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Iodine enrichment in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile is widespread and varies significantly between reservoirs, including nitrate-rich “caliche” soils, supergene Cu deposits and marine sedimentary rocks. Recent studies have suggested that groundwater has played a key role in the remobilization, transport and deposition of iodine in Atacama over scales of millions-of-years. However, and considering that natural waters are also anomalously enriched in iodine in the region, the relative source contributions of iodine in the waters and its extent of mixing remain unconstrained. In this study we provide new halogen data and isotopic ratios of iodine (129I/I) in shallow seawater, rivers, salt lakes, cold and thermal spring water, rainwater and groundwater that help to constrain the relative influence of meteoric, marine and crustal sources in the Atacama waters. Iodine concentrations in surface and ground waters range between 0.35 μM and 26 μM in the Tarapacá region and between 0.25 μM and 48 μM in the Antofagasta region, and show strong enrichment when compared with seawater concentrations (I = ∼0.4 μM). In contrast, no bromine enrichment is detected (1.3–45.7 μM for Tarapacá and 1.7–87.4 μM for Antofagasta) relative to seawater (Br = ∼600 μM). These data, coupled to the high I/Cl and low Br/Cl ratios are indicative of an organic-rich sedimentary source (related with an “initial” fluid) that interacted with meteoric water to produce a mixed fluid, and preclude an exclusively seawater origin for iodine in Atacama natural waters. Iodine isotopic ratios (129I/I) are consistent with halogen chemistry and confirm that most of the iodine present in natural waters derives from a deep initial fluid source (i.e., groundwater which has interacted with Jurassic marine basement), with variable influence of at least one atmospheric or meteoric source. Samples with the lowest isotopic ratios (129I/I from ∼215 to ∼1000 × 10−15) strongly suggest mixing between the groundwater and iodine storage in organic-rich rocks (with variable influence of volcanic fluids) and pre-anthropogenic meteoric water, while samples with higher values (∼2000–93,700 × 10−15) indicate the input of anthropogenic meteoric fluid. Taking into account the geological, hydrologic and climatic features of the Atacama region, we propose that the mean contribution of anthropogenic 129I is associated with 129I releases during nuclear weapon tests carried out in the central Pacific Ocean until the mid 1990's (129I/I = ∼12,000 × 10−15). This source reflects rapid redistribution of this radioisotope on a global scale. Our results support the notion of a long-lived continental iodine cycle in the hyperarid margin of western South America, which is driven by local hydrological and climate conditions, and confirm that groundwater was a key agent for iodine remobilization and formation of the extensive iodine-rich soils of Atacama.  相似文献   
Iodine contents of soils developed over the major rock formations of the northern zone of the Eastern Pontide Tectonic Belt (Northeastern Turkey) have been investigated with respect to soil-parent rock relationship, effect of topography, elevation, and climate to construe its effect on the health of the local population. Samples were collected from the A and B horizons of the soils developed over the major stratigraphic units constituting the eastern Pontides, including the Lower Basic Complex of Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous age, the Berdiga limestone (Jurassic-lower Cretaceous), the Dagbasi granitoid (Upper Cretaceous), volcano-sedimentary sequence of Upper Cretaceous age, ore-bearing and barren dacites of Upper Cretaceous age, and Neogene alkaline basalts. Chemical analyses of soil samples indicate significantly lower iodine abundances for all the soils studied (5–28 ppm) in comparison to the average abundance of iodine in analogous soils of other parts of the world (22–93 ppm). The concentration of iodine in soils developed over the same geologic formation decrease with increasing elevation. In certain cases, this decrease may reach up to 70%. Goiter is highly common throughout this region in Turkey. The results of this study suggest that the iodine deficiency of region’s soils may be a principal underlying cause for this area of Turkey being an endemic goiter region.  相似文献   
对国内外提碘技术的主流工艺——空气吹出酸液吸收法的工艺特点及生产现状进行了分析。应用超重力强化提碘技术对I2-HPO3-H2O体系进行游离碘吹脱实验。在实验控制的参数条件下,总碘浓度为35 mg/L和45 mg/L的氧化液单级吹脱率分别为78.24%和91.27%。本研究结果对综合回收磷矿中伴生的超低品位碘资源有较大实用意义。  相似文献   
孙大鹏 《盐湖研究》2006,14(2):7-16
根据国内外大量实际资料,从碘的分布情况及其所处的地质条件,结合石油和天然气形成过程、油气藏类型及其分布特点,探讨高碘卤水分布的规律及其形成条件,在此基础上指出了我国的找碘方向。  相似文献   
孙大鹏 《盐湖研究》2007,15(1):20-28
根据国内外大量实际资料,从碘的分布情况及其所处的地质条件,结合石油和天然气形成过程、油气藏类型及其分布特点,探讨高碘卤水分布的规律及其形成条件,在此基础上指出了我国的找碘方向。  相似文献   
孙霞  谭微  贾双琳  杨刚  周小林 《贵州地质》2018,35(3):257-261
介绍了用微波消解处理土壤和水系沉积物样品,用电感耦合等离子质谱仪(ICP-MS)快速高效测试碘的方法。方法的检出限为0. 012μg/g。所选的12个土壤和水系沉积物国家一级标准物质12次测定,除GBW07307a的RSD小于10%外,其余RSD值均小于5%,12次测试的平均值和标准值对数差绝对值均小于0. 05。方法加标回收率在98. 6%104. 6%之间。  相似文献   
A Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) instrument has been developed to detect iodine monoxide (IO) radicals in the atmosphere. An all solid-state Nd:YAG pumped Ti:Sapphire laser operating at approximately 445 nm was used to excite the (2,0) band of the IO A2Π3/2 ← X2Π3/2 electronic transition, with off-resonance fluorescence in the (2,5) band detected at 521 nm. The sensitivity of the instrument was determined by calibration. IO (between 10 and 150 pptV) was generated following the 184.9 nm photolysis of N2O/CF3I/N2 mixtures with O3 actinometry used to determine the photolysis flux. The detection limit was determined to be 0.3 pptV for a 300 s integration period, with an uncertainty of 23% (1σ). The instrument was deployed in August/September 2006 during the RHaMBLe (Reactive Halogens in the Marine Boundary Layer) campaign in Roscoff, France. Located on a small jetty, a few metres from the water’s edge at high tide, the instrument measured significant levels of IO on 11 days, with a maximum of 27.6 ± 3.2 pptV observed on one day (averaged over 10 s) representing the highest IO mixing ratio recorded in the marine boundary layer to date. IO displayed a clear diurnal profile with a maximum at low tide during the daytime. These results represent the first point measurements of IO in the atmosphere by LIF.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that brines in an Ordovician paleokarst reservoir of the Lunnan oilfield in the Tarim Basin, China, are the product of mixing of paleo-evaporated seawater in the east with paleometeoric waters in the west. In order to put time constraints on the brine and related hydrocarbons in this field, 10 brine samples were collected, for which the iodine concentrations and 129I/I ratios were measured and discussed. The iodine concentration (3.70–31.2 mg/L) and the 129I/I ratio (189–897 × 10−15) show that the iodine in the paleoseawater and meteoric water (MW) had different origins and 129I characteristics. The paleoseawater has a high iodine content (∼31 mg/L), indicating that iodine was introduced into the reservoir along with thermally generated hydrocarbons, possibly in the Cretaceous, from the Caohu Sag in the eastern area. Based on consideration of all possible origins of iodine and 129I in the brines, it is suggested that the meteoric water maintained its initial iodine content (0.01 mg/L) and 129I/I ratio (1500 × 10−15), whereas the iodine-enriched paloseawater (IPSW) exhibited a secular 129I equilibrium (Nsq = 39 atom/μL) as a result of fissiogenic 129I input in the reservoir over a long period of time. The model of brine evolution developed on that basis confirmed that meteoric water entered the reservoir in the Miocene at about 10 Ma, and partially mixed with the iodine-enriched paleoseawater. The movement of meteoric water was facilitated by faults created during the Himalayan orogeny, then became more dense after dissolving Paleogene halite and infiltrated into the reservoir at high pressure. The iodine and 129I concentration in the brine contains information about the path and history of the fluid in the reservoir. This may be useful in oil exploration, since the movement of water was, to some extent, related to hydrocarbon migration.  相似文献   
西南极海碘的早期成岩作用和生物地球化学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于1984—1985年南极夏季(12—2月),对南极半岛西部海域进行了多学科综合考察,获得27个表层(抓斗)沉积物和两个剖面样(箱式)的地球化学资料。从测区碘的成岩分布中,我们追索到某些与碘的早期成岩和生物地球化学有关的双向过程记录。碘的含量分布依赖于生源物质,生源碘的再生产主要发生在成岩早期,其再生产过程与沉积有机氮的释放密切相关。测区两个剖面样20cm以浅,碘含量降低幅度可达50%(M1)和36%(R2),M1站的平均再生产速率估算为2.3×10~(-2)μg/(g·a)。间隙水碘含量对埋藏时间作图的表观直线性,提出了上述沉积剖面早期成岩生源碘再生产中扩散释放的零级动力学方程: I~-=180+21T(M1),I~-=142+28T(R2)它们回归海水生物地球化学循环体系的通量分别为: F_(M1)=-5.8×10~(-7)μg/(cm~2·s),F_(R2)=-8.3×10~(-7)μg/(cm~2·s)早期成岩环境的酸碱度、碳酸盐平衡体系和氧化还原条件对生源碘的再生产释放有较大影响,碱性和还原条件有利于碘的释放。  相似文献   
从理论分析入手,以“中华碘泉”含碘矿泉水为例,就国家饮用天然矿泉水标准中对碘指标的界定提出了初步商榷意见。指出,国标中的碘指标应标定“总碘(以I计)”较为适宜;而与国家匹配的检验方法中也应增补“关于碘酸盐的测定方法”  相似文献   
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