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A pot experiment was conducted to investigate microbial characteristics and the biodegradation process of bensulfuron‐methyl (BSM) in a rhizosphere soils planted with different riparian plants. The results showed that microbial population decreased with BSM addition in the rhizosphere, especially for bacteria and fungi. The activities of the dehydrogenase (DHase) were stimulated firstly, due to BSM addition, but then were inhibited, and recovered to the initial level, while the activities of the phosphatase and urease showed obviously decreasing trend throughout the whole experiment. Rhizosphere soil substrate‐induced respiration (SIR) was depressed by BSM, especially at the initial 14 days of incubation. Compared to Zizania aquatica and Phragmites australis, Acorus calamus showed a significantly (p < 0.05) higher DHase activity and larger SIR in the rhizosphere soils treated with BSM, which means that A. calamus can effectively alleviate inhibitory effect of the sulfonylurea herbicide addition on microbial activity. There were significant (p < 0.05) differences in microbial degradation dynamics of BSM in the rhizosphere soils among three kinds of riparian plants. A. calamus displayed a significantly (p < 0.05) higher degradation efficiency of BSM in the rhizosphere soils, followed by Z. aquatica and P. australis. The residual BSM concentration in A. calamus rhizosphere soil was 23.1 and 32.2% lower than that in Z. aquatica and P. australis rhizosphere soils, respectively, indicating a greater improvement effect on biodegradation of BSM in A. calamus rhizosphere soils.  相似文献   
Based on detailed field investigations,this paper describes the geometrical characteristics and tectonic activities of the Zhangjiakou fault at the northwest of Beijing. This fault strikes mainly northwest to west,short parts of which strike near east to west,dipping north,and extends over a length of 70km. It is a major geological and geomorphological margin,controlling the neotectonic movement in this region. On the south side of the Zhangjiakou fault are the Late Quaternary unconsolidated deposits,forming basins; while on the other side are Mesozoic volcano debris and Pre-Mesozoic metamorphic rocks, forming lower mountains and hills. The Zhangjiakou fault consists mainly of high-angle inverse strike-slip fault and partially of normal strike-slip fault. Among these,the north-dipping NW-NWW-trending secondary faults,constituting the main fracture of the fault,have inverse characteristics; those near the EW-trending secondary faults are links of the former faults,with a smaller length and normal faulting characteristics. Thus,the Zhangjiakou fault is a north-dipping inverse and partially south-dipping normal strike-slip fault. The Zhangjiakou fault has been continuously active since the Quaternary. With the exception of the western end extension,which has been active since the late Pleistocene, the main part of the fault has been active since the Holocene. The central main segment of the Zhangjiakou fault is more active. Since the mid-late period of the late Pleistocene,the average vertical slip rate of a single fault has been over 0. 07mm /a ~ 0. 30mm /a. The Zhangjiakou fault has multi-slip surfaces,and the total vertical slip rate reaches 1. 33mm /a,estimated from the Qingshuihe river terraces and the relevant drilling data.  相似文献   
利用重力资料与GPS数据研究伽师及邻区近期地壳运动特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用重力资料和GPS数据研究伽师及邻近地区地壳运动特征,首先对2005~2009年该区域流动重力观测资料进行平差计算,绘制出以1年为尺度的重力场变化的等值线图.分析表明,伽师及邻近地区近年来重力场变化相对活跃,且有一定的规律,最大重力异常值达到150×10 -8m·s-2.其次,利用2005 ~2009年该区域GPS数据在统一框架下进行重新解算,并利用理论计算得到该地区每年的面膨胀值.研究表明,该区域地壳面压缩、面膨胀交替出现,正负交界处往往是剪应变值增大的地区,即地震易孕育区域.最后探讨了重力与GPS(面膨胀)二者在地壳形变、地球动力之间的响应关系.研究表明,震前伽师及邻区重力值主要显示正变化,震后则呈现出大面积负值区域,说明压陷(面收缩)和向北扩张(面膨胀)作用交替进行,这与GPS计算出的面膨胀结果是一致的.  相似文献   
首先通过对加入随机噪声的合成信号进行Morlet小波变换并进行显著性检验, 分析所得信号的周期成分的显著性和非显著性, 然后研究信号周期长短、 信号观测时间段长短与精度之间的关系.在此基础上,以活动周期比较稳定的太阳黑子活动作为实例分析,结果显示本文的精度分析和显著性检验方法对于周期谱的精度和显著性研究是可行的.最后将该方法应用于全球地震活动周期谱的分析,求出全球地震活动周期谱及其显著性与精度.研究结果表明,在利用Morlet小波分析地磁场和地震活动性周期时引入显著性检验,并结合本文给出的精度, 可以从数据中提取出周期谱及其显著性和精度.   相似文献   
新疆巴里坤湖粒度组分分解及其环境指示意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择位于西风影响区的天山东段巴里坤湖湖泊岩芯样品,对沉积物粒度组分进行经验正交函数(EOF)分解,并探讨各分量的环境意义.结果显示,EOF1组分与沉积物粒度小于2μm组分相关系数达0.64以上,并与代表区域有效湿度的碳酸盐氧同位素指标有很好的对应关系,故将EOF1解译为区域有效湿度的替代指标.EOF2组分与粒级为45-...  相似文献   
陈仁旭  郑永飞  龚冰 《岩石学报》2011,27(2):451-468
对超高压变质岩中含水矿物和名义上无水矿物的地球化学研究,极大地深化了我们对大陆碰撞带地壳俯冲和折返过程中流体体制的认识。就流体体制和化学地球动力学来说,有关研究在大别-苏鲁造山带进行的最为详细,因此已经成为研究大陆俯冲带变质的典型地区。本文以大别-苏鲁造山带为对象,从矿物水含量的角度,结合稳定同位素论述了大陆俯冲带流体活动。超高压变质岩中名义上无水矿物含有大量的水,以结构羟基和分子水形式存在。名义上无水矿物中结构羟基和分子水出溶与含水矿物分解共同构成了折返过程中退变质流体的主要来源。名义上无水矿物所释放的水以富集轻的氢氧同位素为特征,而含水矿物分解则提供了富集D的流体来源。折返过程中,名义上无水矿物降压脱水存在亏损D的分子水的优先丢失和不同形式水之间的相互转化。不同岩性的水含量差异导致了它们在折返过程中不同的流体活动行为。大陆板块俯冲和折返过程中,在不同矿物、不同岩性以及板片不同部位之间存在水的再分配;板片的一部分作为富水流体的源,而另一部分可能作为汇。  相似文献   
欧泊是一种具有特殊光学效应的宝石,其变幻莫测的色彩令人着迷。但在国内珠宝市场上欧泊的销售份额很小,有关其有效营销方法研究方面的参考资料基本处于空白状态。借助2010年上海世博会的契机,结合笔者在澳大利亚馆销售欧泊产品4个月的经历,着重从多角度吸引顾客、留住顾客、销售攻心术、灵活引导及创新推广活动等方面分析了澳大利亚AODC公司的营销策略,从中总结出几点建议,旨在对国内珠宝营销有所启发。  相似文献   
应用构造-层序地层分析的思维,通过构造格架与地层格架的关联分析,对南堡凹陷东营组沉积充填样式与过程、控制要素进行了综合研究。通过沉降史分析,并结合区域构造演化特征,古近纪可划分为4个次级构造幕。凹陷内断裂发育,同沉积断裂及其时空配置关系对凹陷内结构和沉积体系类型及其展布起着重要的控制作用。控凹断裂直接控制了局部构造带的可容纳空间变化和古地貌形态,从而形成不同的沉积展布特征。高柳断层是南堡凹陷内最为重要的二级断裂,其活动始于Es1沉积时期,在东营组沉积时期活动最为强烈。在东营组沉积时期,高柳断层将凹陷分为南、北两个独立的沉积系统,尤其在Ed3沉积期其强烈的翘倾作用使高柳地区成为一个孤立的湖盆,直接影响到了高柳地区的沉积充填。根据东营组沉积时期同沉积断裂组合样式划分出4种断裂坡折带:断崖型、断坡型、同向断阶型和反向断阶型,为研究南堡凹陷东营组同沉积断裂对沉积格局的控制作用提供了有利的指导,具有重要的石油地质意义。  相似文献   
本文综述了最近几年来中国研究者在地热流体地球化学研究领域取得的主要进展。在国际上关于地球内部流体及其作用研究取得重要进展的大背景下,我国学者在地热流体地球化学研究上也取得了一些重要成果,主要表现在火山地热区和非火山地热区两大方面,在火山学、地热学、环境学、大地构造学、地震学等五个学科领域都取得了一些重要进展。  相似文献   
以8个菌株(3株革兰氏阳性菌、3株革兰氏阴性菌和2株真菌)作为指示菌,采用管碟法对分离自南海硇洲岛马粪海hP-(Hemicentrotuspulcherrimus)中的106株细菌(含放线菌)进行抗菌活性筛选,并对其中抗菌活性较强的菌株进行了基于16SrRNA基因序列的系统发育分析和生物学特性研究。结果显示.具有抗菌活...  相似文献   
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