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强对流天气发生前期地面风场特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
翟国庆  俞樟孝 《大气科学》1992,16(5):522-529
根据对华东地区9次强对流天气的地面风场分析发现,强对流的发生发展与锋前暖区的中尺度辐合线有密切关系,与地面中尺度辐合线相伴的扰动辐合值为-0.8×10~(-4)·s~(-1)左右.当有移动的天气系统与其相遇时,交点附近扰动辐合值迅速增大,促使对流迅猛发展且移速加快.辐合线的形成与大尺度背景和特定地形有关.移动的中尺度辐合线与变压风有关而静正辐合线常与露点锋相伴.  相似文献   
The stability of a simple coupled ocean-atmosphere system similar to the one studied by Hirst with general ocean thermodynamics is investigated in which the atmospheric heating is determined by sea surface temperature anomalies as well as the convergence feedback (low level moisture convergence by the waves themselves). It is shown that the unstable coupled mode found by Hirst (UH mode) is profoundly modified by the convergence feedback. The feedback increases the unstable range of the UH mode and can increase its growth rate several folds. The maximally growing UH mode can become westward propagating for certain strength of convergence feedback. If the convergence feedback strength exceeds a critical value, several new unstable intraseasonal modes are also introduced. These modes are basically ‘advective’ modes. For relatively weak strengths of the convergence feedback the growth rates of these modes are smaller than that of the UH mode. As the atmosphere approaches ‘moist neutral’ state, the growth rates of these modes could become comparable or even larger than that of the UH mode. It is argued that these results explain why the El Nino and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) signal is clear in the eastern Pacific but not so in the western Pacific and they may also explain some of the differences between individual ENSO events. Our results also explain the aperiodic behaviour of some coupled numerical models. Importance of this process in explaining the observed aperiodicity of the ENSO phenomenon is indicated.  相似文献   
Bjerhammar球面单层密度时间变化的实用解算理论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了Bjerhammar球面单层密度时变实用解算理论和稳定算法。从利用重复大地测量数据联合确定Bjerhammar球面单层密度时变基本理论出发,推导了不同Bjerhammar球面上q*t和δW*t之间的一般解式;分析研究了q*t的迭代求解过程和收敛特性,得出其收敛稳定性很大程度上取决于R值的结论,同时给出了界限R的关系式;提出了解求q*t的分步迭代算法,该算法从理论上解决了以前算法存在的收敛稳定问题(R较小时),并指出:地表观测点qt的确定应遵循匹配处理准则,即各观测点数据应蕴含相同物理过程。最后给出了q*t的精度评估公式。  相似文献   
According to the classical theory of equilibrium figures surfaces of equal density, potential and pressure concur (let call them isobars). Isobars may be represented by means of Liapunov power series in small parameter q, up to the first approximation coincident with centrifugal to gravitational force ratio on the equator. A. M. Liapunov has proved the existence of the universal convergence radius q : above mentioned series converge for all bodies if q < q . Using Liapunov's algorithm and symbolic calculus tools we have calculated q = 0.000370916. Evidently, convergence radius q 0 may be much greater in non-pathological situations. We plan to examine several simplest cases. In the present paper, we find q 0 for homogeneous liquid. The convergence radius turns out to be unexpectedly large coinciding with the upper boundary value q 0 = 0.337 for Maclaurin ellipsoids.  相似文献   
火山活动与沉积盆地的形成和演化   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
郭占谦 《地球科学》1998,23(1):59-64
我国大陆地壳进入中生代以来,发生了较其他陆壳更为强烈的构造运动,印支,燕山,喜马拉雅运动都是发生在我国大陆地壳以裂陷作用为主的典型运动,在中生代板块构造的特定时代和以裂陷作用主主的构造运动作用下,岩浆活动沿断穿骨石圈和地壳的深断裂发生,上涌至地壳地面形成火山岩带和地层格架中的火山岩层,上涌至地壳内部形成壳内流体相央浆房而成为高导层,火山活动是由中生代生成的太平洋板块和我国大陆地壳俯冲,使大陆地壳深  相似文献   
2007年7月,红河州多受两高间辐合区影响,产生强降水,选取7月18~20日强降水过程进行分析,得出:单纯的两高辐合区并不一定能产生强降水。虽然此次过程中有深厚的西南涡从四川东南移,但强降水的触发机制并不是西南涡,而是高空冷平流,且高空冷平流具有高层强、低层弱的特点。水汽、能量条件表现出在高层随着环流背景场南移、中低层少变的特点,较强的上升运动也集中在对流层中上层。MM5对于此次过程较强降水发生的时间、区域有较好的预报能力,但降水量级偏小。  相似文献   
给出了凸度量空间中渐近拟非扩张映象的Ishikawa型迭代序列收敛于不动点的充要条件,所得结果推广、改进和包含了刘启厚[1]等人的最新成果.  相似文献   
Transboundary cooperation is viewed as an essential element of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP). While much of the MSP literature focuses on the need for, and benefits of, transboundary MSP, this paper explores the political and institutional factors that may facilitate the effective transition to such an approach. Drawing on transboundary planning theory and practice, key contextual factors that are likely to expedite the transition to transboundary MSP are reviewed. These include: policy convergence in neighbouring jurisdictions; prior experience of transboundary planning; and good working relations amongst key actors. Based on this review, an assessment of the conditions for transboundary MSP in the adjoining waters of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland is undertaken. A number of recommendations are then advanced for transboundary MSP on the island of Ireland, including, the need to address the role of formal transboundary institutions and the lack of an agreed legal maritime boundary. The paper concludes with some commentary on the political realities of implementing transboundary MSP.  相似文献   
利用Argo剖面数据和水声学数值模型,分析了西太平洋夏季在热带海区(I型)、亚热带南部海区(II型)和亚热带北部海区(III型)三类典型声速环境下的会聚区特性。声场计算结果表明,声速环境的区域性差异及声源深度的变化对会聚区声场特性有明显影响。当声源深度为20m时,热带海区会聚区距离较远,第一会聚区约为65km,超出亚热带海区约5km;当声源深度为200m时,亚热带北部海区会聚区距离较远,第一会聚区约为60km,亚热带南部海区、热带海区依次递减约5km。I型和III型剖面在特定的声源深度条件下出现波导型声场,当声源位于表层时热带海区产生表面波导,当声源位于次表层时亚热带北部海区产生次表层波导,对于1kHz的声波,波导深度范围内的传播损失比波导深度以外高出10~20dB。  相似文献   
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