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In Germany, wastewater legislation requires all municipal and industrial leachate to be subjected to toxicity tests. However, no phytotoxicity tests using higher plants are currently included among the standard tests. Freshwater microalgae have been used in most phytotoxicity tests and have often been considered as surrogates for higher plants. However, microalgae often do not show the same sensitivity as higher plants and have major disadvantages for the testing of unmodified environmental samples. In the following study, we evaluated the suitability of the giant duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza for assessing the toxicity of a municipal landfill leachate and two leachates of copper mining residue. Duckweed static toxicity tests were performed, and frond number was the endpoint used to calculate EC50 values. Symptoms of stress (chlorosis, necrosis, root destruction, and colony breakup) were also recorded. The landfill leachate was toxic with EC50;96h values ranging from 1.3 to 2.7% leachate (v/v). Toxicity of the copper slag leachate was largely determined by the elution method used. Leachate obtained using conventional German leaching methods (S4-eluate) was not toxic to duckweed, whereas EC50 values for the pHstat4-eluate ranged from 3.2 to 4.2% leachate (v/v). The results demonstrate the suitability of S. polyrhiza for the testing of unmodified wastewater samples and provide further evidence for the addition of a duckweed toxicity test to the standard tests conducted in Germany.  相似文献   
本文以工程实践,论述了电厂废料粉煤灰渣这种特殊类土的形成,物理力学特征,以及应用其修建我国最高的灰坝的经验。这个灰坝经过三年的安全贮灰运行验证,证明是成功的,创造了应用电厂粉煤灰渣修建国内最高灰坝,并安全贮灰的新纪录。  相似文献   
矿产开采过程中,大规模不合理的矿渣堆弃以及高强度降雨等所引发的矿渣碎屑流,对矿山的正常生产和人员安全带来了巨大的风险。由于矿渣堆普遍沿沟谷呈串珠状分布,若下级渣堆受到上级矿渣碎屑流的冲击、加载作用,其失稳起动概率及渣流量将明显增加,这种空间逐级影响所表现出的灾害链效应是矿渣碎屑流灾害作用的重要特征。以小秦岭乱石沟为例,在对研究区内矿渣堆详细调查的基础上,首先以矿渣堆高度、坡度、方量、是否堆载振动、底床坡度以及降雨汇流累积量6项指标对矿渣堆的危险性进行评价。其次,采用UBCDFLOW方法,考虑碎屑流的路径宽度、平均坡角及流动类型,估算碎屑流的滑移距离。最后,在此基础上从风险评价与预测的角度出发,综合考虑矿渣堆碎屑流的链状逐级影响,以及下级渣堆位于上级渣堆碎屑流冲击范围内的相对位置,得到灾害链效应下的矿渣堆危险性评价。计算结果表明考虑灾害链效应后,乱石沟内受碎屑流影响的矿渣堆的破坏概率明显增加,研究结果也为矿山沟谷流域矿渣堆灾害的风险评价及防治规划设计提供依据。  相似文献   
提出了矿渣粉加固粉土的相关理论。将矿渣粉在加固土中的作用归结为火山灰胶凝效应和微集料填充效应,而火山灰胶凝效应又可进一步归结为水化作用、激发作用和离子交换作用;认为微集料填充效应与矿渣粉细度极为相关;用框图归纳了矿渣粉加固土的两种作用效应。进行了矿渣粉、石灰粉加固土无侧限饱水抗压强度、水稳定性、冻稳定性、温度收缩和干燥收缩等路用性能试验,并进行比较。结果表明,矿渣粉加固土所测路用性能指标优于石灰粉加固土。为工程应用提供了试验依据。  相似文献   
Ettringite related swelling in lime-stabilized sulphate bearing clay soil systems has only been reported within the last decade although similar expansive behaviour has been reported in concrete over many years. The use of ground granulated blastfurnace slag (GGBS), an industrial by-product, is well established as a binder in many cement applications where it provides enhanced durability and high resistance to sulphate attack. This paper reports on efforts to extend the use of GGBS to highway and other foundation layers by determining the beneficial effect of the suppression of swelling of lime-stabilized clay soils, particularly in the presence of gypsum. The paper describes the results of laboratory tests on lime-stabilized kaolinite containing different levels of added gypsum and on lime-stabilized gypsum (selenite) bearing Kimmeridge Clay to which, in both cases, the lime has progressively been substituted with GGBS. The tests determine the linear expansion behaviour of compacted cylinders, during moist curing in a humid environment at 30°C and during subsequent soaking in de-ionized water. The results illustrate that substitution of lime with GGBS produces significant reduction in linear expansion of lime-stabilized clay soils particularly those containing gypsum.  相似文献   
The laterite nickel (Ni) ore smelting operation in Niquelândia (Goiás state, Brazil) produced large amounts of smelting wastes, stockpiled on dumps (slags) and in settling ponds (fly ash). In this study we present data on the chemistry, mineralogy and pH-dependent leaching behaviours of these two waste materials.Bulk chemical analyses indicated that both wastes contained significant amounts of potentially toxic elements (PTEs), with substantially higher concentrations in the case of the fly ash (up to 2.51 wt% Ni, 1870 mg/kg Cr and 488 mg/kg Co). The mineralogical investigations carried out using X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron microprobe (EPMA) indicated that the slag was mainly composed of silicate glass, olivine and pyroxene. In contrast, the fly ash was composed of Ni-bearing serpentine-like phases (originating from the furnace feed), Ni-bearing glass, olivine, pyroxene and spinel. The pH-dependent leaching behaviour was performed according the EU standard experimental protocol (CEN/TS 14997) in the pH range of 3–12. The leaching was highly pH-dependent for both materials, and the highest releases of PTEs occurred at pH 3. The slag generally exhibited an U-shaped leaching behaviour of the PTEs as a function of pH, and was found to release up to 48.0 mg/kg Ni, 25.6 mg/kg Cr, and 1.42 mg/kg Co. The fly ash was significantly more reactive, and exhibited its highest leaching level of PTEs between pH 3 and 7. The maximum observed release corresponded to 5750 mg/kg Ni, 4.35 mg/kg Cr, and 112 mg/kg Co. The leached Ni concentrations after 24 h of leaching in deionized water exceeded the limit for hazardous waste by more than 100x according to the EU legislation (40 mg/kg Ni). X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) and Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structures (EXAFS) spectra indicated that Ni in the fly ash is predominantly bound in a serpentine-like phase, and during the fly ash experimental alteration it was mainly released from the second shell (corresponding to the atomic distances between Ni and Si, Mg, Fe in high-temperature silicates, glass, and partially dissolved serpentine). This study shows that disposal sites for the fly ash can represent a significant source of local pollution, and direct recycling of the fly ash in the smelting technology (as currently adopted at the Barro Alto new smelter and since few years also at the Niquelândia smelter) is the best environment-friendly option for handling of fly ash in the future.  相似文献   
研究了添加矿渣对传统镁水泥进行改性,同时探讨了磷酸盐对镁水泥耐水性能改善的效果,提高了镁水泥的经济价值和实用性。  相似文献   
This paper reports on the compressive strength and microstructure of unfired clay masonry bricks. Blended binders comprising of lime-activated Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag (GGBS) and Portland Cement (PC)-activated GGBS were used to stabilise Lower Oxford Clay (LOC) for unfired masonry brick production. The compressive strength of the stabilised bricks incorporating lime–GGBS–LOC was higher than that of PC–GGBS–LOC. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with a Solid-state Backscattered Detector (SBD) and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis was employed to obtain a view of the microstructure and to conduct an analysis on the morphology and composition of the dried unfired clay brick samples, after 28 days of moist curing. The analytical results together with the physical observations have shown the formation of Calcium Silicate Hydrate (C-S-H) gel and additional pozzolanic (C-S-H) gel. The quantification of the compound content of the unfired bricks showed the presence of Calcite (CaCO3), Quartz (SiO2), Alumina (Al2O3) and Wollastonite (CaSiO8) crystals. Traces of other crystals were also detected.  相似文献   
Slag is a ubiquitous byproduct of the iron- and steel-refining industries. In northwestern Indiana and northeastern Illinois, slag has been deposited over more than 52 km2 of land surface. Despite the widespread use of slag for fill and construction purposes, little is known about its chemical effects on the environment. Two slag-disposal sites were examined in northwestern Indiana where slag was deposited over the native glacial deposits. At a third site, where slag was not present, background conditions were defined. Samples were collected from cores and drill cuttings and described with scanning electron microscopy and electron microprobe analysis. Ground-water samples were collected and used to assess thermodynamic equilibria between authigenic minerals and existing conditions. Differences in the mineralogy at background and slag-affected sites were apparent. Calcite, dolomite, gypsum, iron oxides, and clay minerals were abundant in native sediments immediately beneath the slag. Mineral features indicated that these minerals precipitated rapidly from slag drainage and co-precipitated minor amounts of non-calcium metals and trace elements. Quartz fragments immediately beneath the slag showed extensive pitting that was not apparent in sediments from the background site, indicating chemical weathering by the hyperalkaline slag drainage. The environmental impacts of slag-related mineral precipitation include disruption of natural ground-water flow patterns and bed-sediment armoring in adjacent surface-water systems. Dissolution of native quartz by the hyperalkaline drainage may cause instability in structures situated over slag fill or in roadways comprised of slag aggregates.  相似文献   
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