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This research sought to understand the role that differentially assessed lands (lands in the United States given tax breaks in return for their guarantee to remain in agriculture) play in influencing urban growth. Our method was to calibrate the SLEUTH urban growth model under two different conditions. The first used an excluded layer that ignored such lands, effectively rendering them available for development. The second treated those lands as totally excluded from development. Our hypothesis was that excluding those lands would yield better metrics of fit with past data. Our results validate our hypothesis since two different metrics that evaluate goodness of fit both yielded higher values when differentially assessed lands are treated as excluded. This suggests that, at least in our study area, differential assessment, which protects farm and ranch lands for tenuous periods of time, has indeed allowed farmland to resist urban development. Including differentially assessed lands also yielded very different calibrated coefficients of growth as the model tried to account for the same growth patterns over two very different excluded areas. Excluded layer design can greatly affect model behavior. Since differentially assessed lands are quite common through the United States and are often ignored in urban growth modeling, the findings of this research can assist other urban growth modelers in designing excluded layers that result in more accurate model calibration and thus forecasting.  相似文献   
Over the past 20 years, China has experienced multiple economic transitions characterized by marketization, globalization, decentralization, and urbanization; as a result, urban land development intensity (ULDI) has become a significant issue for sustainable development. As China’s largest globalized urban area, the rapid socio-economic development of the Yangtze River Delta has created a huge demand for urban land. We apply a theoretical framework for a four-dimensional analysis tool to understand the dynamic evolution of the ULDI in the context of economic transition. It reveals that marketization, globalization, decentralization, and urbanization affect the ULDI in the economic transition of Yangtze River Delta. Marketization, especially the continuous improvement of land marketization, optimizes the spatial allocation of land resources and encourages urban land users to improve ULDI. Globalization promotes the rapid growth of economy and population through an increase in foreign direct investment. In the process of decentralization, local governments rely on developing a mode of land finance, resulting in a disordered urban space and low ULDI. Population growth and agglomeration during urbanization stimulates residents’ consumption capacity and promotes economic growth, thus creating a greater demand for urban land. However, a low level of development and utilization restricts the improvement of development intensity. Economic development can improve the level of land-intensive use by promoting the adjustment, optimization, and upgrade of urban industrial structures.  相似文献   
Hong Kong is a hyper-dense city with 7×106 people living in an area of 1100km2. One way to improve the livability of compacted and congested cities like Hong Kong is through the provision of urban parks, an aspect that has largely been under-researched. This study focuses on how users perceive and utilize various facilities in the Kowloon Park. The findings revealed that the Kowloon Park is one of the most preferred parks in Hong Kong for both local residents and tourists. Users were quite satisfied with the park’s facilities. Notably, the most important component of an urban park is its greenery. This is followed by water elements, seating places, and facilities for various recreational activities. The improvements users would like to see in urban parks include good design and management, meeting users’ needs, overcoming barriers to use, and providing a high quality and varied experience for different groups in the community. The findings of this study provide a good basis to address park management issues from the users’ perspective. In particular, parks should provide easy access, encourage optimum usage and enable complimentary improvements to the environment. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the Germany-Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme (No.GER/99-00/01) and the Faculty Research Grant of the Hong Kong Baptist University (No.FRG/00-01/I-38) Biography: WONG Koon-kwai (1950—), male, a native of Guangdong Province, Ph.D., associate professor, specialized in the analysis of human-environment interaction. E-mail: kenwong@hkbu.edu.hk  相似文献   
交通综合信息平台的建设已经成为各大城市信息化建设的重点,而平台建设的核心又在于交通地理信息(GIS-T)数据库。根据GIS-T数据库在整个信息平台中所起到的作用,详细讨论了在支持数据可视化、各类数据的组织与管理以及数据存储模型等方面的关键技术和实现方法,对整个交通综合信息平台的建设具有指导意义和参考价值。  相似文献   
尚浩  严姗姗  李虎 《江苏地质》2019,43(4):599-605
将数字孪生理论应用到城市建设的地质工作中,并基于此打造一套四维地质环境信息系统。以济南泉域为例,根据已有的海量、多源、多比例尺、实时的城市地质数据,结合数字孪生理论,建立四维地质环境数据库和数字孪生模型,搭建地质环境实时监测网络,研发四维地质环境信息系统,从而实现城市地质数据挖掘分析,辅助政府在信息化、智慧化建设中的科学决策,推动创新技术支撑智慧城市建设。应用数字孪生理论,研发海量异构数据的全空间融合展示分析系统具有很好的发展前景。  相似文献   
城市景观对住宅价格的影响——以杭州市为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
温海珍  李旭宁  张凌 《地理研究》2012,31(10):1806-1814
优美的城市景观是人们日常生活休闲、娱乐的场所,给人们带来心理上的愉悦和舒适感,对城市的品质内涵也有重要影响。由于大多数景观效益是隐性的,其舒适性价值难以用货币价格直接测量,国内外学者广泛采用特征价格法进行实证研究。本文以杭州市为例,从建筑、邻里、区位、景观四个维度选择25个解释变量构建特征价格模型,定量评估了城市内部各类景观对住宅价格的影响。实证结果表明:住宅价格与到西湖和公园的距离呈负相关关系,而与公园的面积呈正相关关系:其中,到西湖和最近公园的距离每增加1%,住宅价格将分别下降0.240%和0.036%;公园的面积每增大1%,附近的住宅价格则提高0.012%;广场、山景、钱塘江等景观也对周边一定范围内房价具有显著的提升作用。  相似文献   
基于人口特征的城市生态游憩空间配置——以常熟市为例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
生态游憩空间配置是休闲城市建设的重要内容,对城市生态文明建设、城市优质生活环境营造具有重要意义。本文以国家休闲城市综合标准试点市——常熟市为研究对象,以人口特征为切入点,对该市不同功能区内各年龄段人口数量、可进行生态游憩的时间、生态游憩意愿、对不同生态游憩空间的偏好,以及全市不同功能区人口对生态游憩空间的配置需求进行了调查研究。人口特征影响城市生态游憩空间的配置需求,全市不同功能区的人口特征有显著差异,因此对各类生态游憩空间的配置需求不同。在人口量、人口平均生态游憩可能性、人口生态游憩空间类型偏好等因素的影响下,商业活动区内人口对各类生态游憩空间的配置需求指数均最高,其次为生活居住区、商务办公区、工业生产区;全市不同功能区内人口对草地游憩空间的配置需求指数均最高,其次为水域和林地。可根据城市不同功能区人口数量、类型、分布特征,以及对各类生态游憩空间的配置需求来指导城市规划建设中生态游憩空间的配置实践。  相似文献   
广西扶贫开发与城乡协调发展战略探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
广西石漠化地区人口-资源-环境-发展的矛盾非常突出。2002年,广西农村贫困人口仍有95.6万人,城乡居民收入差异、人均消费支出差异分别为3.43和3.37倍,明显高于同期全国的平均水平,因而是我国贫困人口集中、城乡差距问题突出的区域之一。在分析广西农村贫困化基本状况、发生成因基础上,梳理了近10多年来广西实施就地开发、对口帮扶、异地安置和小额信贷等主要的扶贫开发成功模式,进一步指出新形势下加快扶贫开发和统筹城乡协调发展的必要性,以及促进农村扶贫开发和城乡协调发展的可行战略。  相似文献   
城市旅游驱动力的转化及其实践意义   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
保继刚  龙江智 《地理研究》2005,24(2):274-282
本文旨在探索城市旅游驱动力的转化问题,以从一个侧面阐释改革开放以来中国城市旅游目的地相对变化的原因。在一般分析的基础上,着重以大连、深圳和珠海三个较具代表性的城市为例,对城市旅游驱动力的转化过程做个案剖析,并得出了三点结论:第一,每个城市旅游目的地的发展都存在相应的主导驱动机制;第二,城市旅游的主导驱动机制因时因地而不同;第三,城市旅游要实现可持续发展就必须跟随外部环境的变化(主要是需求结构的变化),适时转变自己的主要驱动力。  相似文献   
基于2005年兰州市南北两山环境绿化工程区的卫星遥感资料,应用生态系统服务评价方法,结合研究区实际情况,对研究区的城市人工森林生态系统服务价值进行评估。结果表明:①2005年研究区的人工森林生态系统总服务价值为15.59亿元·a-1;各项服务价值的顺序依次为:森林游憩>维持大气平衡>涵养水源>林副产品>固土保肥>保护生物多样性>木材>薪炭材;②城市人工森林生态系统服务价值组成上表现为经济效益(直接价值)与生态效益(间接价值)的比例相差不大,明显有异于自然生态系统,这主要是由人工生态系统的人为性和明确的目的性造成的。研究表明,城市人工生态系统对CO2减排的可持续性和生态安全具有现实意义。对积极探索西部地区的生物减排及水土资源及生态安全问题,对进行城市人工生态系统服务评价具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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