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Salts and brines have very low rare earth element (REE, La-Lu) concentrations. Thus, there is less knowledge of possible transfer of REE patterns during salt dissolution in water-rock interaction. REE levels in both media are close to or rather below limit of detection of commonly used methods. By dissolving salt samples in water followed by REE pre-concentration, REE contents of about 6.2 to 322 ng g−1 were measured for four samples from the Merkers salt mine, Germany. These salts previously were identified to consist mainly of carnallite, halite and/or sylvite. Assuming congruent dissolution, REE patterns of brines and salts differ. Thus, a more complex interaction with (secondary) phases and complexation of REE should be taken into account to explain REE patterns in brines.  相似文献   
This study provides evidence for the existence of halite and sylvite solid inclusions in igneous quartz and feldspars, the first to be reported in intrusive rocks, and to partially constrain the physicochemical environment that lets halides crystallize under magmatic conditions.Halite and sylvite solid inclusions were found included in quartz and feldspars from a micrographic–granophyric assemblage in a miarolitic aplite and, rarer, in alkali-feldspar from a miarolitic monzogranite. Monzogranite and aplite represent I-type, K-enriched postcollisional rocks of the Late Cambrian–Early Ordovician Sierra Norte–Ambargasta batholith in the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas. Both granitoids fall among the most evolved felsic rocks of the batholith, with aplite approaching haplogranitic compositions. Halite is far more common than sylvite and the presence and distribution of one or both halides are erratic within the felsic intrusive bodies. Halides occur as small skeletal grains, commonly in cross-shaped aggregates of less than 50 μm. No K or Na was found at the detection limits of EDS in either halite or sylvite respectively. Textural relationships suggest that the alkali-chlorides separated from the melt near the minima along the quartz–feldspar cotectics of PH2O > 160 < 200 MPa in a silica-, and potassium-rich magmatic system at approximately 750–700 °C, prior to the H2O-vapor saturated miarole-forming stage.Computed ratios for the magmatic volatile phase (MVP) coexisting with melt at the early stage of aplite crystallization are: NaCl/HCl = 0.11–0.97 and KCl/HCl = 0.24–1.62, being the highest range of values (0.79–0.97 and 1.45–1.62, respectively) found in those alkali-chloride-bearing samples. Maximum HCl/ΣCl(MVP) (0.28 to 0.31) indicates higher total Cl concentration in the MVP of alkali-chloride-bearing aplites, which is much higher in the halite-free aplite samples (HCl/ΣCl(MVP) = 0.59 to 0.74). One miarolitic monzogranite sample, where halite solid inclusions are present, also yielded the highest ratios for NaCl/HCl(MVP) (0.91) and KCl/HCl(MVP) (1.46), and the HCl/ΣCl(MVP) is 0.30. A high HCl concentration in the fluid phase is suggested by the log f(HF)/f(H2O) = − 4.75 to − 4.95, log f(HCl)/f(H2O) = − 3.73 to − 3.86, and log f(HF)/f(HCl) = − 0.88 to − 1.22, computed at 750 °C after biotite composition. The Cl concentrations at 800 °C, computed with a Dv/lCl = 0.84 + 26.6P (P at 200 MPa), yielded values within the range of  70 to 700 ppm Cl in the melt and  4000 to 40 000 ppm Cl in the coexisting MVP. The preferential partitioning of Cl in the vapor phase is controlled by the Dv/lCl; however, the low concentration of Cl in the melt suggests that high concentrations of Cl are not necessary to saturate the melt in NaCl or KCl.Cl-saturation of the melt and coexisting MVP might have been produced by a drop in Cl solubility due to the near-haplogranitic composition of the granitoids after extreme fractionation, probably enhanced by fluctuating reductions of the emplacement pressure in the brittle monzogranite host. Liquid immiscibility, based in the differential viscosity and density among alkali-chloride saturated hydrosaline melt, aluminosilicate felsic melt, and H2O-rich volatiles is likely to have crystallized halite and sylvite from exsolved hydrosaline melt. High degrees of undercooling might have been important at the time of alkali-chloride exsolution. The effectiveness of alkali-chloride separation from the melt at magmatic temperatures is in line with the interpretation of “halite subtraction” as a necessary process to understand the origin of the “halite trend” in highly saline fluid inclusions from porphyry copper and other hydrothermal mineralizations, despite the absence of the latter in the Cerro Baritina aplites, where this process preceded the exsolution of halite-undersaturated fluids.Pervasive alteration of the monzogranite country rock as alkali-metasomatic mineral assemblages, the mineral chemistry of some species, and the association of weak molybdenite mineralization are compatible with the activity of alkaline hypersaline fluids, most likely exsolved during the earliest stages of aplite consolidation.  相似文献   
Long-chain amines, used in potash ore flotation as collectors, are insoluble in NaCl–KCl saturated brine. In commercial applications, these amines are melted at 70–90 °C, dispersed in acidic solution of hydrochloric or acetic acids, and such emulsions are then introduced to the flotation pulp.To model the commercial potash ore flotation process, dodecyl amine, used in this study, was melted at 70 °C, dispersed in hydrochloric acid aqueous solution and was added to a KCl–NaCl saturated brine at room temperature. This results in the precipitation of the amine. The present study summarizes the influence of the conditions on the particle size and morphology of the precipitating amine particles. Methyl isobutyl carbinol (MIBC), common frother in flotation processes, was shown to affect amine dispersion when added into a hot amine emulsion prior to mixing with a saturated brine. This study demonstrates that the precipitating amine particles are selectively abstracted by KCl particles, but not by NaCl particles.  相似文献   
兰坪-思茅盆地勐野井组钾盐矿床成矿构造背景   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
兰坪—思茅盆地是国内唯一发现古钾盐沉积的盆地。对云南兰坪—思茅盆地钾盐成矿背景作了总结与分析,指出中生代以来盆地经历了陆内裂谷形成到消亡、侏罗纪箕状断陷盆地发育、早白垩纪双断式断陷盆地发育、早白垩晚期干化成盐和后期挤压走滑几个阶段。在此基础上通过盐系地层沉积特征的分析,得到了盆地在成盐期(早白垩世晚期)构造活动强烈,由统一的湖盆解体为多个次级成盐盆地,盐类资源的沉积应该分属不同的沉积序列的认识。兰坪—思茅盆地成盐期构造背景分析对于了解该区蒸发岩矿床特征和成矿机理具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   
乌尊布拉克湖硝酸钾盐沉积特征   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
郑喜玉 《盐湖研究》2000,8(1):41-45,52
根据野外考察和室内分析资料 ,全面总结了该湖硝酸钾盐的形成环境、物质成分和沉积特征 ;探讨了硝酸钾盐的形成演化机理。  相似文献   
新疆有现代盐湖50余处,固液相矿产覆盖面积约7000~10000km~2。在固、液相盐类矿产中,都含有钾,但富集成矿的不多。在卤水中钾的富集与镁的关系密切,与卤水的演化程度及分异情况有一定关联。钾在固相盐类矿产中,富集于顶部石盐壳的某些地段。其富集规律与镁含量相关。NO_3~(-1)在固相钾矿的成矿过程中往往起重要作用,SO_4~(2-)也参与活动,形成独特矿床。其形成过程与毛细作用有关。在塔里木盆地东缘及吐—哈盆地西段,寻找同类钾矿床远景比较广阔。塔里木盆地及周边古蒸发岩分布广泛,厚度较大,地质历史上持续时间较长,具有寻找古钾盐的地质前提,但古蒸发岩沉积环境变化较大,后期改造剧烈,给寻找古钾盐工作带来很大难度。如选好突破口,采用符合实际的工作方法,可能会有所突破。  相似文献   
选用3种有机溶剂甲醇、乙醇和丙酮作为沉析剂,以淡水浸取的东台吉乃尔盐田钾盐矿所得的富钾卤水为试验原料,进行了有机溶剂沉析结晶分离富钾卤水中钾盐的研究。研究表明3种溶剂均能分离出富钾卤水中的钾盐,其中甲醇的分离效果优于乙醇和丙酮,当甲醇与富钾卤水体积比为1.5∶1时,甲醇分离提取富钾卤水中钾离子的析出率最大为87.38%,同时结晶分离所得钾盐中钾离子的收率高达81.79%。  相似文献   
钾盐资源全球分布和我国找钾实践及方法探究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
世界各国大型古代海相固体钾盐矿床多数是在石油、盐岩矿、盐泉卤水等资源的勘查过程中被发现的。国内几十年的找钾实践证实,我国缺乏大型海相固体钾盐矿床,近年来在新生代陆相沉积盆地中寻找大型固体钾盐矿床的努力也没有取得明显进展。我国已探明的钾盐储量主要分布在青海柴达木盆地和新疆罗布泊的11个盐湖及其晶间卤水中,约占资源总量的90%以上;以固体钾矿赋存的资源量少且品位不高,仅占己知总量的2.6%。从1958年察尔汗盐滩生产出第一批953吨钾肥填补我国钾肥生产的空白,到年产150万吨KCl的卤水钾盐开发规模的形成;从1995年在罗布泊发现大型卤水钾矿,到2008年预期生产120万吨K2SO4,显示了我国干旱区盐湖卤水钾盐资源的重要位置。有专家建议,今后的工作应在深入研究成盐盆地基底构造和岩相古地理的基础上,进一步划分可能成钾的次级盆地并进行重点勘探和研究。借鉴世界各国找钾经验,将地质观察分析、地球物理探测、地球化学与水化学等方法综合运用,我国的探盐找钾工作有可能取得突破性进展。  相似文献   
罗布泊钾盐矿区地处气候极端干旱的塔里木盆地东部 ,区域范围内水资源极为贫乏。然而 ,开发生产钾盐的基本条件之一是就近寻找和开采地下水资源。罗布泊钾盐矿区及其周围区域地下水资源的分布特点和水质特点的分析表明 ,罗北洼地首采区以东约 90km的阿其克谷地是最具有远景的地区 ,初步估算地下水补给量达 1 4× 10 8m3 /a。  相似文献   
Over the last decade, our studies in ancient evaporitic basins have been based on a detailed study of a single borehole record. The detailed findings in medium- to large-sized evaporitic basins were shadowed with a relevant question: can interpretations from a representative evaporitic record in a single borehole be extended to the whole evaporitic basin? This paper addresses that question; the results obtained are compared with results from another distant point within the basin. The general methodology not only proves its reliability in interpreting the evolution of evaporitic basins from a single borehole but reveals its capability to obtain detailed palaeoenvironmental interpretations.

The chemical evolution of an Upper Eocene evaporitic sequence from the South Pyrenean foreland basin (Spain) has been investigated along the Súria-19 borehole record. Detailed petrographic and mineralogical study, X-ray microanalysis of frozen primary inclusions trapped in halite (Cryo-SEM-EDS), systematic isotopic analysis (δ34S and δ18O in sulphates) and computer-based evaporation models have been integrated in a multi-proxy methodology. This study revealed that a variable amount of Ca excess is required throughout different parts of the marine Lower Halite Unit (LHU) for sylvite, instead of K–Mg sulphates, to form. This Ca excess is in turn different from that required for the western sector of the same evaporitic basin (Navarrese subbasin). Quick and variable changes in Ca-rich brines or equivalent dolomitization required are explained as internal processes within the basin rather than secular variations in seawater chemistry.

The general hydrological evolution of the Catalan subbasin is explained as a restricted subbasin with a first marine stage in which continental input (up to 50% of total input) had an important control on the geochemistry of the subbasin. A second stage was determined during potash precipitation, in which the subbasin was cut from any seawater input to end up in its last stage as a purely continental evaporitic basin. Coupling evaporation models and analytical results we have obtained the proportions of recycling and their sources, estimated to change from a 100% (total mass of sulphate) Eocene source to 20% Eocene and 80% Triassic (Keuper) towards the latest stage of potash precipitation. The results obtained have been compared with results from the Navarrese subbasin allowing an integrated interpretation of the hydrological evolution of the whole Upper Eocene South Pyrenean basin. Local geochemical variations within the Upper Eocene south Pyrenean basin are explained by the differences in paleogeographical setting of the Navarrese and Catalan subbasins.  相似文献   

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