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海南省拟建琼州海峡铁路轮渡。本文通过对海峡南岸新海湾轮渡港址附近自然条件、岸滩演变和输沙特征的分析研究,对不同类型港区布置方案港内开挖区和航道的淤积强度、淤积量等进行了计算,并对不同防护建筑物的有效拦沙时间等进行了探讨和计算,提出了港区类型推荐方案。  相似文献   
High-resolution seismic reflection profile data show that the modern sediment cover (over the last 150 years) in Georgian Bay is thin and spatially discontinuous. Sediments rich in ragweed pollen, largely derived from siltation linked to land clearing and European settlement, form a thin, discontinuous veneer on the lakebed. Much of the lakebed consists of exposed sediments deposited during the late glacial or early postglacial. Accumulation rates of modern sediments range from < 0 mm/year (net erosion) to ∼3.2 mm/year, often within a few hundred metres spatially. These rates are much lower than those reported for the main basin of Lake Huron and the other Great Lakes, and are attributed to the low sediment supply. Only a few small rivers flow into Georgian Bay, and most of the basin is surrounded by bedrock of Precambrian gneiss and granite to the east, and Silurian dolostone, limestone and shale to the west. Thick deposits of Pleistocene drift, found on the Georgian Bay shoreline only between Meaford and Port Severn, are the main sediment source for the entire basin at present. Holocene to modern sediments are even absent from some deep basins of Georgian Bay. These findings have implications for the ultimate fate of anthropogenic contaminants in Georgian Bay. While microfossil assemblages in the ragweed-rich sediments record increased eutrophication over the last 150 years, most pollutants generated in the Georgian Bay catchment are not accumulating on the lakebed and are probably exported from the Bay.  相似文献   
I. INTRODUCTIONA discharge of 100--200 m3 / s is needed to be diverted from a tidal reach and utilized as cooling water for a Droposed power plant in the Yangtze Estuary. The diversionchannel is divided into two parts by a levee along the river bank, an open channel stretchinside the levee is connected with a trench dredged on the floodplain, as shown in Pig. 1.Since the flow and sediment regimes in these two stretches are different, analysis is madeseparately for each of them.11. ESTI…  相似文献   
The new concept presented for forecasting the rate of accumulation of suspended sediment in reservoir water in the bottom sediment allows reasonable estimates of the siltation process globally, regionally, or locally, to be obtained without the need for costly research. The method draws on three key parameters, i.e., the concentration of suspended sediments (SS), and its organic matter (OMSS) content, as well as the storage capacity (VR) (i.e., the water storage in the reservoir). All of these parameters easy to determine, with information on them, in fact, made widely available by most agencies managing reservoirs in different parts of the world. In practice, the proposed method can represent a missing link in the precise determination of a reservoirs rate of siltation (and hence, losses of storage capacity).  相似文献   
This paper describes the results of numerical experiments with a three-dimensional hydrodynamic and mud transport model in which sediment–fluid interaction is taken into account through the effects of hindered settling, buoyancy destruction in the turbulence k– model and sediment-induced barocline pressure gradients in the momentum equations. The model was applied to a schematic case representing a coastal area with a tidal river, navigation channel and harbour basin, and a real-world case, viz. Rotterdam harbour area in The Netherlands. The results show that the sediment transport into the harbour area, and subsequent siltation rates, increase by a factor 3 to 5 due to the sediment–fluid interaction. It is shown that the larger contribution stems from an increase in vertical gradients in suspended sediment.Responsible Editor: Jens Kappenberg  相似文献   
Described by Governor Phillip as 'the finest harbour in the world', Sydney Harbour was affected by accelerated sedimentation very soon after settlement in 1788. Dredging began in 1842 to deal with the problems caused by sedimentation and to enhance foreshore amenity. By the end of the nineteenth century, dredging was also excavating the bottom of the Harbour and its bays to accommodate larger ships with deeper draughts, and dredged sediment was increasingly used to reclaim mudflats or marshes deemed unhealthy or unsightly, thereby creating additional useful waterfront land. There was virtually continuous dredging in some part or other of the Harbour and its tributaries for almost 140 years. With increasing costs and mounting environmental concerns, dredging is now intermittent, and carried out largely to facilitate navigation for specific projects, despite continued sedimentation. While there was an early lack of understanding of the Australian environment and the impact of clearing on soils, the causes of increased sedimentation had been documented by the 1860s. However, measures to seriously address causes were not introduced until late in the twentieth century. This paper briefly outlines the development of the Sydney estuary to 1788, considers the impact of settlement in accelerating sedimentation, traces the development of dredging and reclamation, and discusses their significance for a number of areas of current research and environmental management, as well as to social and economic history. Within the limitations of the data available, annual sediment dredged, annual expenditure, cost per tonne, and areas reclaimed by dredging and filling are included.  相似文献   
The adverse ecological effects of elevated levels of phosphorus (P) and fine sediment (termed silt) in surface waters are a major environmental issue both nationally and internationally. Increasingly, the Water Framework Directive (WFD) will provide the basis for the integrated management of European waters, but there is a more immediate need for action to safeguard designated wildlife sites from the effects of eutrophication and siltation. We outline the policy drivers behind the control of these pollution problems, the nature and extent of ecological risks and approaches to target-based management within catchments. Tackling diffuse sources of P and silt requires accurate apportionment of local sources and contributing areas, and integration of practical action with the development of an improved quantitative understanding of the management changes needed in catchments to meet environmental objectives. Such an approach can be used to refine policies on land-based emissions of these pollutants and operational strategies for control. The critical role of catchment appraisal through modelling within this approach is stressed. Management measures to control agricultural sources of P and silt will also help to address other key catchment management objectives (flood risk management, water resource management, terrestrial and wetland habitat restoration). Climate change predictions indicate that the need for integrated catchment management, to increase the resilience of catchments, wildlife and people to extremes of weather conditions (drought and flood) and temperature trends, has never been greater.  相似文献   
Siltation,a phenomenon resulted from the presence of fine particles in an aqueous environment,dominated by silt and clay,is a known and common environmental issue worldwide.The accumulation of fine sediments engenders murky water with low oxygen levels,which leads to the death of aquatic life.Thus,investigating the physical and mechanical properties of fine sediment by rheological methods has expanded.Rheology is the science of deformation and flow of matter in stress.This survey investigates the rheological behavior of six samples of soil as the fine particles structure(D 63 μm) from different regions of Malaysia by using a rotational rheometer with a parallel-plate measuring(using two sizes:25 mm and 50 mm) device to explore the flow and viscoelastic properties of fine particles.The samples were examined in two rheological curve and amplitude sweep test methods to investigate the effect of water content ratio,texture,and structure of patticles on rheological properties.It was found that the content of fine sand,clay,and silt had an effect on the stiffness,structural stability,and shear behavior.Thus,the pseudoplastic and viscoelastic behaviot are respectively shown.Moreover,the amount of fine sediments present in water i.e.the concentration of these particles,has a direct effect on the rheological curve.A reduction in viscosity of samples with higher concentrations of water has been observed.As a consequence,a considerable quantity of fine sediments are distributed within the water body and remain suspended over the time.As a result,the sedimentation rate slows down.It needs to be asserted that the stotage modulus G′,loss modulus G″,and yield point can vary depending on particle type.The G′ and G″were instigated for samples(70%and 45%concentrations) that demonstrated viscoelastic characteristics using the same rotational rheometer with a parallel-plate measuring device.  相似文献   
精准围垦的生态预警研究,需要从较短的时间尺度上和较集中的空间尺度上及时精准地监测滩涂的淤积量和淤积位置,这是滩涂围垦工程规划和实施的参考依据。以崇明东滩为例,结合滩涂湿地淤积量的直接测定和滩涂微地貌调查,尝试基于淤积量长期累积的相对高程评价促淤围垦的合理性。淤积量的测定结果表明:1微地形下的植被群落分带差异大到足以掩盖高程逐渐下降的梯度趋势;2潮间带和高潮滩的年均淤积速度均不足1 cm,而低潮滩的年均淤积速度达到了7 cm左右;3微地貌高程与淤积量之间呈极显著的负相关关系,呈现出两种不同的淤积机制。在此基础上,对目前以"生物促淤+物理围垦"的模式治理互花米草外来种入侵的促淤围垦进行了评价:1在快速淤涨的崇明东滩湿地中,生态系统工程师效应起着重要作用;2尽管在本研究实验区的围垦边界高程选择是合理的,但在实验区以外的围垦边界高程甚至延展到了0 m线以下,这是滩涂湿地过度围垦的直接证据之一;3与过去几次大围垦所不同的是,本次围垦范围选择的留一半、围一半的模式,一方面可以有效治理互花米草,另一方面可以预留足够的生态栖息地保留区。总之,淤积量的长期定点观测,为长江三角洲滩涂资源的动态管理和科学围垦提供了参考依据,可更客观地协调滩涂湿地保护和开发利用之间的矛盾。  相似文献   
Presently, the water discharge rate to the Black Sea by Turkish rivers is approximately 41 km3/yr. The sediment discharge rate of Turkish rivers to the Black Sea is 28×106 t/yr. Before construction of the hydroelectric dams, the sediment discharge rate was approximately 70×106 t/yr. The sharp reduction in sediment load is largely a result of the dams near the mouths of the Yesil Irmak and Kizil Irmak rivers. Before the construction of dams, Turkish rivers contributed approximately one third of the total amount of sediment received by the Black Sea from all surrounding rivers. The life-span of the major reservoirs varies from approximately only one century (Yesil Irmak river reservoirs) to several thousand years (Sakarya river reservoirs). Life-span for the large Altinkaya Dam reservoir is estimated with approximately 500 yr.  相似文献   
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