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The distribution of several minor and trace elements mainly in fresh (dominating TDS 160–400 mg/l) groundwater of Latvia have been investigated by the Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) technique. An evaluation of results of about 700 analyses leads to the conclusion that concentrations of these elements is influenced by: pH–Eh conditions, groundwater residence time and diffuse contamination, whereas the role of water-bearing sediments is of secondary importance. Most trace elements are characterised by low mobility under alkaline and reducing conditions; concentrations in confined aquifers are much smaller than the Maximum Permissible Values for drinking water. The strongest anomalies of REE, Al and P were found in shallow groundwater around the former agrochemical storehouses.  相似文献   
于1985年,一颗独特的凸缘微玻璃陨石被发现于采自北太平洋(9°33′N,167°00′W;水深4928m)深海沉积物中。使用各种分析方法对它的显微特征、微结构和化学成分进行了研究。结果表明,太平洋凸缘微玻璃陨石的形态和结构与达尔文的凸缘澳大利亚石(或玻璃陨石)和查普曼的人造凸缘玻璃陨石相似,从而揭示了玻璃陨石和微玻璃陨石的凸缘结构是由空气动力消融作用的产物。这一研究具有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   
Improvements in the technology of laser ablation and ICP-MS instruments make LA-MC-ICPMS a rapid, precise and accurate method for U–Pb zircon geochronology. In this review we describe the main stages of the evolution of this in situ approach from the early 1990s to the present time. Some key points have been progressively improved. The crater size has been reduced to achieve real in situ measurements. The laser wavelength has been reduced as well as the duration of each pulse in order to lower inter-element fractionation. The blank from the gas has to be lowered as far as possible. Double focusing instruments and magnetic field sectors allow flat-topped peaks required for precise isotope ratio measurement to be obtained. The use of a multi-ion counting system significantly improves the sensitivity of the method and the static mode of integration favours the precision of measurement of the transient signal originating from a noisy laser ablated particle beam.Combining the use of a 213 nm UV laser and a MC-ICPMS equipped with a multi-ion counting system operating in static mode, the common precisions achieved for the key ratios 207Pb/206Pb and 206Pb/238U are better than 1% and 3% (2σ) respectively, including error propagation associated with standard normalization. Until now, the use of a zircon standard has remained necessary to ensure the accuracy of the calculated age. A strategy for common-Pb correction is proposed according to the age of the zircon and according to the Th/U ratio of the grains. After recording sixteen to twenty spot analyses the precision usually achieved on the age is about 1% and even significantly better for Proterozoic samples.In order to show the performance achieved by modern LA-MC-ICPMS geochronology, we tested four zircon samples covering a wide age range from 290 to 2440 Ma. These new age determinations can be compared in term of precision and accuracy since they have already been dated by reference methods (ID-TIMS and SHRIMP). Further developments in the technology of ion counters equipping modern MC-ICPMS and in laser systems will certainly be applied to a large field of geochronology studies in the near future as an alternative to SIMS for in situ age determination.  相似文献   
The 40Ar/39Ar method using a laser probe opened the door to microscale measurements and diffusion profiles frozen in samples. In the first decade since the initial application of a laser for 40Ar/39Ar dating in 1973, practical applications have been few. This is due not only to the fact that the laser and vacuum technologies were immature but that mass spectrometry was also in its infancy. In those days, the sensitivity of a mass spectrometer was generally insufficient to measure the small amount of argon degassed from a geological sample by a laser. These problems have subsequently been solved by new technologies. To understand their current status, a brief history of their development is outlined. This outline focuses on the required detection limit in micro scale measurement, practical approaches for accurate measurement are explained through examples in our laboratory specifically relating to the technical aspects of 40Ar/39Ar dating.  相似文献   
探讨了激光剥蚀等离子体质谱固体微区分析中激光剥蚀参数对元素分析信号灵敏度及稳定性的影响。这些参数包括激光功率、脉冲频率、剥蚀孔经、散焦距离、剥蚀方式等。讨论了优化的激光剥蚀等离子体质谱信号采集及数据处理方式。在全质量范围内选用具有代表性的元素作为研究对象,建立了激光剥蚀的一般性特征规律和266nm紫外激光系统的最佳操作条件。在选定的激光剥蚀参数下,大多数被测元素的检出限为22.8~457ng/g,能够满足固体微区分析的要求。  相似文献   
A new and accurate characterization method for dimensions, shape and roughness of aggregate particles has been developed. The method is based on the 3D-laser scanning technique and evaluation of coarse-grain aggregate-particle images. Parameters are obtained with either analytical Fourier analysis or geometrical analysis. The results from the two methods are compared with each other as well as with manual measurements. Although the Fourier-based analysis gives about 10% smaller size values, the comparison of the results shows, in general, a good agreement between the different techniques. This new method for analysis of coarse-grain aggregates gives reliable results for both the shape and topographical parameters of particles.  相似文献   
A laser microprobe capable of analysing nitrogen and noble gases in individual grains with masses less than a milligram is described. It can be used in both continuous wave (CW) mode, useful for stepwise heating of an individual grain, as well as in pulsed mode, useful for ablating material from a small selected area of a sample, for gas extraction. We could achieve low blanks (in ccSTP units) for 4He(4.8 x 10{-12}),22Ne(1.0 x 10{-12}),36Ar(1.0 x10 -13),84Kr(2.9 x 10{-14}),132 Xe(2.6 x 10{-14}), and N (87 pg), using this system. Preliminary data for individual chondrules from the Dhajala meteorite show that noble gases and nitrogen from grains as small as 170 microgram can be analysed using the present laser microprobe setup. The amount of trapped neon in Dhajala chondrules is very small, and nitrogen in the chondrules is isotopically heavier as compared to the bulk meteorite.  相似文献   
Preliminary results are given from an excimer 157 nm laser ablation multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (LA-MC-ICP-MS), used for the isotopic measurements of solid materials. Elements of geological interest with different volatilities such as Pb and U (e.g. zircon geochronology) and Cu and Zn (as examples of geochemical/biochemical tracers) were analysed. The range of ablation rates of 20-150 nm s-1 enabled us to ablate the sample down to a depth of 45 μm for a 50 μm diameter pit. The Cu and Zn isotopic measurements gave values that were very stable with, on average, a 0.01 % standard error, comparable with that achieved in liquid mode measurements.  相似文献   
The geochemical reference material BHVO-1 was analysed by a variety of techniques over a six year period. These techniques included inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-MS and ICP-AES, respectively), laser ablation ICP-MS and spark source mass spectroscopy. Inconsistencies between the published consensus values reported by Gladney and Roelandts (1988, Geostandards Newsletter) and the results of our study are noted for Rb, Y, Zr, Pb and Th. The values reported here for Rb, Y, Zr and Pb are generally lower, while Th is higher than the consensus value. This is not an analytical artefact unique to the University of Notre Dame ICP-MS facility, as most of the BHVO-1 analyses reported over the last ten to twenty years are in agreement with our results. We propose new consensus values for each of these elements as follows: Rb = 9.3 ± 0.2 μg g-1 (compared to 11 ± 2 μg g-1), Y = 24.4 ± 1.3 μg g-1 (compared to 27.6 ± 1.7 μg g-1), Zr = 172 ± 10 μg g-1 (compared to 179 ± 21 μg g-1), Pb = 2.2 ± 0.2 μg g-1 (compared to 2.6 ± 0.9 μg g-1) and Th = 1.22 ± 0.02 μg g-1 (compared to 1.08 ± 0.15 μg g-1).  相似文献   
介绍北京正负电子对撞机注和器复测的精度要求,阐述采用波带板激光准直系统与精密水准测量相结合的方法,进行注入器复测的观测、数据处理与调整。根据复测数据分析了隧道地基变形与加速管位置变形及其规律,提出了一些有益的结论与建议。  相似文献   
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