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城市内涝监测技术的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据城市内涝监测预警的需求,提出在城市河流的关键点,将高精度压力水位器与区域自动气象站组成内涝监测系统,并从系统架构、测量原理、参数设置、误差补偿等方面阐述设计方法.系统每分钟采集一组数据,水位测量精度达到0.1%.通过与国家标准水文站对比分析,该站水位与天文潮位涨落趋势一致,相位落后1h,观测误差平均为0.06 m.通过分析,得到结论,当茅洲河流域日平均面雨量大于40 mm,测站水位达到1.5m,并维持4h以上时,极易发生城市内涝.将水位监测与面雨量实况结合,对提高城市内涝预警预报能力有较大的帮助.  相似文献   
川江流域洪涝频繁而危害大。兹以旬、两旬雨量分别为250—350,350—500毫米作主要洪涝指标。流域内洪涝频率、大面积洪涝频率的分布区域差异明显。洪涝的形成受暴雨和大地形结构控制,此外还受四川盆地地形、水系结构与森林遭破坏等的影响。  相似文献   
城市内涝是最常见的自然灾害之一,深入剖析其影响因素并进行风险评估对内涝防治具有重要意义。以往研究表明,城市内涝是由自然因素(如地形)和人为因素(如土地利用)共同引起的。在土地利用方面,相关学者主要关注二维空间因素对内涝的影响,较少顾及土地利用的三维建筑格局。此外,在研究方法的选取上,尽管已有学者利用随机森林、神经网络等模型对内涝影响因素进行研究,然而传统方法在负样本(不发生内涝的地点)的选取上存在不确定性。为解决这2点不足,论文引入最大熵(MAXENT)模型,以深圳市为研究案例,通过MAXENT剖析各潜在影响因子与内涝风险的关系。结果表明,影响内涝风险的主导环境因子为不透水面比例、绿地比例、人口密度、暴雨峰值雨量、地表起伏度。而对内涝发生有重要影响的三维因子为容积率、建筑形状系数、平均高度。通过MAXENT评估的内涝风险结果可知,深圳潜在高风险区的面积约为491 km2,占市域面积的24.58%,主要位于龙华区、南山区、龙岗区北部、光明区、福田区。进一步对潜在高风险区进行空间自相关分析,结果发现过往并不存在内涝点的南山区北部、福田区西部、罗湖区中部等部分区域风险概...  相似文献   
城市暴雨内涝情景模拟与灾害风险评估   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Scenario modelling and the risk assessment of natural disasters is one of the hot-spots in disaster research.However,up until now,urban natural disaster risk assessments lack common procedures and programmes.This paper selects rainstorm waterlogging as a disaster to research,which is one of the most frequently occurring hazards for most cities in China.As an example,we used a small-scale integrated methodology to assess risks relating to rainstorm waterlogging hazards in the Jing’an District of Shanghai.Based on the basic concept of disaster risk,this paper applies scenario modelling to express the risk of small-scale urban rainstorm waterlogging disasters in different return periods.Through this analysis of vulnerability and exposure,we simulate different disaster scenarios and propose a comprehensive analysis method and procedure for small-scale urban storm waterlogging disaster risk assessments.A grid-based Geographical Information System (GIS) approach,including an urban terrain model,an urban rainfall model and an urban drainage model,was applied to simulate inundation area and depth.Stage-damage curves for residential buildings and contents were then generated by the loss data of waterlogging from field surveys,which were further applied to analyse vulnerability,exposure and loss assessment.Finally,the ex-ceedance probability curve for disaster damage was constructed using the damage of each simulated event and the respective exceedance probabilities.A framework was also devel-oped for coupling the waterlogging risk with the risk planning and management through the exceedance probability curve and annual average waterlogging loss.This is a new explora-tion for small-scale urban natural disaster scenario simulation and risk assessment.  相似文献   
城市景观格局对城市内涝的影响研究——以深圳市为例   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
吴健生  张朴华 《地理学报》2017,72(3):444-456
近年来,城市内涝问题频发,引发了强烈关注。现有有关城市内涝问题的研究多关注土地利用与城市内涝的关系,而对于城市景观格局对城市内涝影响的研究则不多。本文以内涝问题严重的深圳市为研究区,利用深圳市2014年5月11日暴雨期间内涝点数据(共278个),选取类型水平上的最大斑块面积比例(Largest Patch Index, LPI)、斑块聚集度(Patch Cohesion Index, PCI)、景观破碎度(Landscape Division Index, DIVISION)、景观水平的蔓延度(Contagion Index, CONTAG)、香农多样性指数(Shannon's Diversity Index, SHDI)共5个景观指数,并结合土地利用类型、不透水率、植被覆盖度、降雨量、地形地势及雨水管网密度等内涝影响因子,运用相关分析和多元逐步回归分析,探究深圳市景观格局对内涝的影响。结果表明:① 土地利用类型中,住宅用地等建设用地对内涝灾害影响最大,其面积比例的增加会加剧区域内涝程度;② 城市各类型景观格局特征中,建设用地斑块的优势度、聚集度越高,景观破碎化程度越低,区域的内涝程度越高,绿地的景观格局对城市内涝的影响与建设用地相反;③ 城市整体景观特征中,景观整体越复杂越不易引发内涝灾害;④ 不透水率等人为因素比降雨量等自然因素对城市内涝的影响程度大。本研究的结果可以使人关注到地表景观格局对内涝的重要作用,为内涝治理和景观格局的规划管理提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
Located in the headwater upstream of the Taihu Lake region, which is a densely populated and economically developed area in China, the West Tiaoxi River catchment is a frequently food-hit area due to its nature and climatic characteristics. During the last several decades, more than ten catastrophic floods happened in this area, causing huge economic losses. Since 1990, due to the increasing property vulnerability to flood hazard, the disasters were even more serious than before, and economic losses increased year by year. Thus, there have great importance to study flood behaviors, flood risks and their consequences. In this paper the hydrologic/hydraulic modelling is presented firstly. It is the method to study the relationship between rainfall and runoff and the flood propagation process. Secondly, the author gives the summary of the current study methods for flood risk assessment. The West Tiaoxi River catchment has a long history of the construction of polders and hydraulic engineering. Most farmlands have been protected against floods. So the combination method has been used to obtain the real risk area. The results have been obtained by using this method, which, the authors think, will be used in disaster preparedness, property insurance etc. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49671028) and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Biography: XU Peng-zhu (1965 —), male, a native of Funing County of Jiangsu Province, associate researcher. His research interests include hydrology and water resources, numerical modelling, and application of GIS to hydrology.  相似文献   
Mechanismforcontrolingdroughtandsalinity/waterlogginginNorthwestShandongProvinceRENHongzunTANGDengyinInstituteofGeography,Ch...  相似文献   
The waterlogging damage is the pit to agriculture in plain and lake region. This damage is related to the groundwater, ancient lakes, soil, land use and negative landforms, the conventional technique is adopted to the study of this damage. In this paper, we suggest a new technical method, the technique is based on DEM, to study this problem. The DEM is developed on the ECLIPSE MV/ 10000 AOS/ VS system, and the estimation model of waterlogging loss is built on the historical data of the test region in Jianghan Plain. and then, the rice waterlogging loss of test region is estimated by them.  相似文献   
利用微波遥感土壤水分产品监测东北地区春涝范围和程度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地表土壤水分是判断农田涝害的直接数据源,以欧洲太空局1978~2010 年微波遥感土壤水分产品、2013 年SMOS MIRAS L3 级土壤水分产品和气象站点的月降水数据为基础,结合土壤水分距平指数和土壤水分异常指数,分析2013 年东北地区春涝影响范围和严重程度。结果表明:① 东北地区以黑龙江省受涝面积最大,约11 万km2,约占黑龙江省总面积的1/4;② 比较多年的月降水数据与涝灾程度,发现冬春季节强降水是引发春涝的主要原因之一;③ 春涝的严重程度与高程呈现负相关关系,涝灾区域多集中在高程500 m以下。  相似文献   
GIS在洪涝灾害监测评估中的应用   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
中国国土辽阔,自然地理条件复杂,是一个自然灾害发生较频繁的国家,尤其是洪涝灾害。随着社会和国民经济的迅速发展,洪涝灾害所造成的损失越来越大。洪涝灾害监测评估是抗洪减灾中一个重要组成部分,也是电子政务的组成部分,GIS则是最主要的技术支撑之一。中国已建成了洪涝灾害监测评估的业务运行系统。本文介绍了洪涝灾害监测评估业务运行的基本要求、技术流程、基于GIS的基础背景数据库以及GIS在洪涝灾害监测评估中的发展现状和应用实例。  相似文献   
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