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阿尔泰北部大面积出露的喀纳斯群为一套巨厚的浅变质陆缘碎屑岩,本次工作系统采集了锆石同位素年龄样品及岩石地球化学样品,其地球化学分析结果显示沉积物来源于被动大陆边缘环境;获得的碎屑锆石U-Pb同位素年龄资料中,最年轻的岩浆锆石年龄为(545.8±3.7)Ma,据此可将喀纳斯群的底界定为震旦系;较老的元古代锆石年龄(858±13 Ma及1 800~1 983Ma)暗示了物源区很可能存在前寒武纪大陆地壳基底。  相似文献   
内蒙迪彦庙地区早二叠世寿山沟组地层发育良好,岩性相对稳定,变质、变形程度较低,是研究区范围内早二叠世地层层序研究的理想地区。该课题逐层实测了寿山沟组剖面,从剖面的岩性地层入手,着重分析了迪彦庙地区早二叠世的岩性组合特征、基本层序、沉积旋回特征;同时根据古生物化石类型和组合,推断该区域形成的地质时代和沉积环境。研究表明:寿山沟组剖面厚度为9598.98m,根据岩性和粒度的大小,可分3个岩段:一段为滨浅海浅海陆棚沉积;二段、三段为一套浊流沉积岩系,发育特征性浊流沉积构造,为典型的复理石建造。  相似文献   
Progressive Early Silurian low‐pressure greenschist to granulite facies regional metamorphism of Ordovician flysch at Cooma, southeastern Australia, had different effects on detrital zircon and monazite and their U–Pb isotopic systems. Monazite began to dissolve at lower amphibolite facies, virtually disappearing by upper amphibolite facies, above which it began to regrow, becoming most coarsely grained in migmatite leucosome and the anatectic Cooma Granodiorite. Detrital monazite U–Pb ages survived through mid‐amphibolite facies, but not to higher grade. Monazite in the migmatite and granodiorite records only metamorphism and granite genesis at 432.8 ± 3.5 Ma. Detrital zircon was unaffected by metamorphism until the inception of partial melting, when platelets of new zircon precipitated in preferred orientations on the surface of the grains. These amalgamated to wholly enclose the grains in new growth, characterised by the development of {211} crystal faces, in the migmatite and granodiorite. New growth, although maximum in the leucosome, was best dated in the granodiorite at 435.2 ± 6.3 Ma. The combined best estimate for the age of metamorphism and granite genesis is 433.4 ± 3.1 Ma. Detrital zircon U–Pb ages were preserved unmodified throughout metamorphism and magma genesis and indicate derivation of the Cooma Granodiorite from Lower Palaeozoic source rocks with the same protolith as the Ordovician sediments, not Precambrian basement. Cooling of the metamorphic complex was relatively slow (average ~12°C/106y from ~730 to ~170°C), more consistent with the unroofing of a regional thermal high than cooling of an igneous intrusion. The ages of detrital zircon and monazite from the Ordovician flysch (dominantly composite populations 600–500 Ma and 1.2–0.9 Ga old) indicate its derivation from a source remote from the Australian craton.  相似文献   
在东昆仑西端布喀达坂峰地区二叠纪地层中首次发现陆相孢粉与海相疑源类化石一起保存的孢粉—疑源类化石组合。经对两个样品较为丰富的孢粉型化石研究后发现,上部组合以裸子植物花粉占优势,双囊无肋花粉最多,可与塔里木盆地的卡伦达尔组的孢粉组合做粗略的比较,但组合中出现了时代偏晚的Ephedripites及Taeniae-sporites,因此,研究区马尔争组中段复理石地层的时代当为中二叠世—晚二叠世。  相似文献   
盆山转换与沉积地质记录——以楚雄前陆盆地分析为例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
楚雄盆地位于扬子陆块的西南边缘,为一中生代周缘型前陆盆地。根据沉积相特征、层序地层结构和古地理演化的详细研究,结合古哀牢山造山带的构造演化,笔者认为楚雄盆地经历了从古生代被动大陆边缘沉积到中生代前陆盆地沉积的演化。前陆盆地演化的阶段性明显:晚三叠世卡尼期(云南驿组沉积期)和诺利早、中期(罗家大山组沉积期)为前陆复理石沉积;诺利晚期(花果山组沉积期)—古新世(赵家店组沉积期)为前陆磨拉石沉积。磨拉石沉积可分为海相含煤磨拉石和陆相红色磨拉石两种类型。其中陆相磨拉石沉积时间跨度长,分布面积广,沉积厚度大,沉积演化可细分为盆地成形、强烈沉降、回返充填和萎缩消亡四个阶段。随着逆冲造山楔的不断向上生长和向克拉通方向加载,楚雄前陆盆地经历了一个早期向上突然加深、变细和晚期向上变浅、变粗的沉积充填过程;盆地由早期复理石沉积演变为晚期磨拉石沉积;盆地基底形态由早期的窄而深演化为晚期的宽而浅;分布于造山楔前缘的盆地沉降与沉积中心也不断地向北东克拉通方向迁移。古流向、岩石学和岩石地球化学数据都显示楚雄前陆盆地沉积物的主要物源区为古哀牢山造山带,其次为东部隆起带,因此,盆地沉积物的供给具有明显的双物源特征。  相似文献   
An integrated petrographic and geochemical study of the sandstones of the Maastrichtian-aged in the Orhaniye (Kazan-Ankara-Turkey) was carried out to obtain more information on their provenance, sedimentological history and tectonic setting. Depending on their matrix and mineralogical content, the Maastrichtian sandstones are identified as lithic arenite/wacke. The Dikmendede sandstones derived from types of provenances, the recycled orogen and recycled transitional. The chemical characteristics of the Dikmendede sandstones, i.e., fairly uniform compositions, high Th/U ratios (>3.0), negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* 0.72–0.99) and Th/Sc ratios (mostly less than 1.0), favor the OUC (old upper continental crust) provenance for the Dikmendede sandstones. The SiO2/Al2O3, Th/Sc (mostly <1.0) and La/Sc (<4.0) ratios are; however, slightly lower than typical OUC, and these ratios may suggest a minor contribution of young arc-derived material. The rare earth element (REE) pattern, and La/Sc versus Th/Co plot suggests that these sediments were mainly derived from felsic source rocks. The Dikmendede sandstones have high Cr (123–294 ppm) and Ni (52–212 ppm) concentrations, Cr/Ni ratio of 1.93, and a medium correlation coefficient between Cr and Ni and corresponding medium to high correlation of both (Cr and Ni, respectively) elements with Co. These relationships indicate a significant contribution of detritus from ophiolitic rocks. As rare earth element data are available for the Dikmendede sandstones, the Eu/Eu* is compared with LaN/YbN. Samples plot in the area of overlapping between continental collision, strike-slip and continental arc basins. The predominantly felsic composition of the Dikmendede sandstones is supported by the REE plots, which show enriched light REE, negative Eu anomaly and flat or uniform heavy REE. The Dikmendede sandstones have compositions similar to those of the average upper continental crust and post-Archean Australian shales. This feature indicates that the sediments were derived mainly from the upper continental crust. The Dikmendede sandstones have chemical index of alteration (CIA) values of 28–49, with an average of 40 indicating a low degree of chemical weathering in the source area. The compositional immaturity of the analyzed sandstone samples is typical of subduction-related environments, and their SiO2/Al2O3 and K2O/Na2O ratios and Co, Sc, Th and Zr contents reflect their oceanic and continental-arc settings. The Dikmendede sandstones were developed as flysch deposits derived from mixed provenance in a collision belt.  相似文献   
根据康马地区三叠系吕村组和涅如组新发现的化石及区域地质背景 ,把该区的地层时代分别厘定为中三叠世中晚期至晚三叠世早期和晚三叠世中晚期 ,并认为缺失早三叠世至中三叠世早期的沉积。研究表明康马地区三叠系与二叠系之间为微角度不整合接触 ,是“藏南运动”和“印支伸展运动”共同影响形成的。晚二叠世末至中三叠世早期 ,康马地区露出海面 ,接受剥蚀并形成喀斯特化风化壳。中三叠世末至晚三叠世 ,这一地区发生强烈伸展—裂陷 ,地壳迅速沉降 ,形成被动大陆边缘裂谷盆地 ,发育巨厚的半深海—深海复理石沉积 ,并伴随大量基性岩浆贯入。涅如组下部有两期基性岩侵入 ,早期基性岩床形成于印支晚期 ,晚期穿层侵入形成于燕山早期。  相似文献   
内蒙迪彦庙地区早二叠世寿山沟组地层发育良好,岩性相对稳定,变质、变形程度较低,是研究区范围内早二叠世地层层序研究的理想地区。该课题逐层实测了寿山沟组剖面,从剖面的岩性地层人手,着重分析了迪彦庙地区早二叠世的岩性组合特征、基本层序、沉积旋回特征;同时根据古生物化石类型和组合,推断该区域形成的地质时代和沉积环境。研究表明:寿山沟组剖面厚度为9598.98m,根据岩性和粒度的大小,可分3个岩段:一段为滨浅海一浅海陆棚沉积;二段、三段为一套浊流沉积岩系,发育特征性浊流沉积构造,为典型的复理石建造。  相似文献   
内蒙古西乌旗下二叠统寿山沟组海底扇的发现及意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西乌珠穆沁旗地区下二叠统寿山沟组沉积环境的认识尚缺乏确凿证据.对塔宾庙林场剖面寿山沟组的研究认为是一套海相碎屑岩沉积,岩石类型以长石岩屑砂岩为主,发育粒序层理和平行层理,属于鲍马序列中的A和B段,并伴有Zoophycos相遗迹化石组合,属于海底扇沉积.根据岩石类型、砂岩的单层厚度、砂岩和泥岩的比值,划分出内扇、中扇、外扇3个亚相,内扇亚相发育水道砾岩,外扇亚相发育复理石相遗迹化石.该区寿山沟组厚层暗色泥岩,是良好的烃源岩,而扇体可以作为有效的储层,具有很好的油气勘探前景.  相似文献   
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