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鉴于地转风、梯度风和平衡风各自计算风场的特点,该文利用COSMIC掩星折射指数资料,根据大气折射指数与大气密度、风场之间的关系,选用梯度风方程,建立了推算20~60 km中层大气纬圈平均风场的方法,分别与ECMWF提供的ERA-interim及NASA/GMAO提供的MERRA再分析风场资料对比验证。选用2007年1,4,7月和10月的COSMIC掩星折射指数数据,按照构建的方法计算了大气纬圈平均风场,并简单分析了大气纬圈平均纬向风随纬度、高度的变化特征及规律。计算风场与ECMWF及MERRA再分析风场资料变化规律基本一致,符合效果很好, 能够正确反映出纬向平均风场特性。1月及7月不同高度标准偏差、最大偏差随高度增加而增大,标准偏差最大约为6 m/s,最大偏差不超过11 m/s,沿纬度方向相关系数有减小的趋势,但不低于0.98,4月及10月偏差稍小,最大偏差不超过8 m/s。结果表明:利用COSMIC掩星折射指数资料通过梯度风方程计算风场,是获取中层大气20~60 km纬圈平均风场的一种有效方法。  相似文献   
吕宋海峡纬向海流及质量输送   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:24  
分析和计算了吕宋海峡PR21断面最近海洋调查的部分CTD资料和ADCP资料,再一次证明吕宋海峡常年存在纬向流。但对于天气尺度而言,该流型是多变的。根据高分辨率的海洋环流数值模式4a(1992~1996年)海平面高度(SSH)的输出值,运用地转关系估计了吕宋海峡纬向流的月平均值。研究表明;通过海峡流入、流出南海纬向流的深度一般达到500m左右,200m以上流速较大,平均流速为50cm/s,最大时达80cm/s以上。500m以下的纬向地转流流速较小,通常小于10cm/s.由大洋进入海峡的入流位置位于海峡的中部和南部,月平均入流最大值出现在11月,为50cm/s.位于海峡的北部和南部上层海洋的月平均出流,最大流速亦出现在11月,也为50cm/s,这与秋季北赤道流分叉位置最北(15°N),春季分叉位置最南(14°N)有关。上层流入、流出海峡的流量的月平均值分别约为10×106m3/s和5×106m3/s.当东北季风盛行时(从10月到翌年2月),流入海峡的流量远大于流出海峡的流量,两者的差可达8×106m3/s,而在其他季节两者的差仅为3×106m3/s.这说明东北季风盛行时,会有较多的水从南海南?  相似文献   
After its maturity, El Ni?o usually decays rapidly in the following summer and evolves into a La Ni?a pattern. However, this was not the case for the 2018/19 El Ni?o event. Based on multiple reanalysis data sets, the space-time evolution and triggering mechanism for the unusual second-year warming in late 2019, after the 2018/19 El Ni?o event, are investigated in the tropical Pacific. After a short decaying period associated with the 2018/19 El Ni?o condition, positive sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) re-intensified in the eastern equatorial Pacific in late 2019. Compared with the composite pattern of El Ni?o in the following year, two key differences are evident in the evolution of SSTAs in 2019. First, is the persistence of the surface warming over the central equatorial Pacific in May, and second, is the re-intensification of the positive SSTAs over the eastern equatorial Pacific in September. Observational results suggest that the re-intensification of anomalous westerly winds over the western and central Pacific, induced remotely by an extreme Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) event, acted as a triggering mechanism for the second-year warming in late 2019. That is, the IOD-related cold SSTAs in the eastern Indian Ocean established and sustained anomalous surface westerly winds over the western equatorial Pacific, which induced downwelling Kelvin waves propagating eastward along the equator. At the same time, the subsurface ocean provided plenty of warm water in the western and central equatorial Pacific. Mixed-layer heat budget analyses further confirm that positive zonal advection, induced by the anomalous westerly winds, and thermocline feedback played important roles in leading to the second-year warming in late 2019. This study provides new insights into the processes responsible for the diversity of El Ni?o evolution, which is important for improving the physical understanding and seasonal prediction of El Ni?o events.  相似文献   
This paper is a contribution to the Theory of the Artificial Satellite, within the frame of the Lie Transform as canonical perturbation technique (elimination of the short period terms). We consider the perturbation by any zonal harmonic J n (n ≥ 2) of the primary on the satellite, what we call here the complete zonal problem of the artificial satellite. This is quite useful for primaries with symmetry of revolution. We give an analytical formula to compute directly the first order averaged Hamiltonian. The computation is carried out in closed form for all terms, avoiding therefore tedious expansions in the eccentricity or in any anomaly; this feature makes the averaging process, not only valid for all kind of elliptic trajectories but at the same time it yields the averaged Hamiltonian in a very short and compact way. The formula allows us to now skip the averaging process, which means an asymptotic gain of a factor 3n/2 regarding the computational cost of the n th zonal. Our analytical formulae have been widely checked, by comparison on one hand with published works (Brouwer, 1959) (which contained results for particular zonal harmonics, let’s say typically from J 2 to J 8), and on the other hand with the results of 3 symbolic manipulation software, among which the MM (standing for ‘Moon’s series Manipulator’), which has already been used and described in (De Saedeleer B., 2004). Additionally, the first order generator associated with this transformation is given into the same closed form, and has also been validated.  相似文献   
Based on Chen et al. (2006), the scheme of the combination of the pentad-mean zonal height departure nonlinear prediction with the T42L9 model prediction was designed, in which the pentad zonal heights at all the 12-initial-value-input isobar levels from 50 hPa to 1000 hPa except 200, 300, 500, and 700 hPa were derived from nonlinear forecasts of the four levels by means of a good correlation between neighboring levels.Then the above pentad zonal heights at 12 isobar-levels were transformed to the spectrum coefficients of the temperature at each integration step of T42L9 model. At last,the nudging was made. On account of a variety of error accumulation, the pentad zonal components of the monthly height at isobar levels output by T42L9 model were replaced by the corresponding nonlinear results once more when integration was over. Multiple case experiments showed that such combination of two kinds of prediction made an improvement in the wave component as a result of wave-flow nonlinear interaction while reducing the systematical forecast errors. Namely the monthly-mean height anomaly correlation coe cients over the high- and mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, over the Southern Hemisphere and over the globe increased respectively from 0.249 to 0.347, from 0.286 to 0.387, and from 0.343 to 0.414 (relative changes of 31.5%, 41.0%, and 18.3%).The monthly-mean root-mean-square error (RMSE) of T42L9 model over the three areas was considerably decreased, the relative change over the globe reached 44.2%. The monthly-mean anomaly correlation coefficients of wave 4-9 over the areas were up to 0.392, 0.200, and 0.295, with the relative change of 53.8%, 94.1%,and 61.2%, and correspondingly their RMSEs were decreased respectively with the rate of 8.5%, 6.3%, and 8.1%. At the same time the monthly-mean pattern of parts of cases were presented better.  相似文献   
本文利用NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料及中国160个测站月降水资料, 采用经验正交函数分解 (EOF)、相关分析、合成分析等方法, 对青藏高原夏季500 hPa纬向风近59年来的年际、 年代际变化趋势及其与我国降水的关系进行了分析。时空演变特征的分析结果表明: 自1950年以来, 青藏高原夏季500 hPa纬向风总体呈现减弱趋势, 其中在1950年代西风偏弱, 1960年代西风明显偏强, 1970年代至21世纪初西风一直处于偏弱阶段; 纬向风变化趋势的空间分布表现为高原大部分区域上空纬向风呈现减弱趋势, 其减弱趋势由东南向西北递增, 高原西北部及中部地区减弱趋势最为明显; 对高原夏季500 hPa纬向风距平时间序列作EOF分解, 得出第一特征向量的空间分布表现为整体减弱型, 其时间权重系数呈现长期正趋势; 时间系数的11年滑动平均分析表明1950年代后期到1960年代中后期纬向西风整体增强趋势比较明显, 1960年代末到21世纪初为西风减弱阶段, 且期间没有出现明显的上升或下降趋势; 时间系数的突变分析表明纬向风在1967年发生了一次较明显的减弱突变; 时间系数的小波分析表明其具有2~4年的周期, 这一周期成分在1950年代前期和1990年代末至21世纪初这两个时段比较显著。年际、 年代际尺度上高原夏季500 hPa纬向风减弱与我国降水关系的分析均表明: 高原纬向风减弱时长江中下游以北的我国部分地区降水偏少, 以东北和华北表现明显, 长江中下游以南地区降水明显偏多, 降水场与大气环流、 水汽通量散度场都有较好的配置关系。  相似文献   
The central Pacific(CP) zonal wind divergence and convergence indices are defined, and the forming mechanism of CP El Nio(La Nia) events is discussed preliminarily. The results show that the divergence and convergence of the zonal wind anomaly(ZWA) are the key process in the forming of CP El Nio(La Nia) events. A correlation analysis between the central Pacific zonal wind divergence and convergence indices and central Pacific El Nio indices indicates that there is a remarkable lag correlation between them. The central Pacific zonal wind divergence and convergence indices can be used to predict the CP events. Based on these results, a linear regression equation is obtained to predict the CP El Nio(La Nia) events 5 months ahead.  相似文献   
汪洋  曾雄辉  尹健民  肖国强 《岩土力学》2012,33(4):1233-1239
基于卸荷岩体力学基本理论,运用三维有限差分软件,提出以塑性体积应变增量变化区间与不同卸荷区域岩体力学参数相对应的卸荷模拟方法,模拟了不同侧压系数条件下开挖洞周附近围岩最大体积应变增量以及围岩损伤范围的变化情况。数值模拟结果表明:当侧压系数较低时,洞周附近围岩的塑性体积应变增量区域的外边界近似为竖向椭圆形,随着侧压系数的增大,其外边界逐渐向圆形变化,最后变为横向椭圆形。侧压系数越大,围岩的卸载效应越显著,洞周附近围岩的塑性体积应变增量就越大,其所产生的围岩损伤范围也相应越大。利用所获得的结果,可以为深埋隧洞的稳定性分析以及支护设计提供依据。  相似文献   
视岩石将由3种成分构成:颗粒、界面和基体,采用FLAC模拟圆形巷道开挖之后围岩中的剪切应变增量、最小及最大主应力的分布及演变规律。在静水压力条件下,剪切应变增量的高值区主要分布在软弱的基体之中,形成了相互交织的剪切带网格,而最小主应力的高值区(环向高受压区)主要分布在相互接触的颗粒之中,形成了若干圆环。当侧压系数不等于1时,剪切带网格的轮廓呈三角形。颗粒尺寸的增加使剪切带的数目降低,长度增加,最小主应力的高值区的数目降低,间距增加;颗粒尺寸大时的结果与分区破裂化现象相近。由此提出一种可能的裂化机制:节理岩体中的若干岩块由于自组织作用而被挤成1圈,如果应力水平足够高,就可以形成多条环向的被未破坏区隔开的破坏区。  相似文献   
云南东川深沟泥石流分区治理模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对东川深沟泥石流特征及其分区治理措施进行详细的调查、分析,探讨了深沟泥石流分区治理模式,以期为我国山区城镇泥石流沟谷的综合治理提供可靠的参考依据。  相似文献   
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