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Researchers are continually finding new applications of satellite images because of the growing number of high-resolution images with wide spatial coverage. However, the cost of these images is sometimes high, and their temporal resolution is relatively coarse. Crowdsourcing is an increasingly common source of data that takes advantage of local stakeholder knowledge and that provides a higher frequency of data. The complementarity of these two data sources suggests there is great potential for mutually beneficial integration. Unfortunately, there are still important gaps in crowdsourced satellite image analysis by means of crowdsourcing in areas such as land cover classification and emergency management. In this paper, we summarize recent efforts, and discuss the challenges and prospects of satellite image analysis for geospatial applications using crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing can be used to improve satellite image analysis and satellite images can be used to organize crowdsourced efforts for collaborative mapping.  相似文献   
张健  保文星 《遥感学报》2022,26(2):416-430
针对基于深度学习的分类模型在训练样本较少时所遭受的潜在过拟合问题,提出一种具备过拟合抑制的生成式对抗网络分类算法,并应用于高光谱图像分类.该算法在每次迭代时,首先,依据训练样本的标签信息使判别器网络拟合训练样本的数据分布;然后对训练样本的高维特征进行均值最小化,该过程会重新更新判别器网络参数,减小参数的值和方差,以抑制...  相似文献   
姬书安 《地质论评》2021,67(1):67020011-67020011
Monjurosuchus splendens是辽宁西部热河生物群中最早被正式命名的爬行类化石,该属种名称在最初以英文发表的论文中并没有明确其含义,导致它的中文称谓有“文珠龙”(属名)、“荣耀满洲鳄”、“楔齿满洲鳄”等几种说法。本文认为属名(Monjurosuchus)应尊重最初命名者论文中的日文摘要表述的含义,称之为“满洲鳄”,而种名(splendens)的拉丁文并不是“楔齿”之义,应按其本义译为“华丽”,因而Monjurosuchus splendens的正确中文译名应为“华丽满洲鳄”。华丽满洲鳄的分类位置、以及其与辽宁西部另一爬行类化石“东方喙龙Rhynchosaurus orientalis”的关系长期以来亦存在着不同看法,直到20世纪末和21世纪初Monjurosuchus splendens作为有效属种名称被再次确认且被正确归入离龙目(Choristodera)。本文回顾了该属种研究历史及其分类位置的认识变化情况,支持将其归入离龙目(Choristodera)满洲鳄科(Monjurosuchidae)、而且“东方喙龙Rhynchosaurus orientalis”为华丽满洲鳄Monjurosuchus splendens的晚出同物异名这一观点。  相似文献   
马秀芳  陈永新 《山西地震》2018,(1):10-12,27
收集在大同市开展的117项地震安全性评价报告,重点整理报告中的319个钻孔数据,核对各场地类别。参考第五代地震动参数区划图,选取有代表性的22个工程场地,重新进行地震危险性概率分析和土层反应计算,确定各场地50年超越概率为63%、10%、2%的地震动参数,分析大同市场地类别分布特征和地震动参数分布特征。结果表明,这些项目集中分布在大同市南部,工程场地类别主要为Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类,绝大多数为Ⅱ类。50年超越概率10%的水平峰值加速度中,只有1个工程场地的结果是0.182g,位于0.15g区,其余均位于0.20g区。50年超越概率10%的特征周期在0.52~0.65s之间,平均值为0.58s。  相似文献   
River corridors exhibit landforms nested within landforms repeatedly down spatial scales. In Pasternack et al. ( 2018 ), a new, scale‐independent, hierarchical river classification was developed that uses five landform types to map the domains of a single fluvial process – flow convergence routing – at each of three–five spatial scales. Given those methods, this study investigated the details of how flow convergence routing organizes nested landform sequences. The method involved analyzing landform abundance, sequencing, and hierarchical nesting along the 35 km gravel/cobble lower Yuba River in California. Independent testing of flow convergence routing found that hydraulic patterns at every flow matched the essential predictions from classification, substantiating the process–morphology link. River width and bed elevation sequences exhibit large, nonrandom, and linked oscillations structured to preferentially yield wide bars and constricted pools at base flow and bankfull flow. At a flow of 8.44 times bankfull, there is still an abundance of wide bar and constricted pool landforms, but larger topographic drivers also yield an abundance of nozzle and oversized landforms. The nested structure of flow convergence routing landforms reveals that base flow and bankfull landforms are nested together within specific floodprone valley landform types, and these landform types control channel morphodynamics during moderate to large floods. As a result, this study calls into question the prevailing theory that the bankfull channel of a gravel/cobble river is controlled by in‐channel, bankfull, and/or small flood flows. Such flows may initiate sediment transport, but they are too small to control landform organization in a gravel/cobble river with topographic complexity. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


离子吸附型稀土矿是我国宝贵的矿产资源,运用遥感影像分类技术提取稀土开采区可以准确地实现对稀土开采状况的监测,但仅利用光谱信息往往难以保证分类精度。本文以江西寻乌稀土矿区为研究区,以IKONOS影像为数据源,应用面向对象分类方法提取了稀土开采区的遥感信息。针对稀土开采区的分布特点,选择基于边缘的分割算法进行影像分割;结合地形信息、光谱信息及几何信息建立规则集,进行特征提取;最后采用隶属度函数法实现面向对象分类,并与传统的光谱角填图分类进行对比分析。研究结果表明,面向对象分类法提取稀土开采区的总体精度为92.49%,Kappa系数为0.857 6,与传统监督分类方法相比有了很大的提高。  相似文献   
基于岩石图像深度学习的岩性自动识别与分类方法   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
张野  李明超  韩帅 《岩石学报》2018,34(2):333-342
岩石岩性的识别与分类对于地质分析极为重要,采用机器学习的方法建立识别模型进行自动分类是一条新的途径。基于Inception-v3深度卷积神经网络模型,建立了岩石图像集分析的深度学习迁移模型,运用迁移学习方法实现了岩石岩性的自动识别与分类。采用此方法对所采集的173张花岗岩图像、152张千枚岩图像和246张角砾岩图像进行了学习和识别分类研究,通过训练学习建立岩石图像深度学习迁移模型,并分别采用训练集和测试集中的岩石图像对模型进行了检验分析。对于训练集中的岩石图像,每组岩石分别用3张图像测试,三种岩石的岩性分类均正确,且分类概率值均达到90%以上,显示了模型良好的鲁棒性;对于测试集中的岩石图像,每组岩石分别采用9张图像进行识别分析,三种岩石的岩性分类均正确,并且千枚岩组图像分类概率均高于90%,但是花岗岩组2张图像和角砾岩组的1张图像分类概率值不足70%,概率值较其他岩石图像低,推测其原因是训练集中相同模式的岩石图像较少,导致模型的泛化能力减小。为了提高识别精确度,对准确率较低的岩石图像进行截取,分别取其中的3张图像加入训练集进行再训练,增加与测试图像具有相同模式的训练样本;在新的模型中,对3张图像进行二次检验,测试概率值均达到85%以上,说明在数据足够的状况下模型具有良好的学习能力。与传统的机器学习方法相比,所提出的岩石图像深度学习方法具有以下优点:第一,模型通过搜索图像像素点提取物体特征,不需要手动提取待分类物体特征;第二,对于图像像素大小,成像距离及光照要求低;第三,采用适当的训练集可获得较好的识别分类效果,并具有良好鲁棒性和泛化能力。  相似文献   
探索利用高光谱数据的岩性填图新方法是遥感地质应用领域的重要需求之一。本文运用随机森林方法和EO-1Hyperion高光谱数据,对新疆塔里木西北部柯坪地区的局部区域进行岩性分类,并对相关问题进行分析。分别利用光谱特征以及加入光谱一阶导数特征进行岩性分类,并对不同特征对岩性分类的重要性进行分析,同时与现有的基于光谱角制图方法(SAM)进行比较。结果表明,与SAM方法相比,随机森林方法得到了更高精度的岩性分类结果,是一种有效可行的岩性分类方法。根据特征重要性的排序,蓝绿光波段、短波红外波段以及相应的一阶导数特征对研究区Hyperion数据的沉积岩岩性分类贡献更大。  相似文献   
A convective and stratiform cloud classification method for weather radar is proposed based on the density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm. To identify convective and stratiform clouds in different developmental phases, two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) models are proposed by applying reflectivity factors at 0.5° and at 0.5°, 1.5°, and 2.4° elevation angles, respectively. According to the thresholds of the algorithm, which include echo intensity, the echo top height of 35 dBZ (ET), density threshold, and ε neighborhood, cloud clusters can be marked into four types: deep-convective cloud (DCC), shallow-convective cloud (SCC), hybrid convective-stratiform cloud (HCS), and stratiform cloud (SFC) types. Each cloud cluster type is further identified as a core area and boundary area, which can provide more abundant cloud structure information. The algorithm is verified using the volume scan data observed with new-generation S-band weather radars in Nanjing, Xuzhou, and Qingdao. The results show that cloud clusters can be intuitively identified as core and boundary points, which change in area continuously during the process of convective evolution, by the improved DBSCAN algorithm. Therefore, the occurrence and disappearance of convective weather can be estimated in advance by observing the changes of the classification. Because density thresholds are different and multiple elevations are utilized in the 3D model, the identified echo types and areas are dissimilar between the 2D and 3D models. The 3D model identifies larger convective and stratiform clouds than the 2D model. However, the developing convective clouds of small areas at lower heights cannot be identified with the 3D model because they are covered by thick stratiform clouds. In addition, the 3D model can avoid the influence of the melting layer and better suggest convective clouds in the developmental stage.  相似文献   
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