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Varve thickness time series from ODP Site 893 in the Santa Barbara Basin (off California) were analysed to determine variation in the strength of El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycles during the past 15 000 yr. Mean varve thickness and variance changed over time, with thicker varves before ~8000 yr BP indicative of wetter than modern climates. A 100‐yr running standardisation was applied to correct for non‐stationarity. The contribution of ENSO‐scale variability was then estimated as the amplitude of 3–8 year bandpassed data. Results show multidecadal‐ to centennial‐scale modulation of the amplitude. On average, however, the amplitude of ENSO scale variability remained constant throughout the past 15 000 yr. We therefore conclude that, although the expression of ENSO cycles may have changed during the Holocene, there is no indication for a significant change in amplitude of interannual variability. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We report oxygen isotope data from a 108-yr (1885–1993) sequence with annual laminae of bio-induced authigenic calcite in a frozen core from Baldeggersee, a small lake in Central Switzerland. These isotope results provide proxy data on the isotopic composition of past precipitation in the Baldeggersee catchment region and are quantitatively compared with instrumental climate data (i.e. mean annual air temperature and atmospheric circulation pattern indices) to evaluate climatic controls on oxygen isotopes in precipitation.Monitoring the isotope hydrology of Baldeggersee demonstrates that the oxygen isotopic composition of the lake water is controlled by the isotopic composition of local atmospheric precipitation (18Op) and that the isotopic signal of precipitation is preserved, albeit damped, in the lake calcite oxygen isotope record (18Oc). Comparison of the calcite oxygen isotope proxy for 18Op in the catchment with historical mean annual air temperature measurements from Bern, Switzerland confirms that authigenic calcite reliably records past annual air temperature in the region. This 18Oc/temperature relationship is calculated to be 0.39/°C for the period 1900–1960, based on an isotope mass-balance model for Baldeggersee. An exception is a 0.8 anomalous negative shift in calcite 18O values since the 1960s. Possible explanations for this recent 18Oc shift, as it is not related to mean annual air temperature, include changes in 18Op due to synoptic circulation patterns. In particular, the 0.8 negative shift coincides with a trend towards a more dominant North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. This circulation pattern would tend to bring more isotopically more negative winter precipitation to the region and could account for the 0.8 offset in 18Oc data.  相似文献   
Mn-carbonates are documented in the late-glacial varved sediments from Big Watab Lake, Minnesota, USA. The Mn-carbonate is authigenic and forms rims around contemporaneous epilimnetic calcite. Although such carbonates are found in minor amounts throughout the entire late-glacial sequence, significant quantities of Mn-carbonate are associated mainly with laminated intervals.Because of the suspected difference in isotopic fractionation between different carbonate minerals, the stable-isotopic compositions of bulk carbonate samples are used as a proxy for relative amounts of the Mn-carbonate in the sediment. High 18O and low 13C values are associated with abundant Mn-carbonates. Low 18O and high 13C values are associated with only minor concentrations of Mn-carbonates.The oxygen-18 record is correlated with fluctuations in the vegetation assemblage based on pollen spectra using a multiple regression model with backward elimination. The proposed link between the sedimentary archive and local vegetation is the mediation of advective mixing in the lake by forest composition. In this model, periods of forest closure resulted in a well-stratified water column that was anoxic at the sediment/water interface, permitting the formation of authigenic Mn-carbonates. Openings of Artemisia in the forest allowed wind shear to mix oxygen to depth, causing bioturbation of the laminations and preventing the formation of Mn-carbonate.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the evidence and history of glacier fluctuations during the Little Ice Age (LIA) in the Canadian Rockies. Episodes of synchronous glacier advance occurred in the 12th–13th, early 18th and throughout the 19th centuries. Regional ice cover was probably greatest in the mid-19th century, although in places the early 18th century advance was more extensive. Glaciers have lost over 25% of their area in the 20th century. Selective preservation of the glacier record furnishes an incomplete chronology of events through the 14th–17th centuries. In contrast, varve sequences provide continuous, annually resolved records of sediments for at least the last millennium in some highly glacierized catchments. Such records have been used to infer glacier fluctuations. Evaluation of recent proxy climate reconstructions derived from tree-rings provides independent evidence of climate fluctuations over the last millennium. Most regional glacier advances follow periods of reduced summer temperatures, reconstructed from tree rings particularly ca. 1190–1250, 1280–1340, 1690s and the 1800s. Reconstructed periods of higher precipitation at Banff, Alberta since 1500 are 1515–1550, 1585–1610, 1660–1680 and the 1880s. Glacier advances in the early 1700s, the late 1800s and, in places, the 1950–1970s reflect both increased precipitation and reduced summer temperatures. Negative glacier mass balances from 1976 to 1995 were caused by decreased winter balances. The glacier fluctuation record does not contain a simple climate signal: it is a complex response to several interacting factors that operate at different timescales. Evaluation of climate proxies over the last millennium indicates continuous variability at several superimposed timescales, dominated by decade–century patterns. Only the 19th century shows a long interval of sustained cold summers. This suggests that simplistic concepts of climate over this period should be abandoned and replaced with more realistic records based on continuous proxy data series. The use of the term LIA should be restricted to describing a period of extended glacier cover rather than being used to define a period with specific climate conditions.  相似文献   
We have analyzed a Late Holocene record, almost 5000 years long, consisting of varved sediments deposited in the oxygen-minimum zone (OMZ) off Pakistan. We searched for cyclicity in the series of varve thickness (“varve” cycles), of unusually large excursions in varve thickness (“agitation” cycles), and of abundance of turbidites (“turbidite” cycles). We found the following high-frequency cycles (periods between 10 and 100 years) in one or several of the three types of series as follows: near 12.4, 14–15, 16.8, 18.6 (strong, agitation), 25–26 (strong, turbidite), 29–31 (strong, agitation), 39 (varve), 44 (strong, turbidite), 51–54 (strong, agitation), 56 (strong, varve), 64 (strong, turbidite), 69, 77 (strong, turbidite), 82 (very strong, agitation), and 95 years (strong, varve). Low-frequency cycles center around 99–115, 125 (very strong, varve), 164, 177, 202, 242–255 (strong, agitation and turbidite), 280 (strong, varve; doubled, turbidite), 340–370 and 460–490 years.Some cycles of varve thickness match the cyclicity of turbidite frequency (12.3, 14–15, 25–26, 245–255 years) but similarities between spectra are not striking. Taken as a whole, however, the sequence of cycles detected (by autocorrelation and standard Fourier analysis) seems to contain a large proportion of multiples of the basic tidal cycles 4.425 (lunar perigee cycle) and 9.3 years (lunar half-nodal cycle). This impression is supported by testing the three binned spectra for whole-number multiples and fractions as well as whole-number beat structure. We therefore propose that a large proportion of the cyclicity detected can be ascribed to tidal action. Our record also contains evidence for the presence of the 1470-year cycle previously reported from the glacial-age Greenland ice record. The main harmonics of this Greenland cycle can be tied to the pattern of periods seen in the varved sediments. We hypothesize that tidal action produces the cycle, and that the reason for its great length is the requirement that maximum tidal activity has to fall into a narrow seasonal window to be geologically effective.  相似文献   
Laminated sediments in Lake Ohau, Mackenzie Basin, New Zealand, offer a potential high‐resolution climate record for the past 17 kyr. Such records are particularly important due to the relative paucity of detailed palaeoclimate data from the Southern Hemisphere mid‐latitudes. This paper presents outcomes of a study of the sedimentation processes of this temperate lake setting. Hydrometeorological, limnological and sedimentological data were collected over a 14 month period between 2011 and 2013. These data indicate that seasonality in the hydrometeorological system in combination with internal lake dynamics drives a distinct seasonal pattern of sediment dispersal and deposition on a basin‐wide scale. Sedimentary layers that accumulate proximal to the lake inflow at the northern end of the lake form in response to discrete inflow events throughout the year and display an event stratigraphy. In contrast, seasonal change in the lake system controls accumulation of light (winter) and dark (summer) laminations at the distal end of the lake, resulting in the preservation of varves. This study documents the key processes influencing sediment deposition throughout Lake Ohau and provides fundamental data for generating a high‐resolution palaeoclimate record from this temperate lake.  相似文献   
Diatom assemblages in the annually laminated sediments of two neighboring, pre-alpine lakes (Ammersee and Starnberger See, Southern Germany) were analyzed and compared year by year. Within both varve records of the last decades, the same 4-phase-succession of planktonic diatom species is preserved, consisting of 1. a dominance of Cyclotella species 2. assemblages of Fragilaria crotonensis, Asterionella formosa and Stephanodiscus minutulus 3. a mass bloom of Aulacoseira islandica, and 4. a dominance of Stephanodiscus species. This diatom sequence is considered as a model of a 'basic species sequence of eutrophication'. Time lags and differences in the duration of the phases between both lakes show evidence of an earlier start for nutrient loading in Starnberger See than in Ammersee, and a faster development to a higher trophic state level in the latter. The different reactions of the lakes are attributed to hydrological differences such as the existence or lack of a major tributary, the size of the catchment area, and the water residence time. The reconstruction of the eutrophication dynamics appears to be reliably hindcast by the inference of total phosphorus (TP) concentrations using weighted averaging regression and calibration techniques. Remarkable differences in the occurrence of some diatoms in both stratigraphies, which are not related to the general changes of the 'basic species sequence of eutrophication' model, may be due to the epilimnetic silica content (e.g. Fragilaria crotonensis) or competitive weaknesses (e.g. Tabellaria flocculosa).  相似文献   
A section in a gravel quarry at Somersham, Cambridgeshire, has revealed evidence for a lake, named Lake Sparks, in Fenland during the Late Devensian substage of the Pleistocene. Varved sediments were deposited in this lake over a minimum period of ca. 65 yr. The varved clays contain red diamicton clasts, interpreted as dump, delivered to the area by icebergs or floes from the ice-front in the Wash that deposited the Hunstanton Till. The lake is therefore considered a result of impounding by the Late Devensian ice advance on the east coast. A small number of pale varves have a characteristic structure indicating increased calcite deposition in the summer. They are interpreted as a result of cooler summers with reduced gelifluction from the surrounding Jurassic (Ampthill) Clay. Such gelifluction introduced a mudflow into the varved sequence at the southern end of the section. Pollen analysis confirms the derivation of the clays from the surrounding Ampthill Clay. The varved clays are succeeded by fluviatile sediments related to a delta building into the lake from the north. The delta sediments show periodic influx of sand into the lake interrupted by quiet periods with the development of Chara meadows. A thin spread of fluviatile gravels succeed the delta sediments, indicating the development of a braided river plain as the lake drained on the melting of the Late Devensian ice. This was followed by permafrost development, with the formation of thin thermal contraction cracks and coversand deposition. Later, degradation of the permafrost was associated with the formation of diapirs and a solifluction mantle, and incision of the fluviatile and lacustrine sediments took place. Flandrian peat and marl later filled the valley so formed. A radiocarbon date of 18310 yr BP from Salix leaves in a drift mud at the top of channel sands preceding lake sediment, in a neighbouring section, confirms the relation of the lake to the Late Devensian ice advance. The significance of the Late Devensian sediments at Somersham lies in the information they give on the timing and variety of processes related to drainage and ice movement in the period before, during and after the ice advance to the Wash. A period of low deposition rate in the lake was followed by rapid delta sedimentation and lake drainage, with implications for climatic change.  相似文献   
Annually-laminated clastic sediments preserve a high resolution proxy record of paleoclimate, provided that allochthonous sedimentation represents a response to meteorological forcing of watershed sediment transfer. Here, we demonstrate this linkage, and illustrate a calibration process using the most recent 40 years of a varve record from Lake C2 (82°50 N; 78°00 W), three years of field measurements, and meteorological data for 1951–92 from nearby AES weather station Alert. Field measurements were used to correlate proxies of the energy available for snowmelt (e.g. air temperature) and daily suspended sediment discharge (SSQ). Our calibration was extended through use of weather data from Alert. Both mean daily air temperature at Echo, and daily SSQ, were well correlated with air temperature at 600 m above Alert, as obtained from the 1200 Z (0800 LST) rawinsonde sounding. Accordingly, we used pooled 1990 and 1992 Alert 600 m data to predict the lagged daily sediment discharge into Lake C2 (adj. r 2=0.43). Daily values were summed each year in order to produce an annual series of predicted sediment transfer to the lake. The original varve chronology was based on eight sediment cores recovered from the deep basin of the lake (>80 m). Although low-frequency fluctuations of the varve and predicted SSQ series agree, slight tuning of the varve record optimizes the correlation between them. Adjustments were based on examination of weather data for specific years, reexamination of sediment core thin sections, and by aligning fluctuations in the two series which closely matched. Although the original chronology is reasonably well correlated with 600 m temperatures at Alert (for JJA mean, r=0.41, significant at 0.01), the adjusted chronology is both better correlated and contains a more precise climate signal (r=0.54 for July mean, significant at 0.01). This is the first calibrated varve record produced from Arctic lake sediments, and demonstrates that varves from Lake C2 contain a paleoclimatic record. We believe the post-facto manipulations required to produce the adjusted varve chronology are reasonable given the uncertainties inherent in varve counting, and the lack of any independent corroborating chronostratigraphic markers.This is the ninth in a series of papers published in this issue on the Taconite Inlet Lakes Project. These papers were collected by Dr R. S. Bradley.  相似文献   
Replicate cores of annually laminated (varved) sediments have been used to test the accuracy and precision of chronologies of lake sediment accumulation over the last 1000 years, based on AMS 14C measurements. The internally consistent results show that in the case of the soft-water lake sediments studied (Kassjön, northern Sweden), all the organic fractions that include aquatic components give significantly older dates than expected. Only the single terrestrial macrofossil and the fine, unidentified residual particulate fraction provide dates close to the true age of the sediments. The results also show that age discrepancies for some fractions are not constant over time. The age discrepancies may arise from some carbon reservoir effect within the aquatic ecosystem, from resuspension and focusing of older marginal organic material into the deepest part of the lake or from some combination of these processes. More work is needed on the 14C age of organic fractions in varve-dated sediments from a range of lake types.  相似文献   
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