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Smart card-automated fare collection systems now routinely record large volumes of data comprising the origins and destinations of travelers. Processing and analyzing these data open new opportunities in urban modeling and travel behavior research. This study seeks to develop an accurate framework for the study of urban mobility from smart card data by developing a heuristic primary location model to identify the home and work locations. The model uses journey counts as an indicator of usage regularity, visit-frequency to identify activity locations for regular commuters, and stay-time for the classification of work and home locations and activities. London is taken as a case study, and the model results were validated against survey data from the London Travel Demand Survey and volunteer survey. Results demonstrate that the proposed model is able to detect meaningful home and work places with high precision. This study offers a new and cost-effective approach to travel behavior and demand research. 相似文献
长三角城市群空间联系与整合 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
城市群已成为我国城镇化发展的主体形态,是我国国民经济和国家综合竞争力的重要载体。长三角城市群被誉为世界第六大城市群,正处于城市化高速发展阶段,面临诸多区域性问题,如基础设施对接、人口跨区域流动等。基于城市流强度和城市经济联系强度模型,定量判断长三角城市群空间层级和联系程度。长三角城市群形成了以上海为中心,南京、杭州、苏州、无锡和宁波等特大城市为副中心的多中心支撑的网络化布局。据此,提出长三角城市群由上海城市群、南京城市群和杭甬城市群三大次级城市群组成,整合长三角城市群空间布局,加快区域一体化进程。 相似文献
新疆绿洲城市空间扩展特征及其驱动力分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
绿洲城市是绿洲人类生产、生活的集聚中心,也是人地关系最为敏感的区域。研究绿洲城市空间扩展及其动力机制对掌握干旱区城市空间扩展规律,因势利导地引导城市向合理的空间形态模式演进,促进绿洲城市的可持续发展具有重要意义。以新疆17个绿洲城市为研究对象,利用1990、2000年和2007年Landsat遥感影像,运用GIS空间分析和统计分析,深入探讨了干旱区绿洲城市近20 a城市空间扩展特征及其驱动机制。结果表明:①天山北坡经济带绿洲城市空间扩展速度与强度较高,东疆和南疆地区绿洲城市相对较低。相对于中东部城市,新疆绿洲城市扩展强度较小,速度较慢。②位于山前凹陷带、山前盆地或地形复杂老绿洲城市分维数较高,紧凑度较低; 平原绿洲城市分维数较低,结构紧凑。③新疆绿洲城市空间扩展的主要驱动力是人口增长、经济发展、交通基础设施的建设、资源以及政策规划。 相似文献
城市生态环境形象设计的生态背景值研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
城市生态背景值包括自然生态背景值与人文生态背景值。城市生态背景值越高,城市生态环境形象建设与管理的成本就越低。通过城市生态背景值的相关因素分析与量化分等,在选择分析的中国14个特大城市中,生态背景值相差甚远。按综合分值分等,第一等空缺,第二等和第三等分别只有广州市和上海市,第四等有7个城市,第五等有3个城市,得分最低的第六等有兰州市和乌鲁木齐市。按自然生态背景值分值划分,第一等空缺,得分最高的第二等只有广州市,最低的第九等是乌鲁木齐市。按人文生态背景值分值划分,第一等空缺,第二等是北京市,其余为第三等和第四等。文章以城市生态背景值为依据,较为详细地分析了广州市何以在较短的时间内由一个"不适合居住"的城市变为"国际花园城市"的原因。 相似文献
都市农业是城市化进程中崭新的农业形态,但缺乏对其组织形式和生产方式的实证研究。本文基于对互润(国际)食品集团的调查实例,详细分析了都市农业加工型企业的成长机理,指出制度平台、政府行为和社区沟通是企业发展的外层机理,是企业平稳运行的基础;生产经营活动及其不断的扩张构成了企业发展的内层机理;创新和企业管理及市场的内、外部控制所形成的内核机理是企业发展的核心动力。据此,文章总结了都市农业加工型企业的发展模式,并就都市农业加工型企业如何发展提出了建议。 相似文献
城市河岸土地利用对河流廊道功能影响初探——以上海苏州河为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
城市河岸土地利用往往改变河岸的自然地理条件,对城市河流功能产生影响。通过总结城市河岸廊道功能以及国内外城市河岸规划土地利用的实践,分析了河岸土地利用对城市河流廊道功能的影响,并以上海苏州河为例进行了实证分析。结果表明,苏州河河岸规划土地利用方式提高了河岸开放带宽度,改善了河岸舒适性,控制了河岸建筑高度,有利于保护和开发苏州河河流的景观、遗产和经济廊道的功能。干流河岸在自然廊道功能方面,仍存在一定缺陷,与支流的部分河段相比仍有差距。 相似文献
GODFREY BALDACCHINO 《Geographical review》2007,97(2):165-174
ABSTRACT. Being on the edge, being out of sight and so out of mind, exposes the weakness of mainstream ideas, orthodoxies, and paradigms and foments alternatives to the status quo. Islands are thus propelled as sites of innovative conceptualizations, whether of nature or human enterprise, whether virtual or real. They stand out as sites of novelty; they tend toward clairvoyance; they are disposed to act as advance indicators or extreme reproductions of what is present or future elsewhere. This article, which is essentially bibliographical, celebrates islands as the quintessential sites for experimentation, with reference to the physical sciences, the social sciences, and literature. 相似文献
AbstractThe efficient planning and design of water networks, as well as the management and strategies of existing water supply systems, require accurate short-term water demand forecasts. In this study, a statistical model for the estimation of daily urban water consumption was developed. The model was applied to analyse and forecast the daily water consumption in the main district of Beijing, China, from 2006 to 2010. The model exhibited good performance with a coefficient of determination, R2, greater than 0.9 in both the calibration and validation periods. The results indicate that: (a) the 7-day moving average temperature is an efficient variable that can be used to depict water-use variation in a year; (b) a daily maximum temperature of 31.1°C and the occurrence of precipitation are two thresholds of water-use behaviour; and (c) the current day’s water consumption has a strong correlation with the consumption of one, two and seven days ago.Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor D. YangCitation Zhang, D.W., et al., 2013. Statistical interpretation of the daily variation of urban water consumption in Beijing, China. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (1), 181–192. 相似文献