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This paper describes a real-time control architecture for Dual Use Semi-Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (DUSAUV), which has been developed at Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering (KRISO) for being a test-bed of development of underwater navigation and manipulator technologies. DUSAUV has three built-in computers, seven thrusters for six DOF motion control, one 4-function electric manipulator, one ballasting motor, built-in power source, and various sensors. A supervisor control system with GUI and a multi-purpose joystick is mounted on the surface vessel and communicates with vehicle through a fiber optic link. Furthermore, QNX, one of real-time operating system, is ported on the built-in control and navigation computers for real-time control purpose, while Microsoft OS product is ported in the supervisor computer for GUI programming convenience. A hierarchical control architecture, which consists of application layer, real-time layer and physical layer, has been developed for efficient control system of above complex underwater robotic system. The experimental results with implementation of the layered control architecture for various motion control of DUSAUV in an ocean engineering basin of KRISO is also presented.  相似文献   
面向海上目标搜索任务的多无人机协同航路优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚鹏  綦声波  解则晓 《海洋科学》2018,42(1):147-152
提出了一种面向多无人机(unmanned aerial vehicle,UAV)协同搜索海上目标任务的航路优化方法。首先,分析多无人机协同航路优化问题的基本要素模型。然后,在对各UAV独立维护的目标概率图信息进行探测更新的基础上,采用状态预测一致性算法实现目标概率图信息的快速融合。最后,同时考虑局部搜索收益与未来搜索收益,采用分布式模型预测控制(distributed model predictive control,DMPC)方法优化各UAV的搜索航路。仿真结果表明,本研究提出的方法具有较高的搜索效率,可有效应用于海上目标的快速搜索任务,具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   
The first author commenced his experiences with aerial photography in 1945, when he joined the Royal Air Force (RAF). The aerial cameras used at that time were the Williamson F24 and F52, with Ilford HP3 and FP3 panchromatic films. Subsequently the Williamson F95 camera was tested against the USAF Sonne 11 camera. During his final years in the RAF, a variety of film types was employed: colour, monochrome infra-red and false colour infra-red. Additional experience was gained when the author was employed by the International Training Centre (ITC), The Netherlands and he saw the further development of the air camera from the Wild RC8 and Zeiss (Oberkochen) RMK 15/23 to the Wild RC20, Zeiss (Jena) LMK and Zeiss (Oberkochen) RMK TOP. He predicts that the future lies with digital cameras.
The second author started working with aerial photography in the 1950s. Details are given of cameras, visual navigation sights and survey aircraft dating from that period. Overseas operations, carried out mainly by Hunting Surveys and Fairey Surveys, posed particular problems because the majority of the work there was undertaken without the aid of existing maps. The introduction of external navigation systems is described, from the Decca ship navigation system, through the GNS-200 VLF/Omega low frequency radio system to INS, the Inertial Navigation System. The author later joined the ITC, which enabled him to participate in trials of the Computer-controlled Photo Navigation System. Eventually practical experience was gained with differential GPS, particularly in countries in southeast Asia. Aerial photography currently appears to benefit less from financial investment than the photographic, aviation and survey industries. However, the satisfaction of making a significant contribution to major overseas development projects outweighs the frustration of lack of acceptance of plans for the future of the air survey industry.  相似文献   
彭万山  龚龑  任杰  周聪  于亚娇 《测绘通报》2023,(1):52-57+64
无人机遥感能够提供高时空分辨率的影像数据,拥有广泛的应用前景。辐射校正将传感器记录的数据转化为地表反射率,是无人机数据定量化应用的前提。然而无人机数据易受光照等因素的影响,导致影像间存在不同程度的辐射差异,为多张无人机影像的辐射校正带来困难。基于影像间重叠区域的信息,辐射区域网平差能够获得全局最优的辐射校正参数,降低影像间的辐射差异,因此在实现影像的辐射校正方面具有巨大潜力。但大量待求解未知参数降低了辐射校正模型的求解效率,特别是在数据量急剧增加时,该问题更为突出。基于影像重叠区辐射信息建立的最优路径很好地考虑了影像间的辐射转化关系,可有效控制误差累计,为减少辐射区域网平差中未知参数的数量提供了一种思路。因此,本文将最优路径与辐射区域网平差相结合,以降低待求解参数的数量,在保证辐射校正精度的同时提高辐射校正模型求解效率,进而提升辐射区域网平差在大数据集上的应用潜力。  相似文献   
车辆轨迹数据的道路信息提取是地理信息领域的热点也是难点之一,深度学习的快速发展为该问题的解决提供了一种思路与方法。本文针对车辆轨迹数据的车行道级道路提取问题,引入深度学习领域的生成式对抗网络,利用残差网络构建深层网络和多尺度感受野感知轨迹数据不同细节特征,构建了基于条件生成式对抗网络的轨迹方向约束下车行道级道路提取模型。首先提出了朝向-颜色映射栅格化转换方法,实现轨迹朝向信息向HSV颜色空间的转换;然后利用样本数据学习模型参数;最后将训练模型应用到郑州、成都、南京3个试验区域提取车行道级道路数据。试验结果表明,本文方法能够有效地提取完整的车行道级道路数据。  相似文献   
周期性的农业活动和水沙变化已经显著改变了黄河下游河滩地的植物群落结构,快速、准确地获取河滩地的植物群落多样性信息,可以为黄河流域生态保护和恢复提供参考依据.以位于河南省新乡市原阳县朱贵村南部的黄河下游河滩地的植物群落为研究对象,采用最大似然、人工神经网络、面向对象和随机森林分类方法,利用无人机多光谱遥感影像数据,对河滩...  相似文献   
机载定位定姿辅助空中三角测量成图精度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过衡阳测区的POS辅助航空摄影测量实践,文章利用HNCORS对UCXP搭载POS/AV510系统获取的航摄影像及POS数据进行像片控制测量,采用DPGrid空三加密技术进行内业加密,生成1∶2000正射影像图.通过成图精度验证,结果证明UCXP航摄仪搭载POS/AV系统,经过DPGrid空三的加密成果,能满足该测区平面和高程精度要求.  相似文献   
全数字摄影测量主要应用于生产数字地形图及数字地面高程模型(DEM)和数字正射影像图(DOM)。某市及周边地区1:l000地形图航测项目,利用DMC一110摄影仪进行摄影获取的影像数据,使用VirtuoZo数字摄影测量工作站,阐述进行航测内业绘制地形图的全面流程。DMC技术将发挥更大的优势,在数字摄影测量中得到越来越广泛的应用。  相似文献   
张建辉 《北京测绘》2020,(4):511-513
第三次全国国土调查是查实查清我国国土资源利用现状的重要手段,对提高国土资源利用效率和建设信息化社会有着积极的推动作用。本文以广东省和平县第三次国土调查项目为基础,将无人机航测技术应用于本次三调中,快速的获取了调查区高分辨率的航拍影像数据,结合GNSS技术等进行外业核查和补绘,生产出了符合三调精度要求的DOM、DEM产品,对编制各类工作底图奠定了基础。实践证明,将无人机航测技术应用第三次全国国土调查中具有明显的优势,主要体现在精度高、效率快、成本低、利用率高等方面。  相似文献   
对比传统低空航测的无人机倾斜摄影测量精度评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内倾斜摄影测量技术目前仍处于快速发展的推广阶段,其成果精度高度依赖于航测生产全流程中各航测参数的选取,很难实现对其绝对精度的定量分析。针对这一难点,本文采用对比分析的方式,以传统低空航测为参照,在严格统一外部数据采集条件、解算参数的基础上对无人机倾斜摄影测量进行精度评估与分析,探索无人机倾斜摄影测量的突出技术优势。试验共涉及12种主流航测模式及52种地面控制点,采用递进布设方式对比分析其成果精度,并完成了倾斜摄影测量对比传统低空航测的量化分析。本文可为倾斜摄影测量精度评估提供一定的参考,具有较好的工程实践指导意义。  相似文献   
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