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I argue that temperatures of spots, responsible for observed periodical light variations of T Tauri stars (TTS), are not known with reliable accuracy to discriminate between chromospheric and accretion theories of TTS 's phenomenon. The hypothesis is set up that spots on classical TTS (CTTS) are due to heating of stellar surface by radiation from a collisional accretion shock, whereas spots on weak line TTS (WTTS), at least in some cases, are connected with a collisionless accretion shock rather than chromospheric activity. Possible scenarios of WTTS interaction with circumstellar matter are discussed.  相似文献   
Most of previous models suggest that the Central Asia Orogenic Belt grew southward in the Phanerozoic. However, in the Bayanhongor region in west-central Mongolia, volcanic arc, accretionary prism, ophiolite, and passive margin complexes accreted northeastward away from the Baydrag micro-continent, and hence the region constitutes the southwestern part of a crustal-scale syntaxis close to the west. The syntaxis should be original, because presumably reorientation due to strike-slip faulting can be ignored. It is reconfirmed that the Baydrag eventually collided with another micro-continent (the Hangai) to the northeast. A thick sedimentary basin developed along the southern passive margin of the Hangai micro-continent. This region is also characterized by an exhumed metamorphosed accretionary complex and a passive margin complex, which are both bounded by detachment faults as well as basal reverse faults which formed simultaneously as extrusion wedges. This part of the Central Asia Orogenic Belt lacks exhumed crystalline rocks as observed in the Himalayas and other major collisional orogenic belts. In addition, we identified two phases of deformation, which occurred at each phase of zonal accretion as D1 through Cambrian and Devonian, and a synchronous phase of final micro-continental collision of Devonian as D2. The pre-collisional ocean was wide enough to be characterized by a mid-ocean ridge and ocean islands. Two different structural trends of D1 and D2 are observed in accretionary complexes formed to the southwest of the late Cambrian mid-ocean ridge. That is, the relative plate motions on both sides of the mid-ocean ridge were different. Accretionary complexes and passive margin sediments to the northeast of the mid-ocean ridge also experienced two periods of deformation but show the same structural trend. Unmetamorphosed cover sediments on the accretionary prism and on the Hangai micro-continent experienced only the D2 event due to micro-continental collision. These unmetamorphosed sediments form the hanging walls of the detachment faults. Moreover, they were at least partly derived from an active volcanic arc formed at the margin of the Baydrag micro-continent.  相似文献   
The northern part of the western Kunlun (southern margin of the Tarim basin) represents a Sinian rifted margin. To the south of this margin, the Sinian to Paleozoic Proto-Tethys Ocean formed. South-directed subduction of this ocean, beneath the continental southern Kunlun block during the Paleozoic, resulted in the collision between the northern and southern Kunlun blocks during the Devonian. The northern part of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean, located to the south of the southern Kunlun, was subducted to the north beneath the southern Kunlun during the Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic. This caused the formation of a subduction-accretion complex, including a sizeable accretionary wedge to the south of the southern Kunlun. A microcontinent (or oceanic plateau?), which we refer to as “Uygur terrane,” collided with the subduction complex during the Late Triassic. Both elements together represent the Kara-Kunlun. Final closure of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean took place during the Early Jurassic when the next southerly located continental block collided with the Kara-Kunlun area. From at least the Late Paleozoic to the Early Jurassic, the Tarim basin must be considered a back-arc region. The Kengxiwar lineament, which “connects” the Karakorum fault in the west and the Ruogiang-Xingxingxia/Altyn-Tagh fault zone in the east, shows signs of a polyphase strike-slip fault along which dextral and sinistral shearing occurred.  相似文献   
西秦岭楔的构造属性及其增生造山过程   总被引:10,自引:17,他引:10  
西秦岭楔是叠置于早古生代造山作用基础上形成的并插入祁连和昆仑早古生代造山带内部的楔形地质体,以大面积出露三叠系并发育多条蛇绿混杂岩带、大型韧性剪切带、中生代火山-岩浆作用和斑岩-矽卡岩型矿床为典型特征,具有增生造山作用的典型特征。这些蛇绿混杂岩带和岛弧钙碱性火山-岩浆岩的形成时代均具有向南逐渐变年轻的空间演化特征,显示了特提斯洋演化过程中海沟具有向南撤退的基本特征。砂岩碎屑组成以及源区特征研究结果表明,西秦岭楔三叠系形成于活动大陆边缘,其碎屑沉积物来自于古特提斯洋北侧的增生杂岩及岛弧。丰富的岛弧钙碱性火山-岩浆岩和沉积组合以及赋存的斑岩-矽卡岩型矿床,均与东昆仑及南秦岭相一致,呈现出相似的岩石组合类型以及岩石地球化学和同位素地球化学特征。这些事实表明,三叠纪时期,东昆仑、西秦岭以及祁连造山带是一个有机整体,自西向东存在一条三叠纪增生岩浆弧。锆石Hf同位素及岩石地球化学成分结果则表明,该增生岩浆弧部分岩浆来自于俯冲增生杂岩的部分熔融。  相似文献   
韩伟  周建波 《岩石学报》2020,36(3):703-725
饶河杂岩作为那丹哈达增生杂岩的主体,是古太平洋板块西向俯冲的直接证据。饶河增生杂岩组成与增生过程的研究对限定古太平洋板块向欧亚大陆的俯冲与增生过程具有重要的指示意义。本文在野外地质调查和饶河大岱地区大比例尺填图基础上,明确了饶河杂岩主要由枕状玄武岩、辉长岩以及大洋板块沉积地层(OPS)组成,这些岩石均呈构造透镜体状分布在海沟沉积物中,并被中生代花岗质岩脉所穿切,因此为限定饶河增生杂岩的组成、增生和就位时代提供了关键制约。地球化学数据表明玄武岩具有洋岛玄武岩(OIB)的地球化学属性。LA-ICPMS锆石测试结果表明该地区玄武岩和辉长岩的形成时代分别为166±2Ma和214±5Ma,限定了饶河杂岩中镁铁质-超镁铁质岩石的形成时代为晚三叠世至中侏罗世。结合该区粉砂质泥岩和砂岩的沉积时代下限分别为167±3Ma和133±4Ma,表明饶河杂岩的增生时代为167~133Ma,此外样品的碎屑年龄信息表明基质的物源为邻近的佳木斯地块和中亚造山带东段,其中前寒武的碎屑年龄在中国东北的多个陆块均有出现,可能源于早前存在的前寒武纪基底。本文测得侵入饶河杂岩的2个二长花岗岩形成年龄分别为126±1Ma和105±2Ma,表明饶河杂岩中的花岗岩脉主要形成于两个阶段,其中较老的花岗岩侵入体进一步限定了饶河杂岩的最终就位时代为133Ma至126Ma,表明古太平洋板块在中侏罗世至早白垩世存在西向俯冲-增生作用,为古太平洋板块的构造演化提供了重要的制约。  相似文献   
耿煜  王君恒 《地球物理学报》2015,58(10):3530-3539
地球形成初期,构成地球的物质在组成上是大致均一的.目前地球的地核-地幔-地壳圈层结构,是由分异作用形成的.分异过程释放的能量称为分异能.Sorokhtin和Chilingarian等人从行星吸积的定义出发,导出了基于地球内部密度分布的势能计算公式,计算出的分异能大小为1.698×1031J.本文采用计算球体势能的思路,导出分异能计算的解析公式和数值计算公式,通过求取原始地球模型与均匀分层模型、PREM模型的势能差计算分异能.两种方法的计算结果分别为1.535×1031J和1.698×1031J.前者与Sorokhtin等的结果相近,后者与之相同.本文初步分析了方法间的异同以及造成结果偏差的主要原因.  相似文献   
Recently, Sloan Digital Sky Survey successfully carried out the reverberation mapping of a sky area, aiming to test the R ? L relation that has been already widely used. Here, R is the responsivity-weighted radius of the broad line region, and L is the optical luminosity at 5100 Å. Two results have been obtained from the data in the first year: (1) The time lags of AGNs (Active Galactic Nuclei) with a high accretion rate are much shorter than that estimated from the R ? L relation, which confirmed the results of reverberation mapping observations made by the Lijiang 2.4 meter telescope. (2) Some AGNs with a lower accretion rate also have very short time lags. The shortening of the time lags of the AGNs with a low accretion rate is caused by the retrograde accretion of black holes. This result has verified from observations the theoretical prediction made by Wang et al. (2014). The discovery of the black holes with a retrograde accretion has important significance, it indicates that the cosmological evolution of the black holes in quasars is implemented via the inherently random accretion.  相似文献   

Accretion discs in astrophysics are fundamental for converting gravitational binding energy into observed electromagnetic radiation. We study the behavior of waves in a two dimensional supersonic Keplerian flow inside a given gravitational potential. We present the effects of shearing and rotation on short waves, and the numerical study of the dynamical stability of such flows with respect to various perturbations. We show that a large class of dynamical effects, due to pressure and associated to short time scales, may be excited.  相似文献   
Seismic reflection and refraction data off Washington and Oregon are used to determine the style of sediment deformation and to infer the physical properties of accreted sediments on the lower slope. Onshore-offshore seismic refraction data off Washington are used to determine the location of the trench, or where the plate bending starts.We find that off Washington the subduction zone is characterized by a trench whose physiographic expression is buried under several kilometers of sediments and is tens of kilometers landward of the lower slope, which is accreting seaward as the result of the offscraping of sediments.Seismic reflection data support previous observations that offscraping occurs along seaward and landward dipping thrust faults. Refraction data indicate that a sediment package thrust up along a seaward dipping fault (off Washington) was not measurably changed in velocity with respect to a Cascadia basin section. However a package uplifted by thrusting along a landward dipping fault (off Oregon) did have increased velocity. It is suggested that the increased velocities off Oregon could be the result of erosion and exposure of more deeply buried and compacted sediments, rather than the result of dewatering due to tectonic stress. Off Washington the sensitivity of velocity to porosity and resolution of the seismic method does not preclude dewatering due to tectonic stress, but it does limit the degree of dewatering.In the deeper parts of the lower slope section off Washington and Oregon velocities as high as 3 to 4 km/sec are found. Heat flow data indicate that the temperatures in this high velocity regime are greater than 100°C. It is hypothesized that lithification related to clay diagenesis may be partly responsible for the high velocities, rather than simply compaction. It also appears that the high velocity sediments are subducted while the unlithified low velocity sediments are offscraped.  相似文献   
The Tasman Fold Belt System in eastern Australia provides a record of the Palaeozoic geological history and growth of the Australian continent along the proto-Pacific margin of Gondwana inboard of an extensive and long-lived subduction system. The Hodgkinson and Broken River provinces represent prominent geological elements of this system and together form the northern Tasman Fold Belt System. Geochronological age dating of the timing of gold formation in the Amanda Bel Goldfield in the Broken River Province and the Hodgkinson Goldfield in the Hodgkinson Province provides constraints on the occurrence of a deformation and mineralisation episode in the Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous. Integration of these newly-obtained data with petrogenetic constraints and a time–space evaluation of the geological evolution of the Hodgkinson and Broken River provinces, as well as other terranes in the northern Tasman Fold Belt System, allows for the development of a geodynamic model for the Palaeozoic evolution of the northern Tasman Fold Belt System. Our model indicates that three cycles of extension–contraction occurred during the Palaeozoic evolution of the northern Tasman Fold Belt System. Episodes of extension were controlled by rollback of the subduction system along the proto-Pacific margin of Gondwana, whereas episodes of contraction resulted from accretion following the arrival of positively buoyant segments (i.e., micro-continental blocks/oceanic plateaus) at the subducting trench.Our composite interpretative model on the geodynamic evolution of the northern Tasman Fold Belt System integrates the timing of the development of mineral deposits throughout this part of the system and provides a significant advancement in the understanding of Palaeozoic geodynamics along the margin of Gondwana in northeast Australia and allows comparison with the southern part of the Tasman Fold Belt System.  相似文献   
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