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青鹏煤矿位于重庆市沙坪坝区青木关镇及壁山县壁城镇,已开采50余年.随着开采水平的延深,矿井地下水流场发生了相应的变化,改变了地下水原有的补、径、排条件.2012年2月,青鹏煤矿-200m水平-22103运输巷施工过程中,碛头煤层(M2)顶板裂隙突水造成局部淹井事故.通过地面及井下水文地质调查以及采取地表水、泉水、矿井水样进行水质分析,指出矿井突水水源由须家河组裂隙水、采空区积水和嘉陵江组灰岩岩溶裂隙水的越流补给3部分组成.为矿井防治水提供了水文地质依据.  相似文献   
云南澜沧江流域热区资源开发及热作基地建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李凤钊  彭永岸 《热带地理》1994,14(3):210-217
本文通过对澜沧江流域热区资源的分析,认为该区种植热带橡胶、香料、咖啡、南药、热果、发展甘蔗、茶叶、建立各种热作基地是开发利用热区资源的主要途径;热作布局应在立体布局和地域布局基础上形成大分散、小集中的专业化布局;热区开发应采取相应的措施和特殊政策。  相似文献   
王煜霞  许波涛 《岩土工程技术》2010,24(5):217-220,226
在砂井地基固结度计算中,土的固结系数是一个十分重要的参数,土的固结系数通常通过室内试验求得,但室内取得水平向固结系数制样比较困难。利用软基处理过程中孔隙水压力监测资料来推算软土的固结系数,并和室内试验加以对比分析,总结出二者之间的相互关系及变化规律,可供同类工程设计借鉴。  相似文献   
大数据时代的国土资源档案创新管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在大数据时代,以广东省国土资源档案集群服务平台建设为例,以“档案数据大集中、应用系统大集群、档案服务大平台”为总体工作思路,提出了“一个中心,两个集群、三个统一、四位一体”的国土档案管理一揽予解决方案,并对基于大数据的国土资源档案知识服务进行了初步研究,为我国国土资源档案行业在大数据时代信息化建设提供极具实践意义的经验。  相似文献   
焉耆盆地绿洲区近50年地下水文时空变异及水盐演变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以地统计学理论和焉耆盆地绿洲区浅层地下水矿化度不同时期(1960年和2005年)的实测数据为基础,对取得的实测数据进行了半方差函数分析,结果表明:焉耆盆地绿洲区地下水矿化度和埋深在时间和空间上都存在明显的时空变异性.在空间尺度上,地下水矿化度在开都河中下游地区及其两岸灌区有增大的趋势;在时间尺度上,地下水随时间推移向盐化加重方向发展.近50年水盐动态表明焉耆盆地一直处于积盐过程,而绿洲区则处于脱盐过程,盐分都积累在博斯腾湖区,在1982年后转移至孔雀河流域.焉耆盆地地下水盐化态势表明,近年来地下水各项离子质量浓度都在积聚.绿洲区水土资源开发不仅改变了水盐分布,而且也深刻影响了地下水水体.  相似文献   
淄博市洪山、寨里煤矿区隐伏的奥陶系灰岩裂隙岩溶水污染严重。水质污染突发于矿坑全面闭坑以后,污染范围与矿坑水区一致,地下水污染组份与矿坑水的高含量组份相同。水质恶化主要由矿坑水串层污染所致。在此针对串层污染形成原因及影响因素,提出了防治对策。  相似文献   
In areas under different management conditions (management units, MUs) located either on a slope or at the base of a slope and either in a plantation or in a pasture, we compared the flower and fruit production, floral visitors, visitation rates and pre-emergent reproductive success (PERS) of Spondias tuberosa (Anacardiaceae) in an area of dry forest in NE Brazil. Individuals in the plantation MU produced more flowers per inflorescence than those in other MUs, but there were no statistical differences in mean fruit set among MUs. The only difference in mean visitation rates was between the plantation (65.83 ± 38.49) and the slope sites (11.5 ± 12.8). We observed visits by 19 insect species, including bees (31.6%), butterflies (31.6%), wasps (26.3%) and flies (10.5%). A clustering analysis based on the number of visits showed that a) the plantation site is most different from the other MUs, b) the pasture and the site at the base of the slope are similar to the slope site, and c) the higher frequency of visits of pollinators in the plantation MU was responsible for these differences. Of the 19 species of insects visiting the flowers, 12 were considered pollinators. The pollinator similarity analysis indicated a clear separation between areas and suggested that human activity has resulted in the replacement of native pollinators by exotic species. However, these changes apparently have not affected the pre-emergent reproductive success of S. tuberosa. Our results show that plant reproductive biology in semi-arid ecosystems may be modified by human action and that changes in floral production and pollinator guilds are the most conspicuous effects. However, the traditional management performed by local people may not affect the reproductive success of plant species.  相似文献   

The mechanical characteristics of calcareous silt interlayers play an important role in the stability of island-reef foundations. Direct shear and consolidation tests were performed to study the relationship between the mechanical properties and the physical parameters of calcareous silt. Based on the consolidation test results and analysis of the settling examples, different calculation methods for soil settling were compared. The results show the following. (1) The relationship between the cohesion and water content of calcareous silt can be represented by an M-shaped curve. The water contents corresponding to the two peaks of the M-type curve increase with increasing dry density. (2) When the dry density is less than 1.33?g/cm3, increasing the density significantly improves the internal friction angle of calcareous silts. When the dry density of the calcareous silt is greater than 1.33?g/cm3, the internal friction angle is affected by both the dry density and the water content. (3) The shear strength decreases when the water content exceeds the optimum level. (4) The compressive modulus of calcareous silt is larger than that of terrigenous silt. Specifically, it decreases with decreasing dry density and increasing water content. (5) The stepwise loading method should be used to estimate the soil settling before fill engineering construction.  相似文献   
萨尔图油田南二区东部140号断层以东地区葡11—4油层,以多段多韵律和正韵律沉积为主,平均孔隙度30.0%,平均空气渗透率1980×10^-3μm2。水驱结束时该油层平均含水92%,采出程度39.5%。计划对该区块实施聚合物驱开采。以往经验认为,组合段塞调整注聚技术能够有效改善流度控制作用。然而对组合注入情况下如何进一步提高驱油效果、注入井分注时机、层段注入强度对开发效果有何影响却很少探讨。通过室内驱油实验,在聚驱的组合段塞注入不同时机(水驱空白阶段、含水下降阶段、含水稳定阶段、含水回升阶段)下调整注入强度实施分注以及在含水回升分注基础上进一步调整注入强度,同时对比不分注实验,评价各方案驱油效果。实验表明:不实施分注时聚驱采收率在水驱基础上提高了19.07个百分点,而组合段塞注入时实施分注均能够在不分注基础上进一步提高驱油效果;空白水驱时实施分注采收率提高幅度最大,为26.55个百分点;随着分注时机的滞后采收率提高幅度增加值依次递减,分注时机越早越好。  相似文献   
新丰江水库地震序列的分段研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从新丰江水库地震序列分段、地震序列参数统计、地震序列分段与库水位关系等方面探讨新丰江地区的地震特征.结果表明:①水库地震全序列低b值(≤0.9)时段与大区域地震活动的增强存在一定的相关性,余震活动在一定程度上具有华南地区地震活动“窗口”的作用.②水库地震晚期余震释放阶段55个ML≥3.5级地震分序列研究显示,1975年...  相似文献   
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