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随着经济的发展,我国对高层建筑,以及智能建筑物的防雷很重视,具体的防雷措施也做的很到位.但相对于一些古建筑物来说,特别是砖木,砖石结构建筑,在防雷方面却没有引起足够的重视,现阶段能够大量保存的砖木、砖石结构建筑大部分都是具有重要历史、艺术、科学价值的革命遗址、纪念建筑物、古文化遗址、古城址、古窑址、古墓葬、古建筑、石窟寺、古民居、石刻等文物,因此对这些建筑的防雷措施应该更加重视.本文做了关于砖木、砖石结构建筑闪电分流系数研究,仅供参考,希望对砖木、砖石建筑物雷电防护工作起到一定的作用.  相似文献   
新型人工引雷专用火箭及其首次引雷实验结果   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
郄秀书  杨静  蒋如斌 《大气科学》2010,34(5):937-946
成功研制了一种新型的人工引雷专用火箭, 火箭箭体结构采用了新型复合材料, 质量轻, 并具有空中抛伞和放线功能。利用新型火箭和全新的雷电流及同步电磁场测量技术, 在2009年的山东人工引雷实验 (SHATLE2009) 中成功引发负极性云对地放电过程3次, 共包括6次大电流回击过程, 采用0.5 mΩ的大功率同轴分流器和宽带光纤传输技术测量到了0.1 μs时间分辨率的雷电流波形、以及距雷电通道30 m、60 m和480 m处的电磁场和6000 f/s的高速摄像观测资料。6次回击的电流峰值分布范围为11.2~16.3 kA, 几何平均值12.8 kA; 半峰值宽度为7.4~34.9 μs, 几何平均值21.6 μs; 10%~90%峰值的上升时间为0.5~1.4 μs, 几何平均值1.0 μs。成功的人工引发雷电实验证明新型引雷火箭安全性能好、可靠性高, 其成功研制为雷电物理过程和效应的研究, 以及雷电流波形资料的积累提供了重要的技术手段, 对制定具有我国自主知识产权的雷电防护标准等具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   
波形分解是全波形激光雷达数据处理的关键技术之一,通过雅克比矩阵更新与否以及阻尼系数的调整,对优化LM(Levenberg-Marquard)算法进行了研究。实验表明,该方法可最优化求解足印内各波形分量的振幅、中心位置和半宽,而不必每次迭代时都需计算雅克比矩阵,简化了计算过程,提高了计算效率,最终得到的模拟波形能够非常好地拟合原始波形。  相似文献   
On July 3rd, 2015, a MW6.4 earthquake occurred on Pishan County, Xinjiang, located in the front of western Kunlun thrust belt, which is the largest earthquake(MW6.0~7.0)in the past 40 years in this region. In this study, we collected both the near-filed geodetic coseismic deformation observations including 4 GPS sites and one high-resolution ALOS-2 InSAR imagery, and far-field teleseismic P waveforms from 25 stations provided by IRIS/USGS, to invert the fault parameters(strike and dip)and coseismic rupture model of 2015 MW6.4 Pishan earthquake. Using the finite fault theory, a non-linear simulated annealing algorithm was employed to resolve our joint inversion problem. The strike (120°~130°) and dip angle(35°~40°)of optimal models are different from that of some previous studies, and the dip change is strongly constrained by combined data than that of strike. In fixing the geometric parameters of optimal fault model, we also considered data weight(5)(geodetic data/teleseismic P waveforms)and constrained weight from moment and smooth factor(2.5). Clearly, our results indicate that the slip distribution mainly concentrates in the depth range from 9 to 16km and a length range of 20km along the strike direction, which is similar to the spatial distribution of the relocated aftershocks. The maximum slip is~95cm. The seismic moment release is 5.45×1018N·m, corresponding to MW6.42. Compared with the single data set, geodetic data or teleseismic waveform, our joint inversion model could simultaneously constrain the seismic moment and slip distribution well, thus avoiding effectively a lower-resolution rupture distribution determined by teleseismic-only inversion and a bias released moment estimated by the geodetic-only inversion. Importantly, we should consider both the near-field geodetic data and far-field teleseismic data in retrieving the rupture model for accurately describing the seismogenic structure of active fault in western Kunlun region.  相似文献   
Detecting temporal changes in fault zone properties at seismogenic depth have been a long-sought goal in the seismological community for many decades.Recent studies based on waveform analysis of repeating earthquakes have found clear temporal changes in the shallow crust and around active fault zones associated with the occurrences of large nearby and teleseismic earthquakes.However,repeating earthquakes only occur in certain locations and their occurrence times cannot be controlled,which may result in inadequate sampling of the interested regions or time periods.Recent developments in passive imaging via auto-and cross-correlation of ambient seismic wavefields (e.g.,seismic noise,earthquake coda waves) provide an ideal source for continuous monitoring of temporal changes around active fault zones.Here we conduct a systematic search of temporal changes along the Parkfield section of the San Andreas fault by cross-correlating relatively high-frequency (0.4-1.3 Hz) ambient noise signals recorded by 10 borehole stations in the High Resolution Seismic Network.After using stretch/compressed method to measure the delay time and the decorrelation-index between the daily noise cross-correlation functions (NCCFs),we find clear temporal changes in the median seismic velocity and decorrelation-index associated with the 2004 M6.0 Parkfield earthquake.We also apply the same procedure to the seismic data around five regional/teleseismic events that have triggered non-volcanic tremor in the same region,but failed to find any clear temporal changes in the daily NCCFs.The fact that our current technique can detect temporal changes from the nearby but not regional and teleseismic events,suggests that temporal changes associated with distance sources are very subtle or localized so that they could not be detected within the resolution of the current technique (~0.2%).  相似文献   
利用图像亚像元互相关分析方法处理了Landsat-8卫星获取的时间序列影像数据,得到中国青藏高原西北部地区西昆仑峰区冰川匀速滑移的时空演化过程。利用亚像元影像互相关技术对Landsat-8光学影像精确配准,配准精度达到0.01像元,即该光学影像的水平形变监测精度达到0.15 m。通过对2013-07~2014-08的15景Landsat-8影像进行互相关和形变时间序列反演分析,获得了西昆仑峰区两条冰川的滑动位移场和速度场。研究表明,该区域的冰川基本处于匀速滑移状态(无明显加速和减速现象);同时也验证了Landsat-8光学影像在监测较大地表位移和地壳形变事件(如沙丘移动、地震、滑坡、火山等)上的应用潜力。  相似文献   
广州市登革热时空传播特征及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以广州市主城区为研究区,着眼于街道等微观尺度,首先通过实地调查分析法、核密度分析法、标准差椭圆法,探究登革热时空传播特征;其次结合交叉相关性分析法与地理探测器,分析温度、湿度、气压、用地类型对登革热传播的影响,讨论了不同用地类型交互作用与登革热扩散的关系。研究表明:1)登革热时空传播具明显的阶段性特征,多发生于居住环境较差、人口密度较高的区域,并快速向外扩散;2)登革热发展初期,以输入型病例为主;3)环境较差、老年人口众多、人员构成复杂、交通便捷的老城区是登革热高爆发风险区域;4)温度、湿度、气压对登革热传播存在显著滞后性影响关系,温度、湿度与登革热传播呈正相关关系,气压与登革热传播呈负相关关系;5)居民人口分布与登革热传播关系最为密切,池塘、农田、草地、公共绿地交互地区会增加登革热传播风险。  相似文献   
In full waveform inversion (FWI), Hessian information of the misfit function is of vital importance for accelerating the convergence of the inversion; however, it usually is not feasible to directly calculate the Hessian matrix and its inverse. Although the limited memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS) or Hessian-free inexact Newton (HFN) methods are able to use approximate Hessian information, the information they collect is limited. The two methods can be interlaced because they are able to provide Hessian information for each other; however, the performance of the hybrid iterative method is dependent on the effective switch between the two methods. We have designed a new scheme to realize the dynamic switch between the two methods based on the decrease ratio (DR) of the misfit function (objective function), and we propose a modified hybrid iterative optimization method. In the new scheme, we compare the DR of the two methods for a given computational cost, and choose the method with a faster DR. Using these steps, the modified method always implements the most efficient method. The results of Marmousi and over thrust model testings indicate that the convergence with our modified method is significantly faster than that in the L-BFGS method with no loss of inversion quality. Moreover, our modified outperforms the enriched method by a little speedup of the convergence. It also exhibits better efficiency than the HFN method.  相似文献   
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