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Based on Biot's wave equation, dynamic response of a circular tunnel with partially sealed liner in viscoelastic saturated soil is investigated. By introducing two scalar potential functions, the analytical solutions of stresses, displacements and pore pressure induced by axisymmetric gradually applied step load are derived in Laplace transform domain. Numerical results are obtained by inverting Laplace transform presented by Durbin and used to analyze the influences of partial permeable property of boundary and viscoelastic damping coefficient of soil on dynamic response of the tunnel. It is shown that the attenuation of radial displacement appeared with the increase of viscoelastic damping coefficient of soil, and relative rigidity of liner and soil, and the influence of partial sealing property of boundary on stresses, displacements and pore pressure is remarkable. The available solutions of permeable and impermeable boundary conditions are only two extreme cases of this paper.  相似文献   
性类固醇激素对动物生长有一定的影响, 但其对鱼类雌、雄生长差异的影响机理尚不清楚。 为进一步了解动物雌雄生长差异的内在原因, 本文通过在体注射和荧光定量PCR 方法, 比较了性类 固醇激素(E2、MT)对尼罗罗非鱼雌鱼和雄鱼的生长及对垂体GH、肝脏GHR1、IGF-I mRNA 表达的 影响。结果表明: 性类固醇激素E2 和MT 对尼罗罗非鱼的生长及生长轴相关基因的表达均有显著的 影响, 并且这种影响存在明显的性别二态性。E2 明显促进雌鱼的生长但不显著影响雄鱼的生长, MT 显著促进雄鱼和雌鱼的生长; E2 可使雌鱼垂体GH 和肝脏GHR1 、IGF-I 的mRNA 水平显著升高 (P<0.05), 但降低雄鱼垂体GH和肝脏GHR1的mRNA表达; MT 显著提高雄鱼垂体GH和肝脏GHR1、 IGF-I mRNA 水平(P<0.05), 但降低雌鱼垂体GH 的mRNA 表达, 促进雌鱼肝脏GHR1 mRNA 的表达, 但对雄鱼肝脏GHR1 的促进作用明显大于雌鱼(P<0.05).上述结果表明, 性类固醇激素对不同性别尼 罗罗非鱼的生长及生长轴相关基因的mRNA 表达有不同的影响, 表现出明显的性别二态性, 提示不 同性别鱼体内性类固醇激素水平的不同可能是导致尼罗罗非鱼雌雄生长二态性的另一内在原因。  相似文献   
Using the two-point Edgeworth series up to second order in the linear rms density fluctuation we construct the weakly non-linear conditional probability distribution function for the density field around an overdense region. This requires calculating the two-point analogues of the skewness parameter S 3. We test the dependence of the two-point skewness on distance from the peak for scale-free power spectra and Gaussian smoothing. The statistical features of such a conditional distribution are given as the values obtained within linear theory corrected by the terms that arise as a result of weakly non-linear evolution. The expected density around the peak is found to be always below the linear prediction while its dispersion is always larger than in the linear case. For large enough overdensities the weakly non-linear corrections can be more significant than the peak constraint introduced by Bardeen et al. We apply these results to the spherical model of collapse as developed by Hoffman & Shaham and find that in general the effect of weakly non-linear interactions is to decrease the scale from which a peak gathers mass and therefore also the mass itself. In the case of an open universe this results in steepening of the final profile of the virialized proto-object.  相似文献   
本文利用横向各向同性介质(TIM)中的传播矩阵和面波形成条件,导出了面波波慢度方程。对瑞利波给出了各向同性及横向各向同性弹性介质中其相速度的解析解;对于勒夫波,给出了横向各向同性介质中的波慢度方程。  相似文献   
Prediction of long‐term settlement and control of gas pollution to the environment are two principle concerns during the management of municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills. The behavior of settlement and gas flow in MSW landfills is complicated due to the combined effect of mechanical deformation of the solid skeleton and continuous biodegradation of the waste. A one‐dimensional settlement and gas flow model is presented in this paper, which is capable of predicting time evolution of settlement as well as temporal and spatial distribution of gas pressure within multi‐layered landfills under a variety of operating scenarios. The analytical solution to the novel model is evaluated with numerical simulation and field measurements. The resulting efficiency and accuracy highlight the capability of the proposed model to reproduce the settlement behavior and gas flow in MSW landfills. The influences of operating conditions and waste properties on settlement and gas pressure are examined for typical MSW landfills. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A mathematical model describing the constant pumping is developed for a partially penetrating well in a heterogeneous aquifer system. The Laplace‐domain solution for the model is derived by applying the Laplace transforms with respect to time and the finite Fourier cosine transforms with respect to vertical co‐ordinates. This solution is used to produce the curves of dimensionless drawdown versus dimensionless time to investigate the influences of the patch zone and well partial penetration on the drawdown distributions. The results show that the dimensionless drawdown depends on the hydraulic properties of the patch and formation zones. The effect of a partially penetrating well on the drawdown with a negative patch zone is larger than that with a positive patch zone. For a single‐zone aquifer case, neglecting the effect of a well radius will give significant error in estimating dimensionless drawdown, especially when dimensionless distance is small. The dimensionless drawdown curves for cases with and without considering the well radius approach the Hantush equation (Advances in Hydroscience. Academic Press: New York, 1964) at large time and/or large distance away from a test well. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The response of saturated porous medium is of significant interest in many fields ranging from geomechanics to biomechanics. Biot was the first to formulate the basic equations governing the process of coupled flow and deformation in porous media. Depending on the nature of loading vis‐à‐vis the characteristics of the media, different formulations (fully dynamic, partly dynamic, quasi‐static) are possible. In this study, analytical solutions are developed for the response of saturated and nearly saturated porous media under plane strain condition. The solutions for different formulations are developed in terms of non‐dimensional parameters. The response is studied for various conditions and the regions of validity for various formulations are identified in a parametric space. An assessment of the needed formulation for few important problems is also presented. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Soil vapour extraction (SVE) is a common remediation technique for cleaning up unsaturated soils contaminated by volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Analytical solutions, which result from simple mathematical models, can allow the fast approximation of the time‐dependent effluent concentration and the gaining of insight into the processes that take place during soil remediation. Deriving the analytical solutions to advection–dispersion equations that simultaneously take into account the mechanical dispersion and molecular diffusion is very difficult because of the variable dependence of governing equations' coefficients. In this study, we first present two simplified analytical solutions that only consider mechanical dispersion or molecular diffusion. The two developed analytical solutions are compared with the numerical solution that simultaneously considers both mechanical dispersion and molecular diffusion to examine the applicability of the two simplified analytical solutions and distinguishes the individual contribution of the mechanical dispersion and molecular diffusion to total VOCs transport in an SVE system. Results show that dispersion plays an important role during SVE decontamination and neither the diffusion‐dominated solution nor the dispersion‐dominated solution can agree well with the numerical solution when both mechanical dispersion and molecular diffusion have significant contributions to the total VOCs transport flux. A composite analytical solution that linearly couples the diffusion‐ and dispersion‐dominated analytical solutions, which is proposed herein to eliminate the discrepancy between the analytical solutions and the numerical solution. Results indicate that the proposed composite analytical solution agrees well with the numerical solution and is an effective tool for quickly and accurately evaluating the time‐dependent effluent concentration for parameters of the different ranges of interest in an SVE remedial system. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
海洋酸化对马氏珠母贝珍珠层形成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了酸化环境对马氏珠母贝珍珠层形成的影响。在温度为28℃,盐度为31的条件下,分别在p H 8.2(对照组,CG)、p H 7.7(实验一组,E1)和p H 7.4(实验二组,E2)的海水中养殖马氏珠母贝,观察贝壳珍珠层结晶形貌的变化,并检测珍珠层形成相关的矿化基因(pif177、nacrein及pearlin)在外套膜中央区(mantle center,MC)的表达。结果表明:(1)通过扫描电镜观察贝壳,比较对照组与实验组贝壳晶体形貌变化,发现E1组贝壳珍珠层低倍镜下,生长阶梯明显,高倍镜下超微结构规则,六边形棱角不明显,但边界清晰;而E2组出现板块边界不明显,生长排列不规则等现象,说明了海水酸化影响了马氏珠母贝的钙沉积,引起珍珠层形貌特征的变化;(2)实验设定条件下,pif177、nacrein及pearlin基因表达量整体上呈现随p H降低而降低的变化趋势。其中,E1组与CG组间均无显著性差异(P0.05),E2组均较CG组显著下调(P0.05)。  相似文献   
The analysis of the stability and the dispersion properties of a counterstreaming plasma system with kappa distributions are extended here with the investigation of perpendicular instabilities. Purely growing filamentation (Weibel-like) modes propagating perpendicular to the background magnetic field can be excited in streaming plasmas with or without an excess of parallel temperature. In this case, however, the effect of suprathermal tails of kappa populations is opposite to that obtained for parallel waves: the growth rates can be higher and the instability faster than for Maxwellian plasmas. The unstable wavenumbers also extend to a markedly larger broadband making this instability more likely to occur in space plasmas with anisotropic distributions of kappa-type. The filamentation instability of counterstreaming magnetized plasmas could provide a plausible mechanism for the origin of two-dimensional transverse magnetic fluctuations detected at different altitudes in the solar wind.  相似文献   
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