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现有像元二分模型MODIS植被覆盖度模型因其形式简单、适用性较强的特点被广泛应用于区域植被覆盖度(FVC)的估算。然而,研究表明在沙漠和低植被覆盖的西部干旱区,从250 m的影像上很难精准地获取NDVIveg(全植被覆盖植被指数)和NDVIsoil(全裸土区植被指数)参数。利用常用的直方图累计法获取模型所需参数NDVIveg和NDVIsoil,估算结果存在普遍高估现象。为此,本文首先引入同期获取的GF-2号卫星数据,从GF-2号影像上提取植被覆盖像元;然后,利用Pixel Aggregate方法重采样至250 m分辨率,获取250 m空间分辨率下纯植被和纯裸土像元;最后,将纯植被和纯裸土像元各自空间位置相对应的MODIS NDVI数据最大值作为模型所需NDVIveg和NDVIsoil参数,实现研究区内植被覆盖度的估算。试验通过与线性回归法、多项式回归法和直方图累计像元二分模型法估算结果进行精度对比,结果表明:利用GF-2影像辅助的像元二分模型,精准地获取了低植被覆盖区NDVIveg和NDVIsoil模型参数,提高了干旱区植被覆盖度的估算精度,并有效地抑制了受稀疏植被影响NDVI在干旱区普遍偏高问题导致的FVC高估的现象。  相似文献   
Yuan  Lihua  Chen  Xiaoqiang  Wang  Xiangyu  Xiong  Zhe  Song  Changqing 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(9):1548-1564
Journal of Geographical Sciences - The Heihe River Basin is located in the arid and semi-arid regions of Northwest China. Here, the terrestrial ecosystem is vulnerable, making it necessary to...  相似文献   
Near-surface remote sensing (e.g., digital cameras) has played an important role in capturing plant phenological metrics at either a focal or landscape scale. Exploring the relationship of the digital image-based greenness index (e.g., Gcc, green chromatic coordinate) with that derived from satellites is critical for land surface process research. Moreover, our understanding of how well Gcc time series associate with environmental variables at field stations in North American prairies remains limited. This paper investigated the response of grass Gcc to daily environmental factors in 2018, such as soil moisture (temperature), air temperature, and solar radiation. Thereafter, using a derivative-based phenology extraction method, we evaluated the correspondence between key phenological events (mainly including start, end and length of growing season, and date with maximum greenness value) derived from Gcc, MODIS and VIIRS NDVI (EVI) for the period 2015-2018. The results showed that daily Gcc was in good agreement with ground-level environmental variables. Additionally, multivariate regression analysis identified that the grass growth in the study area was mainly affected by soil temperature and solar radiation, but not by air temperature. High frequency Gcc time series can respond immediately to precipitation events. In the same year, the phenological metrics retrieved from digital cameras and multiple satellites are similar, with spring phenology having a larger relative difference. There are distinct divergences between changing rates in the greenup and senescence stages. Gcc also shows a close relationship with growing degree days (GDD) derived from air temperature. This study evaluated the performance of a digital camera for monitoring vegetation phenological metrics and related climatic factors. This research will enable multiscale modeling of plant phenology and grassland resource management of temperate prairie ecosystems.  相似文献   
Analysis of the nexus between vegetation dynamics and climatic parameters like surface temperature is essential in environmental and ecological studies and for monitoring of the natural resources. This study explored the spatio-temporal distribution of land surface temperature (LST) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the relationship between them in the Andassa watershed from 1986 to 2016 periods using Landsat data. Monthly average air temperature data of three meteorological sites were used for validating the results. The findings of the study showed that the LST of the Andassa watershed has increased during the study periods. Overall, average LST has been rising with an increasing rate of 0.081°C per year. Other results of this study also showed that there has been a dynamic change in vegetation cover of the watershed in all seasons. There was also a negative correlation between LST and NDVI in all the studied years. From this study we can understand that there has been degradation of vegetation and intensification of LST from 1986 to 2016.  相似文献   
在全球气候变化背景下,植被动态变化以及植被对气候变化的响应方式已经成为生态学和地理学领域的热点。本文对比分析了南方亚热带季风区将乐县不同类型森林植被对不同时间尺度的干旱响应的差别。基于2000-2017年MODIS-EVI数据及气象站点数据,用最大值合成法、趋势分析法以及相关分析法,分析了森林植被及气象因子的动态变化特征,并对比不同森林植被对气候变化响应的差别。研究表明:① 2000-2017年,研究区植被覆盖度、EVI和降水均显著增加,区域内湿度增加,森林长势渐趋良好;② EVI在生长季初期和末期与同期的降水、温度均显著正相关(P<0.1),初期森林受降水因子的影响更大,末期受温度因子的影响大;③ 1-3月和周年的气候变化对森林的生长至关重要,长时间尺度的湿度增加对森林生长具有显著的促进作用,SPEI的时间尺度越长与EVI的相关性也越大;④ 针阔混交林与同期温度、降水的相关系数最高,并且与不同时间尺度的SPEI相关性均比较高,属于气候敏感型林型,在生产经营中要谨慎预防气候变化对该林型带来的伤害;⑤ 森林覆盖度变化与降水和SPEI_24的相关性极显著,长时间尺度的降水变化是影响森林植被覆盖率变化的重要因素之一。  相似文献   
基于1∶1的大型水槽试验结果,分析了波浪溢流过程中位于海堤内坡的高性能加筋草皮护面的侵蚀特征。试验观察表明试验期间有一定土壤的损失,但护坡无明显的破坏;土面高度测量表明,当土壤流失发展到一定深度后,如果水动力强度变化不大,侵蚀趋于逐渐停止,这种现象称为侵蚀上限;结合试验现象对侵蚀上限进行了初步解释,并讨论了侵蚀上限达到前的侵蚀速率特征;植株密度监测表明,试验期间的草茎密度基本不变,草叶密度在开始几次试验期间持续减小,而后达到一个稳定值,这对于海堤的可持续防护有重要意义。研究成果能够为波浪溢流期间海堤内坡防御的相关研究和工程措施提供参考依据。  相似文献   
针对传统植被覆盖度估算方法只能估算高密度覆盖的绿色光合植被的问题,该文提出了一种可进行绿色光合植被、非绿色光合植被和裸地覆盖度估算的方法,选取博尔塔拉蒙古自治州2010年和2016年的LandsatTM/OLI影像,通过构建NDVI-DFI特征空间提取端元特征值,运用像元三分模型估算,并与像元二分模型估算结果和实地采样估算结果对比。结果表明:像元三分模型估算与实际情况相符,且精度较好。2016年博州地区植被覆盖度较2010年增长显著,生态环境得到明显改善。像元三分模型能够较好地估算光合/非光合植被覆盖度,提高遥感获取植被信息的能力,为科学评估生态环境质量提供参考。  相似文献   
贺鹏艳 《测绘科学》2019,44(6):341-346
针对目前数字广播电视单频网不能自动进行覆盖结果优化调整的问题,该文在基于地理信息的单频网台站场强预测的基础上,实现了单频网覆盖时延自动优化。首先,利用台站基本信息,结合地理信息,利用台站场强预测模型,对单频网内各个台站进行覆盖场强预测,得到各个台站的覆盖结果矩阵。其次,结合各个台站的覆盖结果矩阵,利用遗传算法对各个台站的时延情况进行寻优。最后,得到每个台站的最优时延结果,以及得到时延优化后的单频网覆盖结果。实验结果表明,本文提出的基于遗传算法的单频网覆盖时延优化算法,能够很好地实现单频网内各个台站的自动时延优化,根据得到的时延结果,对单频网内各台站信号进行控制,从而自动地进行单频网覆盖结果的优化。  相似文献   
旨在研究受人类经济活动影响的植被资源及其动态变化趋势的程度,采用基于归一化植被指数的像素二分模型,利用2002—2010年(武汉市每年8月)的卫星遥感数据,对武汉地区6年间的植被覆盖变化进行监测分析。结果表明,植被覆盖度变化与武汉GDP增长率有着紧密联系:2002—2007年,武汉经济较缓慢上升,植被覆盖度基本维持在55%左右;而2007—2008年武汉GDP总值增长率高达26.06%,但随之而来的是植被覆盖度由高峰期的61.68%下降到49.18%,是历年来的最低水准; 2008—2010年经济发展放缓,植被指数有小幅度回升。人类经济活动是影响植被资源的重要因素。  相似文献   
淹没植物对河道糙率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于河道水动力及植物柔性变形分析,建立淹没状态下的植物河道糙率计算的理论关系,同时,利用试验资料及理论分析成果,进一步获得了植物河道糙率的附加值,借此可以分析与评价河道植物对水流阻力的影响程度.  相似文献   
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