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Five species belonging to five genera and an unidentified rhynchonellid have been recognised in a Late Eocene (Priabonian) brachiopod assemblage from Castelnuovo in the Euganean Hills, north-eastern Italy. One genus and two species are new, i. e. Venetocrania euganea gen. et sp. nov. and “Terebratulaitalica sp. nov. Orthothyris pectinoides (von Koenen 1894) is recorded for the first time from Italy. The other species are Terebratulina sp. cf. T. tenuistriata (Leymerie 1846) and Lacazella mediterranea (Risso 1826), both already known from the Italian Eocene.  相似文献   
以长白山区泥炭地的6种泥炭藓孢子和8种维管植物种子为受试材料,进行室内模拟实验,对比研究了沙尘沉降对泥炭藓孢子和维管植物种子萌发的影响。数据分析显示,施加沙尘抑制除锈色泥炭藓外其他所有泥炭藓孢子的萌发,在接近自然沉降的50 g/(m2·a)水平时,这些泥炭藓孢子的萌发率均下降一半以上。无论沙尘施加量如何,有4种维管植物种子均未萌发。施加沙尘抑制了狭叶杜香(Rhododendron tomentosum)和小白花地榆(Sanguisorba parviflora)种子的萌发,但却对宽叶杜香(Rhododendron palustre)和燕子花(Iris laevigata)种子的萌发呈现一定的促进趋势。研究表明,沙尘沉降可抑制泥炭地泥炭藓孢子和部分典型维管植物种子的萌发,但可能会对非典型的或喜营养的泥炭地维管植物种子萌发产生促进作用。所以,长期存在的沙尘沉降,可能通过提高泥炭地N、Ca水平和pH值的作用,抑制泥炭藓孢子定居,阻滞中国长白山区泥炭地自发演替的进程。  相似文献   
Eight new taxa of Euglenophyta are described in this paper. They were collected from severalprovinces in China and respectively named Euglena allorgei var. exsulcata. E pisciformis var. globosa, E.tortiliS, Lepocinclis glabra var. papillata, Phacus pisiformis, Ph.strombuliformis,Ph.trimarginatus var.truncatus and Astasia angusta.  相似文献   
简要回顾了目前云南早泥盆世坡松冲植物群的研究,论述了坡松冲植物群的时代、组成和性质。研究表明坡松冲植物群在某些简单的、常见的工蕨类植物和三枝蕨类植物组成的背景下,含有具复杂形态和结构特征的植物类群,显示了较劳亚大陆同期陆生维管植物更进化的营养器官、生殖器官分异的水平。不同古植物地理区的长期隔离(也就是,早泥盆世的东北冈瓦纳古植物地理区和华南亚区)和独特的环境可能是造成众多地方性分子演化分异的原因。坡松冲植物群的研究表明中国华南可能是早期陆生维管植物演化辐射的中心之一。  相似文献   
关于维管植物大化石保存方式术语的商榷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王祺  郝守刚 《地质论评》2001,47(6):577-583
本文讨论了维管植物大化石保存方式中使用的术语,发现其中存在一些问题,主要表现在:(1)对化石化作用使用的术语经常与植物大化石保存方式所使用的术语混为一谈;(2)对同一术语不同的作者可能有不同的解释。这种状况很容易造成认识上的混乱。作者回顾了相关的讨论,并运用图解的方式对维管植物大化石的保存类型作了归类和比较的进一步讨论,建议把化石化作用所使用的术语和植物大化石保存方式所使用的术语合理地分开,从而尽可能地避免术语使用上的混乱。  相似文献   
Mesoproboloid.es excavata n. sp. is described and illustrated from material collected at Kaikoura, New Zealand. It differs most conspicuously from the other three known species of the genus in the posterodistally excavate coxa 4, the stout, blunt lobe distally on article 1 of antenna 1, the crenulate ventral margins of coxae 2–4, and the castellate posterior margin of article 2 of pereopod 5. The structure and distribution of minute organs, probably sensory receptors, densely distributed over much, of the integument was examined by scanning electron microscopy. The genus Mesoproboloides is now seen to be cold temperate‐subantarctic in occurrence.  相似文献   
Mean gonad indices of Evechinus chloroticus (Val.) at Kaikoura and Kaiteriteri, South Island, New Zealand, increased during the winter and spring to reach peak values during the summer and then decreased to minimum values in autumn. There was only one major summer peak at Kaikoura, but two at Kaiteriteri. The maximum mean gonad index of Kaiteriteri specimens was little higher than the minimum at Kaikoura. Absolute size of gonads and spawn producton were also lower at Kaiteriteri, perhaps because of less food there.

At both localities gametogenic cycles were correlated with gonad index cycles, progressing from unripe to ripe from late autumn to spring, but Kaikoura urchins held ripe gametes over a longer period than Kaiteriteri urchins. The volume of spawn from females was greater than that from males but males had ripe gametes (and could be artificially induced to spawn) longer. At Kaikoura, some spawning probably occurred throughout summer with a major spawning in late summer or early autumn. Large urchins with small dark gonads were found throughout the year, particularly at Kaiteriteri; these were probably senile individuals.

Although at both localities Evechinus matured at 3–4 years, Kaikoura urchins were larger at maturity.

At Kaiteriteri sex ratios of mature Evechinus did not differ significantly from 1:1, but in some populations at Kaikoura males were significantly more prevalent than females.  相似文献   
目的:探讨CTA评价股骨头动脉血供的临床价值与限度。方法:在AW4.2工作站,对115例非髋关节病变患者的201组股骨头颈部薄层动脉期4排螺旋CT图像进行回顾性3D重建,观察股骨头动脉血供显示情况。结果:CTA显示MCFA、LCFA敏感性为100%,其近段显示较好、中远段显示模糊或未显示;显示RA的敏感性为28.57%...  相似文献   
Geochemical (element analysis, molecular analysis of organic compounds), physical, palynological, mineralogical and sedimentary facies analysis were performed to characterise the sedimentary record in Fuentillejo maar‐lake in the Central Spanish Volcanic Field of Campo de Calatrava, in order to reconstruct the palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic processes which controlled vegetation patterns and deposition of different sedimentary facies. The upper 20 m of core FUENT‐1 show variations in clastic input, water chemistry, vegetation and organic fraction sources in the lake throughout the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. The temporal framework provided by 14C accelerator mass spectrometry dating allows assigning the sequence to the last 50 cal. ka BP. Arid phases identified in the FUENT‐1 sequence are correlated to Heinrich events (HE) and to stadials of the Dansgaard/Oeschger (D/O) cycles. Siliciclastic facies with high magnetic susceptibility values, high Juniperus pollen content, a low Paq index (aquatic macrophysics proxy index), a decrease in the relative percentage of the n‐C27 and an increase in the n‐C31 alkanes are indicative of arid and colder climatic events related to HE 2, HE 1 and the Younger Dryas (YD). Similar short cold and arid phases during the Holocene were identified at 9.2–8.6, 7.5–7 and 5.5–5 cal. ka BP. In dolomite–mud facies, the pollen data show an increase in the herbs component, mainly – Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia and Ephedra – steppe taxa; a low Paq index, a decrease in the relative percentage of the n‐C27 alkane and an increase in the n‐C31 alkane are also observed. This facies was probably the result of lower lake levels and more saline–alkaline conditions, which can be interpreted as linked to arid–warm periods. These warm and arid phases were more frequent during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 and the interstadials of MIS 2. HE 4, HE 2, HE 1 and the YD in core FUENT‐1 were immediately followed by increases of warm steppe pollen assemblages that document rapid warming similar to the D/O cycles but do not imply increasing humidity in the area. Fuentillejo hydrology is controlled by changes in the atmospheric and oceanic systems that operated on the North Atlantic region at millennial scale during the last 50 cal. ka BP. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
<正>The Permian family Camptoneuritidae(Insecta:Grylloblattida)is reviewed.New synonymies are proposed:Camptoneuritidae Martynov,1930=Demopteridae Carpenter,1950,syn.nov.,=Jabloniidae Kukalova, 1964,syn.nov.Key to genera of Camptoneuritidae is given.All genera are redescribed and illustrated. Camptoneurites soyanensis sp.nov.from Soyana locality(Middle Permian,Kazanian Stage;Arkhangelsk Region, Russia)and Tyulkinia bashkuevi gen.et sp.nov.from Tyulkino locality(Lower Permian,Kungurian Stage;Perm Region,Russia)are described.  相似文献   
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