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针对以往噪声信号发射换能器在实际工作中,存在着诸多影响正常科研试验的问题,并根据噪声信号的技术要求,以及探测方式的技术特征,我们对噪声发射换能器进行了重新设计,从选用超磁致伸缩材料作为换能器的材料入手,结合国内外一些新的设计理念,从材料性能分析,到理论设计,最后到可靠性实施方法,都进行了周密细致的研究,并完成了设计全过程。测试结果和使用性能表明,达到了预期的目的,这也是该材料在国内首次应用于单只宽频水声换能器中,开创了稀土超磁致伸缩材料应用的又一个先列。  相似文献   
In this paper, the sequential extraction procedure was used for the selection of fractions of lead in seven stages corresponding to lead exchangeable, lead bounded to carbonates, to manganese oxides, to organic matters, to amorphous iron, and lead associated to crystallized iron, and to residuals. The vertical distributions of lead species were carried out in the soils related to good agriculture progress (GAP) of Chinese medical materials of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort in Dujiangyan city and Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province. Based on those researches, it is found that the plant of Glycine Max (L.) Merr. has the character of lead enrichment and sorption, which is not reported in the literature. Using Glycine Max (L.) Merr. alternate planting with Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort is a valuable recommended in order to produce a high quality Chinese medical materials in order to eliminate the barrier on the beyond the lead limit for the import and export of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort.  相似文献   
The basic materials used in packaging are glass, metals (primarily aluminum and steel), an ever-growing range of plastics, paper and paperboard, wood, textiles for bags, and miscellaneous other materials (such as glues, inks, and other supplies). They are fabricated into rigid, semirigid, or flexible containers. The most common forms of these containers include cans, drums, bottles, cartons, boxes, bags, pouches, and wraps. Packaging products are, for the most part, low cost, bulky products that are manufactured close to their customers. There is virtually no import or export of packaging products. A material flow analysis can be developed that looks at all inputs to an industrial sector, inventories the losses in processing, and tracks the fate of the material after its useful life. An example is presented that identifies the material inputs to the packaging industry, and addresses the ultimate fate of the materials used.Correspondence should be directed to Earle B. Amey, U.S. Geological Survey, National Center 983, Reston, Virginia 20192.  相似文献   
空气滤膜采集大气浮尘样品中多元素的测定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
陈波  冯永明  刘洪青 《岩矿测试》2009,28(5):435-438
用氢氟酸-盐酸-硝酸-高氯酸体系对空气滤膜上附着的浮尘样品进行分解,电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法、电感耦合等离子体质谱法同时测定溶液中15个主量和微量元素铁、铜、锌、镍、镧、铈、锂、锰、铬、镉、钴、铅、钍、铊、铀。将国家一级标准物质模拟浮尘样品加入空白滤膜进行测定,结果与标准值相符。各元素4次测定结果的相对标准偏差(RSD)小于5%。  相似文献   
辽吉裂谷区铅锌金矿床S、Pb同位素组成特征及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马玉波  邢树文  张增杰 《地质学报》2013,87(9):1399-1410
辽吉裂谷区发育有众多大中型铅锌、金等多金属矿床,本文选择该地区的青城子榛子沟铅锌矿、白云金矿、五龙金矿、荒沟山铅锌矿和临江金矿作为研究对象,开展其矿石S、Pb同位素分析及其地质意义研究.数据显示榛子沟脉状铅锌矿δ34SCDT值介于-10.3‰~6.8‰之间,白云金矿δ34SCDT值介于-7.7‰~1.9‰之间,五龙金矿δ34 SCDT值介于0.8‰~3.6‰之间,荒沟山铅锌矿δ34 SCDT值介于6.7‰~17.8‰之间,临江金矿δ34 SCDT值介于0.7‰~1.5‰之间.研究区铅锌金矿床的矿石硫同位素主要有两种来源,其一来自于早期火山喷流沉积而成的地层硫,如青城子榛子沟层状铅矿矿体和荒沟山层状铅锌矿;另一类为后期岩浆硫,如青城子榛子沟脉状铅锌矿、白云金矿、五龙金矿以及临江金矿,此类岩浆硫形成过程中,对早期地层硫进行了混染.辽吉裂谷区典型多金属矿床矿石铅同位素值变化较大,206 pb/204 Pb值介于15.72~24.02,207pb/204 Pb值介于15.32~16.43,208pb/204 Pb值介于34.96~39.79,不同的矿床其比值具有不同特点.研究区铅同位素μ值相对集中且较大,显示铅源具有上地壳物质特征,但均受到了不同铅源的混合.榛子沟铅锌矿脉状矿体矿石铅和岩体铅均为混合铅源,矿石铅为上地壳与地幔的混合源铅,而岩体铅则是造山带铅与上地壳的混合源铅;白云金矿床矿石铅为造山带铅,而其岩体铅为上地壳与地幔的混合源铅;五龙金矿的铅同位素主要来源于元古宙造山带铅,同时又有幔源铅的混合;荒沟山铅锌矿矿石铅一组为正常铅,微偏钍铅,来源于统一矿源层,另外一组铅为放射成因铅,即铀铅,而临江金矿矿石铅属于放射成因铅.  相似文献   
The Conrad Blucher Institute for Surveying and Science (Texas A&M University––Corpus Christi) has conducted numerous petroleum experiments at the Shoreline Environmental Research Facility (Corpus Christi, Texas, USA). The meso-scale facility has multiple wave tanks, permitting some control in experimental design of the investigations, but allowing for real-world conditions. This paper outlines the evolution of a materials balance approach in conducting petroleum experiments at the facility. The first attempt at a materials balance was during a 1998 study on the fate/effects of dispersant use on crude oil. Both water column and beach sediment samples were collected. For the materials balance, the defined environmental compartments for oil accumulation were sediments, water column, and the water surface, while the discharge from the tanks was presumed to be the primary sink. The “lessons learned” included a need to quantify oil adhesion to the tank surfaces. This was resolved by adhering strips of the polymer tank lining to the tank sides that could be later removed and extracted for oil. Also, a protocol was needed to quantify any floating oil on the water surface. A water surface (oil slick) quantification protocol was developed, involving the use of solid-phase extraction disks. This protocol was first tested during a shoreline cleaner experiment, and later refined in subsequent dispersant effectiveness studies. The effectiveness tests were designed to simulate shallow embayments which created the need for additional adjustments in the tanks. Since dispersant efficacy is largely affected by hydrodynamics, it was necessary to scale the hydrodynamic conditions of the tanks to those expected in our prototype system (Corpus Christi Bay, Texas). The use of a scaled model permits the experiment to be reproduced and/or evaluated under different conditions. To minimize wave reflection in the tank, a parabolic wave dissipater was built. In terms of materials balance, this design reduced available surface area as a sink for oil adsorption.  相似文献   
超临界水的特性及其对地球深部物质研究的意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
水在超临界状态下有着与标准状态明显不同的行为,超临界水具有许多的特殊性质,如强烈的氧化作用,很强的溶解性能,以及通过温度和压力变化控制其密度在类似蒸汽到类似液体的密度之间等。水在约400℃的超临界温度下,几乎有的氢键都裂解了,超临界水的这一性质很可能是超临界水具有许多特殊性质的主要原因,超临状态地幔水的存在,不仅对球物理场的性质有重要影响,崦且对于地质构造演化、地球化学动力学、成矿作用,以及深部地  相似文献   
标准物质参考值的准确性在测试仪器校准、分析数据质量监控以及方法评价等方面具有非常重要的作用.为了检验国家地质标准物质参考值的准确性,本文应用高温高压密闭溶样-电感耦合等离子体质谱法分析了国家地质标准物质的18种岩石(GBW 07103 ~ GBW 07125)、19种沉积物(GBW 07301 ~ GBW 07318)和19种土壤(GBW 07401 ~ GBW 07430)中36种痕量与稀土元素.结果表明,除个别标准样品中的几个元素(Ni、Cr、Pb、Co、Cu、Sc、Yb、Lu)外,其余国家标准物质中36种元素测定结果的相对标准偏差均小于10%;绝大部分元素测定值的相对误差小于10%,测定值与参考值能较好地吻合.将误差较大元素的测定值与其他实验室的测定值以及文献报道值进行了比较,指出已有的参考值需要修正;针对部分沉积物和土壤中的元素未提供参考值,如GBW 07306的Ni、GBW 07313的Be、Hf、Ta,GBW 07314的Li、Be,GBW 07409、GBW 07410和GBW0741 1的Hf、Ta,GBW 07426的Gd、Ta,本文给出了相应的参考值.  相似文献   
采用正交试验的方法优化磁小体培养条件,结果使趋磁细菌OD600达到0.440(生物量为1.166×109cells/ml),同时运用磁收集传代法,使趋磁细菌Cmag值稳定在1.9—2.0。培养时用透射电镜观察磁小体形成过程,结果发现培养24h细菌体内已有较小晶体形成且沿长轴分布;48h晶体长大且形成分段链沿长轴排列;72h晶体进一步成熟仍以分段链沿长轴排列;随后细菌逐渐衰亡磁小体变小,168h可见部分自溶细菌中仍有磁小体链;192h细菌自溶磁小体链分散到环境中。还观察到磁小体在细菌分裂时采用两种分离方式,一种为磁小体分配到两个子细胞;另一种为磁小体只分配到一个子细胞。无磁小体的子细胞,一部分逐渐产生磁小体,另一部分不产生磁小体。  相似文献   
The postperovskite phase transition of Fe and Al-bearing MgSiO3 bridgmanite, the most aboundant mineral in the Earth's lower mantle, is believed to be a key to understanding seismological observations in the D″ layer, e.g., the discontinuous changes in seismic wave velocities. Experimentally reported phase transition boundaries of Fe and Al-bearing bridgmanite are currently largely controversial and generally suggest wide two-phase coexistence domains. Theoretical simulations ignoring temperature effects cannot evaluate correctly two-phase coexistence domains under high-temperature. We show high-pressure and high-temperature phase transition boundaries for various compositions with geophysically relevant impurities of Fe2+SiO3, Fe3+Fe3+O3, Fe3+Al3+O3, and Al3+Al3+O3 derived from the ab initio finite-temperature free energies calculated combining the internally consistent LSDA + U method and a lattice dynamics approach. We found that at ~ 2500 K, incorporations accompanied by Fe3+ expand the two-phase coexistence domains distinctly, implying that D″ seismic discontinuities likely arise from the phase transition of Fe2+-bearing bridgmanite.  相似文献   
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