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De Gao 《湿地科学》2013,11(1):21-26
The application of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) inocula in severely degraded wetlands could ensure success in restoration.Mycorrhizal fungi play an important role in plant individual’s survival and development in a low nutrient condition.Based on the importance that mycorrhizal fungi have to their host plants,mycorrhizal inocula have been produced and applied in terrestrial ecosystems in order to let the plants become mycorrhizal.However,mycorrhizal inocula have not been used in wetland restorations,despite increasing evidence that mycorrhizal fungi are commonly found in various wetland systems and have the ability to survive under anoxic conditions.Evidence also shows that mycorrhizal fungal inocula in the soil could have been destroyed in the degraded wetland or could be destroyed during traditional wetland restoration process.Therefore,AM inocula production is strongly recommended for wetland restoration.In this paper,I will argue that AM inocula production is required when introduced recovery is necessary,and aeroponic culture technique is a preferable method to produce AM inocula.Last,a renewed wetland restoration flow chart is summarized.  相似文献   
Adaptive rendering of large urban building models has become an important research issue in three-dimensional (3D) geographic information system (GIS) applications. This study explores a way for rendering web-based 3D urban building models. A client–server hybrid rendering approach is presented for large 3D city models, stored on a remote server through a network. The approach combines an efficient multi-hierarchical building representation with a novel image-based method, 3D image impostor generated on demand by a remote server. This approach allows transferring complex scenes progressively while keeping high visualization quality. We also evaluated the rendering and data transferring performance of the proposed approach.  相似文献   
JeanDUBESSY 《岩石学报》2004,20(6):1301-1318
本文主要介绍如何利用流体包裹体来获得合理的数据。首先对H2O-体系进行总结,着重介绍利用显微测温法和其他新的分析技术来确定流体的组成,并举例说明流体混合在流体包裹体研究中的应用。介绍了H2O-(气)-盐体系特别是CO2-CH4体系的图解,探讨了在低温下由于笼舍物的形成H2O-(气)-盐体系的复杂相变。重点介绍显微激光拉曼光谱仪在含甲烷水溶液流体中的应用,并根据相图详细讨论了如何确定流体的不混溶。  相似文献   
湖南省境内有色金属矿产十分丰富,享有“有色金属之乡”的美誉,但经过多年的开采,90%以上的矿山都面临储量危机的困难,而找矿难度日益增大,常规的找矿技术路线已很难打开找矿效果不佳的局面。因此,在找矿预测过程中,必须以新的理论为指导,采用新的思路,从新的成矿与控矿因素、新的矿床成因类型与成矿模式入手,结合有效的常规手段与新技术,进行系统而科学的研究,并深入分析前人已有成果和投入大量现场调查研究工作,才有可能实现储量危机矿山找矿预测的突破。  相似文献   
卫星遥感技术在内蒙古多伦县土地沙化调查中的应用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
田淑芳  王小牛 《现代地质》2000,14(4):459-464
在内蒙古多伦县土地沙化现状的调查中 ,利用多波段卫星图象 ( TM)数据 ,根据多伦地区各类地物的波谱特征 ,采用了假彩色合成及比值假彩色合成等遥感图象处理方法 ,在地理信息系统技术的支持下 ,对多伦地区沙化土地的空间分布和面积进行了详细的解译和测算。同时结合常规调查方法 ,对区内沙化土地的沙化程度、成因机理、发展趋势及危害等方面做了详细的研究和分析。作者向多伦县地方政府提供了真实可靠的各类土地利用现状的数据和其他信息 ,为多伦的土地的合理利用及沙化治理提出了相应的治理对策  相似文献   
国内成品油资源与市场分布极不均衡,导致成品油物流运输跨度大、运输方式多、成本高.传统物流管理系统主要基于固定流程,通过计量单据、报表进行物流活动的管理.随着GIS技术的普遍应用,以及各种定位手段、数据分析技术的日趋成熟,物流管理越来越趋向自动化、可视化、智能化,步入了成品油智慧物流时代.本文总结了成品油智慧物流的特点,搭建了智慧物流框架体系,介绍了基于GIS技术的成品油智慧物流系统建设方案与实现情况,突显出了GIS在物流运输可视化与物流空间分析方面的重要作用,提高了物流服务效率和物流管理水平.  相似文献   
The North China Plain, which is critical for food production in China, is encountering serious water shortage due to heavy agricultural water requirement. The accurate modelling of carbon dioxide flux and evapotranspiration (ET) in croplands is thus essential for yield prediction and water resources management. The land surface model is powerful in simulating energy and carbon dioxide fluxes between land and atmosphere. Some key processes in the Simple Biosphere Model (Version 2, SiB2) were parameterized based on the observations. The simulated fluxes were tested against the eddy covariance flux measurements over two typical winter wheat/maize double cropping fields. A simple diagnostic parameterisation of soil respiration, not included in SiB2, was added and calibrated using the observations to model the carbon budget. The Ball‐Berry stomatal conductance model was calibrated using observed leaf gas exchange rate, showing that the original SiB2 could significantly underpredict the ET in the wheat field. SiB2 significantly underpredicted soil resistance at the Weishan site, leading to overpredict the ET. Overall, there was a close agreement between the simulated and observed latent heat fluxes and net CO2 exchange using the re‐parameterized SiB2. These findings are important when the model is used for the regional simulation in the North China Plain. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
地震CT及其地质解释   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
赵永贵  任汉章 《地质科学》1997,32(1):96-102
在金川公司龙首矿东采区1 280中段井下500m深的巷道中应用地震CT技术进行寻找深部隐伏矿体的实验。波速图像表明,研究区内中西部有一高速异常区,推断为花岗岩体和含矿的超基性侵入岩体。区内还有一个横贯测区中央近东西走向的低速断裂带。这些推断结果为后期的钻探和巷道开掘所证明。  相似文献   
在矿山发现和勘查过程中往往积累了大量地质、物探等资料,随着地质体三维可视化和物探新处理方法的发展,利用这些方法对已有资料进行深度挖掘与开发可以提炼出新的有利找矿的信息,避免工作量的重复投入,可为矿山接替资源勘查提供有力的技术支持.本研究以铜陵狮子山矿田为例,收集了其勘探阶段积累下来的地质钻探及物探资料,采用地质体三维可视化建模技术对这些资料进行了二次处理,建立了冬瓜山铜矿的三维矿床模型.在可视化环境下,分析了矿体与各成矿地质要素之间的关系,结合新处理方法对已有重磁资料再处理获取的信息,圈定出了寻找同类矿床的靶区一前冲靶区,并采用EH-4等物探方法进行了验证,通过钻探验证表明,采用三维可视化、物探处理新方法对已有资料进行深度挖掘与开发,不但可以为矿山接替资源勘查提供找矿信息,还能节约大量时间和资金.  相似文献   
为了检验广义极性振幅技术(GPAT)的实用性,我们利用GPAT反演确定了49次实际地震的震源机制、矩震级和震源深度.为了检验GPAT对地方地震、区域地震以及远震的实用性,我们选用了震级范围约为ML0.2~MS7.0之间的地震与震中距范围约在5~8000 km之间的观测资料.对反演结果的分析表明,利用GPAT获取的震源机制结果在合理误差范围内是正确的,利用GPAT获取的矩震级结果是可靠的,而利用GPAT获取的震源深度总体上似乎比常规定位深度深约0.6 km.总体而言,GPAT在震源机制、矩震级和震源深度的反演方面表现出良好的实用性.  相似文献   
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