in having slightly mesiodistal expansion at the base of the tooth crown, a slenderness index value >2.0 and <4.0, and D-shaped cross section. Furthermore, SDUST-V1064 and PMOL-AD00176 are referred as an Euhelopus-like titanosauriform on the basis of having a sub-circular boss on the lingual surface and an asymmetrical crown-root margin which slants apically, respectively.  相似文献   
First record of dinosaur trackway from Tibet,China   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Three sauropod trackways comprise eight tracks that resemble Brontopodus tracks have been found at the Morong track site in Changdu Prefecture, Tibet, China. These wide- (or sub-wide)-gauge tracks suggest that there was a large sauropod, possibly a member of Titanosauriformes, in Changdu Prefecture during the Early-Middle Jurassic. The sauropod fauna from Changdu Prefecture, Tibet not only has elements in common with the sauropod fauna from the Sichuan Basin, but may include more diverse faunal components.  相似文献   
A new somphospondylan sauropod (Dinosauria, Titanosauriformes): Gannansaurus sinensis gen. et sp. nov. from the Late Cretaceous Nanxiong Formation of Ganzhou Basin, Jiangxi Province of southern China is erected based on one nearly complete dorsal vertebra and a mid-caudal vertebra. It is characterized by two centroprezygapophyseal lamina fossae; large, square-shaped concavity formed by centroprezygapophyseal lamina and dorsal margin of the centrum; large infraparapophyseal fossa; three openings present within the large lateral concavity, which occupy 65% length of the centrum; the posterior centroparapophyseal lamina (PCPL) and the anterior centroparapophyseal lamina (ACPL) weakly developed; the posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina (PCDL) separated by an infradiapophyseal fossa into two branches dorsally; parapophyseal and diapophyseal laminae cross to form "K" configuration. It shares some characters with the Early Cretaceous form-Euhelopus, indicating that it is more closely related to Euhelopus rather than to other titanosauriform sauropods. This means Gannansaurus may have a close phylogenetic relationship with Euhelopus.  相似文献   
A new dinosaur of Early Cretaceous age was recently discovered from the Mazongshan area of northwestern Gansu Province, China. The new dinosaur represents a new genus and species of Sauropoda, and is among the most basal members of Titanosauria. Its finding also suggests that titanosaurs might have originated in Asia no later than the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   
本文记述了2004年发现于甘肃兰州盆地下白垩统河口群一个化石点的蜥脚类恐龙化石。新标本的荐椎独特,神经脊非常低并在其顶端横向扩展,代表蜥脚类恐龙一新属种刘家峡黄河巨龙。分支系统分析发现黄河巨龙为一原始巨龙型类蜥脚类。  相似文献   
A new titanosauriform sauropod Dongyangosaurus sinensis gen. et sp. nov. from the early Late Cretaceous of Dongyang County, Zhejiang Province, is erected based on a partial postcranial skeleton. It is characterized by complex laminae on the lateral surface of the neural spines and postzygapophyses of dorsal vertebrae, a distinct fossa on the ventral surfaces of the prezygapophyses of dorsal vertebrae, distinct fossae are also present on the lateral surface of the postzygapophysis of anterior caudal vertebrae; pubis is shorter than ischium, the small obturator foramen of pubis elongated, and nearly closed. The lamina complexity of dorsal vertebrae in Dongyangosaurus indicates that a higher diversity of titanosauriformes occurred during the early Late Cretaceous in China.  相似文献   
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