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Model results on starspots in 15 chromospherically active type RS CVn binary systems are presented. The dependences of the parameters of the spots on the principal characteristics of the stars (spectral class, luminosity class, rotation, Rossby number) are examined. Latitudinal drift of the spots, cycles in the spot activity, and differential rotation are found in 9 of the stars. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 535–552 (November 2005).  相似文献   
This paper studies the long period variations of the eccentricity vector of the orbit of an artificial satellite, under the influence of the gravity field of a central body. We use modified orbital elements which are non-singular at zero eccentricity. We expand the long periodic part of the corresponding Lagrange equations as power series of the eccentricity. The coefficients characterizing the differential system depend on the zonal coefficients of the geopotential, and on initial semi-major axis, inclination, and eccentricity. The differential equations for the components of the eccentricity vector are then integrated analytically, with a definition of the period of the perigee based on the notion of “free eccentricity”, and which is also valid for circular orbits. The analytical solution is compared to a numerical integration. This study is a generalization of (Cook, Planet. Space Sci., 14, 1966): first, the coefficients involved in the differential equations depend on all zonal coefficients (and not only on the very first ones); second, our method applies to nearly circular orbits as well as to not too eccentric orbits. Except for the critical inclination, our solution is valid for all kinds of long period motions of the perigee, i.e., circulations or librations around an equilibrium point.  相似文献   
本文通过对铁炉坪银、铅矿床围岩蚀变的研究,划分出6种基本蚀变类型,3种蚀变带。各蚀变带以矿体为中心对称分布,各带之间呈渐变过渡关系。并指出由蚀变作用引起围岩化学成分及微量元素含量的变化,岩石化学成分与矿物成分变化相一致,成矿与围岩蚀变相辅相成。还指出了围岩蚀变的找矿意义。  相似文献   
大厂矿田矿化蚀变分带特征十分明显, 在水平方向, 整个矿田可分为西、中、东3 个矿带。西、东矿带主要产出锡石—硫化物型矿床, 围岩蚀变类型主要有硅化、钾长石化、电气石化、绢云母化、碳酸盐化等。中矿带主要分布矽卡岩型锌铜硫化物矿床, 并有锑钨石英脉型矿床叠加其上。整个矿田矿化蚀变分带又具明显的不对称性, 并且每一种矿化类型又表现出各自的分带特点。大厂矿田的总体矿化蚀变分带特征与传统的顺向或逆向分带不同, 反映了多成因、多期次叠加成矿及蚀变的特点  相似文献   
文章通过对西虎岭黄铁矿床围岩蚀变的研究认为,围岩蚀变大致可分为6种基本蚀变类型,5个蚀变阶段,3个蚀变带。各蚀变带以矿体为中心对称分布,各带之间呈渐变过渡关系。同时认为矿床成因类型属中低温热液充填型,并指出围岩蚀变的找矿意义。  相似文献   
In the purple hilly region, erosions and landslides are all serious, and it is of great scientific value and practical significance to study their formation mechanism and distribution features there.In this paper, soil micromorphological methods and techniques were used to study the erosion zonal distribution in the region. The results indicated: (1)According to erosion process, the spacial distribution zones of the erosions and landslides in the purple hilly region with different solums were divided into scouring erosion zone, transport-diffusion zone, rocks and soil turbulence zone and sediment-bury zone; (2) The soil micromorphologic taxonomic feature identifying different erosion-landslide zone were found by studying the soil micromorphology of erosive zone in purple hilly region; (3) As for the erosion-landslide formation in the region, besides the external factors, the internal factors were found more important and favorable for landslide formation through the studies on the micormorphologieal features of slide soil.  相似文献   
The characteristics of zonal anomaly and change rule of temporal distribution of annual precipitation in the northeastern China are revealed in this paper with EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function) and REOF (Rotated Empirical Orthogonal Function) methods and results are drawn in the standard relief maps with GIS technology for practical application. Data used in the study were obtained from 208 meteorological stations over the northeastern China from 1961 to 2001. EOF results show that the first 3 loading vectors could give entire spatial anomaly structure of annual precipitation. In the Northeast Plain including the Songneng Plain and the Liaohe Plain, there is a regional compatibility (whether wet or dry) of annual precipitation change and this precipitation pattern has occurred since the late 1980s to the present. There also exist annual precipitation patterns of wet (or dry) in south and dry (or wet) in north and wet (or dry) in east and dry (or wet) in west. REOF results display 8 principal precipitation anomaly areas by the first 8 rotated loading vectors: the west plain, the Liaodong hills, the Sanjiang Plain, the Liaoxi hills,the Changbai Mountains, the Hulun Buir Plateau, the southwest plateau and the Liaodong Peninsula.  相似文献   
The thermal condition anomaly of the western Pacific warm pool and its zonal displacement have very important influences on climate change in East Asia and even the whole world. However, the impact of the zonal wind anomaly over the Pacific Ocean on zonal displacement of the warm pool has not yet been analyzed based on long-term record. Therefore, it is important to study the zonal displacement of the warm pool and its response to the zonal wind anomaly over the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Based on the NCDC monthly averaged SST (sea surface temperature) data in 2°×2° grid in the Pacific Ocean from 1950 to 2000, and the NCEP/NCAR global monthly averaged 850 hPa zonal wind data from 1949 to 2000, the relationships between zonal displacements of the western Pacific warm pool and zonal wind anomalies over the tropical Pacific Ocean are analyzed in this paper. The results show that the zonal displacements are closely related to the zonal wind anomalies over the western, central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. Composite analysis indicates that during ENSO events, the warm pool displacement was trigged by the zonal wind anomalies over the western equatorial Pacific Ocean in early stage and the process proceeded under the zonal wind anomalies over the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean unless the wind direction changes. Therefore, in addition to the zonal wind anomaly over the western Pacific, the zonal wind anomalies over the central and eastern Pacific Ocean should be considered also in investigation the dynamical mechanisms of the zonal displacement of the warm pool.  相似文献   
基于GIS的农业气候资源区域化问题研究——以甘肃省为例   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在农业气候资源研究中,站点数据的区域化问题是进行资源优化配置和高效利用的一个重要环节。通过采用逐步回归分析与空间插值相结合的方法,以甘肃省及其相邻省区的112个站点1970~2001年31年的月平均温度和降水数据以及计算得到的月平均太阳辐射和潜在蒸散量为数据源,对甘肃省气候资源进行了区域化。对每种气象要素都采用了两种空间插值方法,并对插值结果运用了绝对验证和相对验证两种方法进行了验证和对比。结果表明:温度残差的平均绝对误差(MAE)是Spline< IDW, 其值分别为:0.744℃和0.754℃,平均相对误差(RME)分别为:9.56%和9.66%。降水的平均绝对误差是Kriging温度>潜在蒸散量>降水,但都达到了较高的精度。  相似文献   
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