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Jianshanzi volcanic rocks at Qinghe valley in the northern Liaoning were considered belonging to Early Proterozoie Gaojiayu Formation of Liaohe Group, or to Early Cambrian Beidagou Formation of Qinghezhen Group, or Middle-Late Proterozoic Shenjiapu Formation-Complex of Kaiyuan Group-complex. Dating the zircons from the dacite with schistosity is 2 506 Ma in method of U-Pb (SHRIMP). This evidence indicates the rocks may be referred to Late Permian in age. Discovery of the rocks is significant to re-recognize stratigraphic property of "Liaohe Group", regional geoteetonie location and revolution of orogenic zone in Qinghe valley of the northern Liaoning.  相似文献   
万家寨引黄入晋工程是一项大型的国家重点调水工程 ,工程总设计造价 180亿元。目前 ,对于从万家寨到太原的一期工程而言 ,大多数工程已经阶段性竣工 ,其余工程也正在施工 ,预计 2 0 0 1年通水到太原。从它的超长距离、大流量、多隧洞、超长隧洞和具有大型地下泵站等特点来看 ,确系全国之最、举世罕见。在该工程的施工测量中 ,有许多施工测量工作是超规范作业 ,存在着大量的特殊问题需要进行研究。作者对这些问题进行了大量深入地研究 ,取得了一些有益的结论。这些结论已经被应用于该工程的施工测量中 ,并且它们的正确性大部分已被工程实践所验证  相似文献   
Monitoring of the progressive convergence of a tunnel shows that deformations occurring in the soil surrounding a tunnel exhibit a strong evolution with time. This time‐dependent behaviour can be linked to three essential factors: the distance from the point of interest to the working face over time, the distance of unsupported tunnel to the working face and the viscous properties of the soil. The objective of this paper is to propose a constitutive model of the time‐dependent behaviour of soil which has been developed within the framework of elastoplasticity–viscoplasticity and critical state soil mechanics. The consideration of viscoplastic characteristic sets the current model apart from the CJS (Cambou, Jafari and Sidoroff) model as the basic elastoplastic model, and introduces an additional viscous mechanism. The evolution of the viscous yield surface is governed by a particular hardening called ‘viscous hardening’ with a bounding surface. The proposed constitutive model has been applied in the analysis of tunnelling. Two kinds of numerical calculations have been used in the analysis, axisymmetric analysis and plane strain analysis. Monitoring of the progressive convergence of a tunnel conducted in the railway tunnel of Tartaiguille (France), has been used to describe the calculation procedure proposed and the capability of the model. The finite difference software, fast Lagrangian analysis of continua (FLAC), has been used for the numerical simulation of the problems. The comparison of results shows that the observed deformations could have been reasonably predicted by using the constitutive model and calculation strategy proposed. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
同样速冻能力的连续冻结隧道装置可以有不同的供冷系统配置。从节能的角度出发,对连续冻结隧道装置所配制冷系统的两种方案进行火用分析比较。结果表明,在采用双蒸发温度系统的配置中,冻结隧道装置有效能效率提高了3.14%,单位耗功和由于温差传热引起火用损失率分别下降了18.22%和27.22%,系统达到明显的节能效果。  相似文献   
Additives for Slurry Shields in Highly Permeable Ground   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary. For tunneling projects in saturated soils tunnel boring machines (TBMs) with slurry shields are widely used. However, in coarse, highly permeable soils the suspension penetrates the ground and the required support pressure cannot be built up. For the Zimmerberg Base Tunnel near Zurich permeabilities much greater than 10−3 m/s were expected. This value is usually considered as the critical limit for the applicability of slurry shields. Therefore it was aimed to find additives for the bentonite suspension which would allow it to attain a higher suspension pressure. For these investigations an apparatus has been developed. It allows the maximum attainable support pressure for a given suspension and a ground to be determined. It reflects the real situation, produces reproducible results and is insensitive to the inevitable variation of individual parameters. In the tests the additives polymer, sand and vermiculite were studied and their effects on the attainable maximum suspension pressure investigated. For the best combination, i.e. with a well defined proportion of the individual components, suspension pressures could be attained which were about 10 to 20 times higher than those with an ordinary bentonite suspension. Successful excavation of the Zimmerberg Base Tunnel proved the validity of the laboratory tests containing 200 kg bentonite per m3 water.  相似文献   
陆地声呐法在探查单个溶洞方面的优势   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于地震反射法的陆地声呐法,在预报探查溶洞等方面成功地进行了2个工区的工作,取得了很好的效果,这是由于其接近于零震-检距的工作布置,用锤击激震可接收10~4 000 Hz的超宽频带的接收等特点所决定。无论在地面上探查中、小溶洞方面(查找的溶洞径深比可小于1∶15),还是在隧道施工地质预报方面都有很大优势。  相似文献   
The scope of this paper is to introduce a method for the analysis of rock tunnels reinforced by grouted bolts, based on the convergence-control approach. The analytical formulations presented in this paper refers to an elasto-plastic behavior of the rock mass and the latest Hoek and Brown yield criterion (Version 2002). In order to model the reinforced plastic zone, the equivalent material approach was taken into account such that the apparent strength of the rock mass is improved as a consequence of the bolting effect. The general design guides and examples presented are intended to facilitate the comprehension and application of the proposed analytical solution in practice.  相似文献   
渝怀线彭水隧道进口段多次发生特大涌水,该段属可溶岩地区,隧道位于岩溶水平循环带及垂直循环的变化带内,岩溶发育,隧道切穿自北向南向乌江侵蚀基准面排泄的岩溶管道发生涌水,涌水受大气降水补给较快,水量大,治理原则以排为主。  相似文献   
锦屏二级水电站引水隧洞是一座高外水压力、大涌水量的岩溶越岭长隧。建设中遇到了隧道岩溶水防治世界级难题。目前引水隧洞施工在即。本文对40多年来锦屏引水隧洞涌水预测、施工地质预报、治水三方面成果和思路的演变进行了总结。强调锦屏防治水思路的历史演变是在工作中不断实践-认识-再实践-再认识的一个健康发展过程,既及时吸取了国内岩溶区越岭深隧建设的成功经验,也为我国岩溶地区隧洞施工防治水技术开发和不断发展做出了贡献。基于当前最新认识,认为只要在建设中认真开展信息化动态设计和施工,引水隧洞的顺利施工是有充分技术准备和保证的。  相似文献   
随着国民经济的飞速发展,对铁道交通运输的要求越来越高。国家铁道网络工程的建设,尤其是高速铁路的建设,使得超长隧洞、超大断面隧洞的应用越来越广。这就对隧洞施工技术提出更高的要求。如何选择合适支护时间及支护方式,将影响施工进度与施工成本的控制。在隧道施工过程中采用围岩量测监控技术,对围岩变化情况及支护结构进行量测,及时提供围岩稳定程度与支护结构可靠性的安全信息,预见事故及险情,作为调整与修改支护设计的依据,并在复合式衬砌中,依据测量结果确定二次衬砌施做的时间,以达到监控隧道围岩与支护结构的变化不超过设计标准。在周家湾隧道施工中应用了围岩量测技术,全过程监督施工中围岩的稳定性。通过对监测数据的分析与研究,选择适宜的支护措施,确保了工程的安全与质量,提高了施工效益并节约了施工成本。  相似文献   
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