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A numerical model describing the propagation and run-up process of nearshore tsunamis in the vicinity of shorelines is developed based on an approximate Riemann solver. The governing equations of the model are the nonlinear shallow-water equations. The governing equations are discretized explicitly by using a finite volume method. The nonlinear terms in the momentum equations are solved with the Harten-Lax-van Leer-Contact (HLLC) approximate Riemann solver. The developed model is first applied to prediction of water motions in a parabolic basin, and propagation and subsequent run-up process of nearshore tsunamis around a circular island. Computed results are then compared with available analytical solutions and laboratory measurements. Very reasonable agreements are observed.  相似文献   
近年来海啸灾害频繁发生,对海工建筑物造成巨大损失。在以往的海啸事件中,红树林对海啸具有一定的消减作用。基于溃坝原理生成海啸波,进而研究红树林对海啸波消减作用及红树林防护下的海啸冲击集装箱的变迁表征。对闸门处溃坝研究结果表明,溃坝过程包含突然下降、相对稳定、缓慢下降三个阶段,且蓄能水位越高溃坝发生得越剧烈。海啸波冲击搬运集装箱可分为初始冲击、加速、匀速三个阶段,其动力成因包含了冲击力和浮力。红树林消减海啸波的流态表明尾涡重叠产生的紊动水流是消能的主因,合理密植、对称排布、交错排布有利于海啸波能的消减。此外,三角形交错红树林排布、海啸波强度减小、集装箱重度增加、以及海岸坡度增加均有利于减小集装箱的变迁距离。基于试验数据提出了红树林消波系数计算公式,本试验中红树林消波系数范围为0.02至0.42。  相似文献   
The major earthquake-induced tsunamis reliable known to have occurred in and near Greece since antiquity are considered in the light of the recently obtained reliable data on the mechanisms and focal depths of the earthquakes occurring here. (The earthquake data concern the major shocks of the period 1962–1986.) First, concise information is given on the most devastating tsunamis. Then the relation between the (estimated) maximum tsunami intensity and the earthquake parameters (mechanism and focal depth) is examined. It is revealed that the most devastating tsunamis took place in areas (such as the western part of the Corinthiakos Gulf, the Maliakos Gulf, and the southern Aegean Sea) where earthquakes are due to shallow normal faulting. Other major tsunamis were nucleated along the convex side of the Hellenic arc, characterized by shallow thrust earthquakes. It is probably somewhere there (most likely south of Crete) that the region's largest known tsunami occurred in AD 365, claiming many lives and causing extensive devastation in the entire eastern Mediterranean. Such big tsunamis seem to have a return period of well over 1000 years and can be generated by large shallow earthquakes associated with thrust faulting beneath the Hellenic trench, where the African plate subduces under the Euroasian plate. Lesser tsunamis are known in the northernmost part of the Aegean Sea and in the Sea of Marmara, where strike-slip faulting is observed. Finally, an attempt is made to combine the tsunami and earthquake data into a map of the region's main tsunamigenic zones (areas of the sea bed believed responsible for past tsunamis and expected to nucleate tsunamis in the future).  相似文献   
印尼地震海啸及其相关的地球物理现象   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
地震海啸的产生是地球表面固体层和流体层相互作用的结果.本文介绍了这种相互作用的物理过程,讨论了海啸的大小、能量、传播速度,展示了与印尼地震相关的地球物理现象,指出:建立早期预警系统是减少海啸灾害的重要措施,目前的预警系统虚报率很高的问题,仍需要通过加强地球表层系统相互作用的研究来解决,这是地球科学家面临的重要科学课题.  相似文献   
 A discontinuous pumiceous sand, a few centimeters to tens of centimeters thick, is located up to 15 m above mean high tide within Holocene peat along the northern Bristol Bay coastline of Alaska. The bed consists of fine-to-coarse, poorly to moderately well-sorted, pumice-bearing sand near the top of a 2-m-thick peat sequence. The sand bed contains rip-up clasts of peat and tephra and is unique in the peat sequence. Major element compositions of juvenile glass from the deposit and radiocarbon dating of enclosing peat support correlation of the pumiceous sand with the caldera-forming eruption of Aniakchak Volcano. The distribution of the sand and its sedimentary characteristics are consistent with emplacement by tsunami. The pumiceous sand most likely represents redeposition by tsunami of climactic fallout tephra and beach sand during the approximately 3.5 ka Aniakchak caldera-forming eruption on the Alaska Peninsula. We propose that a tsunami was generated by the sudden entrance of a rapidly moving, voluminous pyroclastic flow from Aniakchak into Bristol Bay. A seismic trigger for the tsunami is unlikely, because tectonic structures suitable for tsunami generation are present only south of the Alaska Peninsula. The pumiceous sand in coastal peat of northern Bristol Bay is the first documented geologic evidence of a tsunami initiated by a volcanic eruption in Alaska. Received: 3 December 1997 / Accepted: 11 April 1998  相似文献   
The Hyuga-nada Sea, south-eastern Kyushu, Japan, is located between a strong (Nankai Trough) and a weak interplate coupling zone (Ryukyu Trench). Over the past 400 years this area has only experienced Magnitude 7·5 earthquakes or smaller and associated small-scale tsunamis. However, this short historical record most likely does not include the full range of high magnitude, low frequency giant earthquakes that might have occurred in the region. Thus, it is still unclear whether giant earthquakes and their associated tsunamis have occurred in this region. This paper reports on a prehistoric tsunami deposit discovered in a coastal lowland in south-eastern Kyushu facing the Hyuga-nada Sea. There is a reddish-brown pumiceous layer preserved in a non-marine, organic-rich mud sequence obtained from onshore sediment cores. This layer is recognized as the ca 4600 year old Kirishima-Miike tephra (that is now placed around 4500 years ago) sourced from Mount Kirishima, southern Kyushu. Another whitish pumiceous layer is evident below the Kirishima-Miike tephra in almost all of the sediment cores. A relatively high percentage of marine and brackish diatoms is recorded within this lower pumiceous layer (but not in the surrounding muds or in the overlying Kirishima-Miike tephra), indicating a marine or beach sediment source. Plant material obtained from organic-rich mud immediately below the event layer was dated to ca 4430 to 4710 cal yr bp , providing a limiting-maximum age for this marine incursion event. The presence of marine diatoms below the event layer is probably explained by pre-seismic subsidence. An absence of the resting spore of the planktonic brackish diatom Cheatoceros and the appearance of the freshwater diatom Eunotia serra immediately above the event layer probably represents a marked change to a relatively low-salinity environment. Assuming that there were no significant local geomorphological changes, such as drainage obstruction caused by formation of a new barrier spit, it is considered that co-seismic or immediate post-seismic uplift are the most likely explanations for this notable environmental change. Based on the crustal movements noted before and after the marine incursion, this event is interpreted here as an earthquake-generated tsunami. Moreover, because of these notable seismic crustal movements the tsunamigenic earthquake probably occurred immediately offshore of the study site.  相似文献   
The sandy deposits produced by tsunamis and liquefaction share many sedimentary features, and distinctions between the two are important in seismically active coastal zones. Both types of deposits are present in the wetlands bordering Puget Sound, where one or more earthquakes about 1100 years ago caused both tsunami flooding and sediment venting. This co‐occurrence allows an examination of the resulting deposits and a comparison with tsunami and liquefaction features of modern events. Vented sediments occur at four of five wetland field localities and tsunami deposits at two. In comparison with tsunami deposits, vented sediments in this study and from other studies tend to be thicker (although they can be thin). Vented sediments also have more variable thickness at both outcrop and map scale, are associated with injected dykes and contain clasts derived from underlying deposits. Further, vented sediments tend to contain a greater variety of sedimentary structures, and these structures vary laterally over metres. Tsunami deposits compared with vented sediments are commonly thinner, fine and thin landward more consistently, have more uniform thickness on outcrop and map scales, and have the potential of containing coarser clasts, up to boulders. For both tsunami deposits and vented sediments, the availability and grain size of source material condition the characteristics of the deposit. In the cases presented in this paper, both foraminifera and diatom assemblages within tsunami deposits and vented sediments consisted of brackish and marine species, and no distinction between processes could be made based on microfossils. In summary, this study indicates a need for more careful analysis and mapping of coastal sediments associated with earthquakes to avoid misidentification of processes and misevaluation of hazards.  相似文献   
Tsunami and its Hazard in the Indian and Pacific Oceans: Introduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami caused an estimated 230,000 casualties, the worst tsunami disaster in history. A similar-sized tsunami in the Pacific Ocean, generated by the 1960 Chilean earthquake, commenced international collaborations on tsunami warning systems, and in the tsunami research community through the Tsunami Commission of International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. The IUGG Tsunami Commission, established in 1960, has been holding the biannual International Tsunami Symposium (ITS). This volume contains selected papers mostly presented at the 22nd ITS, held in the summer of 2005. This introduction briefly summarizes the progress of tsunami and earthquake research as well as international cooperation on tsunami warning systems and the impact of the 2004 tsunami. Brief summaries of each paper are also presented.  相似文献   
采用球坐标系下非线性浅水波方程, 研究日本本州M9.0大地震引发的海啸对中国东南沿海的影响, 并计算了冲绳海槽构造带上3个不同段落可能发生潜在地震引发的海啸, 分析这些海啸与日本大海啸的浪高和走时关系. 结果表明, 日本地震海啸模拟结果与日本当地报道及中国东南沿海7个验潮站的报道结果相符. 冲绳海槽构造带中段可能发生的3次不同震级(M7.0, M7.5, M8.0)潜在地震引发的海啸到达中国东南沿海的时间比日本海啸提前约4个小时, 从震源区传播3个多小时即可到达华东沿海部分验潮站. 冲绳海槽M7.5潜在地震海啸在验潮站上计算的波高与日本海啸相当, 中冲绳海槽M8.0潜在地震海啸在大陈站的波高将超过0.9 m, 在坎门站波高将超过1.8 m. 北冲绳海槽的潜在地震海啸威胁主要集中在江苏盐城、 上海一带, 南冲绳海啸主要对台湾东北部和浙江沿海产生威胁. 本文对冲绳海槽构造带上潜在地震引发海啸的模拟结果, 可为中国东南沿海地区的防震减灾、 海啸预警提供有意义的参考.   相似文献   
越洋海啸的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
破坏性海啸基本上都是越洋海啸,如1960年智利海啸、2004年苏门答腊海啸。越洋海啸的传播机制与近场海啸不同,进行数值模拟所采用的数学模型也不同。本文分析比较Boussinesq方程和线性浅水方程,选用后者作为进行越洋海啸数值模拟的数学模型,基于有限差分法,运用蛙跃格式求解微分方程。以2004年苏门答腊海啸作为算例,把计算结果与NOAA和NGDC的计算结果进行对比,验证本文的数学模型和计算方法的可靠性,为以后进一步的海啸危险性分析和海啸预警等研究工作提供技术支持。  相似文献   
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