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This paper deals with an analysis method for the response and motion of soil-like rigid-plastic bodies under seismic loading conditions. A continuity condition to determine the acceleration distribution within the rigid-plastic body when the failure occurs during seismic motions is proposed. Combining this continuity condition of acceleration and the ‘Generalized Limit Equilibrium Method (GLEM)’, the responses of the earth structure during seismic motions as well as the permanent displacements can be obtained, where GLEM is one of the limit equilibrium methods proposed by the authors for static problems and providing the approximate solution for Kötter's equation. The theoretical formulation of the method, the illustrative examples, and some comparisons between the analytical and experimental results are demonstrated.  相似文献   
Fluctuations of the plasma bulk velocity across the plasma sheet are studied using single-point measurements from the Corall instrument on board the Interball/Tail satellite. Several hour-long intervals of continuous data corresponding to quiet geomagnetic conditions and different phases of isolated substorms are analyzed. The plasma sheet flow appears to be strongly turbulent, i.e. dominated by fluctuations that are unpredictable. Corresponding eddy diffusion coefficients were obtained as a function of the autocorrelation time and rms velocity of the fluctuations. It was found that the amplitude of the turbulence and the values of eddy-diffusion coefficients increase significantly during substorm growth and expansion phases and they decrease to their initial level during the recovery phase. We also studied a relationship between the eddy-diffusion coefficients and the absolute value of the geomagnetic field, also measured by the Interball/Tail satellite. It was found that this relationship varies depending on the phase of substorm, indicating possible change in the turbulence regimen with substorm phase.  相似文献   
Fluid-undersaturated experiments were conducted to determine the phase relations in the simplified peridotite system MgO-SiO2-H2O (MSH) at 11.0-14.5 GPa and 800-1400 °C. Stability relations of dense hydrous magnesium silicates (DHMSs) under fluid-undersaturated conditions were experimentally examined. From the fluid-absent experimental results, we retrieved thermodynamic data for clinohumite, phase A, phase E, and hydrous wadsleyite, consistent with the published data set for dry mantle minerals. With this new data set, we have calculated phase equilibria in the MSH system including dehydration reactions. The dehydration reactions calculated with lower water activities of 0.68-0.60 match the fluid-present experiments of this study above 11.0 GPa and 1000 °C, indicating that considerable amounts of silicate component were dissolved into the fluid phase. The calculated phase equilibria illustrate the stability of the post-antigorite phase A-bearing assemblages. In the cold subducting slab peridotite, phase A + enstatite assemblage survives into the transition zone, whereas phase A + forsterite + enstatite assemblage forms hydrous wadsleyite at a much shallower depth of about 360-km. The slab is subducted with no dehydration reactions occurring when entering the transition zone. The phase equilibria also show the high temperature stability of phase E. Phase E is stable up to 1200 °C at 13.5 GPa, a plausible condition in the mantle of relatively low temperature, i.e., beneath subduction zones. Phase E is a possible water reservoir in the mantle as well as wadsleyite and ringwoodite.  相似文献   
High buildings or architectural complex in urban areas remarkably distort the urban surface wind fields. As the air flow approaches,local strong wind may appear around the buildings. The strong wind makes the pedestrians on sidewalks, entrances and terrace very uncomfortable and causes the pedestrian level wind environment problem. In this studies, hot-wire wind measurement, wind scouring in wind tunnel and numerical computation were carried out to evaluate the wind environment of tall buildings in the prevailing flow conditions in Beijing areas. The results obtained by three techniques were compared and mutually verified. The conclusions drawn from three approaches agree with each other. Also the advantages and limitations of each method were analyzed. It is suggested that the combination of different techniques may produce better assessment of wind environment around high buildings.  相似文献   
砂质岩的孔隙和喉道被网格状粘土矿物和次生加大矿物充填成微细孔喉状结构时,形成具有较高毛细管压力的致密砂岩。它与地层水发生水锁效应,可大大降低渗透率,成为致密砂岩盖层。当含水饱和度在50%以下时,束缚水饱和度比较低,致密砂岩储层可以产气;当含水饱和度在50%~90%区间时,具有较高的束缚水饱和度,相对渗透率非常低,它既不能产气也不能产水,反映为渗透率瓶颈区(具有盖层性质);当含水饱和度大于90%以上时,致密砂岩储层仅微量产水。塔里木盆地英南2井侏罗系气藏盖层由致密砂岩构成,不含水时的气体渗透率在(0.027~0.081)×10-3μm2,不能构成封堵;当含水饱和度达到60%以上时,相对渗透率几乎为零,构成有效盖层。  相似文献   
陈飞  兰凯 《地质科技情报》2005,24(Z1):97-100
通过对桩侧和桩底后压浆,可大幅度提高钻孔灌注桩单桩承载力.应用桩-土理论分析了后压浆中浆液对土体及桩体的作用,并从分析影响桩基承载力的因素出发,研究了后压浆的作用机理.在渗透率小的地层中后压浆以压密注浆为主,在渗透率大的地层中后压浆以渗透注浆为主.为避免过分压裂土层,在压浆过程中应控制灌浆压力.压浆量是影响后压浆质量和提高单桩承载力的关键因素之一.  相似文献   
夏彦 《探矿工程》2005,32(6):1-2
结合箱形基础不均匀上浮工程病害实例,综合分析了病害原因,提出了应用高压灌浆和抗浮锚杆工艺进行处治的方案。  相似文献   
文章通过广西右江百色水利枢纽地下发电厂房进水口与尾水洞高边坡的治理,介绍在此工程中具有特殊性的一些施工方法。该工程地质体为弱风化硅质泥岩夹泥化夹层、强风化含洞穴硅质泥岩石、强风化硅质岩及全强风化辉绿岩,地质条件非常复杂,对坡体的稳定极其不利。根据三维有限元的分析计算和国内有关权威专家的调查研究需施工1500kN、1000kN的锚索方能保证坡体的永久稳定。大吨位的锚索需锚固在强风化岩土体上,锚索设计采用能提高锚固力的防腐型压力分散锚索。通过现场锚索基本试验,其锚固力完全能满足工程需要。为保证进水口总体施工的进度,在施工进水口约30m高的垂直壁上的锚索时,笔者采用了通常施工中较少采用的垂直壁悬吊式施工法,满足了水电站的整体施工进度和要求。  相似文献   
目前,在我国地质灾害防治及道路建设工程中,岩土锚固施工大多采用单一的拉力型锚索工法。一般锚索索体的长效防腐问题没有得到应有的重视。文章对云南省个旧-冷墩公路边坡工程中所采用的压力分散型锚索工法从设计、试验及成功应用等多方面进行了详细介绍。①在一些复杂地形条件下,锚索防护方案有其独特的经济实用性。②在地基承载力较低的软弱地层中,常用的拉力型锚索无法提供防护工程所需的大吨位锚固力。而有多个受力体的压力分散型锚索则因其对锚固段全长范围内地基承载力的充分利用来提供较大吨位的锚固力;③永久锚索防护工程作为一项具有隐蔽性强特点的结构工程,为保证在其报务年限内锚索能够可靠地工作,在设计阶段,锚索体的长效防腐应为不能忽略的主要考虑因素。在该工程中首次应用了新型高强材料——环氧全喷涂无粘结钢绞线作为锚索体的杆材,较好地解决了永久锚固工程中的锚索防腐问题。  相似文献   
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