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The Scandinavian Caledonides have been viewed as resulting from either a single Silurian (i.e. Scandian) event or from polycyclic orogenies involving several collisions on the margin of Baltica. Early studies of the Kalak Nappe Complex (KNC) in Finnmark, Arctic Norway, led to the hypothesis of an Early Cambrian-Early Ordovician (520-480 Ma) Finnmarkian Orogeny, though the nature of this tectonic event remains enigmatic. In this contribution we have employed in situ UV laser ablation Ar-Ar dating of fine-grained phyllite and schist from the eastern Caledonides of Arctic Norway to investigate the presence of pre-Scandian tectonometamorphic events. U-Th-Pb detrital zircon and whole rock Sm-Nd analyses have been used to test the regional stratigraphic correlations of these metasedimentary rocks. These results indicate that the Berlevåg Formation within the Tanafjord Nappe, previously assumed to be part of the KNC, was deposited after 1872 Ma and prior to a low temperature hydrothermal event at 555 ± 15 Ma. It has a likely provenance on the Baltica continent, lacks any Grenville-Sveconorwegian detrital zircons, and thus cannot be part of the KNC which contains abundant detritus in this age range. Instead the Berlevåg Formation is interpreted as part of the Laksefjord Nappe Complex, which structurally underlies the KNC. Laser-ablation argon-argon dating also shows that late Caledonian (i.e. Scandian) tectonometamorphism affected both the KNC and its immediate footwall at c. 425 ± 15 Ma. This is corroborated by a step-heating argon-argon muscovite age of 424 ± 3 Ma which is interpreted as dating cooling. However, within two samples from the KNC, an earlier (Middle-Late Cambrian) metamorphic event is also recorded. A biotite-grade schist yielded an Ar-Ar inverse isochron age of 506 ± 17 Ma from whole rock surfaces, in which the mineral domains are too fine-grained to date individually. An early generation of muscovite from a coarser-grained amphibolite-facies sample yielded an inverse isochron of 498 ± 13 Ma. Both isochron ages have atmospheric argon intercept values. Previous studies have documented similar Cambrian ages in the Caledonian nappes below the KNC. These results suggest correlative tectonometamorphic events in the eastern KNC and its footwall at c. 500 Ma. This Cambrian event may reflect the arrival of the Kalak Nappe Complex as a previously constructed exotic mobile belt onto the margin of Baltica. Combined with recent studies from the western Kalak Nappe Complex, the results do not support the traditional constraint on the Finnmarkian Orogeny sensu stricto. However they vindicate classic tectonic models involving a Cambrian accretion event.  相似文献   
Detrital zircon reference for the North China block   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
U–Pb analyses of 250 single detrital zircons from Upper Proterozoic to Ordovician strata collected from the Zhuozi Shan in north-central China provide a detrital zircon reference for the North China block, a major crustal entity in the Asian tectonic collage. The results, which range in age from 1.72 to 2.97 Ga, shed new light on the age of the crystalline basement in North China, much of which is covered by younger sedimentary units. In addition, this detrital zircon reference can be used to help determine the provenance of clastic sedimentary units and for assessing validity of paleogeographic and regional tectonic models that include the complex history of Asian continental amalgamation, terrane accretion, and subsequent translation that is ongoing today.  相似文献   
U-Pb dating of detrital zircons from the sandstones of the Mamakan Formation has been made. Geochemical and isotope parameters of the carbonate deposits of the Yanguda Formation in the Vendian-Cambrian cover of the North Muya continental block have been estimated. It has been established that only the Neoproterozoic (630-915 Ma) rocks of the North Muya block were the provenances of terrigenous material. In the least altered carbonate rocks of the Yanguda Formation, the 87Sr/86Sr ratio is within 0.70814-0.70879 and δ13C varies from -0.4 to + 1.9‰. Comparison of the evaluated isotope parameters with those of carbonate rocks of typical Vendian-Cambrian sections shows that the carbonate deposits of the Yanguda Formation accumulated in the Early Cambrian, about 520 Ma. Sedimentation of the Mamakan and Yanguda Formations took place in the local sedimentary basin in the Vendian-Early Cambrian, in the absence of tectonic activity within the North Muya block. Detrital material that formed during the destruction of the rocks of the Siberian Platform basement and cover was not supplied into the basin.  相似文献   
利用激光探针等离子体普(LAM-ICPMS)技术对中生代锆石进行了详细的206Pb/^238定年研究。采用线扫描(Line scan)进样法减小了传统的剥深(Depth profile)进样法所引起的激光熔蚀分异效应;优化仪器参数可三ICP-MS对Pb和U的质量歧视效应。测得了精确的^206Pb/^238U比值及年龄。研究结果表明,均匀颗粒锆石的^206Pb/^238U比值测量精度为2%~10%,  相似文献   
赵甫峰 《地质学报》2011,85(10):1574-1584
滇西地区沿金沙江-哀牢山断裂带广泛发育新生代富碱斑岩,其中六合富碱斑岩中发现了与镁铁-超镁铁质深源包体紧密共生的花岗岩包体.本文对花岗岩包体中锆石进行了阴极发光图像、LA-ICP-MS微量元素分析和U-Pb定年研究.研究表明,该花岗岩包体中锆石可分为岩浆锆石、老核新壳的复合岩浆锆石和变质交代成因锆石;复合岩浆锆石的新壳...  相似文献   
利用基本的宝石学方法、紫外可见光分光光度计、红外光谱仪、激光拉曼探针和激光剥蚀等离子质谱技术(LA-ICP-MS)分析了黑龙江穆棱玄武岩风化冲积物中宝石级锆石的宝石学性质、谱学特征、包裹体特征、微量元素组成及U-Pb年龄。宝石学性质表明锆石为优质的、可直接加工利用的宝石原料;谱学特征显示锆石为未经历后期改造的高型岩浆锆石,且含有磷灰石、锆石和赤铁矿包裹体;LA-ICP-MS分析表明锆石具有明显的Ce正异常,富集重稀土元素[(Yb/Sm)N=21~63)]和HFSE元素,Th/U均大于1(1个数据例外);ΣREE较高,含量在1765×10-6~2374×10-6,与基性锆石相似;明显的Ce异常和赤铁矿包裹体说明锆石形成于氧化环境;根据Ti-in-Zircon地质温度计计算,锆石结晶的最低温度为646~737℃;U-Pb年龄为9.39±0.4Ma代表锆石的结晶年龄。基于本实验数据和前人研究成果,认为锆石巨晶形成于富集CO2的氧化环境并且与地幔的交代作用有关,是岩石圈减薄作用发展到一定阶段(衰退期)的产物。  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):2036-2056

The Chinese Southwest Tianshan Orogenic Belt is located along the boundary between the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) and the Tarim Block (TB), NW China. It records the convergence of the Tarim Block and the Middle Tianshan, and is, therefore, a crucial region for understanding the Eurasia continental growth and evolution. The Wulagen (geographical name) metasedimentary rocks of the Wuqia area (mainly metamorphic sandstones and mica schists) form one of the metamorphic terranes in the Southwestern Tianshan Orogenic Belt. The geochronology of these rocks is poorly known, which hampers our understanding of the tectonic evolution of the belt. We analyzed 517 zircon grains for detrital zircon U–Pb dating and 93 zircon grains for in situ Lu–Hf isotopic compositions from the Wulagen metasedimentary rocks. The analyzed zircon grains yield Neoarchean to late Paleozoic U–Pb ages with major age peaks at ~2543 Ma, 1814 Ma, 830 Ma, 460 Ma, and the youngest cluster of zircon (magmatogene) ages is 395 Ma. The zircon U–Pb data show that the late Paleozoic (Early Devonian) is the maximum depositional age of the Wulagen metasedimentary rocks, rather than the previously considered Precambrian period. The zircons with Paleozoic ages yield εHf(t) values of ?22.0 to +11.3 and two-stage model ages (TDM2) of 3.95 to 1.30 Ga, suggesting that the parental magmas were formed from partial melting of pre-existing crustal rocks. Our zircon U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotopic data indicate the major source regions for the Wulagen metasedimentary rocks was the Kyrgyzstan North Tianshan. The zircon age population of 600–400 Ma (peak at ~460 Ma) has negative εHf(t) values (?15.0 to ?0.6) and Mesoproterozoic two-stage model ages, suggesting that the early Paleozoic magmatism resulted mainly from the melting of ancient crust, which played an important role in crustal evolution in the southern CAOB.  相似文献   
南秦岭东河群碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄及其板块构造意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南秦岭微陆块是秦岭造山带的重要构造单元,其早白垩世沉积物是研究物源区及南秦岭微陆块构造演化的理想对象.南秦岭微陆块南缘观音坝盆地早白垩世砂砾岩中的碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄给出了5个年龄峰,范围分别是2600~2300Ma、2050~1800Ma、1200~750Ma、650~400Ma和350~200Ma,对应于Kenor、Columbia、Rodinia、Gondwana和Pangaea等5次超大陆事件.碎屑锆石源区复杂,但主要源自华北克拉通和北秦岭增生带,表明晚古生代南秦岭微陆块是秦岭-华北联合大陆板块的一部分,而非独立的微陆块.最年轻的锆石年龄峰给出了勉略洋向秦岭-华北大陆俯冲的时限,即350~ 200Ma;扬子与秦岭-华北联合大陆板块的碰撞造山作用始于三叠纪-侏罗纪之交,强烈的挤压造山作用发生在侏罗纪,而非三叠纪或更早.  相似文献   

林周盆地位于冈底斯板块中部,对其进行盆地分析将为理解冈底斯板块构造演化过程提供重要的沉积学证据。本文以林周盆地中侏罗统却桑温泉组为研究对象,开展岩石学和碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学研究,结果显示却桑温泉组岩屑石英砂岩最年轻碎屑锆石年龄为169 Ma,存在620~540 Ma,1220~1055 Ma等年龄峰值,其中最年轻碎屑锆石年龄是对特提斯洋壳俯冲引发的岩浆事件的响应。碎屑锆石区域对比研究表明却桑温泉组物源主要来自冈底斯中部唐加-松多造山带,为特提斯洋向北俯冲、向南增生过程的沉积记录。

欧亚与印度大陆的碰撞使得印度大陆的北东角强烈挤入欧亚大陆内部,形成东构造结,其引发的强烈变形将南羌塘地块、北羌塘地块、拉萨地块、保山地块、兰坪-思茅地块以及地块之间的缝合带挤压于很窄的范围内,造成青藏高原腹地与其东南缘之间构造单元划分、对比困难。滇西福贡地区位于青藏高原东南缘,东构造结影响范围内,是三江造山带及青藏高原相关地块的汇聚处。福贡地区石炭系岩石组合表明其形成于较为稳定的浅海相沉积环境中,具有被动大陆边缘沉积特征。三件石炭系二云母石英片岩碎屑锆石表面年龄数据(194个有效分析点)形成五个主要年龄区间:2550~2400Ma、1800~1550Ma、1200~1080Ma、1000~850Ma和600~480Ma,峰值分别为~2502Ma、~1724Ma、~1120Ma、~886Ma和~512Ma。对比其他地块同时代地层的碎屑锆石年龄谱表明,福贡地区石炭系可能是拉萨地块的一部分,与腾冲地块一样,属于其南延部分。结合中新生代岩浆岩带的构造连续性,我们认为,印度板块东北角向北、北东方向的强烈挤压导致拉萨地块及冈底斯岩浆岩带弯曲、缩颈、并发生分离与旋转。  相似文献   
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