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This study, conducted in the Catalan Coastal Ranges, north‐east Spain, describes the Upper Devonian Kellwasser event in a shallowing‐upward sequence of black shales, siltstones and quartz arenites. This sequence was deposited in a progradational and regressive coastal system where the sedimentary environment evolved from the inner shelf to a lagoonal pond located landward of the shoreline. Three anomalous succeeding steps have been identified by geochemical analysis. The first one, detected on the inner shelf, was characterized by oxygen depletion and high organic productivity. The second, detected in the nearshore, was caused by hydrothermal activity occurring under normal oxic conditions. The third and most intense step was identified in the muds of the lagoonal pond and has been linked to strong anoxic conditions, elevated clastic input derived from changes in the weathering regime at the source area and moderate hydrothermal activity. The Kellwasser event is thus defined in the study area as stepwise and multi‐causal. This is the first time that the Kellwasser event has been identified in a sedimentary environment behind the shoreline. It is also the first time that it has been reported in the Catalan Coastal Ranges.  相似文献   
Anomalous change of the Antarctic sea ice and global sea level change   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
AnomalouschangeoftheAntarcticseaiceandglobalsealevelchange¥XieSimei;ZouBing;WangYiandBaoChenglan(1.NationalMarineEnvironmentF...  相似文献   
During the recent apparition of Comet Halley in 1985-86 a transient ionic event in the form of a blob of H2 O+ emission was recorded in thecoma at ~ 0h UT on 1986 March 13. Observations were carried out using a special IHW filter for H2 O+ emission at 7000 å/175 å, a 35 cm telescope, a Fabry-Perot interferometer and an image intensifier camera from Gurushikhar, Mt Abu. (24?39’N,72? 47’E). A Fabry-Perot inter-ferogram in Ha taken a few minutes later at the same location reveals strong hydrogen emission (Hα) associated with the blob. The velocity field in the blob is structured with relative velocities upto ~ 35km s?1. The event is interpreted as arising due to the sector boundary crossing of the interplanetary magnetic field by the comet  相似文献   
鸡西盆地被平麻断裂分割成南、北两个条带,多数研究者将南带1煤之下的海相层叠伏于北带海相层或底砾岩之下,称为“城子河组下段”或“石河北组”。利用事件地层学的原理,分析盆地内城子河组早期盆地裂陷、海侵、火山喷发、聚煤等重大事件在地层精细对比方面的意义,甄别出了盆地中重大事件的地层记录.以等时层为基础建立对比框架。通过大量钻井资料追溯对比,认为盆地中坳陷部位的渴湖海湾沉积是南北两带的沉积过渡类型,根据微体古生物研究,南北两带海相层中的沟鞭藻类化石面貌基本一致,南北带的海相层应是同一层位,初步实现了盆地内南、北两个条带城子河组的精细对比,为恢复盆地古地理环境奠定了可靠的基础。  相似文献   
Partly laminated sediments were sampled from the brine-filled, anoxic Shaban Deep basin in the northern Red Sea. At about 4200 cal yr BP more than two millennia of anoxic sedimentation is replaced by a sub-oxic facies strongly suggesting the episodic absence of the brine. At the same time stable oxygen isotopes from surface dwelling foraminifera show a sharp increase (within less than 100 yr) pointing to a strong positive salinity anomaly at the sea surface. This major evaporation event significantly enhanced the renewal of deep water and the subsequent ventilation of the small Shaban Deep basin. The timing and strength of the reconstructed environmental changes around 4200 cal yr BP suggest that this event is the regional expression of a major drought event, which is widely observed in the neighboring regions, and which strongly affected Middle East agricultural civilizations.  相似文献   
乐平统底界定义和点位的争论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王成源 《地质论评》2002,48(3):234-241
有关乐平统底界定义和点位的争论涉及到有关建立界线层型的一些基本原则。本文作者确信,乐平统的底界不可能建立在小间断上或层序界面上;不能被证实的点断成种事件也不能用来建立界线层型;定义种在连续演化谱系中首现的点位是确定的不是任意的;必须考虑定义种的首现时期的居群特征,不能用定义种晚期的居群特征来确定GSSP的点位;定义种的定义不能任意改动,要保持分类的稳定。不能过高估计或只认为齿脊特征是区别晚二叠世舟刺分子的唯一标准。梅仕龙有关C. postbitteri和C. dukouensis两个种区别特征的争辩是无用的,因为本文作者所使用的区别这两个种的标准正是梅仕龙等(Mei et al, 1994)所提出的。现在没有必要为维护自己的界线定义或点位而修改有关种的定义。原来有关这两个种的定义和区别特征是科学的。本文作者鉴定的C. dukouensis (Wang, 2000a, p1. 2, figs. 1~8)是正确的,符合原来的定义。乐平统底界定义应当是严格的科学的。金玉玕等(Jin et al, 1994, 1998)从来没有提到更谈不上“反复讨论”了C. doukouensis的“首现”(梅仕龙,本期)。虽然提到(C. postbitteri的首现,但由于C. postbitteri的先驱种不清,这个定义是不科学的。乐平统底界的科学而严格的定义应是:在Clarkikina postbitteri—C. duk  相似文献   
王有清  姚檀栋 《冰川冻土》2002,24(5):550-558
冰芯记录中的气候变化是古气候研究中的重要组成部分. 极地、中低纬度和热带地区的冰芯记录表明, 在冰期间冰期旋回大尺度气候变化背景下, 全球经历了一系列数百年至千年时间尺度的快速气候突变事件, 诸如末次间冰期的干冷事件、末次冰期的DansgaardOeschger事件、 Heinrich事件和Younger Dryas事件等, 虽然这些穿插在冰阶中的暖湿气候事件、间冰阶中的干冷气候事件的成因、机制和影响范围还存在明显的不确定性. 主要介绍不同区域冰芯记录中末次间冰期冰期旋回这些气候突变事件发生的时间、过程和机制等的研究进展.  相似文献   
古—中生代之交的全球变化与生物效应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
古—中生代之交是显生宙以来最大的一次生物绝灭期 ,其形成机制一直是地学界长期探讨的热点课题之一。地史重大转折期是地球内、外各圈层长期作用下 ,各种量变达到阀值 ,加之可能的外因激化 ,在短时间内以连锁反应形式相继质变 ,形成了全球变化 (包括生物绝灭 )的地球突变期。文中从可能的外因 (外星体撞击事件 )及内因 (岩石圈的变化 ,地球表层的变化和生物圈的变化 )两个方面探讨了古—中生代之交的全球变化与生物效应  相似文献   
Introduction The azimuth and slowness are two major features of seismic signals. The accurate estimation of them is quite important for both phase identification and event location. Generally, there are two types of seismic stations, i.e. 3-component stations (3C) and arrays. To estimate the two direc-tional parameters, the polarization analysis (Jurkevics, 1988) is commonly used for 3C stations and the frequency-wavenumber spectrum analysis ( f-k) (Capon, 1969; Kvaerna, Doornbos, 1986) is …  相似文献   
渭河盆地断层活动反映的第四纪构造事件初步研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
研究了渭河盆地南缘和北缘几条断裂第四纪活动性的迁移变化。利用横跨断裂的构造地层剖面 ,结合断裂上覆黄土地层的年代学研究结果 ,对断裂活动强度迁移变化的演化阶段进行了研究。结果表明 ,在大约 80~ 90万年前 ,渭河盆地南缘的临潼 -长安断裂带的活动性发生了显著变化 ,骊山山前断裂也有活动性迁移现象 ,渭南塬前断裂开始强烈活动 ,渭南塬全面抬升 ;12万年前左右 ,渭河盆地北缘的口镇 -关山断裂活动性明显减弱。该区断层活动的这些变化是对第四纪中晚期的 2次重要构造事件的反映  相似文献   
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